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Who will be the new Charlton coach? - p103. Nathan Jones confirmed



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     tempt Richie Wellens away from the Os .. he's had a mixed managerial career, but who amongst our 'potentials' hasn't ? .. tough guy who knows what he's doing .. has the advantage of having had a long playing career at different levels .. I'm doubtful if he'd come without a BIG tempter, BUT to get anyone decent is going to cost a LOT of money .. Wellens for me or Rowett, Duff at a pinch, forget the others who have been mooted on here .. make the decision quickly, CAFC is a sinking ship, we need rescuing like yesterday 
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    Mark Bonner is an interesting name on the list , worked wonders at Cambridge not sure he would be too popular though 
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    edited January 24
    Glad to see Duff and Eustace are at the top, though at this stage that's probably just names that fit the bill rather than rumours with any actual truth to them. It's definitely better than it was after Holden went though. Cowley, Appleton, Lee Johnson and Karl Robinson were our options then, I'd take most on the list ahead of them (except Parker. Never forgive, never forget).
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    edited January 24
    As has been mentioned unless you go for rookie you will get someone who has a failure on their CV and who will come to a club in the bottom 4 possibly if we lose to a Albie Morgan inspired Blackpool.

    Warnock on a big bonus( keep us up!) until the end of the season*may work. He sounded interested in Crouch/Sidwell podcast last week in another gig now the new year is here.

    Please can Last night be our nadir but it feels like we still may fall further with two games against CBT'S Derby as well.

    * Longer if he gets a tune and teamwork out of our Motley crew.
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    Have I missed something? Jones is not on the list
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    LoOkOuT said:
    Hearing Kieron Dyer was at the Valley tonight.
    Wow…….you mean THE Kieron Dyer.🫣
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    Have I missed something? Jones is not on the list
    he might be a fellow Welshman of yours, BUT he is not for us
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     tempt Richie Wellens away from the Os .. he's had a mixed managerial career, but who amongst our 'potentials' hasn't ? .. tough guy who knows what he's doing .. has the advantage of having had a long playing career at different levels .. I'm doubtful if he'd come without a BIG tempter, BUT to get anyone decent is going to cost a LOT of money .. Wellens for me or Rowett, Duff at a pinch, forget the others who have been mooted on here .. make the decision quickly, CAFC is a sinking ship, we need rescuing like yesterday 
    Failed miserably at Salford this is why it’s so difficult to pick a manager most have had good jobs but they also had jobs that did not go to well .. how do you chose ?
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    Please god not Lee Johnson!!! He'd be the worst fucking choice!!
    the problem is he was the second worst choice last time. they hired the first!
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     tempt Richie Wellens away from the Os .. he's had a mixed managerial career, but who amongst our 'potentials' hasn't ? .. tough guy who knows what he's doing .. has the advantage of having had a long playing career at different levels .. I'm doubtful if he'd come without a BIG tempter, BUT to get anyone decent is going to cost a LOT of money .. Wellens for me or Rowett, Duff at a pinch, forget the others who have been mooted on here .. make the decision quickly, CAFC is a sinking ship, we need rescuing like yesterday 
    Failed miserably at Salford this is why it’s so difficult to pick a manager most have had good jobs but they also had jobs that did not go to well .. how do you chose ?
    Probably because its not just a manager that determines success at a club.
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    Pearce & Flemming confirmed as interim then.
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    Fleming and Pearce interims so no one lined up from the looks of things 
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    fenaddick said:
    Fleming and Pearce interims so no one lined up from the looks of things 
    All agreed late last night this. It is a very quick turn around until the weekend. Today will be a day off - Thursday is training, Friday is tactics and travelling. Saturday is match day. 

    IMO new manager would have had to be in the stands yesterday to have been in charge at the weekend.
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    Pearce & Flemming confirmed as interim then.
    Hopefully very short term 
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    That managerial experience he’s got with Punjab FC in India will come in handy
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    seth plum said:
    Just as I asked yesterday who exactly sacked Appleton, who exactly appoints his replacement?
    It was Methven from the directors box at Oxford.
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    Look at recent promotions from league 1, a lot have been young managers with no managerial experience but a good coaching background. Would happily give it to Euell till the end of the season and then reassess in the summer if he’s worth the job permanently 
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    O'Donnell gets the chop too 
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    O'Donnell gets the chop too 
    Sauce ?
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    Please not Lee Johnson :-(

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    I can’t believe people are still trying to defend Methven. He’s cocked this up quicker than I thought he would.
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    O'Donnell gets the chop too 
    Sauce ?
    The OS at the bottom of the statement about Fleming & Pearce 
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    Plaaayer said:
    It’s funny how suddenly now one from the club wants to put their name to this or provide any sort of quotes, a few weeks ago you couldn’t shut any of the pricks up. 
    Have to agree with this.

    Has this come from the club it’s self?
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    cafcwill said:
    Please not Lee Johnson :-(

    They'd have to be absolutely braindead to do that. Which probably means it's likely.
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    cafcwill said:
    Please not Lee Johnson :-(

    His quote after the 2-1 defeat at Ashton Gate back in October 2019
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