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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • Just logged on and read this. Nothing more to add which hasn't been said a thousand times already. Best of luck Airman.

    It's beginning to feel like waking up from a terrible nightmare and finding it's real................
  • It feels like we'll never know what the bloody hell is going on.

    A particular frustration is the absence of much pressure from the local (or even national) media on seeking explanations for all these shenanigans (unless i've missed something...). Does anyone here have decent media contacts to get someone digging? OK, it's not Savile or phonehacking, but you sense there's a story here of interest to more than just CAFC diehards. Someone like David Conn at the Guardian usually has his eye on this kind of thing.

    Rick himself is probably the best person to assess who in the media could be galvanised into doing some prodding, but I daresay he has to be careful here.

    Anyway, I'll add my appreciation of all RE's efforts, someone who has done so much that is truly constructive and progressive for the club, and the cause.
  • Serious question: Are we getting close to demos & sack the board chants yet do you think?

    I think most of the board has already been sacked! Seriously though, We are all worried but what good is that going to do. Like it or not, they are the only people putting money into the club at the current time. I believe there is serious stuff going on behind the scenes, I just hope that involves finding new investors & fast!
  • so join the trust and help come up with the ideas, you've given up before you've begun, you've rationalised yourself to your armchair. Sorry if that's harsh. But how do you really know something isn't doable til you try?
  • razil said:

    so join the trust and help come up with the ideas, you've given up before you've begun, you've rationalised yourself to your armchair. Sorry if that's harsh. But how do you really know something isn't doable til you try?


  • Good luck is not enough.
  • razil said:

    so join the trust and help come up with the ideas, you've given up before you've begun, you've rationalised yourself to your armchair. Sorry if that's harsh. But how do you really know something isn't doable til you try?

    Sorry Razil, not sure if you are talking about me. My response was aimed at the idea of 'sack the board' chants. I was saying I didn't see what good protesting at a game would do. I think the idea's that have been proposed re the trust are great
  • Richard is being used and is the only credible thread they have left, yes he is one of us but they are using him for that very fact. I don't want to see Richard hurt or damaged and his stroke makes that all the more real. If he became four I bet he could sleep better and the pressure would probably become unbearable.
  • I merely stated that I couldn't see how it would work without the money which didn't seem to be high enough on the list of priorities to me. If I thought we could raise the funds needed and set out to do this from the off- I would be for the trust because all the answers to this mess conme down to money from where I'm standing . If anybody thinks that TJ gives a jot what a trust would think - well you have more faith in the man than me.

    Sometimes it is more important to aim for something, an idea, even if the idea appears Utopian, and go all out for it. A bit like returning to the Valley perhaps? The alternative is to sit back and do nothing and that seems like a pretty depressing lack of idea.
  • was refering to anyone who thinks a Trust isn't worth doing as it won't succeed
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  • Prague as Airman can't say why SK or PV left can you spread any light?
  • It feels like we'll never know what the bloody hell is going on.

    A particular frustration is the absence of much pressure from the local (or even national) media on seeking explanations for all these shenanigans (unless i've missed something...). Does anyone here have decent media contacts to get someone digging? OK, it's not Savile or phonehacking, but you sense there's a story here of interest to more than just CAFC diehards. Someone like David Conn at the Guardian usually has his eye on this kind of thing.

    Rick himself is probably the best person to assess who in the media could be galvanised into doing some prodding, but I daresay he has to be careful here.

    Anyway, I'll add my appreciation of all RE's efforts, someone who has done so much that is truly constructive and progressive for the club, and the cause.

    There won't be any interest from the media, because we've been successful on the pitch, and on the coaching front, the new owners have done well (both in terms of SCP and the 1st team, and the investment in the successful academy). By contrast, the owners of Blackburn became unpopular because they sacked a successful manager, appointed an unknown and made promises of superstar signings that they couldn't deliver. The media will largely see this as the new owners taking over a struggling football club on the verge of administration, and getting rid the 'dead wood' (not my opinion I hasten to add).

    If it's any consolation for RE, if the rumours here are true, and TJ's source of cash runs out and he's forced to sell out to a new consortium, then maybe he'll get his job back...
  • Rick, I sit here with tears running down my cheeks thinking about what you have given to our club and burning with a feeling of injustice and anger on your behalf.

    Not for you was the path, only of protest, you have done what most of us haven't had the balls to do, to get involved in shaping our club. Not just involved, you have been a brilliantly successful trail blazer and this Saturdays game stands as a fitting monument to the work you have done.

    I have never spoken to you but I have seen you at match after match doing your utmost to make our club a better place.

    We have corresponded on occasions and I can personally testify how helpful you were to me when I was trying to get tickets without being able to get down from Norwich before match days. Every single time I asked for help you answered that call.

    I fear that our club is not now in good hands.

    I wish you well in whatever the future holds. If you are to man the barricades again for the sake of our beloved club, I and I am sure many on here will stand with you. You owe us nothing, it is we who shall forever be in your debt.

  • No I haven't given up. I'm shouting my support for lads this season and trying to create an atmosphere condusive to success - along with thousands of others I hope - that helps the team -it's not much but the best I can do. The TUC are organising a March against the austerity cuts on Saturday. I think the Government have got things badly wrong, but I'm not going to go on that march. Why? Apart from the fact that I will be at the Valley, it's because I know that rather than be concerned over it, the Tories will have a good laugh at the demonstrator's expense. They don't care. - no purpose will be served - just people trying to convince themselves they are more important than they are.

    I'll fight when the time is right. That time isn't now. You have your discussions in pub rooms but Rick's sacking isn'y going to galvanise the support. Events can happen which will do this - and I'd rather react to those than potentially upset the team which I think can still make a challenge this season. Success on the pitch will probably do more to resolve any problems than a trust of less than 100 people. I think if we have a civil war, it will only destabalise and make what we all want less likely.
  • There won't be any interest from the media, because we've been successful on the pitch, and on the coaching front, the new owners have done well (both in terms of SCP and the 1st team, and the investment in the successful academy). By contrast, the owners of Blackburn became unpopular because they sacked a successful manager, appointed an unknown and made promises of superstar signings that they couldn't deliver. The media will largely see this as the new owners taking over a struggling football club on the verge of administration, and getting rid the 'dead wood' (not my opinion I hasten to add).

    If it's any consolation for RE, if the rumours here are true, and TJ's source of cash runs out and he's forced to sell out to a new consortium, then maybe he'll get his job back...

    It's hard to disagree, because so far there clearly hasn't been any media interest, but higher up the chain (Man U, Chelsea, etc), success on the pitch doesn't keep the papers at bay. Would like to know what (Mail) Patrick Collins makes of's of interest to him for sure
  • Muttley, I clearly see that you care about the club as much as any of us, but something about your post reminds me of a famous quote from the first president of independent Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta. He said about the colonisation of Africa 'The white man came and told us to kneel down and pray, and when we opened our eyes our land was gone'.
    We must keep our eyes open so that we're not miles too late and find our club has gone. Reacting to a fait accompli is not as effective as already being in a position to work towards preserving Charlton for now and the future. The supporters trust, which has indeed included 'discussions in pub rooms' is an attempt by some of us to actually do something rather than simply wring our hands and cry. I hope it is a big success, and indeed personally I am inspired to try to do rather than wail by the example of Rick amongst others.
  • Molob said:

    Richard Murray is key to the future yet again, we know he will read this. Please Richard stand up for Rick and be counted.

    Richard Murray binned Curbs, appointed Dowie/Reed/Pardew/Parkinson, allowed the club the buy some of the most overpriced and undertalented garbage ever to wear the shirt and then, if the rumours are to be believed, sold the club to a bunch of heartless mercenaries whilst declaring the club would be in the very safe hands of rich people with its best interests at heart.

    Richard Murray worked incredibly hard for the club and sank considerable amounts of his own money into the club during some of its darkest hours - we should be forever grateful for that, but his finest hours happened 10 to 15 years ago and since then he doesn't appear to have got much right, however well placed his heart may have been in the decisions.

    It may be time to stop trusting RM's judgement - if you believe the current board are a bunch of supervailllains that is.
  • nearer 200 now actually and growing daily.

    I respect your point of view.

    However Trusts can work, its been shown to work if enough people get involved and generate ideas and put them into practice, that is the big difference for me.
  • Best of luck for the future Rick.

    The Red Devils parachuting in seems along time ago now - how quickly things change :-(
  • Wish RE good luck for the future.

    However, I am gonna hold judgement for now. I don't know what he did or said, but the current board thought it necessary to sack him.

    The only black and white thing I've got from this board is that they saved us financially, got rid of PP, spent a lot of money in 2011, brought in a club legend, got promotion and didn't sell our best player.

    When more info is leaked then I'll base my opinion on that, but for now I'm out of the witch hunt.

    Maybe I'm missing the point but that's how I see it.

    As someone outside of the loop, I have to agree with this. And thank you Rick for all you have done.

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  • seth plum said:

    Muttley, I clearly see that you care about the club as much as any of us, but something about your post reminds me of a famous quote from the first president of independent Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta. He said about the colonisation of Africa 'The white man came and told us to kneel down and pray, and when we opened our eyes our land was gone'.
    We must keep our eyes open so that we're not miles too late and find our club has gone. Reacting to a fait accompli is not as effective as already being in a position to work towards preserving Charlton for now and the future. The supporters trust, which has indeed included 'discussions in pub rooms' is an attempt by some of us to actually do something rather than simply wring our hands and cry. I hope it is a big success, and indeed personally I am inspired to try to do rather than wail by the example of Rick amongst others.

    Of course their land would still have been gone if they didn't and more of them would have been killed. It would be great if there were clear win/lose alternatives but this isn't always the case. Anyway - I respect why people would want to do something - and my view is it could do more harm than good. People are going to have to decide for themselves but I am not sitting on my sofa doing nothing - I've made a decision what is the best I can do at this time. If it is wrong, well I've made it for the right reasons- a love of my club. I don't like it - I wish I could do more - my plan relys on a bit of success on the pitch which is in the lap of the gods but I think it is the best I can do at this time. All I can say is try not to let anything you do affect the team. If you manage that - I honestly wish you the best.
  • Prague as Airman can't say why SK or PV left can you spread any light?

    I really can't at the moment. There are lawsuits involving them, don't forget. Also, I'd be a bit presumptious, if I were to speak on their behalf. I think there are others who would come on here and be able to speak with more authority about them, once the time is right to do so.

    Sorry, I am not trying to be evasive. For now, I just ask you to trust me that I know what Rick means in his comment- but Rick was not my source for it.

    I am steaming, and keep taking it out on innocents like Muttley.
  • Redrobo said:

    I thought in the summer all these rumours would come to nought. Told last week about Rich leaving and now this.</blockquote

    So what Rich were you told was leaving last week?

  • Muttley

    Look, I respect your position, but why on earth should a huge round of "stand up for Rick Everitt" in any way whatsoever affect the team? Usually, something that gets the crowd going before the kick of usually spills over in to a very noisy start from the crowd once the whistle blows. In other words, they get behind the team even more because of course what everyone wants most of all is a win.

  • Fair dues Prague - we both want what's best. I am upset about Rick - he is a lefty agitator - and the most entrepreneurial employee this club has ever had IMO -who could have predicted that? I think it isn't too much of long shot that in a year's time TJ won't be at the helm. I hold hope that this will mean Rick is back doing what he does best - planning how we can fill the Valley again. As I said in a previous post - target 10.000 looked a bit ambitious at one point didn't it! We can't afford to be without his talent for too long!
  • Molob said:

    Richard Murray is key to the future yet again, we know he will read this. Please Richard stand up for Rick and be counted.

    Unfortunately RM's share in the Club is so watered down that whatever he may say has no impact at all, that is always assuming they'd even bother listening to him in the first place.
  • Murray next?

  • There won't be any interest from the media, because we've been successful on the pitch, and on the coaching front, the new owners have done well (both in terms of SCP and the 1st team, and the investment in the successful academy). By contrast, the owners of Blackburn became unpopular because they sacked a successful manager, appointed an unknown and made promises of superstar signings that they couldn't deliver. The media will largely see this as the new owners taking over a struggling football club on the verge of administration, and getting rid the 'dead wood' (not my opinion I hasten to add).

    If it's any consolation for RE, if the rumours here are true, and TJ's source of cash runs out and he's forced to sell out to a new consortium, then maybe he'll get his job back...

    It's hard to disagree, because so far there clearly hasn't been any media interest, but higher up the chain (Man U, Chelsea, etc), success on the pitch doesn't keep the papers at bay. Would like to know what (Mail) Patrick Collins makes of's of interest to him for sure
    The media are likely to get involved
    1) If the off field issues affect performances on the pitch, e.g. board blocks manager from signings, or sacks a popular manager
    2) The chairman/owner is a media whore like Simon Jordan (TJ is the complete opposite) or high profile due to other activities (e.g. Alan Sugar, David Sullivan)
    3) The board is split with rival factions fighting it out in the press (Arsenal had a bit of this a few years ago), our board seems united.
    4) The individual removed is well known to the media and popular, RE partially fits this due to his VOTV and Back to the valley work, but this was some time ago.
  • Murray next?

    That is what I was assuming from redrobo's post.

  • Murray next?

    That is what I was assuming from redrobo's post.

    Well the way they are ploughing through the old guard, wouldn't surprise me.
    Would Go as far to say it was always their intention.

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