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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • CAFCsayer said:

    Not much to elabourate on, just know that that
    wasn't the reason for the fallout.

    Come on, Poo or get off the pot. We know you want to get it out of yer!

  • And would add ticket prices as a further positive example of the direction the Board has taken. The figures compiled by the BBC show us to be one of the cheapest Championship clubs to watch. Certainly cheaper than our London neighbours and the clubs promoted with us.

    Correct and I think I'm right in saying that one of the people who made strong representations on cheap pricing was Rick Everitt. The board continued with the previous regime's thinking, steered in part by Rick. Oh well :-(
    To be fair to the board, they accepted it. They are the ones who know the finances of the club and our real situation.
    3blokes said:

    Whatever the scenario behind all this, I think the way in which the dismissal appears to have been handed out looks shocking. Particularly, I suspect, when viewed from a busy stadium this coming Saturday, and considering how that extra revenue has been achieved.

    Reducing tickets to a £5 doesn't in itself produce extra revenue, it's easy to get extra people in if you slash your prices. It's keeping them that makes you extra revenue.
  • Reducing tickets to a £5 doesn't in itself produce extra revenue, it's easy to get extra people in if you slash your prices. It's keeping them that makes you extra revenue.
    But it can well produce extra revenue on the day as well as long term. The extra sales of burgers, programmes and merchandise can all lead to profit as well as a far bigger pool of potential season ticket holders for the future.
  • Killerandflash

    Since you are clearly a marketing genius, with extensive understanding of the football business I'd like to draw your attention to a vacancy at CAFC. I realise that you are already very happy in your current role but I know that the best hires are already doing a great job elsewhere

    Sorry to be a knob but you really shouldn't slag off people's professional marketing work unless you know all the facts.

  • And the facts are?
  • But it's okay for people to slag off the way the board run the club without knowing all the facts?
  • But it's okay for people to slag off the way the board run the club without knowing all the facts?

    Let me know what comments of mine you (presumably) refer to, and I''ll answer you.

  • edited October 2012
    shirty5 said:

    And the facts are?

    The facts are that all the marketing programmes initiated by Rick Everitt which have been repeated, such as Football for a Fiver, have been repeated because the previous ones produced an ROI. You think the chairman of a publicly quoted company wouldn't expect the same disciplines for the marketing programmes of a football club he's invested millions in?

  • I'm not particularly calling you out individually Prague, but a good portion of this thread has been bad mouthing the current board, not all of it back upped with much in the way of fact so if you're going to have a pop at Killerandflash apparently slagging off RE (which I don't particularly think he's done anyway) without factual backing you should have been shouting up a bit more at people doing to TJ and co.
  • businessmen can be tossers too

    Never a truer word said.

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  • I'm not particularly calling you out individually Prague, but a good portion of this thread has been bad mouthing the current board, not all of it back upped with much in the way of fact so if you're going to have a pop at Killerandflash apparently slagging off RE (which I don't particularly think he's done anyway) without factual backing you should have been shouting up a bit more at people doing to TJ and co.

    OK fair enough. I may have something to contribute tomorrow which would address your issue.

    But you can be sure that both Richard Murray and Tony Jiminez are satisfied that Football for a Fiver pays off, and it is casually arrogant for anyone here who is not party to the data, to suggest otherwise.

  • I look forward to hearing your news. I appreciate your efforts to gather facts, because facts are what are needed if your going to convince people like me the board have a case to answer and I have no means of gathering my own information because I know about 10 other Addicks - 3 of whom I'm related to and are probaly even less well connected than me and the other 7 I only see at the Valley, which is 4000 miles away.

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, I can see that pretty clearly but if I'm going to sign up for the fight, I want to know exactly why I'm fighting. Currently we have 21 pages of posts on this thread and probably less than 20 posts with any actual news in them.
  • Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere but it concerns me if TJ, whoever, is taking out big loans to fill a funding gap.

  • Indeed
  • CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."


    Cash hasn't "pulled out". If he had then his front man (Slater) would no longer be involved. As long as Slater is on the board then we know Cash still holds a substantial shareholding.

    What it appears is that Cash is no longer bankrolling the Club's losses or at least not to the same extent.

    Why did they fall out? No idea.
  • edited October 2012

    CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."


    Why did they fall out? No idea.

    Remember years back, when you're little and playing out. Someone had to go home as his tea was ready, it was his ball and he is taking it with him.
  • edited October 2012

    CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."


    Cash hasn't "pulled out". If he had then his front man (Slater) would no longer be involved. As long as Slater is on the board then we know Cash still holds a substantial shareholding.

    What it appears is that Cash is no longer bankrolling the Club's losses or at least not to the same extent.

    Why did they fall out? No idea.

    Have been thinking about this from day one.

    Has this whole fallout between Jiminez and Cash been 'engineered' by...... Jimenez and cash to get up the noses of Messrs Varney, Kavanagh,Everett and whoever else?
    Allows them to clear the decks and get in who they really want.
  • edited October 2012
    CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."


    Cash hasn't "pulled out". If he had then his front man (Slater) would no longer be involved. As long as Slater is on the board then we know Cash still holds a substantial shareholding.

    What it appears is that Cash is no longer bankrolling the Club's losses or at least not to the same extent.

    Why did they fall out? No idea.

    Have been thinking about this from day one.

    Has this whole fallout between Jiminez and Cash been 'engineered' by...... Jimenez and cash to get up the noses of Messrs Varney, Kavanagh,Everett and whoever else?
    Allows them to clear the decks and get in who they really want.

    Both TJ and KC are extremely successful and hard nosed businessmen. I very much doubt they need those type of long drawn out tactics to rid themselves of anyone particularly employees. No. It's something more than that.

  • CAFCsayer said:

    "It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed."


    Cash hasn't "pulled out". If he had then his front man (Slater) would no longer be involved. As long as Slater is on the board then we know Cash still holds a substantial shareholding.

    What it appears is that Cash is no longer bankrolling the Club's losses or at least not to the same extent.

    Why did they fall out? No idea.

    Agree with Henry. Cash, if it is he, would have set a limit on his investment and probably got pissed off if budgets were not being kept and losses were greater than forecast. That doesn't mean he is looking to pull out at the first opportunity. We knew at the outset, from the statements that Slater has made, that they were taking a long term view. TJ's increased holding may indicate a change of dynamics within the Board room but 49% doeasn't give him total control. Only time will tell what is going to happen but clearly no one on here has the amswer despite the endless speculation.
  • I think it maybe nothing to do with Charlton but other investments they have fallen out on. Denis Wise suing Jiminez over a six hundred grand unpaid debt on Les Bordes keeps coming to mind. Remember Cash is friends with Wise and he has collaborated with Jimenez on other projects so maybe Jimenz also owes Cash over Les Bordes finance.
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  • edited October 2012
    Prague was it RE who initiated foorball for a fiver and valley express or did he manage the projects?
  • I think it maybe nothing to do with Charlton but other investments they have fallen out on. Denis Wise suing Jiminez over a six hundred grand unpaid debt on Les Bordes keeps coming to mind. Remember Cash is friends with Wise and he has collaborated with Jimenez on other projects so maybe Jimenz also owes Cash over Les Bordes finance.

    Which is why we can't assume Cash (if it is he) is about to walk, it likely to be much more complicated than that. Clearly neither he or TJ want their dirty linen washed in public. It wouldn't be surprising that Airman's post on 6 July made him unpopular with at least one of the pair and it would - right or wrong - have been seen as a breach of confidentiality
  • edited October 2012
    I can confirm that tomorrow's price promotion and the next one to be announced tomorrow in the Barnsley programme in one of two articles I wrote (but which will doubtless not now appear under my name) are based on my analysis of the likely ticket revenue at full and reduced prices, allowing for any marketing and other additional costs, such as staffing, as well as incremental increases to ancillary revenue streams, such as refreshment sales, etc.

    The potential to recruit new supporters at the same time is an additional consideration, but the promotions need to stack up financially in themselves and the starting point is more ticket revenue.

    The current board has made little input on pricing since it took over, but equally it hasn't interfered with what I wanted to do. People are assuming that directors are involved in the running of the club on a day to day basis, but generally they are not. In both these cases I sought authorisation from Martin Prothero on the basis of the analysis, as I would have Steve Kavanagh, but I am not aware that Tony Jimenez or Michael Slater were consulted. Neither would I particularly expect them to be.
  • Prague was it RE who initiated foorball for a fiver and valley express or did he manage the projects?

    I think he both initiated and managed, although I am sure he would wish to acknowledge the support of Wendy Perfect and - crucially - Peter Varney, as well as others I may not be aware of. Personally I am 100% convinced they wouldn't have happened without him, and that goes for Target10,000/40,000.

    Valley Express is classic marketing because it is based on a deep understanding of the customer base. People casually assumed that our customer base was the boroughs of Greenwich and Bexley, but Rick understood that people's lives had changed and there was now a Charlton 'diaspora' that had moved out all over the South East. Of course some muppets like Scally who wouldn't know a marketing plan from a market stall, assumed we were trying to 'steal' Gillingham fans, which was laughable.

  • I know that Martin Protheroe was (at work?) at Sparrows Lane yesterday (Thursday).

    Tell you what, sacking Rick on Wednesday must have been very urgent, despite the three months the proceedings took, because he didn't wait one more day to nip down the Valley and sack Rick to his face man to man, but got someone else to do the deed for him in an unsigned email.

    What would Mr Protheroes motive for that have been huh? That it was really so urgent? Do me a favour!

    One day to treat a bloke with some kind of respect after all the work that bloke had done, in a week leading up to our biggest attendance of the season so far, he couldn't wait one poxy day and do the deed himself and show a bit of integrity and thought.

    What does that tell you about the man who is now apparantly doing the job of Varney, Kavanagh and Everitt on one or two days a week? He is so overworked that despite leading a disciplinary process, he has to get an underling to deliver the fatal blow rather than waiting one whole day and having the cojones to do it himself face to face?
  • seth plum said:

    I know that Martin Protheroe was (at work?) at Sparrows Lane yesterday (Thursday).

    Tell you what, sacking Rick on Wednesday must have been very urgent, despite the three months the proceedings took, because he didn't wait one more day to nip down the Valley and sack Rick to his face man to man, but got someone else to do the deed for him in an unsigned email.

    What would Mr Protheroes motive for that have been huh? That it was really so urgent? Do me a favour!

    One day to treat a bloke with some kind of respect after all the work that bloke had done, in a week leading up to our biggest attendance of the season so far, he couldn't wait one poxy day and do the deed himself and show a bit of integrity and thought.

    What does that tell you about the man who is now apparantly doing the job of Varney, Kavanagh and Everitt on one or two days a week? He is so overworked that despite leading a disciplinary process, he has to get an underling to deliver the fatal blow rather than waiting one whole day and having the cojones to do it himself face to face?

    'You'll have to ask Slater about that'

  • Killerandflash

    Since you are clearly a marketing genius, with extensive understanding of the football business I'd like to draw your attention to a vacancy at CAFC. I realise that you are already very happy in your current role but I know that the best hires are already doing a great job elsewhere

    Sorry to be a knob but you really shouldn't slag off people's professional marketing work unless you know all the facts.

    I wasn't aware that I was 'slagging off' anyone's marketing work, and am happy to support such initiatives, and am happy to stand corrected if tomorrow will actually bring in more net revenue. While as a one off, the extra revenue might pay for itself, as RE has said himself previously, such promotions can only be occasional events, as otherwise season ticket sales will become unattractive.

    When companies have giveaway promotions, a key reason is to attract new punters at regular prices, if an extra 7000 people turn up tomorrow and none of them come back again until the next £5 promotion, then the exercise will have been largely a failure, especially if the 'once a season' people come to the £5 game instead of paying £20 once a season to come to another game.

    Yes Prague, I'm expressing my personal opinion which may or may not be correct, but that's no different from any opinion on this board whether on the coaching staff, players, club shop, toilet paper or ballboys. Or TJ...
  • edited October 2012
    The club is able to track people buying tickets for the first time and make further targeted offers, which it does. You don't need very many people to buy season tickets down the line to justify the whole exercise, but the point is that even the Man United fans who come once bring in some revenue and underpin the exercise. It works in the very specific situation we are in. It wouldn't work as well if we had, say, 15,000 season ticket holders, because there probably wouldn't be the extra seats available to make up the revenue. But then you could move the pricing up as it wouldn't need to be as attractive.

    Absolutely agree about the risks of diverting sales from dearer games, but against that it's not all about price and that is not necessarily the main issue for existing fans. Not wishing to be rude about Barnsley, but part of people's decision is whether they want to see a particular game and it is a practical day and time for them to attend.
  • Great to see you back Rick. Still supporting the club and explaining its policies after the club e-sacked you. That's classy, good on you!
  • I came to a cheapie game against Watford in the mid 90s, prompted by a mate who lives in the area. I've been blessed/cursed to have a season ticket ever since, so it can work.

    Mind you I think that Rick was still running Voice at that point - I definitely bought one at the game, not sure if he had a dual role, not that it matters really. My only concern with the current offers is that the overall matchday experience is worse for me as a season ticket holder. I can't get near a pint at half time or in Barts. I'm sure it's all been thought of, but to feels very much like there's little extra done to cope with the additional capacity. It doesn't really matter that much if permanent fixtures like me are hacked off, but making a great experience for the casual supporters is important. Obviously I'm concious that, being Scottish, the need to drink before, during and after a football match is probably higher on my agenda than most.
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