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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • Can we just confirm please because one or two posters seem to be getting ahead of themselves.

    No one has stated that there should be ANY form of protest against the board on Saturday or at any other time thus far.

    There has been a suggestion that Rick's (massive) contribution to our club should be marked in some way but this is a completely different thing and leaves the door open to asking some searching questions at a later stage when it may be more appropriate.
  • WSS said:

    Yes Len, but I'm just trying to shut Steve up from asking the same question with every post trying to make a point! Winky smiley blah blah blah.

    But no one was answering him!!! There is no link about his sacking as lots of people on here have assumed he was sacked, it is not a fact. Speculate all you like about what you think happened. Len has pointed out the facts from the thoughts. Worth everyone casting their eye over it.
  • they have 'trust ' issues clearly

    Better have a word with Razil.
  • Having endured an enforced absence from the site since February, reading the postings here is very depressing. If you are removed from your job with a normal company, there are many others where you can go. In Rick's case with Charlton Athletic written through him like a stick of Rock ( sorry Rick ), there is nowhere to go. I really feel for him, and I am becoming more and more suspicious of the new owners. It is making me wonder whether bringing back the much loved Chris Powell might not be a smokescreen to take our minds off the cloak of secrecy surrounding the owners, their finances, and their true intentions. I would say to Michael Slater, if you are genuine then we need to know the truth about our Club now, and as Ms Fanackapan might say, stop fannying about !
  • edited October 2012

    they have 'trust ' issues clearly

    Can you blame them when sensitive company information is leaked like it is/ has been?

    As good as peoples' intentions are at the time of leaking sensitive and confidential information I wouldn't imagine anyones' employers in any industry would take anything but a very dim view on the practice particularly if it sent stakeholders into a mass online panic and particularly if it alerted rivals and the market that you were/ may be in huge financial trouble.

  • Saga Lout said:

    I wonder how wise it is to keep bringing up something Rick wrote on here on 7th July which may or may not be the basis of a case against him? Especially if Rick is still fighting his dismissal.

    It's academic, as I doubt Rick's defence will be that someone else wrote it. I suspect there's other comments he's made on here that they'll have objected to.

    Whether that's reason for dismissal is for the lawyers/tribunal to decide.

  • edited October 2012
    Allegedly :-

    It appears that Kevin Cash (the main money man) pulled out after a disagreement with Jimenez on how the club was to proceed. Cash wanted to proceed as agreed, with reasonable investment & bringing through the academy boys.

    Jimenez had changed his mind & wanted to throw more money at it. Only problem was it would be Cash's money.

    There are then numerous rumours of suppliers not being paid & us pulling out of deals for players.

    Sparrows Lane facilities, which should have finished by now, haven't started.

    Jimenez's Spanish club was heading for administration.

    It then appears that Varney resigned or was sacked as he was not happy with what was going on.

    Numerous rumours that Powell had threatened to walk, throughout the summer.

    Kavanagh resigned/sacked as he was not happy with what was going on.

    Rumours abound that Jimenez is an egotist who wants to play Football Manager.

    Rick made reference to what was happening on CL & promptly finds himself on disciplinary action.

    Staff had their computers removed to be "investigated".

    Rumours abound of suing & counter suing between Varney, Kavanagh & the board.

    Presumably Dennis Wise & Jimenez are still suing each other.

    All of the above is rumour, people can continue to believe as they choose.
  • You missed out peoples' computers being removed from their desks to be 'investigated'. Allegedly.
  • Amended :-)
  • Decent summary of the rumours, CE.
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  • Henry, can we book Rick in for a Q&A in Bromley...... that would boost the attendance... (only jokjing slater and jiminez)?
  • Richard J said:

    micks1950 said:

    I may be well wide of the mark and for that I apologise if wrong. But I assume that Rick was sacked for something he posted on here. Something I presume, the club owners felt undermined them as his employers. I saw one contribution where my initial thought was - 'be careful Rick' - I assume others may have done too. I expected he would get his knuckles rapped over it, but hoped his record and massive contribution to the club would count for more than it seems to have. The club can't afford to lose people of his calbre and I hope he'll be back sooner rather than later.

    Just to be clear once again what Rick/Airman said on July 7th was:

    "Personally as of today I would be happy to start and end the season with the current manager, the current squad and finish 21st. However, that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Which - as I've said before - may have been interpreted in various ways by other posters (and our owners?) but would seem a rather flimsy basis for dismissal on the grounds of 'breach of trust' or 'gross misconduct' etc
    It does depend on his employment contract to which we are not party to,there may be a clause in there about confidentiality concerning the club's financial state ,although I agree if that is why he was sacked it does seem harsh to say the least.
    But all he actually said was that we won't break even in the Championship - there will be a deficit that needs funding:

    i.e. "that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Hardly breaching "confidentiality concerning the club's financial state"?
  • Rudders, have you ever heard Rick talk? Would be very dull.

    That Airman Brown of the otherhand, he'd be great : - )
  • I'm refusing to follow this thread any longer ( yeah, right!) and will wait for the film .

    Wonder who'll play the part of Airman ?
  • Kelsey Grammar?

    His Nephew @Ketman can do the younger years.
  • Hi Henry, yeah I have mate. I last bumped into him and Carinna towards end of last season. Nice Chap though. Not afraid to speak his mind !!
  • micks1950 said:

    Richard J said:

    micks1950 said:

    I may be well wide of the mark and for that I apologise if wrong. But I assume that Rick was sacked for something he posted on here. Something I presume, the club owners felt undermined them as his employers. I saw one contribution where my initial thought was - 'be careful Rick' - I assume others may have done too. I expected he would get his knuckles rapped over it, but hoped his record and massive contribution to the club would count for more than it seems to have. The club can't afford to lose people of his calbre and I hope he'll be back sooner rather than later.

    Just to be clear once again what Rick/Airman said on July 7th was:

    "Personally as of today I would be happy to start and end the season with the current manager, the current squad and finish 21st. However, that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Which - as I've said before - may have been interpreted in various ways by other posters (and our owners?) but would seem a rather flimsy basis for dismissal on the grounds of 'breach of trust' or 'gross misconduct' etc
    It does depend on his employment contract to which we are not party to,there may be a clause in there about confidentiality concerning the club's financial state ,although I agree if that is why he was sacked it does seem harsh to say the least.
    But all he actually said was that we won't break even in the Championship - there will be a deficit that needs funding:

    i.e. "that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Hardly breaching "confidentiality concerning the club's financial state"?

    The point I was making is that as an employee of Charlton he did comment on the financial viability of the club in a public forum and there might have been a clause in his contract forbidding that.

    I agree Mick if that is what is was about then it seems harsh.

  • I'm refusing to follow this thread any longer ( yeah, right!) and will wait for the film .

    Wonder who'll play the part of Airman ?

    "Barry" from eastenders?

  • edited October 2012
    good shout killerandflash...
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  • edited October 2012
    Schwarzenegger = Jimenez
    Sooty = Slater :-)
  • Coverned End... you forgot to mention the collapse of the Spanish economy?
  • Rudders22 said:

    Coverned End... you forgot to mention the collapse of the Spanish economy?

    Are they getting the blame for that now ?
  • 'Spain's Secretary of State for the Economy Fernando Jimenez said on Thursday that the Spanish government had not expected Charlton to run up a sovereign debt ...'

  • So if Sooty is playing Slater then I take it Matthew Corbett will have to play Kevin Cash
  • don't think Sooty's available as he's rehearsing for the panto season.
  • Macronate said:

    don't think Sooty's available as he's rehearsing for the panto season.

    seems appropriate then
  • Macronate said:

    don't think Sooty's available as he's rehearsing for the panto season.

    O yeah, saw him rehearsing being hit over the head and the comedy falling over routine in Madrid.

  • Macronate said:

    don't think Sooty's available as he's rehearsing for the panto season.

    Oh no he isn't!!
  • Keep up with the times, Matthew Corbett sold off Sooty a few years ago :)

    (though he has appeared in a least one episode of the new Sooty show)
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