felt like I was walking through Belfast,never seen so many police. But they kept fans away from each other and that was their main objective,regardless of personal property
They were scum today! To think we pay for that! Terrible policing!
Exactly and where were they 5 years ago when our kids and women were attacked, nowhere. More police there today then were in Lewisham last year during the riots, cowards!
They were scum today! To think we pay for that! Terrible policing!
Exactly and where were they 5 years ago when our kids and women were attacked, nowhere. More police there today then were in Lewisham last year during the riots, cowards!
They were scum today! To think we pay for that! Terrible policing!
Exactly and where were they 5 years ago when our kids and women were attacked, nowhere. More police there today then were in Lewisham last year during the riots, cowards!
Went through Penge at 2pm on one of the club coaches. Anyone on here who were amongst the 100 or so Charlton fans engulfed by police outside the Moon and Sixpence pub? Did you make the game and what was going on - all looked very heavy?
I understand the police have a difficult job and had to police a large area but for me they ruined a day out with disproportionate policing. I will not go to palace again. However idiots who broke wing mirrors and let off flares are dicks
What I find funny is that half of you are slagging off our own fans for being idiots whilst also slagging off the police for pre-empting the presence of idiots.
Let's consider a few simple facts, no blaming anyone and no bias:
- There was a fair few squirmishes in September when we hosted the fixture.
- There is a history of violence pre-dating even then; the Sydenham train attacks and the planned fights that were due to take place that day
- We went to millwall and were actually trusted and treated really well; we weren't kept in at the end of the match and we were given a big allocation... and then we kicked off and ruined that.
- The police seem to be taking a keen interest in some of our younger elements.
Due to all these factors it was quite obvious that the game had to be handled with safety gloves; a history of violence and a rather active element of our support recently means this is just a fact.
Did the police handle it with safety gloves? Perhaps not; perhaps they handled it (quite literally! ) with fire retardant overalls!
Inside the ground the police were absolutely brilliant. I expected them to take out some of the ones with flares and smoke: but rather than provoking them and causing any issues - they just took photos. (Coincidentally; that little knobber from G Block who bangs on the metal was acting up for the cameras... That kid really is a bit special isn't he?)
However, it was perfectly clear that things had heated up before we even left the ground. Come on guys; there were ROWS of seats kicked to pieces - you don't think that was on CCTV? You don't think the officers outside would've been made aware of the mentality of the fans who were wrecking the place?
So you go to leave the ground and by now the police outside have probably been informed that part of the stand has been wrecked and vandalised, that theres a lot of drunks and a very lively element that appear quite aggressive.
What do you expect the police to do? Ask every single person "Are you gonna go out and be a bit of a cock? Or can we let you go your own way?"? No. Even if they did, you can bet your last penny that those who would go on their own way would be liable to get hurt or attacked by palace fans. ( the type that beat random people up on trains )
So they try and escort everyone to a train station; naturally somewhere that a lot of people will be heading too anyway. (Remember: at millwall it's not unheard of to actually be escorted to the station and put on the next train that pulls in... Regardless of where you want to go!)
Whilst they're escorting everyone to the train station - the ones that they were escorting for a reason act up; spreading their vandalism from CPFC property to random individuals; cars are smashed up, motorbikes damaged and gardens are vandalised. Some idiots try and create a surge, they even throw bin lids.
Unfortunately there's a fair few innocent people in that crowd; but those that are acting up are now causing safety issues for everyone - as well as committing criminal offences.
Understandably though, the innocent ones in the crowd get angry and annoyed - and the whole crowd gets hostile to the police and things escalate..
It's alright saying "Treat us like animals and we'll act like them"; but equally "Act like animals and we'll get treated like them".
All this petty bitching is pathetic. The police were overly cautious and seemingly prepared for the worst case scenario (IMHO not a bad thing) and we had an element of fans who acted up and ruined it for us all.
They were scum today! To think we pay for that! Terrible policing!
Exactly and where were they 5 years ago when our kids and women were attacked, nowhere. More police there today then were in Lewisham last year during the riots, cowards!
Oh, and as for this rather astute mind that has observed there was more police present today than in the riots in Lewisham; and thus has concluded that our police must be cowards...
Ermmm... Are you talking about the riots when practically the whole of London was kicking off and the met was so stretched we had officers from Manchester and Wales patrolling the streets? When a lot of police leave was cancelled? That might explain why there weren't so many officers in Lewisham back then.
Also, get a fucking grip of yourself - did you see the footage of the officers in Woolwich - one line of police officers against many many little thugs? Or the footage of Peckham? Brixton? Tottenham where it all began?
Sorry, dont let facts disturb your little illusion! Yeah, they were cowards weren't they...
[oh, and to pre-empt the people asking me if I'm a police officer; this may be a bit of a shocker: I'm 20 and -certainly- not a police officer.]
The met are going home with fishy fingers tonight alright.
More police there today then were in Lewisham last year during the riots, cowards!
Let's consider a few simple facts, no blaming anyone and no bias:
- There was a fair few squirmishes in September when we hosted the fixture.
- There is a history of violence pre-dating even then; the Sydenham train attacks and the planned fights that were due to take place that day
- We went to millwall and were actually trusted and treated really well; we weren't kept in at the end of the match and we were given a big allocation... and then we kicked off and ruined that.
- The police seem to be taking a keen interest in some of our younger elements.
Due to all these factors it was quite obvious that the game had to be handled with safety gloves; a history of violence and a rather active element of our support recently means this is just a fact.
Did the police handle it with safety gloves? Perhaps not; perhaps they handled it (quite literally!
Inside the ground the police were absolutely brilliant. I expected them to take out some of the ones with flares and smoke: but rather than provoking them and causing any issues - they just took photos. (Coincidentally; that little knobber from G Block who bangs on the metal was acting up for the cameras... That kid really is a bit special isn't he?)
However, it was perfectly clear that things had heated up before we even left the ground. Come on guys; there were ROWS of seats kicked to pieces - you don't think that was on CCTV? You don't think the officers outside would've been made aware of the mentality of the fans who were wrecking the place?
So you go to leave the ground and by now the police outside have probably been informed that part of the stand has been wrecked and vandalised, that theres a lot of drunks and a very lively element that appear quite aggressive.
What do you expect the police to do? Ask every single person "Are you gonna go out and be a bit of a cock? Or can we let you go your own way?"? No. Even if they did, you can bet your last penny that those who would go on their own way would be liable to get hurt or attacked by palace fans. ( the type that beat random people up on trains )
So they try and escort everyone to a train station; naturally somewhere that a lot of people will be heading too anyway. (Remember: at millwall it's not unheard of to actually be escorted to the station and put on the next train that pulls in... Regardless of where you want to go!)
Whilst they're escorting everyone to the train station - the ones that they were escorting for a reason act up; spreading their vandalism from CPFC property to random individuals; cars are smashed up, motorbikes damaged and gardens are vandalised. Some idiots try and create a surge, they even throw bin lids.
Unfortunately there's a fair few innocent people in that crowd; but those that are acting up are now causing safety issues for everyone - as well as committing criminal offences.
Understandably though, the innocent ones in the crowd get angry and annoyed - and the whole crowd gets hostile to the police and things escalate..
It's alright saying "Treat us like animals and we'll act like them"; but equally "Act like animals and we'll get treated like them".
All this petty bitching is pathetic. The police were overly cautious and seemingly prepared for the worst case scenario (IMHO not a bad thing) and we had an element of fans who acted up and ruined it for us all. Oh, and as for this rather astute mind that has observed there was more police present today than in the riots in Lewisham; and thus has concluded that our police must be cowards...
Ermmm... Are you talking about the riots when practically the whole of London was kicking off and the met was so stretched we had officers from Manchester and Wales patrolling the streets? When a lot of police leave was cancelled? That might explain why there weren't so many officers in Lewisham back then.
Also, get a fucking grip of yourself - did you see the footage of the officers in Woolwich - one line of police officers against many many little thugs? Or the footage of Peckham? Brixton? Tottenham where it all began?
Sorry, dont let facts disturb your little illusion! Yeah, they were cowards weren't they...
[oh, and to pre-empt the people asking me if I'm a police officer; this may be a bit of a shocker: I'm 20 and -certainly- not a police officer.]
Palace fans are a joke.
Thought our support was great today.
Old bill were all about easy nicks. Palace fans were all about running away