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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.
  • We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.

    I've tried to point this out, but I've been told (see above) that it doesn't matter.
  • I'm refusing to follow this thread any longer ( yeah, right!) and will wait for the film .

    Wonder who'll play the part of Airman ?

    Kelsey Grammar!

  • agree with Addickted.
  • Sorry to hear the bad news Rick and to add my voice to those of many others thanks for everything you have done for the club over the years. If there's one person at CAFC who deserves to leave by the front door with his head held high, it is you.

    I appreciate that getting us back to the Valley was a team effort but it was the efforts that you and Steve Dixon put in all those years ago to get the ball rolling. Then we were a weak, rudderless set of fans and most of us thought that we were witnessing the death of the club as we moved to Selhurst. Even worse it looked like being a slow prolonged death. From nowhere VoTV articulated and galvanised the fan base and although it was Roger Alwen etc who invested the hard cash I'm pretty certain they would not have done so had they not been convinced of the desire of the fan base to see football at the Valley.

    A small acorn was planted the day that VoTV first hit the streets and it has since grown into a mighty oak.

    Good luck in whatever you do next.
  • Saga Lout said:

    We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.

    I've tried to point this out, but I've been told (see above) that it doesn't matter.
    What we say is unlikely to make a difference, especially if it turns out he was sacked for looking at hard core pornography at work (or even worse a palace cheerleaders video)

    Nick Clegg to play Michael Slater?
  • Saga Lout said:

    We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.

    I've tried to point this out, but I've been told (see above) that it doesn't matter.
    It does not matter anymore. Objectivity and fair comment have been ridiculed on here for so long. Sheep will follow sheep. This is no longer a place for debate, see American Addicks response to me earlier.

  • edited October 2012
    Bangkok Dave,

    Do you believe the fact that many people that are in business with Jimenez, allegedly end up suing him, or if they aren't suing him, they are getting sacked or resigning, is a cause for concern, bearing in mind he is our majority shareholder ?

    Hmm, looks like Bangkok Dave has gone to bed. Hopefully he'll reply tomorrow.
  • Saga Lout said:

    We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.

    I've tried to point this out, but I've been told (see above) that it doesn't matter.
    It does not matter anymore. Objectivity and fair comment have been ridiculed on here for so long. Sheep will follow sheep. This is no longer a place for debate, see American Addicks response to me earlier.

    You need to have your head out of the sand to have a debate.

    When ALL evidence is pointing in one direction, the direction of trouble ... and you say we don't really know what is happening so let's wait and see, you are being an ostrich.

    Sure, we don't know what is really going on. But what we DO know is ALL bad.


    How loud of an alarm do you need?

  • Don't spoil a good debate chaps. Please

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Doesn't make anyone sheep or ostriches, and just sours the debate.
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  • Saga Lout said:

    We don't actually know the reason for Rick's dismissal. It might not have been his comments on this site, so speculating that it is, may not be helpful to Rick.

    I've tried to point this out, but I've been told (see above) that it doesn't matter.
    It does not matter anymore. Objectivity and fair comment have been ridiculed on here for so long. Sheep will follow sheep. This is no longer a place for debate, see American Addicks response to me earlier.

    You need to have your head out of the sand to have a debate.

    When ALL evidence is pointing in one direction, the direction of trouble ... and you say we don't really know what is happening so let's wait and see, you are being an ostrich.

    Sure, we don't know what is really going on. But what we DO know is ALL bad.


    How loud of an alarm do you need?

    My way.Or the highway.

  • edited October 2012
    All the evidence does not point in the direction of trouble.

    As far as I'm aware, the only things we are certain about are that Varney, Kavanagh and Everitt have left the club and that the youth system has been invested in recently, that we were promoted last season after a record breaking season and that last season's squad has been kept together and added to.

    Without knowing the full reasons behind the 3 departures it's very hard for anyone, thinking truly objectively, to say whether these people leaving is good/bad/indifferent. Based on their records at the club it is quite resonable for people to feel disquite about them leaving and I understand there are other tit-bits of information, like TJ's law suits etc, that add weight to the idea that all isn't as well as it might be but there is basically no solid evidence being publically shared right now that the board are doing anything particuarly wrong. They may have good intentions and just going about getting there in a different way. As I and others have stated, it's not like the previous regimes way of doing things brought un-rivaled success in the last 5+ years.

    You and others may have a gut feeling and you're entitled to believe your gut, but all we really have is a few snippets of info and a lot of blanks to fill, which people are attempting to fill but largely with speculation or educated guesses.

    Amongst all this, people do seem to have lost sight a little bit of the fact that the current board (+Varney and Kav) helped turn the club around last season and appear to be stabilising it this season, at least on the pitch. There are are two big bits of evidence that point away from trouble.

    We're all entitled to our opinions, but lets not pretend that anyone in this debate has a monopoly on the truth.

  • I may have been using a loose word when I said previously that PV was sacked. All I can say with certainty is that in, say, March he still expected to be at the club at this stage.
  • I'd just like to add a few views of my own.

    Rick. You have come on here to explain you have been sacked and done this in a very dignified way without inflaming the situation. I think all Charlton fans owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have done. I know I do on a personal level, helping with tickets, coaches and guests for the supporters club. I genuinely wish you the very best in whatever you do in the future.

    The club. I'm not in the know. I don't know the circumstances of recent departures. I don't know the financial situation. I see all the comments and rumours on CL and can't work out fact from fiction. But it doesn't look like all is well to me. I've had to trust the board to do the right thing, and last season went as well the board could have dreamed of. So what has changed? I think the board need to talk to us to provide reassurances and explanations.

    The Trust. This won't solve all the problems. And it will take a little time to become established. We shouldn't expect too much too soon. But it is far better to build up a Trust now regardless of the circumstances. We need a strong independent voice, representative of fans views, to look out for the long term (and short term) interests of the club we all love. The sooner we can demonstrate large scale support for the Trust the sooner it can be a credible democratic organisation the club will have to engage with. We can then exert influence if we need to.

    Right now all we can do is sign up to support the Trust, express our views as to what we want the Trust to do, and get involved. As for a near full house on Saturday, I know who I will be thanking.
  • Allegedly :-

    It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed. Cash wanted to proceed as agreed, with reasonable investment & bringing through the academy boys.

    Jimenez had changed his mind & wanted to throw more money at it. Only problem was it would be Cash's money.

    There are then numerous rumours of suppliers not being paid & us pulling out of deals for players.

    Sparrows Lane facilities, which should have finished by now, haven't started.

    Jimenez's Spanish club was heading for administration.

    It then appears that Varney resigned or was sacked as he was not happy with what was going on.

    Numerous rumours that Powell had threatened to walk, throughout the summer.

    Kavanagh resigned/sacked as he was not happy with what was going on.

    Rumours abound that Jimenez is an egotist who wants to play Football Manager.

    Rick made reference to what was happening on CL & promptly finds himself on disciplinary action.

    Staff had their computers removed to be "investigated".

    Rumours abound of suing & counter suing between Varney, Kavanagh & the board.

    Presumably Dennis Wise & Jimenez are still suing each other.

    All of the above is rumour, people can continue to believe as they choose.


    1. In some photos, crosshairs seem to be behind objects.

    2. Crosshairs are sometimes rotated or in the wrong place.

    3. The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.

    4. There are no stars in any of the photos.

    5. The angle and colour of shadows are inconsistent.

    6. There are identical backgrounds in photos which, according to their captions, were taken miles apart.

    7. The number of photos taken is implausibly high.

    8. The photos contain artifacts like the two seemingly matching 'C's on a rock and on the ground.

    9. A resident of Perth, Australia, with the pseudonym "Una Ronald", said she saw a soft drink bottle in the frame while watching one of the manned landings as it happened.

    10. The book Moon Shot contains an obvious composite photo of Alan Shepard hitting a golf ball on the Moon with another astronaut.

    11. There appear to be "hot spots" in some photos that look like a huge spotlight was used.

    12. Who filmed Neil Armstrong stepping onto the Moon?

    Sometimes conspiracy theories are just bunkum.
  • I agree with exiled_addict - "ALL the evidence does not point in the direction of trouble".

    And would add ticket prices as a further positive example of the direction the Board has taken. The figures compiled by the BBC show us to be one of the cheapest Championship clubs to watch. Certainly cheaper than our London neighbours and the clubs promoted with us.
  • edited October 2012

    And would add ticket prices as a further positive example of the direction the Board has taken. The figures compiled by the BBC show us to be one of the cheapest Championship clubs to watch. Certainly cheaper than our London neighbours and the clubs promoted with us.

    Correct and I think I'm right in saying that one of the people who made strong representations on cheap pricing was Rick Everitt. The board continued with the previous regime's thinking, steered in part by Rick. Oh well :-(
  • Jiminez is a business man. I'm sure he knows what he's doing. #justsayin
  • Simon Jordan and Mark Goldberg were businessmen i'm sure they thought they knew what they were doing
  • No, Simon Jordan was a tosser.
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  • Addickted said:

    No, Simon Jordan is a tosser.

  • businessmen can be tossers too
  • Whatever the scenario behind all this, I think the way in which the dismissal appears to have been handed out looks shocking. Particularly, I suspect, when viewed from a busy stadium this coming Saturday, and considering how that extra revenue has been achieved.

  • And would add ticket prices as a further positive example of the direction the Board has taken. The figures compiled by the BBC show us to be one of the cheapest Championship clubs to watch. Certainly cheaper than our London neighbours and the clubs promoted with us.

    Correct and I think I'm right in saying that one of the people who made strong representations on cheap pricing was Rick Everitt. The board continued with the previous regime's thinking, steered in part by Rick. Oh well :-(
    Beat me to it, CE .

  • "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."

  • Care to elaborate, CAFCsayer ?
  • CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."



  • Not much to elabourate on, just know that that wasn't the reason for the fallout.
  • edited October 2012
    CAFCsayer said:

    Not much to elabourate on, just know that that wasn't the reason for the fallout.

    Well there obviously is more to elaborate on. If you know that to be incorrect, then please say what is the reason for the fall out.
  • CAFCsayer said:

    Not much to elabourate on, just know that that wasn't the reason for the fallout.

    Well there obviously is more to elaborate on. If you know that to be incorrect, then please say what is the reason for the fall out.

    Who's better..... Green or Waggy?
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