In terms of Kirk’s personal issues, per his Instagram, his dad has passed. RIP
Ah shit, thats not good for anyone of that age!!
Terrible, hope he’s ok, perhaps it’ll be a catalyst to stay close to family now?
You couldnt blame him in the slightest could you, regardless of what he chooses to do
Just hope if he does move that the fans of whatever club give him the time to adjust, isnt just going to be dealing with strange surroundings now, but will also have to deal with the fact he cant call his Dad if he's had a shite game etc.
I might be wrong about him, and this might just make him stronger, but equally others will struggle to cope
Yep, we don’t what his family circumstances are, whether it’ll leave his mother on her own and whether he has siblings living locally because if it does then she will also need all the support she can get.
Not to mention it may even sway him into going for the best option financially now, instead of one that'll perhaps guarantee playing time
Yes indeed, or perhaps conversely it might make him want to just get away and start a fresh somewhere else - use his time when he is a young footballer to experience living in a different place and a different city etc etc.
Sadly no one will really know what his reaction might be. Either way it's a proper tough time for him, and he should be given all the space to make the right decision for him.
At this rate it’ll never close. We’ll be scraping around for free agents so this will remain open for the rest of the year. It’ll then become the January rumour thread.
can confirm that a, how should i say it, to be totally PC - here goes anyway, lets hope ive got it right - ' a new black player was training with the team today' so ...
if you wanted to be really PC you could have said 'a new player was training with the team today'.
isn't black a bit more descriptive ?
I know what you mean, but it’s no more descriptive than saying a player is blonde.
If it was Charlie Kirk training, would you say “a new white player was training today”?
Not saying you’re being racist at, all by the way. Great that we’ve got something to be excited about
have a think about it Elliot, you seem a reasonable chap - hasn't all the talk today been about kirk signing - well, a new player has been training with the team - people seem to think if a player signs, he does a medical, trains then does photoshoot so surely adding the player is black gives a bit more info than not saying it - why on earth i wouldn't say it just shows how f&&ked up things are now with all this PC nonsense.
It isn’t un pc to say a player is black.
Why would that be ?
Ask any black people you know, not me. 👍
Very sad about Kirk’s dad passing. RIP.
You have just been very un PC. Besides which whst description would you use assuming you used one, as you just did ?
At this rate it’ll never close. We’ll be scraping around for free agents so this will remain open for the rest of the year. It’ll then become the January rumour thread.
Think how long the Takeover thread took to deliver.
can confirm that a, how should i say it, to be totally PC - here goes anyway, lets hope ive got it right - ' a new black player was training with the team today' so ...
if you wanted to be really PC you could have said 'a new player was training with the team today'.
isn't black a bit more descriptive ?
I know what you mean, but it’s no more descriptive than saying a player is blonde.
If it was Charlie Kirk training, would you say “a new white player was training today”?
Not saying you’re being racist at, all by the way. Great that we’ve got something to be excited about
have a think about it Elliot, you seem a reasonable chap - hasn't all the talk today been about kirk signing - well, a new player has been training with the team - people seem to think if a player signs, he does a medical, trains then does photoshoot so surely adding the player is black gives a bit more info than not saying it - why on earth i wouldn't say it just shows how f&&ked up things are now with all this PC nonsense.
It isn’t un pc to say a player is black.
Why would that be ?
Ask any black people you know, not me. 👍
Very sad about Kirk’s dad passing. RIP.
You have just been very un PC. Besides which whst description would you use assuming you used one, as you just did ?
Maybe the reason he didn't play Saturday as well but perhaps remembering an anniversary given how old Kirk appears to be in the photo.
So many different factors involved in any transfer; financial, geographical and personal and so may parties; clubs, the player, relatives, agents, that it's very difficult to say that what is a right or wrong decision.
Frustrating as it is we just need to wait until a deal is signed off and registered with the league and FA.
Also, this is nothing compared to January under ESI!
But they had no money.
Or are you saying that Sandgaard has none either ?
I think Sandgaards wealth is proven, I’m saying that January was a lot worse than this. The promises of the Super Duper Deal Phone followed by blanks...
Kirk sounds like another Maddison to be honest. If he doesn’t want to be here then we should move on and find good players that really want to play for the club.
You can tell how much players like Innis want to be here, and even Clare. Not the best player we’ve got but it’s refreshing to hear how happy he is to be at the club.
3wks left, I know it’s hard but judge everything when the market is closed - he says impatiently.
Happy to eat a massive slice of humble pie here! Football is clearly the last thing on his mind. Staying where he is would be the sensible thing for him to do right now, at least until January where he might even strike a better deal, when clubs can be more desperate.
If we do land him, I’m sure the club and the fans will give him a massive welcome!
I know I've run with the Kirk jokes a bit all in good jest, but proper gutted for the guy about his dad.
Echoing what forever said, the best financial option for him must be very attractive now as support for the family, this also ties into the tweet about "bigger things than football" that was mentioned in regards to the transfer saga.
Over the moon if he still signs, more than happy to see him take a better offer elsewhere.
Explains a lot about the last couple days. Charlie is a year younger than me, couldn’t fathom loosing my dad this young. Poor lad. I hope he does whatever is best for him
Sadly no one will really know what his reaction might be. Either way it's a proper tough time for him, and he should be given all the space to make the right decision for him.
Only one day?
But they had no money.
Or are you saying that Sandgaard has none either ?
Maybe the reason he didn't play Saturday as well but perhaps remembering an anniversary given how old Kirk appears to be in the photo.
So many different factors involved in any transfer; financial, geographical and personal and so may parties; clubs, the player, relatives, agents, that it's very difficult to say that what is a right or wrong decision.
Frustrating as it is we just need to wait until a deal is signed off and registered with the league and FA.
Echoing what forever said, the best financial option for him must be very attractive now as support for the family, this also ties into the tweet about "bigger things than football" that was mentioned in regards to the transfer saga.
Over the moon if he still signs, more than happy to see him take a better offer elsewhere.