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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • edited October 2012


    Look, I respect your position, but why on earth should a huge round of "stand up for Rick Everitt" in any way whatsoever affect the team? Usually, something that gets the crowd going before the kick of usually spills over in to a very noisy start from the crowd once the whistle blows. In other words, they get behind the team even more because of course what everyone wants most of all is a win.

    What comes after that? Sack the board chants? Demonstrations? do you think this sort of thing helps the team? COYRs, Chrissy Powell's Red and White Army - Valley Floyd Road - an air of positivity - that helps the team.
  • Thanks for everything you have done for our club Rick.
    This is a sad for Charlton Athletic and we need answers as to what is going on at our great club.
  • edited October 2012
    Muttley, you've got your point of view fella, you.stick by it.

    Lots have been hinted at over the last 6 months. I've a feeling a lot more weight is going to be given to it over the.coming weeks.

    Regardless of all that, when it comes to a.matchday we get 100% behind the 11 wearing the shirt and the smart bloke on the touchline.

    And with that I'm behind you 100%.
  • Support the team & support the trust... i see no conflict there. from what i hear the trust is building support every week, every month and is certainly not single issue... Its more about crashing through opaque barriers and supporting good governance which in turn helps performance on and off the pitch...
    So sign up onto the email list and find out I'm sure they could do with a hand pushing up the numbers before the official launch.

  • Muttley

    Look, I respect your position, but why on earth should a huge round of "stand up for Rick Everitt" in any way whatsoever affect the team? Usually, something that gets the crowd going before the kick of usually spills over in to a very noisy start from the crowd once the whistle blows. In other words, they get behind the team even more because of course what everyone wants most of all is a win.

    What comes after that? Sack the board chants? Demonstrations? do you think this sort of thing helps the team? COYRs, Chrissy Powell's Red and White Army - Valley Floyd Road - an air of positivity - that helps the team.
    You are clearly not as concerned about these recent events than some others are Muttley. Perhaps some of us are overly pessimistic, perhaps some of us are overly naive. Only time will tell. For me I have always been in the stand up for what you believe in camp. I believe in Charlton and although I have no inside information, I believe that the board don't appear to be doing what is best for my club and I don't trust them as a result of their actions and there lack of candour.
  • Prague as Airman can't say why SK or PV left can you spread any light?

    For now, I just ask you to trust me that I know what Rick means in his comment- but Rick was not my source for it.

    Is there a time in the near future that you can see or are aware of that thing will change hopefully for the better or are all the things you hear still looking very negative? Is there any positive stuff coming out of the off field goings n at Charlton?

  • edited October 2012

    Molob said:

    Richard Murray is key to the future yet again, we know he will read this. Please Richard stand up for Rick and be counted.

    Richard Murray binned Curbs, appointed Dowie/Reed/Pardew/Parkinson, allowed the club the buy some of the most overpriced and undertalented garbage ever to wear the shirt and then, if the rumours are to be believed, sold the club to a bunch of heartless mercenaries whilst declaring the club would be in the very safe hands of rich people with its best interests at heart.

    Richard Murray worked incredibly hard for the club and sank considerable amounts of his own money into the club during some of its darkest hours - we should be forever grateful for that, but his finest hours happened 10 to 15 years ago and since then he doesn't appear to have got much right, however well placed his heart may have been in the decisions.

    It may be time to stop trusting RM's judgement - if you believe the current board are a bunch of supervailllains that is.
    This for me. Never forget how these people got their foot in the door.

  • edited October 2012
    I agree with Muttley.

    Whatever is or isn't going on at boardroom level, a poisonous atmosphere at the Valley will do no-one any favours. A cheer for Rick Everitt in itself wouldn't be poisonous but it'd could be the thin end of the wedge. Home results have been hard enough to come by as it is, the Valley will be full of potentail new supporters, we're playing beatable opponents and the season is at a crossroads where a win to backup the string point at Blackpool could really instill confidence in the team and help to drive us to the mid-table comfort I believe we deserve.

    If AFKA is right, and proper news does start to come to a wider audience of fans collective attention the time for a more vociferous, public display of our disaffection may come. It isn't that time yet though, imho.

    I'm sure the owners are fully aware of what high esteem Rick is generally held in by fans and if that really mattered to them, they may not have sacked him - not that we've heard their side of the argument yet, or likely ever will.
  • Molob said:

    Richard Murray is key to the future yet again, we know he will read this. Please Richard stand up for Rick and be counted.

    Richard Murray binned Curbs, appointed Dowie/Reed/Pardew/Parkinson, allowed the club the buy some of the most overpriced and undertalented garbage ever to wear the shirt and then, if the rumours are to be believed, sold the club to a bunch of heartless mercenaries whilst declaring the club would be in the very safe hands of rich people with its best interests at heart.

    Richard Murray worked incredibly hard for the club and sank considerable amounts of his own money into the club during some of its darkest hours - we should be forever grateful for that, but his finest hours happened 10 to 15 years ago and since then he doesn't appear to have got much right, however well placed his heart may have been in the decisions.

    It may be time to stop trusting RM's judgement - if you believe the current board are a bunch of supervailllains that is.
    This for me. Never forget how these people got their foot in the door.
    And it was Peter Varney who represented the new owners in the takeover talks...
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  • Molob said:

    Richard Murray is key to the future yet again, we know he will read this. Please Richard stand up for Rick and be counted.

    Richard Murray binned Curbs, appointed Dowie/Reed/Pardew/Parkinson, allowed the club the buy some of the most overpriced and undertalented garbage ever to wear the shirt and then, if the rumours are to be believed, sold the club to a bunch of heartless mercenaries whilst declaring the club would be in the very safe hands of rich people with its best interests at heart.

    Richard Murray worked incredibly hard for the club and sank considerable amounts of his own money into the club during some of its darkest hours - we should be forever grateful for that, but his finest hours happened 10 to 15 years ago and since then he doesn't appear to have got much right, however well placed his heart may have been in the decisions.

    It may be time to stop trusting RM's judgement - if you believe the current board are a bunch of supervailllains that is.
    THIS! If only some people's recent memories were as good as their older ones...

  • I don't get this dis-respect to Richard Murray displayed in some of the posts on here. He played a major role in our most successful period in my lifetime and spent a huge amount of his personal money keeping us going when things went pear shaped. Sure, mistakes were made, but he deserves the undying respect of all Charlton fans for his time at the club. Apart from the financial drain, he has had personal tragedies and serious health problems - who the hell can blame him for finding new buyers. I don't like the way they operate, and hope they are changed for the better soon - but RM may just have bought us 2 or 3 years when otherwise we would have been in administration or worse.

  • Just seen this from 2pm - good luck Rick, sad news indeed, but I'll be looking forward to VOTV now that I'll be old enough to remember it, and if you ever need a contribution in some way here and there...
  • Rick thanks for your input over the years and trust you and your family are keeping well.Feel proud saturday.
    Just hope Charlton take the correct road from he on in.
  • edited October 2012
    Six hours later and I'm still deeply saddened. This feels like part of the club being pulled away needlessly. I don't buy the whole "judge it on the field" mentality; those of us who have been around for a long time know how important Rick is.

    (and I'm not for a minute devaluing younger fans... I'm just saying surely EVERYONE must know the significance)

    From a Trust point of view, I never offered my time previously because, I don't know, partly I felt others were equally invested and also I was so hung up on my own business. But the last 24 hrs...


    I don't think Prothero et all are aware what they have unleashed
  • Rick. Not much to add really. Always sad when someone loses their job but especially so in your case because of all the good you have done for the club. I don't understand what went on or what is going on but we have to trust that everything is being done in the best interests of CAFC. Only time will tell on that score. Looking forward to VOTV again.
  • edited October 2012
  • • What a crazy thread, which seemed to develop more and more over time.

    • The way that RE has written his post shows there is clearly much more to the story than any of us think. As it is slightly worrying that this suggests things are not so rosy as we would like to hope.

    • What ever has happened it's fitting that so many of us have responsed and have thanked RE for his hard work over the years.

    • I would just like to add my thanks RE for all you have done for our club, you know you have done a good job when part of your work becomes your legacy by way of "football for a fiver" I'm sure there are many people able to watch a game of football with the family now thanks to that innitative.

    All the best.

  • A car full of pesimists are stuck in a traffic jam...they all believe there has been a multiple pile-up.
    A car full of optimists are stuck in the same traffic jam...they all think it must be roadworks.

    And that is why without a shred of evidence as yet I have no opinion, I'm not crying and I'm not going to worry.
  • Thanks for everything RE.
    Full power into what comes next, eh.
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  • I'd like to add my appreciation of what Rick has done for the club. I've always enjoyed his contributions, not always agreed with them, but he was a source that a lot of people used to get things done or sort out problems they had. Often it appeared that there was nobody else available to get answers from. His contributions to the development of the club will be an ongoing legacy, Football for a Fiver, Valley Express etc, I only had a couple of personal dealings with him. I bought a book and there was a mix up with the money, I can't remember the details, but in exchanged emails he said it wasn't a problem and the book arrived. I subsequently made up the amount, but it was a measure of the man that he dealt with it without any prejudice. Good luck in the future Rick. Write the sequel to the book, there will be plenty of buyers. Best wishes.
  • Shite. Thought they would have come to their senses. Obviously they haven't got any.

    I'll second that sentiment.

    The people that the club are sacking - PV, Steve K and Rick - were not just employees/department heads/chief executive/directors - they are also people that we know, that we trust, that we have faith in to do the right thing for the club. They are real Addicks!

    And who is left behind in the executive suite that we know and trust? A silenced Richard Murray? And? And? Who?
    Yes, as Rick wrote, we need to support Chris Powell now, more than ever. He may be the one person that can hold this club called Charlton together in this time of so much uncertainty.

    Yes, a lot of things went right last season. But what do we really know about the carpetbaggers that have taken over? What are their real motivations? How much do they actually care for the club, as opposed to a quick turnaround?

    We can still hope for the best. But the dark clouds appearing over The Valley are ominous. And if you can't see that now, you're just not looking!
  • Someone please DM me if I can help.

    By the way I apologise if that sounded arrogant or whatever. But I do have value I feel I can add but haven't to date because of my current lack of proximity to The Valley. I wonder how many out there are like me.

    The trust needs all fans who support it, to help, starting with subscribing as a registered supporter. And then anything else you can do, from spreading the gospel and getting others to subscribe, to all kinds of other things. Drop me a line on

  • Shite. Thought they would have come to their senses. Obviously they haven't got any.

    I'll second that sentiment.

    The people that the club are sacking - PV, Steve K and Rick - were not just employees/department heads/chief executive/directors - they are also people that we know, that we trust, that we have faith in to do the right thing for the club. They are real Addicks!

    And who is left behind in the executive suite that we know and trust? A silenced Richard Murray? And? And? Who?
    Yes, as Rick wrote, we need to support Chris Powell now, more than ever. He may be the one person that can hold this club called Charlton together in this time of so much uncertainty.

    Yes, a lot of things went right last season. But what do we really know about the carpetbaggers that have taken over? What are their real motivations? How much do they actually care for the club, as opposed to a quick turnaround?

    We can still hope for the best. But the dark clouds appearing over The Valley are ominous. And if you can't see that now, you're just not looking!

    I'm still not convinced that this necessarily spells bad news. Maybe I am wrong. I certainly didn't have faith in all the aforementioned people to do the right thing for the club - I'm not saying their intentions were wrong but they certainly were not always correct and a large portion of the blame for the decline we've seen since 2005 has be levied at them. Also and I know I clash with Prague on this and others but just because they are 'real addicks' does not make them the right for the job/club etc.

    I am sad that Rick has left the club. He has a place in our history and probably our future. Furthermore a lot of his work is there for all to see, but we, as has been said, don't know the motivation behind it. My concern is we hound out the very people who saved us - and yes I do mean saved us - as we don't understand them. Agreed they could be better communicators, but they are not. In the same context those that say the RM time was a time of open forum are looking through some rosey glasses, in my opinion. Just go back to the epic takeover thread and most of the criticism of the club was about lack of or poor communication.

    Just because we don't like something or because it goes against what we used to hold dear does not make it wrong. I think we have to find the difference between what we don't like and what means the end of CAFC. I see lots of evidence that things are changing, the style of leadership is changing but I don't seem to be able to find solid evidence that the existence of the club is under threat. However many comments here and over the last few months are implying we are moving again into a critical period in terms of the existence of the club.

    In my life time Charlton has already different identities and maybe we moving towards a new one. I was raised on the Selhurst years, much derided by most fans on here, but that is where I became a fan, thus I have a different interpretation of that time to others. The same can be said for the flight for the Valley. There will be many more like me and many many more who have come to the club since those days.

    What we are seeing is change. And the concern is we don't know why this change is happening. I'm not saying that this change is good, I'm just saying we don't know. I hope we can make the distinction between what we don't like and what is truly important to the survival of the club.
  • The quote didn't seem to work too well there. My comment starts after you're just not looking!
  • Bangkok Dave, I can't see what you don't understand?
    Good people, real Addicks, who have done a job for the club, who have the club at heart, are being kicked to the curb.
    And you think this just might be okay because you don't know what is happening?
    That is absolutely one of the most ludicrous positions I have ever seen anyone take on anything!
    'Bad things are happening, but we don't know why, so lets not jump to conclusions because things may not be so bad.' Despite no evidence of anything good to contrary. None!
    Perhaps you should change your handle to "Bangkok Neville Chamberlain." You must own an umbrella.
  • Recent events prove that everybody should so their support to the Supporters Trust in anyway they can
  • cafckev said:

    Prague as Airman can't say why SK or PV left can you spread any light?

    For now, I just ask you to trust me that I know what Rick means in his comment- but Rick was not my source for it.

    Is there a time in the near future that you can see or are aware of that thing will change hopefully for the better or are all the things you hear still looking very negative? Is there any positive stuff coming out of the off field goings n at Charlton?

    Well I try to be objective, and certainly try to remind myself that a football club is a business, with a P&L, and try to understand what happens from that point of view. For example last week we were all puzzling over Paul Elliott's apparent appointment, which came while we still didn't have a decision on Rick. I even wrote something that admitted I might have to review my perception of TJ if Elliott was his idea. As we now know, it didn't happen, and then they went and booted Rick out. I'm afraid I am also worried about Chris Powell's position, based on what others closer to the relationship than I, have told me.
    There are people in this thread who argue that we should not criticise, just because we are not in the know about The Plan. My response to that is, I don't think there is a Plan any more. You sack key people such as PV-SK-RE, who apart from anything else put gigantic shifts into everything they do, and replace them with Martin Prothero, who still doesnt do 5 days a week? Sorry, regardless of the personalities, that is a recipe for business gridlock.My best guess is that TJ is simply 'spinning plates' as Carly burn wrote, I think, with short term loans until he finds someone else to put money in. Trouble with that is that he still wants to be the head honcho. Amazingly, somebody who has dealt with him (Rick, for example has never actually met TJ, think about that for a minute) says that one of TJ's motivations is the adulation of the fans. I stared hard at my iPhone when I heard that, I tell you, it 's been playing up lately:-)
    So right now, I'm back on solid pessimist ground, and just hoping that SCP can keep getting results that keep us above the relegation mire.
    The one hope I have is that I do know someone is working behind the scenes to assemble a new consortium but I have no recent news about progress on that. Further, such a consortium would not want TJ as head honcho of CAFC. I think therefore we should crack on with the Trust because that could be the vehicle that brings together the rest of us who could be ready to help such a consortium by putting in anything between a fiver and 50k each, and be a financial backstop for the new consortium.

  • If TJ is spinning plates - which I strongly suspect he is - it might not be in our best interests for him to drop them -at least until new backers - whether it be the consortium you refer to or another come on the scene. One thing must be the case- TJ must be desperately looking for new investment/buyers - may be the best thing for us if we don't do anything that might prevent him finding it.

    Of course, if a new consortium needs our help - they should come out at say it - galvanise the fans.
  • cafckev said:

    Prague as Airman can't say why SK or PV left can you spread any light?

    For now, I just ask you to trust me that I know what Rick means in his comment- but Rick was not my source for it.

    Is there a time in the near future that you can see or are aware of that thing will change hopefully for the better or are all the things you hear still looking very negative? Is there any positive stuff coming out of the off field goings n at Charlton?

    Well I try to be objective, and certainly try to remind myself that a football club is a business, with a P&L, and try to understand what happens from that point of view. For example last week we were all puzzling over Paul Elliott's apparent appointment, which came while we still didn't have a decision on Rick. I even wrote something that admitted I might have to review my perception of TJ if Elliott was his idea. As we now know, it didn't happen, and then they went and booted Rick out. I'm afraid I am also worried about Chris Powell's position, based on what others closer to the relationship than I, have told me.
    There are people in this thread who argue that we should not criticise, just because we are not in the know about The Plan. My response to that is, I don't think there is a Plan any more. You sack key people such as PV-SK-RE, who apart from anything else put gigantic shifts into everything they do, and replace them with Martin Prothero, who still doesnt do 5 days a week? Sorry, regardless of the personalities, that is a recipe for business gridlock.My best guess is that TJ is simply 'spinning plates' as Carly burn wrote, I think, with short term loans until he finds someone else to put money in. Trouble with that is that he still wants to be the head honcho. Amazingly, somebody who has dealt with him (Rick, for example has never actually met TJ, think about that for a minute) says that one of TJ's motivations is the adulation of the fans. I stared hard at my iPhone when I heard that, I tell you, it 's been playing up lately:-)
    So right now, I'm back on solid pessimist ground, and just hoping that SCP can keep getting results that keep us above the relegation mire.
    The one hope I have is that I do know someone is working behind the scenes to assemble a new consortium but I have no recent news about progress on that. Further, such a consortium would not want TJ as head honcho of CAFC. I think therefore we should crack on with the Trust because that could be the vehicle that brings together the rest of us who could be ready to help such a consortium by putting in anything between a fiver and 50k each, and be a financial backstop for the new consortium.

    Strikes me that showing TJ he is far from adored would be cathartic then. If only he'd bother to show up.
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