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POST-MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic v Blackpool: Saturday 21st September 2024: KO 15:00



  • Adding on 12 minutes clearly isn't a deterrent to endless time wasting. Especially when a team spends 6 of those 12 extra minutes timewasting even more, but the ref blows up only 2 minutes later. 
  • aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    No change of rules needed.
    The ref should have had a word with their captain and told them to cut it out or he would 
    a) ignore their feigning injury and
    b) he would start yellow carding them.

    I recall in The Prem v Leicester when Steve Brown was injured after he fouled their player.
    The ref waited and then showed him a red card.
    Just curious, but how do you know when an injury is fake?
    Exactly, thats the problem. Very late on we were giving dogs abuse to the latest Blackpool player to fake an injury in their penalty area. Stretcher called but he doesnt need it. But in fact he goes off straight down the tunnel - and didnt that reduce them  to 10 men? 
  • Ramsey had by far his worst game in a Charlton shirt and he was our best player by a street
    REG, Kanu and A Campbell were all inadequate replacements 
    Blackpool initially looked pony but for all the space they were given down their left
    Ahadme’s own goal was panicked stupidity Jones had it covered
    NJ also made a panicked early change
    really hard on Thierry especially leaving the gormless blundering Gillesphey on at leftback in his place
    can’t see REG Gillesphey ACampbell Kanu or Berry starting again unless the squad catches something nasty 
    Even Docherty looked pony
    One Or two passes stuck with Chuks but he missed another headed sitter 
    Hopefully the team and N J get that out of their system cos any repeats of that bollocks even briefly and we’re in deep deep shit
    A special mention for the unique Charles Breakspear he’s a pathetic cheat
    Anybody pushed over in the centre circle free kick every time no matter how negligible the contact - get pulled over backwards by the collar of your shirt in the penalty area and no action from the cheat. He knew it wasn’t a dive cos he didn’t punish either felled player therefore he cheated Twice
    hopelessly meek and compliant with Blackpool’s cravenly cynical play acting and time wasting
    Steve Bruce can never have presided over a more shameful display of gamesmanship and fakery 
    we still deserved nothing from the  game
    We fans were ripped off and are all due personal apologies from all in red
  • aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    No change of rules needed.
    The ref should have had a word with their captain and told them to cut it out or he would 
    a) ignore their feigning injury and
    b) he would start yellow carding them.

    I recall in The Prem v Leicester when Steve Brown was injured after he fouled their player.
    The ref waited and then showed him a red card.
    Just curious, but how do you know when an injury is fake?
    When every 5 minutes a player drops to the ground holding their head when there was no contact to their head.
    Thems the rules & I've been calling it out for years.

    Its obvious. A player goes in for a tackle & comes off worse but there is no foul. Play goes on. Same situation but player goes down holding his head. Ref stops play.

    Obvious what a manager would be telling his players to do. It's in the rules. The only way to change it is to change the rules. Or seriously punish the offending team. A red card might do the trick. Or bring in a "sin bin" and the player goes off for 10 mins. A tell you.....the practce would soon stop. 
  • aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    No change of rules needed.
    The ref should have had a word with their captain and told them to cut it out or he would 
    a) ignore their feigning injury and
    b) he would start yellow carding them.

    I recall in The Prem v Leicester when Steve Brown was injured after he fouled their player.
    The ref waited and then showed him a red card.
    Just curious, but how do you know when an injury is fake?
    Exactly, thats the problem. Very late on we were giving dogs abuse to the latest Blackpool player to fake an injury in their penalty area. Stretcher called but he doesnt need it. But in fact he goes off straight down the tunnel - and didnt that reduce them  to 10 men? 
    For all of about 30 seconds because when they realised they couldn’t replace him, they put him back on the pitch.
  • Bailey said:
    Bailey said:
    We were shite first half. The ref didn’t allow the game to flow second half. It can be multiple things that contribute to a result.
    Callum, Blackpool knew exactly what they were doing, every time they went down they clutched their head, the Referee is duty bound to stop the game in those circumstances. You are right, our first half performance was shocking and going two nil down allows Blackpool to use the tactic of feigning a head injury.Its for the football authorities to clamp down on, not the Referee  Personally I think if they declare a head injury then they should leave the field of play for five minutes to ensure no after affects or concussion, not hopeful that would ever be the case though. 
    I haven’t checked the laws of the game, but I thought the ref has to stop the game for a head injury.

    I don’t believe he has to stop the game when there is player contact, clearly not involving the head and a player then drops to the ground every 5 minutes clutching his head feigning injury.

    If he can’t tell the difference he shouldn’t be officiating.

    The majority of the times they went down clutching their heads, if there was an ariel challenge they clutched their heads and dropped to their knees, twice we had the stretcher on and the only player to be substituted after the stretcher was called for, walked off. None of that happened until the second goal went in, and for the first 30 mins they wanted to play football and deservedly went two nil up. All that shit has been coached into them by Steve Bruce and he wouldn't have coached that into them unless he thought they could get away with it, he knows what the refs instructions are on head injuries, suspected or not. It's cynical, not in the spirit of the game, and I'm sorry but the blame lies with Steve Bruce not the Referee, whether he is a good referee or not. 
    I agree Steve Bruce is principally to blame, there's no doubt about that.
    However, I do not believe for one second that a decent referee would have let Blackpool feign injury every 5 minutes and do absolutely nothing about it.
  • edited September 21
    Get a grip Charlton fans. How many goals did the ref score? He knows more about football than you ever will. 
    Once again we have a crap group of players with a manager that has got us playing the most unattractive football I have ever seen.
    There were 8 players today who are not up to the task.
    There is no invention, no guile, no expression and most of all no entertainment. It is direball. 
    Jones is not going to change it. We will some games through sheer attrition. The crowd will be asleep. 
    I have no belief that this bunch of diverse owners , smt, manager and players can get us promotion.
    None of them are good enough. 

    You're a funny little bunny. Pop up every few weeks to remind us exactly where we are all going wrong.
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  • Decided Jones has his favourites and if you’re not one of them then doesn’t matter how good you are, you are likely to be frozen out.

    So, as long as you used to play for Luton your in.
  • edited September 22
    We are not going down - 

    But that was terrible - Bruce out played Jones - the high press resulted in mistakes and our patterns of play both in and out of possesion melted, leaving large gaps that they exploited. 

    We well be top 10 at this rate but just. 

    I've enjoyed the early positivity, it's been a while, but it's plain to see that there are several better teams than us and once again its a false dawn. 

  • edited September 22
    Possibly the referee's performance goes beyond incompetent. As a real ale fan, his name is memorable and I'm sure there are many games in the past where he has had poor games officiating us. Perhaps once his changing room was less than pristine and he has it in for us.

    Anybody fancy doing some research? Managers give ref reports. How many crap ones does a club need to give him before he is passed over for our games.
  • Should never have changed the back 3 and should never have started Kanu. The referee was probably the worst I’ve ever seen. Could/should have had a couple of penalties. Just a bad day at the office. 
  • Sounds like the ref was so shit that if he had a Luton connection he’d have been playing in our midfield yesterday .
  • Ref can’t even claim his view was obstructed. A clear handball and I am shocked he didn’t blow for it given he was so happy to blow for nearly everything else.

    I wasn’t at the game and haven’t seen the incident but the Blackpool player is facing the wrong way , good save like Amos’s (think it was him) at Shrewsbury in the play off 
  • There must have been a reason he was on the pitch but Alan Campbell was like one of the platters Roland insisted we played. His performance reminded me of Laporte. He could not pass, tackle or get anywhere near the game. I am sure no professional footballer who has a good career can be that bad.
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  • Again no strikers (effective) until aneke comes on. Cant think that Ahadme is the answer. Tyreece should start on the wing. In spite of result our defence is much improved but there is no one shining as a creative midfielder. But oh for a decent striker. Maybe when Miles is fit ….
  • aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    Continue play as the player receives attention as in rugby. 
    Bit harder to do that with the goalie but would make it more interesting. 
  • Again no strikers (effective) until aneke comes on. Cant think that Ahadme is the answer. Tyreece should start on the wing. In spite of result our defence is much improved but there is no one shining as a creative midfielder. But oh for a decent striker. Maybe when Miles is fit ….
    Maybe we can eventually play Dixon, Leaburn and Campbell .  Whatever , we are lacking in quality in the front 6. 
  • Having watched back the first goal I think Mannion could have come for the cross, might not have caught it but would have been able to punch away at the very least
  • edited September 22
    Sounds like the ref was so shit that if he had a Luton connection he’d have been playing in our midfield yesterday .
    Well to be fair to him, at least he knows more about football than Charlton fans ever will. 
  • Davo55 said:

    A deeply frustrating afternoon at The Valley.

    Out-pressed and out-played by Blackpool in the first half. We were non-existent as an attacking force and a comedic Ahadme own goal and a long range scuffed shot by Albie Morgan gave us a mountain to climb. And that is why some of us have been vocal about our lack of attacking threat. If our usual defensive strength deserts us, as it did today, we stand little chance of competing at the top of the table.

    By the way, classless of Morgan to celebrate quite so directly in front of the fans that had given him a nice welcome back. He wont be so kindly received next time around.

    Decisive action from Nathan Jones was called for, and duly taken - although you had to feel sorry for Thierry Small being the tactical fall guy when many others were far worse than him in the first period. The second half was better, but still over reliant on long balls and whenever we built up a bit of momentum Blackpool's "tactics" of feigning or exaggerating injuries took the wind out of our sails. Steve Bruce is a canny operator and his team no doubt followed his instructions but the referee really should have found a way of discerning between genuine and pretend injuries and taken firmer action to stop it. It became farcical.

    In the end, we could have gained an unlikely draw or even a win. A bad miss by Lloyd Jones, a header just over from Chuks and a shot wide from Godden when we had players queueing up to convert a cross were all wasted opportunities.

    TC made a huge difference and NJ needs to find a way to get the very best out of his pace and skill. He is far more at home and dangerous on the flanks than he is playing as second striker.

    Finally, time I think to rest Ahadme. He is decent at holding the ball up and challenging in the air but his limitations are holding the team back now. I'm not writing him off but persevering with him when he is so obviously bereft of form and confidence isn't doing him or the team any good.

    Work to do, Nathan Jones.

    I disagree about Albie’s celebration. He used to get plenty of stick whilst with us so why shouldn’t he give it back? I’ve always thought this ‘shouldn’t celebrate against a former team’ a load of old bollocks. You should always celebrate irrespective of the opposition because a) you have scored a goal and b) because the fans of your current club, who now pay your wages, should expect you to celebrate scoring a goal for them.

    I did think today was a typical Albie performance, about as effective as Docherty was for us.
    No problem with him celebrating, Large, jut that I thought he was out of order running over and giving it to the Covered End and the NW quadrant. That was unnecessary in my opinion, and especially so after he got a very warm round of applause twice when his name was read out.
  • PragueAddick said:
    ForeverAddickted said:
    Covered End said:
    PragueAddick said:
    aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    No change of rules needed.
    The ref should have had a word with their captain and told them to cut it out or he would 
    a) ignore their feigning injury and
    b) he would start yellow carding them.

    I recall in The Prem v Leicester when Steve Brown was injured after he fouled their player.
    The ref waited and then showed him a red card.
    Just curious, but how do you know when an injury is fake?
    Exactly, thats the problem. Very late on we were giving dogs abuse to the latest Blackpool player to fake an injury in their penalty area. Stretcher called but he doesnt need it. But in fact he goes off straight down the tunnel - and didnt that reduce them to 10 men? 

    He was down the tunnel and then came back onto the pitch less than two minutes later during which time we had another stoppage. Was watching on a stream and it was mentioned in commentary.. Maybe the cameras did not reflect everything, but the replays appeared to show Blacpool players going down clutching their heads after minimal contact to their lower limbs. That is something they have learnt or have been coached to do.
  • aliwibble said:
    How on earth did we end up with 12 mins of added time second half?
    It was 13.48. And should have been 15. More shithousery after the 12 were announced. 
    But as @seth plum, sitting behind me said, how do you change the rules to stop it?
    No change of rules needed.
    The ref should have had a word with their captain and told them to cut it out or he would 
    a) ignore their feigning injury and
    b) he would start yellow carding them.

    I recall in The Prem v Leicester when Steve Brown was injured after he fouled their player.
    The ref waited and then showed him a red card.
    Just curious, but how do you know when an injury is fake?
    When every 5 minutes a player drops to the ground holding their head when there was no contact to their head.
    Thems the rules & I've been calling it out for years.

    Its obvious. A player goes in for a tackle & comes off worse but there is no foul. Play goes on. Same situation but player goes down holding his head. Ref stops play.

    Obvious what a manager would be telling his players to do. It's in the rules. The only way to change it is to change the rules. Or seriously punish the offending team. A red card might do the trick. Or bring in a "sin bin" and the player goes off for 10 mins. A tell you.....the practce would soon stop. 
    You’d need VAR to adjudicate in most instances. Very often the clutching the head thing only occurs when there’s a coming together, and it’s soften difficult to see 100% if there was contact or not. If a player goes down clutching his head when there’s clearly no contact then it can be treated as a dive and punished as such within the current rules.
    However, I think they should look at retrospective bans if video evidence shows blatant faking of a head injury. Retrospective red card, meaning a three match ban. I believe that could be effective. 
    I don’t believe play should continue while players receive treatment. Football is a much faster moving game than rugby, and it would endanger players and physios. 
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