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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • Lots of speculation and few facts.

    Let's try and take some facts and extrapolate from them.

    1) Peter Varney was the face of the new consortium and was on public record as saying that he thought it was the best thing for the Club.

    Peter Varney's credentials as a fan of 50 plus years standing are not in doubt so one is entitled to take such an assertion seriously.

    2) Peter Varney left a regime he had previously enthusiastically endorsed somewhat unexpectedly - reason unknown.

    3) The land at Lansdowne Mews was sold. Rick Everitt went to a lot of trouble to emphasise on here, more than once, that that was the action of the "old regime" not the new.

    4) Rick Everitt has been sacked - reason unknown.

    My opinion, extrapolating from the above, is that at best something is not quite right in SE7 at worst something is very wrong.

    For that reason I am certainly going to join the Supporters' Trust, I believe I'm already on the mailing list, just in case worst fears are realised and we have to fight once more to save our Club as we know it.

    I have bought two season tickets under this regime and will continue, family and work permitting, to attend as many home matches as possible which supports the Club as it stands to the best of my ability.

    However life experience has turned me into a cautious, prudent person by nature so joining the Supporters' Trust can do no harm.

    The Club and the Trust are not mutually exclusive.
  • making a good soap opera this
  • Whatever happens next, no one can doubt the contribution Rick has made to our football club and I am sure he will be back influencing the progress of the club by whatever means he can. I was always grateful that it was Rick who got me on the pitch for those few years of announcer work. Good luck mate.
  • I may be well wide of the mark and for that I apologise if wrong. But I assume that Rick was sacked for something he posted on here. Something I presume, the club owners felt undermined them as his employers. I saw one contribution where my initial thought was - 'be careful Rick' - I assume others may have done too. I expected he would get his knuckles rapped over it, but hoped his record and massive contribution to the club would count for more than it seems to have. The club can't afford to lose people of his calbre and I hope he'll be back sooner rather than later.
  • Well said Addickted from me as well
  • anyone got the link re PV's sacking ?
  • If attendances are not now going to be vibrant, accusations could be thrown at the football staff if every home game isn't won. Hey Presto! , a reason to 'interfere' with the football side of things.
  • I may be well wide of the mark and for that I apologise if wrong. But I assume that Rick was sacked for something he posted on here. Something I presume, the club owners felt undermined them as his employers. I saw one contribution where my initial thought was - 'be careful Rick' - I assume others may have done too. I expected he would get his knuckles rapped over it, but hoped his record and massive contribution to the club would count for more than it seems to have. The club can't afford to lose people of his calbre and I hope he'll be back sooner rather than later.

    Just to be clear once again what Rick/Airman said on July 7th was:

    "Personally as of today I would be happy to start and end the season with the current manager, the current squad and finish 21st. However, that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Which - as I've said before - may have been interpreted in various ways by other posters (and our owners?) but would seem a rather flimsy basis for dismissal on the grounds of 'breach of trust' or 'gross misconduct' etc
  • anyone got the link re PV's sacking ?

    as above mate, he wasnt sacked, but seems to have been forced out somewhat
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  • micks1950 said:

    I may be well wide of the mark and for that I apologise if wrong. But I assume that Rick was sacked for something he posted on here. Something I presume, the club owners felt undermined them as his employers. I saw one contribution where my initial thought was - 'be careful Rick' - I assume others may have done too. I expected he would get his knuckles rapped over it, but hoped his record and massive contribution to the club would count for more than it seems to have. The club can't afford to lose people of his calbre and I hope he'll be back sooner rather than later.

    Just to be clear once again what Rick/Airman said on July 7th was:

    "Personally as of today I would be happy to start and end the season with the current manager, the current squad and finish 21st. However, that isn't living within our means, it will require funding".

    Which - as I've said before - may have been interpreted in various ways by other posters (and our owners?) but would seem a rather flimsy basis for dismissal on the grounds of 'breach of trust' or 'gross misconduct' etc
    It does depend on his employment contract to which we are not party to,there may be a clause in there about confidentiality concerning the club's financial state ,although I agree if that is why he was sacked it does seem harsh to say the least.
  • edited October 2012
    Glad you bought that up micks1950. that was talked about on here for a while with great worry....

    before the season started we were heading (by some on here) into what could be adminstration...then some money was found... the subject of this as far as ive been aware off has not been mentioned much since....any news on any of that?
  • I think dismissal was harsh too if it was solely for that - which I suspect it may have been.
  • Stand up for Rick Everett won't get anywhere. We barely had anyone on their feet to signal their hate for Crystal Palace a few weeks back
  • I wonder how wise it is to keep bringing up something Rick wrote on here on 7th July which may or may not be the basis of a case against him? Especially if Rick is still fighting his dismissal.
  • I think dismissal was harsh too if it was solely for that - which I suspect it may have been.

    How can you sack someone from a pseudonym on a website?

    Any contract would be between the Club and the employee not an internet alter ego.

    Many of us think we know who Airman Brown is but, other than the site owners, do we really with sufficient certainty to sack someone in real life over something a fictional character has said?
  • edited October 2012
    Saga Lout said:

    I wonder how wise it is to keep bringing up something Rick wrote on here on 7th July which may or may not be the basis of a case against him? Especially if Rick is still fighting his dismissal.

    Rick says the club started their investigation on the 10th July according to his post yesterday so that date ties up with the post on CL.

  • Do you think the club may not have seen it then?
  • LenGlover said:

    I think dismissal was harsh too if it was solely for that - which I suspect it may have been.

    How can you sack someone from a pseudonym on a website?

    Any contract would be between the Club and the employee not an internet alter ego.

    Many of us think we know who Airman Brown is but, other than the site owners, do we really with sufficient certainty to sack someone in real life over something a fictional character has said?
    And therein lies the case for the defence. ;-)
  • Bubble said:

    What about "Stand up for Rick Everitt" could have greater impact

    Now that I like....

    Bit late in the day maybe but perhaps a hastily put together flyer advising people of what has happened & what Rick achieved for the club to be handed out in the streets before the game would swell the numbers standing for RE. A lot of people probably don't even know who Rick is or his history while even more won't be aware of what has happened. Not every supporter checks out forums.
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  • Bubble said:

    What about "Stand up for Rick Everitt" could have greater impact

    Now that I like....

    Bit late in the day maybe but perhaps a hastily put together flyer advising people of what has happened & what Rick achieved for the club to be handed out in the streets before the game would swell the numbers standing for RE. A lot of people probably don't even know who Rick is or his history while even more won't be aware of what has happened. Not every supporter checks out forums.
    Don't think this would advertise the right behavior with those who are going to act with emotion over sense. Last thing we need are protests or people chanting 'sack the board'. Things like that are likely to be highly detrimental to SCP and the team.
  • at 7.32am prague said in his post PV had been sacked, I didn't realise he had been sacked, that's terrible if he was sacked. Is there a link though to say he was sacked ?
  • I don't think Sir Chris needs any questions about behind the scenes tonight either? We don't need him getting into trouble. Those going - please keep it to football only.
  • at 7.32am prague said in his post PV had been sacked, I didn't realise he had been sacked, that's terrible if he was sacked. Is there a link though to say he was sacked ?

    We get ya mate - he wasn't 'sacked'.

  • WSS said:

    at 7.32am prague said in his post PV had been sacked, I didn't realise he had been sacked, that's terrible if he was sacked. Is there a link though to say he was sacked ?

    We get ya mate - he wasn't 'sacked'.

    but he MIGHT have been constructively dismissed which is effectively the same thing.

    Time will tell.
  • Yes Len, but I'm just trying to shut Steve up from asking the same question with every post trying to make a point! Winky smiley blah blah blah.
  • edited October 2012
    LenGlover said:

    I think dismissal was harsh too if it was solely for that - which I suspect it may have been.

    How can you sack someone from a pseudonym on a website?

    Any contract would be between the Club and the employee not an internet alter ego.

    Many of us think we know who Airman Brown is but, other than the site owners, do we really with sufficient certainty to sack someone in real life over something a fictional character has said?
    Perhaps he did it from a company laptop and they check it?
  • I'm led to believe (note for Steve, not a fact) that PV was indeed sacked. He had resigned as a director but his employment was then terminated ahead of his earlier agreed leaving date.

    Just my understanding, so don't take it as gospel.
  • They took away a number of work computers to 'look at'.
  • they have 'trust ' issues clearly

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