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Who will be the new Charlton coach? - p103. Nathan Jones confirmed



  • Swisdom said:
    I’ll say it out loud and yes I’ve seen the league table and our points per game blah blah etc.

    We won’t go down.

    Therefore as much as I’d love to see Warnock on the touch line it should be a long term appointment, get Jones in do whatever it takes.  
    That's exactly where I am.  We'll be fine this year and I want Nathan Jones to be given free reign to do what he wants with our team and let the little Weird Welsh Alchemist do his thing
    Swisdom said:
    I’ll say it out loud and yes I’ve seen the league table and our points per game blah blah etc.

    We won’t go down.

    Therefore as much as I’d love to see Warnock on the touch line it should be a long term appointment, get Jones in do whatever it takes.  
    That's exactly where I am.  We'll be fine this year and I want Nathan Jones to be given free reign to do what he wants with our team and let the little Weird Welsh Alchemist do his thing
    "Fine" is not the word I can use, based on where we sit right now and the games we have in February.
    I don't think we'll go down, but certainly "too good to go down" teams have gone down in the past and will in the future and sadly there is a chance that applies to us
  • It's going to be Fleming until the end of the season isn't it?!!
  • edited February 1
    seth plum said:
    swordfish said:
    seth plum said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Uboat said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    I am not sure who feeds REAMS and Dubai (assume same person giving info to them both) but find it very odd just how much leaks from this club constantly since this mob took over.   It seems incredibly amateur and just causes upset most of the time. 

    It's a week since Apple's was sacked, we were massively unlikely to have appointed someone by now and no one would be too disappointed, but because of the leaks there is a risk people end up that way.

    It's weird and it's unprofessional imo.

    Not a dig at people passing info here and elsewhere but a dig at the source of such info.
    Leaks have always happened, before this group it was easier to get information I would say.. Difference is, people have already made there mind up they don't like a certain person in this group, and will always look to pick holes.. 

    Was never going to be a quick process to appoint a new manager, and was never a plan to do so, until Burton game, and they did actually sack him that night, but back tracked, well 2 out of board did.. 

    To be honest, those two I think were bang out of order to allow Appleton to go through Tuesday game, knowing the toxic atmosphere..
    I just find it mind-boggling that someone is sharing this level of detail with you and is apparently happy with you putting it in the public domain. Doesn’t it make you wonder? 
    As a supporter I’m happy to be made aware of it, but there’s no way someone could get away with such a lack of professionalism in most work places. 
    Come on.. Chit chatter happens in every business.. Go out for a ciggy or on a work social.. It happens all the time.. Across every football club up and down the country..

    People have got a problem with it, because they don't like certain people
    No, some people don't like and other do.

    Some reason people don't like it, or at least the way it is done, is that it is unprofessional, it undermines what should be the club's proper comms strategy, the information isn't always correct and quite often it comes with a large degree of spin which positions the leaker, and the ultimate source is most definitely Methven even if he's not your direct source, as not having done anything wrong but always that is is other directors' fault or greedy agents/players/clubs to blame.

    I understand all of that, but it is funny isn't when things use to be leaked from other owners directly or non, to people like yourself and Rick, it wasn't classed as unprofessional then.. Leaks have always happened, and will also continue to do so.. It is the way of the world.

    People are digging because they don't like who it could be coming from, and making a big deal about it. 

    For what it is worth, it is pretty quiet at the moment.
    This isn't about me or Rick though.

    it's about Charlie Methven.  And you're right, some people don't like or trust him.

    Some of that is irrational or just plain bonkers (Eton, red trousers, Oxford Utd) but a lot is rational and based on his track record at Sunderland and the way he constantly leaks to manipulate and perhaps ingratiate himself, something he did at Sunderland and has been doing here since before he took over.

    I've met him, he comes over as a likable and enthusiastic guy who likes a laugh, but I'm judging him by his ability to run OUR football club professionally and successfully. 

    And so far, he is failing on both counts.

    If Jones doesn't now join us there is going to be a huge level of disappointment among many fans and in part that will have been caused by the briefings that Methven has been making when he should have kept schtum and just allowed a bland statement on the website of "Looking at a short list of impressive candidates but won't be saying anything until we're ready to announce, in the meantime we continue to look to strengthen the squad for the rest of the season and beyond."

    Boring and not what the fans want to know but that would have been the professional communications thing to do and Methven is meant to be a communications professional.

    PS WIOTOS wasn't always a bit of catchphrase/in-joke.  It was a reminder that gossip is just gossip but hard facts and announcements are what matter so don't rely too much on rumours and leaks and never take them 100% at face value.
    But point is, it was okay for other directors to leak news, and not be classed as unprofessional.. I would say Jones isn't something he is leaking, as from what I hear, he wouldn't be his choice.. 

    At the end of the day, a lot of people don't like him because of his background, and education.. that is fact, and already have a strong opinion..

    I would say, people need to listen to his podcast, and he speaks a lot of sense and understands business.. For me, this is a bump in the road in terms of long term future! I think they know how important this appointment is, and they need to be 100% and if there is any doubt in Jones, I would say don't appoint him
    Thanks for passing on the info, much appreciated!

    I’m intrigued that you think this is just a bump in the road. From the outside it looks like a complete car crash, and that’s not taking account the previous reputations of the SMT.

    I just wondered what is giving you confidence it’s all going to work out fine?
    I wasn't going to post today, as I don't want to get into the exchanges yesterday, but as you have approached in a respectively I will responded.

    Yes, it hasn't gone to plan as of yet, but right from the start it wasn't going to be an overnight fix, years of under investment, poor recruitment on and off the field, makes this a long slog.

    Everyone keeps pointing the fingers at Charlie and hold him accountable, okay so yes you can blame him for some aspects, but most of the decision are not made by him or one person, they are made as a group.. Behind the sense they have made some good appointments and have good people involved with the club.. If this group didn't have the ambition or knowhow to move Charlton forward, people like Steve Sutherland wouldn't got involved. 

    They are investing in players, off the field staff, and in the process of appointing a manager who wouldn't have necessarily have joined a struggling league one club.

    As I was saying yesterday, my issue is people have made there mind up and want them to fail, and people are saying that isn't the case, I am sure it is, with the constant negativity. TTWe have had to many years of owners not giving a shit, and we get a group that want to make a success, and it feels like we have a certain set of supporters hell bent to turn it negative.

    I don't want to get in to this like yesterday, as it got out of hand.. Hopefully next few days, we will have someone in charge who can get us moving up the league.. Do you know what PMA goes a long way in life.. Don't all be Victor Meldrew's!

    Up the addicks!    
    The people you say who want to make a success have made a failure.
    As of 1st Feb 2024! I suspect that isn't their deadline for measuring success if working to longer term goals though, but they are undoubtedly lagging behind where they expected to be at this stage and are taking remedial action. What would you have them do. Sell up?
    If I won Euromillions I would ask them to sell up to me.
    If there are any credible interested parties out there certainly I would like the present regime to sell up.
    If you know what their deadline for measuring success is you know a lot more than I do, would you mind sharing that information?
    How many chances do we give them? Unto relegation to the fourth division? How big is the imaginary pot of jam tomorrow?
    I would like the present regime to win every remaining game this season, or at least avoid relegation, and win promotion next season, we all would. However judging by what has happened so far how likely do you think that scenario is?

    I said 'suspect' because I have no knowledge of a deadline for measuring success. 29 league games into a new ownership seems relatively early to conclude it's doomed to failure imo. However, I've been proved wrong so many times now when not forecasting doom and gloom that it almost certainly is.
  • Swisdom said:
    I’ll say it out loud and yes I’ve seen the league table and our points per game blah blah etc.

    We won’t go down.

    Therefore as much as I’d love to see Warnock on the touch line it should be a long term appointment, get Jones in do whatever it takes.  
    That's exactly where I am.  We'll be fine this year and I want Nathan Jones to be given free reign to do what he wants with our team and let the little Weird Welsh Alchemist do his thing
    I’m a bit more concerned than that. We should be fine…But there is a slight concern for me that the squad is really unbalanced and confidence is low. Add a tricky run of games in to that and a fanbase that does not have much patience left and can turn toxic quite quickly. I think Reading away could be a really huge game, a defeat there and I will be really panicking. There are definitely enough winnable games left, most later on in the season though and if we do drop into it after this run does this squad have the mentality to dig in and get out of it by winning those games? 
  • Won't Reading have a squad of kids and low-end L1 players by the end of today? Feels like they might barely win a game again all season 
  • Like, if there's one team to be slightly afraid of catching us, it's surely Carlisle, but even then we're well ahead, and there are other crap teams that could be drawn in. I'm not scared (yet)
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  • A question on a scenario:

    We go into Saturday's game with Fletcher and Pearce in charge, the team play well and gain a well deserved victory.

    The search for a new manager is ongoing with none of the candidates being thought to be the one but at least one of them while favoured is asking for guarantees that the Owners/SMT are not sure about.

    Should the club leave the current management twosome in place for the rest of the season and take time to find the what they consider the right person to take the club forward next season


    Appoint one of the current interviewees
  • shirty5 said:
    A question on a scenario:

    We go into Saturday's game with Fletcher and Pearce in charge, the team play well and gain a well deserved victory.

    The search for a new manager is ongoing with none of the candidates being thought to be the one but at least one of them while favoured is asking for guarantees that the Owners/SMT are not sure about.

    Should the club leave the current management twosome in place for the rest of the season and take time to find the what they consider the right person to take the club forward next season


    Appoint one of the current interviewees
    When Fletch took charge of the Slade prison side did they get a win? 
    He only took charge for half the match as he had to take Godbar into the changing rooms when he went off with concussion. Then they got taken hostage & escaped on the coach. Pretty certain Slade prison would have won of Fletch had been there all game. 
  • Leuth said:
    Like, if there's one team to be slightly afraid of catching us, it's surely Carlisle, but even then we're well ahead, and there are other crap teams that could be drawn in. I'm not scared (yet)
    Cheltenham have been playing very well recently and have 2 games in hand on us. They’ve recently had a lot of tougher games they’ve been unlucky in, but now have a run of games against teams lower in the table. They are the team I’m probably most worried about 
  • edited February 1
    All the games coming up are huge, it’s a good job some of you lot are not preparing the team for matches because we might as well start researching travelling arrangements now for all those L2 grounds we’ll be visiting.

    I witnessed in the flesh, players fired up last week from the get go and according to reports were upbeat with the result after the game and so they should’ve been. Fleming and Pearce will have built on that this week and the newbies will have had more time to get to know their colleagues and work on a game plan.

    There’s a lot of football to be played yet, 51 points up for grabs, new manager incoming and players returning from injury plus another signing or three hopefully. We need half a dozen wins a couple of draws and we’ll be ok.

    I’m not a happy clappy fan, far from it but our season won’t end at Reading or by the 1st of March try and look for some positives it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom 😉

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  • edited February 1
    RedChaser said:
    All the games coming up are huge, it’s a good job some of you lot are not preparing the team for matches because we might as well start researching travelling arrangements now for all those L2 grounds we’ll be visiting.

    I witnessed in the flesh, players fired up last week from the get go and according to reports were upbeat with the result after the game and so they should’ve been. Fleming and Pearce will have built on that this week and the newbies will have had more time to get to know their colleagues and work on a game plan.

    There’s a lot of football to be played yet, 51 points up for grabs, new manager incoming and players returning from injury plus another signing or three hopefully.

    I’m not a happy crappy fan, far from it but our season won’t end at Reading or by the 1st of March try and look for some positives it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom 😉

    So what you're saying is HMS piss the league is still on?
    Whoosh! 😉
  • edited February 1
    NabySarr said:
    The fact Warnock is being suggested as a potential manager would suggest that the owners are also pretty concerned about the possibility of relegation 
    To be honest I think it’s more a case of, if they can’t get the “long term” quality candidate they want then a short term quality candidate and there aren’t many of those is the next best thing. I think we’re lucky Warnock is available.
  • RedChaser said:
    All the games coming up are huge, it’s a good job some of you lot are not preparing the team for matches because we might as well start researching travelling arrangements now for all those L2 grounds we’ll be visiting.

    I witnessed in the flesh, players fired up last week from the get go and according to reports were upbeat with the result after the game and so they should’ve been. Fleming and Pearce will have built on that this week and the newbies will have had more time to get to know their colleagues and work on a game plan.

    There’s a lot of football to be played yet, 51 points up for grabs, new manager incoming and players returning from injury plus another signing or three hopefully. We need half a dozen wins a couple of draws and we’ll be ok.

    I’m not a happy clappy fan, far from it but our season won’t end at Reading or by the 1st of March try and look for some positives it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom 😉

    THIS .. as I have typed here before, irrespective of who is appointed or if Fleming /Pearce stay in post til the summer, we have far too good a squad of players, especially after this last window to get relegated
  • Please stop saying ' we wont go down'

    We aint won in 15, have a very difficult Feb and the whole place could be in pieces by March!
    It’s a forecast that has to be done though.  That opinion surely decides our entire managerial appointment.  
  • Timing is everything in football and the sacking of Appleton happened 2.weeks too late, how can they expect to sign players when they don't know who their boss is.going to be? Happy with the rumoured contenders for the job but ffs get a move on because it's just going to make their job harder. 
  • Alex crook on talksport just confirmed we have spoken to Nathan Jones.
    Must be another one of Ronnie’s aliases 😏.
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