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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • I just pulled a girl who I thought was a lezza.

    the above is both true, and profound...

    Doug... why???
  • A transcript from this thread is going to be posted in "The Millwall caravan monthly" magazine at this rate!
  • Rick Everitt's name has been removed from the list of staff on page 5 of the programme.

    Otherwise there appears to be no mention of his departure.

  • would you expect something Henry ? Along the lines of we have sacked Rick Everitt, if was a sacking remember not a mutual decision
  • No I wouldn't Steve but that's because SKs exit also happened without the usual thanks and best wishes you expect for a senior manager of 10 years service leaving on good terms.

    So no surprise that there is nothing on the OS or in the programme about Rick.
  • Upon further inspection I can spot a coded message in the Birthday wishes : - )
  • Thanks...and agree. Over the top comparisons.
  • It's really quite silly to describe dismissal of any full-time member of staff as a minor matter, but as there is no one employed on a full time basis who was senior to me in the organisation of course it was dealt with entirely by directors at all stages.

    As for dismissal by email, I suppose it is a step forward from dismissal by announcement on the club website, which is the source from which Steve Kavanagh learned he'd been sacked.
  • Stay classy CAFC!
  • Upon further inspection I can spot a coded message in the Birthday wishes : - )

    Is the obituaries section full then?

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  • It's really quite silly to describe dismissal of any full-time member of staff as a minor matter, but as there is no one employed on a full time basis who was senior to me in the organisation of course it was dealt with entirely by directors at all stages.

    As for dismissal by email, I suppose it is a step forward from dismissal by announcement on the club website, which is the source from which Steve Kavanagh learned he'd been sacked.

    That's disgusting behaviour.
  • I and other members of staff found out we were being made redundant from a leading market maker.When plastic sacks were deposited by our desks and an announcement was made over the tannoy system with our names announced asking us to put our belongings into the sack.We were then escorted from the premises by security staff.There are proper ways of sacking/releasing people with dignity and finding out via the official website or by e mail is not right.It is lacking respect and class.
  • The dismissal of Peter, Steve and Rick leaves a sour taste in my mouth and a loss of respect for the club I love. A disgraceful way to be dismissed and withouit any thanks. After the euphoria of last season, I struggle to understand how we have got to this point.
  • The dismissal of Peter, Steve and Rick leaves a sour taste in my mouth and a loss of respect for the club I love. A disgraceful way to be dismissed and withouit any thanks. After the euphoria of last season, I struggle to understand how we have got to this point.

    Totally agree. If its part of the business plan then I have real concerns. Not sure where Charlton are heading these days tbh.

  • pv wasnt sacked
  • pv wasnt sacked

    You keep saying this.

    I think he was. Do you think he wasn't, or know he wasn't ?

    Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things.

  • he weren't sacked
  • Come on Steve, play the game, eh? You ask me something, I always answer you. Do the same please.
  • he weren't sacked

    Did he leave on good terms then ?

  • nothing has been released to say he was sacked , I asked for a link one couldn't be supplied so it's obvious he hasn't been sacked that's all I know,
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  • The Peter Varney thing. My reading is that changes were announced to take place from a certain date in the future, and Peter was going to work up to that date. However before that (agreed?) date was reached he was sacked. Hope that helps.
  • Martin prothero is at the ground just seen him come out main entrance next to bartrams.
  • Can already see the cracks now Rick has gone there has been no raffle on the Valley Express coach that I'm on ;-)
    Furious of Maidstone
    PS all the best Airman and thanks for the work you put in for Cafc
  • nothing has been released to say he was sacked , I asked for a link one couldn't be supplied so it's obvious he hasn't been sacked that's all I know,

    By that logic Rick hasn't been sacked then either. He'll be mightily relieved.
  • nothing has been released to say he was sacked , I asked for a link one couldn't be supplied so it's obvious he hasn't been sacked that's all I know,

    Do you have a link to say he wasn't sacked?
  • edited October 2012

    Just because we don't like something or because it goes against what we used to hold dear does not make it wrong. I think we have to find the difference between what we don't like and what means the end of CAFC. I see lots of evidence that things are changing, the style of leadership is changing but I don't seem to be able to find solid evidence that the existence of the club is under threat.

    First they came for Peter Varney,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Varney.

    Then they came for Steve Kavanaugh,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Kavanaugh.

    Then they came for Rick Everitt,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't an Everitt.

    Then they came for the club,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.

    How crass can you be. Not only is this complete bollox but you haven't even had the decency to amend/remove it.

  • Spot on Off it
  • Now, Now. Love not War lads.
  • Now, Now. Love not War lads.

    I just find it astounding and in very poor taste. I thought the guy was supposed to be one of the Charlton Life intelligentsia.
  • Surely "American" and "Intelligentsia" are an oxymoron?
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