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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • Whatever the circumstances I must say it is good to have Airman back posting; very helpful to have an informed view on ticket pricing. Thanks Airman
  • Yes, and long may he continue to post.
  • edited October 2012

    I came to a cheapie game against Watford in the mid 90s, prompted by a mate who lives in the area. I've been blessed/cursed to have a season ticket ever since, so it can work.

    Mind you I think that Rick was still running Voice at that point - I definitely bought one at the game, not sure if he had a dual role, not that it matters really. My only concern with the current offers is that the overall matchday experience is worse for me as a season ticket holder. I can't get near a pint at half time or in Barts. I'm sure it's all been thought of, but to feels very much like there's little extra done to cope with the additional capacity. It doesn't really matter that much if permanent fixtures like me are hacked off, but making a great experience for the casual supporters is important. Obviously I'm concious that, being Scottish, the need to drink before, during and after a football match is probably higher on my agenda than most.

    That was me. As secretary of the supporters' club, I put together the Target 10k paper in 1994 along with Craig Norris, which was then adopted by Richard Murray. We then put a discount coupon in the Mercury, where I was the Charlton reporter.

    I can bore people on the subject of the 1992 origins of Valley Express too if you like, but some detail on what we've done more recently may still be in the programme tomorrow. There have now been 177,000 passengers in the last eight years since I took it to the club. Wendy Perfect and I have been the only people really involved in organising that and no one else at the club really understands how it works, although we have had great back-up from Lisa Squires and previously Sharron Sherress, mainly with group bookings. Logistically it's much more complicated than you might imagine, because you have to mix and match 60 pick-ups to make best use of the seats and at one point we had seven different coach companies because of the volume and geographical spread.

    Fortunately for me, I never got to run the catering!
  • Ah right, thanks for that. I may well have adopted Chelsea if it hadn't been for your ruddy coupons!
  • Welcome back to CL, Airman .

    We've missed you.
  • Ah right, thanks for that. I may well have adopted Chelsea if it hadn't been for your ruddy coupons!

    Serves you right for being so frugal/scottish
  • It does indeed.
  • bit off track but as someone having recently moved to the south-coast Valley Express is an invaluable service and long may it continue.
  • Thanks for your input airman, it's an interesting area pricing at football, as unlike brands of cereal or instant coffee 'hard core' supporters don't switch to rival products because they're cheaper, whereas with 'non supporters' there is the potential to bring them in through attractive pricing, when they otherwise. wouldn't come.

    If you can convert the latter group into the former, you're laughing and have a solid fanbase, though unlike jars of coffee, the product isn't consistent, and a bad performance on the pitch may set back all the club's efforts! Our attendance levels, when compared to clubs around us suggest RE and the previous board did a very good job at creating a new generation of hard core supporter.

  • seth plum said:

    I know that Martin Protheroe was (at work?) at Sparrows Lane yesterday (Thursday).

    Tell you what, sacking Rick on Wednesday must have been very urgent, despite the three months the proceedings took, because he didn't wait one more day to nip down the Valley and sack Rick to his face man to man, but got someone else to do the deed for him in an unsigned email.

    What would Mr Protheroes motive for that have been huh? That it was really so urgent? Do me a favour!

    One day to treat a bloke with some kind of respect after all the work that bloke had done, in a week leading up to our biggest attendance of the season so far, he couldn't wait one poxy day and do the deed himself and show a bit of integrity and thought.

    What does that tell you about the man who is now apparantly doing the job of Varney, Kavanagh and Everitt on one or two days a week? He is so overworked that despite leading a disciplinary process, he has to get an underling to deliver the fatal blow rather than waiting one whole day and having the cojones to do it himself face to face?

    I would call it quite COWARDLY.
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  • Just because we don't like something or because it goes against what we used to hold dear does not make it wrong. I think we have to find the difference between what we don't like and what means the end of CAFC. I see lots of evidence that things are changing, the style of leadership is changing but I don't seem to be able to find solid evidence that the existence of the club is under threat.

    First they came for Peter Varney,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Varney.

    Then they came for Steve Kavanaugh,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Kavanaugh.

    Then they came for Rick Everitt,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't an Everitt.

    Then they came for the club,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.

  • edited October 2012

    That must be one of the most inappropriate posts on Charlton life ever.

    I would have thought Rick, Steve and Peter would be highly embarressed by such a comparrison.

    Please delete it.

  • Doug,

    That must be one of the most inappropriate posts on Charlton life ever.

    I would have thought Rick, Steve and Peter would be highly embarressed by such a comparrison.

    Please delete it.

    Can you enlighten me / us on the quote he is comparing to?
  • edited October 2012
  • Whos this doug fella?
  • Ask Martin Niemoller
  • Crazy, as Exiled suggests goggle Pastor Niemoller
  • It is a takeoff on a famous quote from Martin Niemoller about the Germans failing to see or to heed any warning signs during the Nazis rise to power, and how they targeted different groups.

    Ben may find it inappropriate. And if he thought that I was comparing the Charlton ownership to the Nazis, then I would agree with him on that point. But that isn't the point.
    It is meant to wake some people up that all is not right, and to remain vigilant as to what is happening now at Charlton.
  • People don't need waking up Doug. All you are going to do with such over the top stuff is just alienate yourself to be honest.
  • Seth Plum said -

    What does that tell you about the man who is now apparantly doing the job of Varney, Kavanagh and Everitt on one or two days a week? He is so overworked that despite leading a disciplinary process, he has to get an underling to deliver the fatal blow rather than waiting one whole day and having the cojones to do it himself face to face?

    How do you know he led the disciplinary process? What evidence have you that he is "apparently" doing the work of three?
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  • No comparison to why Niemoller wrote this.

    Absurd comment.

    Agree with Henry 100% - get Real AA
  • This just gets weirder
  • edited October 2012
    Exiled. Second question first. Three significant workers have left the club in recent times, and the only 'apparant' replacement for those posts is Mr Protheroe, maybe the workload has been shifted to others, or maybe it isn't getting done, but from my perspective three out, and a part time one in makes it appear that we must've been well overstaffed for all that work to get done.
    First question second. Given that Mr Protheroe is where the day to day (sic) buck stops, he would be in charge of the disciplinary process because he is Johnny on the spot to do that job. I feel confident that he has led the process, who else?
  • edited October 2012
    seth plum said:

    Second question first. Three significant workers have left the club in recent times, and the only 'apparant' replacement for those posts is Mr Protheroe, maybe the workload has been shifted to others, or maybe it isn't getting done, but from my perspective three out, and a part time one in makes it appear that we must've been well overstaffed for all that work to get done.
    First question second. Given that Mr Protheroe is where the day to day (sic) buck stops, he would be in charge of the disciplinary process because he is Johnny on the spot to do that job. I feel confident that he has led the process, who else?

    Email/Letter from personnel is pretty much how it's done these days I'm afraid.
    Was he frog marched out by security as well? Would've been at my place.

  • seth plum said:

    Exiled. Second question first. Three significant workers have left the club in recent times, and the only 'apparant' replacement for those posts is Mr Protheroe, maybe the workload has been shifted to others, or maybe it isn't getting done, but from my perspective three out, and a part time one in makes it appear that we must've been well overstaffed for all that work to get done.
    First question second. Given that Mr Protheroe is where the day to day (sic) buck stops, he would be in charge of the disciplinary process because he is Johnny on the spot to do that job. I feel confident that he has led the process, who else?

    Seth, my experience, admittedly in a large organisation is these matters are handled by HR and if Mr Protheroe is working part time I doubt he would waste his time on such minor matters. I apologise to Rick in advance for the insensitivity of my comment and if I am wrong I am sure he will correct me.
  • seth plum said:

    Exiled. Second question first. Three significant workers have left the club in recent times, and the only 'apparant' replacement for those posts is Mr Protheroe, maybe the workload has been shifted to others, or maybe it isn't getting done, but from my perspective three out, and a part time one in makes it appear that we must've been well overstaffed for all that work to get done.
    First question second. Given that Mr Protheroe is where the day to day (sic) buck stops, he would be in charge of the disciplinary process because he is Johnny on the spot to do that job. I feel confident that he has led the process, who else?

    Seth, my experience, admittedly in a large organisation is these matters are handled by HR and if Mr Protheroe is working part time I doubt he would waste his time on such minor matters. I apologise to Rick in advance for the insensitivity of my comment and if I am wrong I am sure he will correct me.
    Yes well CAFC is firmly in the SME bracket, so that excuse won't wash. I believe also that Rick was one of the most senior managers below Board level - precisely because of his revenue -earning delivery - so Mr Prothero cannot by any stretch consider it a 'minor matter'.

  • This just gets weirder


  • seth plum said:

    Exiled. Second question first. Three significant workers have left the club in recent times, and the only 'apparant' replacement for those posts is Mr Protheroe, maybe the workload has been shifted to others, or maybe it isn't getting done, but from my perspective three out, and a part time one in makes it appear that we must've been well overstaffed for all that work to get done.
    First question second. Given that Mr Protheroe is where the day to day (sic) buck stops, he would be in charge of the disciplinary process because he is Johnny on the spot to do that job. I feel confident that he has led the process, who else?

    Seth, my experience, admittedly in a large organisation is these matters are handled by HR and if Mr Protheroe is working part time I doubt he would waste his time on such minor matters. I apologise to Rick in advance for the insensitivity of my comment and if I am wrong I am sure he will correct me.
    Are you saying that an HR department, or individual in charge of HR decides who gets sacked, and leads the process? If you are, are you suggesting that the HR department at Charlton Athletic (if there is indeed such a department there), found proper reason, decided to sack Rick Everitt, went scruplously through the organization's disciplinary procedure, and then sacked him, and passed the info on in a memo to Mr Protheroe who wasn't on top of what was going on with the case?

    Maybe Mr Protheroe simply shrugged when the Charlton Athletic HR department informed him of what they had done regarding such a minor matter leading up to the other minor matter of the Barnsley ticket promotion, and then said 'OK I suppose you lot in HR know what you're doing, and are doing it for the best'.

  • Are we not men we are Devo?

  • Seth, my experience, admittedly in a large organisation is these matters are handled by HR and if Mr Protheroe is working part time I doubt he would waste his time on such minor matters. I apologise to Rick in advance for the insensitivity of my comment and if I am wrong I am sure he will correct me.

    Whereas in my experience (both in local government and the private sector) is that HR chair the meetings and try to stop management from breaking employment law, but it's management that make the decisions not HR. After all HR won't know the value of the employee to the business in the same way that the manager will, and whether it's worth taking disciplinary action short of dismissal in order to keep them on board.
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