Getting to critical mass here, or should I say critical crap?
We have been imperiled as a club at a number of stages in our history, our existance threatened, all seeming lost. If the syndicate do not make substantial investment in this squad next month, I fear we are excelerating downhill to another major crossroad. In todays football climate, all bets are off, I fear we no longer have enough fan engagement to stick with us. This is not the time and place to be this hopeless, and I fear for this club in its current guise.
In true CL speak, "the next few weeks are critical!"
I just cannot believe what I have seen.A worst goal than the one against Orient.Just look where our defence is when one of two players 5 yards out puts the ball in from an unchallenged pass into the goal area..Hector is actually on the edge of the penalty area when they score, where is the urgency to get back and fill the area,CBT looks like he has nodded off.Would also point out this was Dobsons worst game in a Charlton shirt,his passing was hopeless.This is getting worse,but I dont see what Appleton can do when he is regularly let down by the players on the pitch,i wouldnt like to manage this lot.
Fall on his very blunt sword is my answer to your question.
Sounds as though more Lifers are coming around to my way of thinking that MA must go before the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down. Not in the summer when "his" players might be stinking up the squad but NOW.
All these encouraging words from AS are just that ...words. I have little faith in him actually walking the walk. He states what he thinks we need to hear...
...but we don't suffer charlatans gladly at Charlton. We've learned from bitter experience.
Bring in a new broom . Pay over the odds if necessary. Then slowly but surely invest in HIS squad.
Had a big discussion with our gang tonight pre match & it was clear that my train of thought didn't cut the mustard.
But I stand by my words.
Nathan Jones ia awaiting the call.
If this series of non acceptable performances continues, we're going to be in brown smelly stuff before too long and it could be all too late.
It's 2am now, just home, & time to try to wipe the memory of yet another capitulation ...but it's getting harder match by match.
That was shit , Tyreece may have got an assist but the few minute period before that he fucked up about half a dozen times and looked like he had never played football before , same with Dobson complete shit , Kanu’s touch after a good turn🤦♂️ genuine shit flowing through this team . we are appalling , Appleton is talking shit about a good performance second half . everyone will forget about about Lloyd jones challenge that was a deffo penalty not being given cos the refs are always against us and the crying if anyone done a challenge like Hector on one of our bitches would still be going on . When will Alfie May score again, probably needs a penalty because he won’t get one from open play stuck out there , also I think his heads gone seeing all this sea of shit around us . the dreaded R is a real possibility if we don’t have a decent shake up and I wouldn’t trust this clownership and it’s staff to sort it out .
more chocolate , more shits , fuck off charlton you beige minge of a club .
I just cannot believe what I have seen.A worst goal than the one against Orient.Just look where our defence is when one of two players 5 yards out puts the ball in from an unchallenged pass into the goal area..Hector is actually on the edge of the penalty area when they score, where is the urgency to get back and fill the area,CBT looks like he has nodded off.Would also point out this was Dobsons worst game in a Charlton shirt,his passing was hopeless.This is getting worse,but I dont see what Appleton can do when he is regularly let down by the players on the pitch,i wouldnt like to manage this lot.
Fall on his very blunt sword is my answer to your question.
Sounds as though more Lifers are coming around to my way of thinking that MA must go before the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down. Not in the summer when "his" players might be stinking up the squad but NOW.
All these encouraging words from AS are just that ...words. I have little faith in him actually walking the walk. He states what he thinks we need to hear...
...but we don't suffer charlatans gladly at Charlton. We've learned from bitter experience.
Bring in a new broom . Pay over the odds if necessary. Then slowly but surely invest in HIS squad.
Had a big discussion with our gang tonight pre match & it was clear that my train of thought didn't cut the mustard.
But I stand by my words.
Nathan Jones ia awaiting the call.
If this series of non acceptable performances continues, we're going to be in brown smelly stuff before too long and it could be all too late.
It's 2am now, just home, & time to try to wipe the memory of yet another capitulation ...but it's getting harder match by match.
I do agree that Appleton does not seem the most inspirational manager we have had,But last night he made the change and it worked Campbell assist Tedic goal.We should have got a point.Then as is usual,the whole team goes walkabout during a free kick about 10 yards from our area.The manager can do nothing at the time to prevent this,this is totally down to the players to get themselves organised and see the danger out.No one bothered,just look at CBT,why where our players on the edge of the area and not in the goal area .I know its a different level ,but watch Brighton and West Ham defend their leads in their games this week,that requires the level of commitment which we dont have.
No need for me to write a new comment, just copy and paste previous comment….that there is a sheer inevitability about the opposition scoring late on. How many of us screamed ‘not again’ when Rovers got their winner? This was a truly inept performance. Genuine fear of us getting dragged into a relegation fight.
I didn't want Appleton, but I was determined to get behind him - we can't keep changing manager. I was furious about the May substitution last night, but if he was injured,what else vould he do? A couple of players were horribly bad last night. Edun was a shadow who Bristol cruised padt at will. Dobson was dire- there was period where EVERY touch was bad, and every pass was poor. And the defending for that second goal? Relegation levels of incompetence. We have an opportunity to get better players in now. Do we change manager at the start ofvthe window? The new guy won't start until the end of the month, if we search for a decent manager, so who do we buy to shore ip the squad?
While my video renders, I felt the need to share some of the conversations I had tonight with CAFC staff and players. Fair warning, this might be GrapeVine sized post..
Like a proper CAFC stalker, I waited outside the ground with other fans, I was in no rush to get home and figured I'd ask the players and manager what on earth is going wrong for myself, nothing toxic, just an honest conversation. I spoke with; Stephen Henderson, Corey Blackett-Taylor, Alfie May, George Dobson and Michael Appleton.
First of all, Hendo confirmed to me that Fraeye did actually sneak out in a laundry basket, or at least was happy to play along with the joke. I had an honest chat with him, said I am sick of Charlton being shit being blunt and that I am deeply concerned we have dodgy people in charge again. He said he can't speak for them (obviously) he did however say, that Appleton is the man for the job and we need to back him. I asked why he thinks that and he simply said he's a good bloke and knows what he's doing. He put our bad form down to lack of experienced pros and fatigue..
CBT was the next player I had a chat with, asked him more or less the same thing, he confidently told me that Appleton is a good coach and they are struggling only because of players. He said in particular he is really missing Chuks and Leaburn and how hard it is to play without a physical striker near him. I asked him what's the deal with him staying here, in his own words (I can't remember the exact wording) he wants to stay here, loves it at Charlton, he is personally willing to sign but he said it's up to the club. He didn't say he would sign, but he did shake my hand and looked me dead in the eyes and said he hopes he ends up with a contract here.
I then spoke with Alf, who was carrying a knock which is why he was hooked. Everyone saw him limping, he didn't say it was serious but just a precaution. He is a proper lovely bloke, really chatty. He also like Hendo and CBT said they are really struggling with lack of personnel.
Next up was Appleton himself. Now I'll be honest, I didn't berate him cause I thought it would be odd (odd enough I waited to speak to them tbh) but I did ask him a few 'challenging questions' and so did the other people I was with. He was adamant we played well tonight, one of the lads I was with disagreed and said we didn't and can't see what he's trying to do. He simply put it down to inexperience and lack of pros. Says the team has too much youth and they're really struggling. He was pretty damning about the situation in the sense he firmly believes he hasn't the right tools. I basically cut to the chase and said regardless of if he manages or not, it's groundhog day, the bottom line is, are you being backed by the board? He said that he has been told there will be signings and he took the job with that being clear. He wouldn't say the exact budget but said there's backing. At this point I just said fair play for talking to us. As I went to walk away Henderson came over and it got a bit bizarre. Hendo basically interrupted the conversation and asked one of the lads 'if Appleton goes like you're saying he might, then what? because how many managers has it been now?' Appleton then chimed in with 'I've seen ridiculous suggestions like Curbs? like come on, you need to move on'. Stressed again he needs time and bodies. Henderson seemed really protective of him to be honest, spoke with a lot of conviction that he is the man and seemed really annoyed at how he was boo'd off etc. Anyway that was pretty much that.
Finally I spoke to Dobson, who I asked the similar questions, he said, as you expect that it's fatigue and a lack of experience. Says they're struggling. All of them said they were happy with Appleton (I didn't expect a different answer) and that the lack of experience is really costing them. Finally I said to Dobson the same as CBT, contract situation. He like CBT, said he wants to stay, he likes it here, if the club can offer him the right deal he will stay. Like CBT I made him shake on it (can't go back on a gentlemans handshake) and tbf they both seemed pretty convincing.
If I am completely honest, speaking to them so openly made me feel different travelling home, I wasn't as angry anymore as they genuinely seemed really deflated. My concern is now, how they react if Appleton goes, they all seemed to genuinely like him and as much as I've slandered Appleton, credit where credit is due, he answered every question chucked at him and kept his cool. I am still of the belief he isn't the man because I can't see a playstyle, but I have come to terms with that he really is just a quiet bloke. I was genuinely quite stunned at how mellow he comes across.
Not sure what to make of it all tbh. Thought it was worth sharing though, also yes I know I am a stalker for waiting for them
Apples got one thing right ! we don’t like being pissed on then told it’s raining condescending tosser If Andy Scott ain’t currently throwing all apples shit in to the car park and instructing the lawyer to dismiss him for gross misconduct then Scott has to be next for the P45 thieving shite
- Henderson confirmed Fraeye hid in a laundry basket, says Appleton is the man and we need to back him
CBT - wants to stay, has every intention of staying but says its on the club
May - Lovely geezer, seems to really like it here and had a lot of time for fans
Appleton - really is a quiet/mellow bloke, adamant he can do the job here, says he's relying on too much youth and missing players. Says the board have given him assurances on signings
Dobson - Like CBT wants to stay, wasn't really ambiguous about it at all and told me with a pretty straight face he wants to be here.
I know we’re shit, and that everyone is angry and frustrated but it can’t be the manager. If so, how do you explain how shit we were at the start of the season?
Think about it. If this were another club, wouldn’t you think it funny that the fans blame the manager - again?
I know we’re shit, and that everyone is angry and frustrated but it can’t be the manager. If so, how do you explain how shit we were at the start of the season?
Think about it. If this were another club, wouldn’t you think it funny that the fans blame the manager - again?
Maybe because they're both crap?? Or maybe it's because everything about Charlton is crap from top to bottom. This has been years and years in the making.
While my video renders, I felt the need to share some of the conversations I had tonight with CAFC staff and players. Fair warning, this might be GrapeVine sized post..
Like a proper CAFC stalker, I waited outside the ground with other fans, I was in no rush to get home and figured I'd ask the players and manager what on earth is going wrong for myself, nothing toxic, just an honest conversation. I spoke with; Stephen Henderson, Corey Blackett-Taylor, Alfie May, George Dobson and Michael Appleton.
First of all, Hendo confirmed to me that Fraeye did actually sneak out in a laundry basket, or at least was happy to play along with the joke. I had an honest chat with him, said I am sick of Charlton being shit being blunt and that I am deeply concerned we have dodgy people in charge again. He said he can't speak for them (obviously) he did however say, that Appleton is the man for the job and we need to back him. I asked why he thinks that and he simply said he's a good bloke and knows what he's doing. He put our bad form down to lack of experienced pros and fatigue..
CBT was the next player I had a chat with, asked him more or less the same thing, he confidently told me that Appleton is a good coach and they are struggling only because of players. He said in particular he is really missing Chuks and Leaburn and how hard it is to play without a physical striker near him. I asked him what's the deal with him staying here, in his own words (I can't remember the exact wording) he wants to stay here, loves it at Charlton, he is personally willing to sign but he said it's up to the club. He didn't say he would sign, but he did shake my hand and looked my dead in the eyes and said he hopes he ends up with a contract here.
I then spoke with Alf, who was carrying a knock which is why he was hooked. Everyone saw him limping, he didn't say it was serious but just a precaution. He is a proper lovely bloke, really chatty. He also like Hendo and CBT said they are really struggling with lack of personnel.
Next up was Appleton himself. Now I'll be honest, I didn't berate him cause I thought it would be odd (odd enough I waited to speak to them tbh) but I did ask him a few 'challenging questions' and so did the other people I was with. He was adamant we played well tonight, one of the lads I was with disagreed and said we didn't and can't see what he's trying to do. He simply put it down to inexperience and lack of pros. Says the team has too much youth and they're really struggling. He was pretty damning about the situation in the sense he firmly believes he hasn't the right tools. I basically cut to the chase and said regardless of if he manages or not, it's groundhog day, the bottom line is, are you being backed by the board? He said that he has been told there will be signings and he took the job with that being clear. He wouldn't say the exact budget but said there's backing. At this point I just said fair play for talking to us. As I went to walk away Henderson came over and it got a bit bizarre. Hendo basically interrupted the conversation and asked one of the lads 'if Appleton goes like you're saying he might, then what? because how many managers has it been now?' Appleton then chimed in with 'I've seen ridiculous suggestions like Curbs? like come on, you need to move on'. Stressed again he needs time and bodies. Henderson seemed really protective of him to be honest, spoke with a lot of conviction that he is the man and seemed really annoyed at how he was boo'd off etc. Anyway that was pretty much that.
Finally I spoke to Dobson, who I asked the similar questions, he said, as you expect that it's fatigue and a lack of experience. Says they're struggling. All of them said they were happy with Appleton (I didn't expect a different answer) and that the lack of experience is really costing them. Finally I said to Dobson the same as CBT, contract situation. He like CBT, said he wants to stay, he likes it here, if the club can offer him the right deal he will stay. Like CBT I made him shake on it (can't go back on a gentlemans handshake) and tbf they both seemed pretty convincing.
If I am completely honest, speaking to them so openly made me feel different travelling home, I wasn't as angry anymore as they genuinely seemed really deflated. My concern is now, how they react if Appleton goes, they all seemed to genuinely like him and as much as I've slandered Appleton, credit where credit is due, he answered every question chucked at him and kept his cool. I am still of the belief he isn't the man because I can't see a playstyle, but I have come to terms with that he really is just a quiet bloke. I was genuinely quite stunned at how mellow he comes across.
Not sure what to make of it all tbh. Thought it was worth sharing though, also yes I know I am a stalker for waiting for them
Good work. It's fair points really. Whether Apples is the man or not, we don't have all the pieces of a functioning team right now, so it's simplistic to dump it all on the manager.
Difficult to believe after this Christmas/New Year period (I’m not expecting a win on New Year’s day that we haven’t dropped lower than 12th. Just goes to show how crap this league is and how far we’ve fallen!
I know we’re shit, and that everyone is angry and frustrated but it can’t be the manager. If so, how do you explain how shit we were at the start of the season?
Think about it. If this were another club, wouldn’t you think it funny that the fans blame the manager - again?
Because we started the season without enough players, and didn’t bring in a striker with a physical presence with Leaburn and Aneke out injured.
We bring in players, get Aneke and Leaburn back, start winning points. Lose Aneke and Leaburn, revert to not winning.
The manager seems a bit of irrelevance in all this, but so far Appleton feels a downgrade on Holden, not an improvement (and I wasn’t Holden’s biggest fan)
Aneke and Leaburn yes but we’ve got the leagues top scorer and Tedic. Plus the leagues best left winger. No first choice defenders injured and aside from Fraser who has been crap, no midfielders injured
I just cannot believe what I have seen.A worst goal than the one against Orient.Just look where our defence is when one of two players 5 yards out puts the ball in from an unchallenged pass into the goal area..Hector is actually on the edge of the penalty area when they score, where is the urgency to get back and fill the area,CBT looks like he has nodded off.Would also point out this was Dobsons worst game in a Charlton shirt,his passing was hopeless.This is getting worse,but I dont see what Appleton can do when he is regularly let down by the players on the pitch,i wouldnt like to manage this lot.
Fall on his very blunt sword is my answer to your question.
Sounds as though more Lifers are coming around to my way of thinking that MA must go before the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down. Not in the summer when "his" players might be stinking up the squad but NOW.
All these encouraging words from AS are just that ...words. I have little faith in him actually walking the walk. He states what he thinks we need to hear...
...but we don't suffer charlatans gladly at Charlton. We've learned from bitter experience.
Bring in a new broom . Pay over the odds if necessary. Then slowly but surely invest in HIS squad.
Had a big discussion with our gang tonight pre match & it was clear that my train of thought didn't cut the mustard.
But I stand by my words.
Nathan Jones ia awaiting the call.
If this series of non acceptable performances continues, we're going to be in brown smelly stuff before too long and it could be all too late.
It's 2am now, just home, & time to try to wipe the memory of yet another capitulation ...but it's getting harder match by match.
I do agree that Appleton does not seem the most inspirational manager we have had,But last night he made the change and it worked Campbell assist Tedic goal.We should have got a point.Then as is usual,the whole team goes walkabout during a free kick about 10 yards from our area.The manager can do nothing at the time to prevent this,this is totally down to the players to get themselves organised and see the danger out.No one bothered,just look at CBT,why where our players on the edge of the area and not in the goal area .I know its a different level ,but watch Brighton and West Ham defend their leads in their games this week,that requires the level of commitment which we dont have.
And that, I’m afraid, is partly down to the manager.
Not only does he have to instil desire, urgency and commitment into the players as a pre requisite for selection, he has to police this on the touchline during matches, by cajoling, hectoring and also encouraging his players. His formations and tactics are suspect, and look at Alfie May’s heat map. How can he score when he’s almost always miles away from the goal? His one shot (hit the crossbar) was one of the few occasion when he drifted into his natural position, in front of the goal. The fact that possibly his only other shot was from inside his own half when he spotted the keeper off his line tells you all you need to know.
Not sure if he should sacked or not, that would depend on who replaced him, but I do think that when you have a side with so many young and inexperienced players you need a manager who’ll have some influence from the side of the pitch. When Rovers won the late free kick he should have immediately been on at them to get organised.
While my video renders, I felt the need to share some of the conversations I had tonight with CAFC staff and players. Fair warning, this might be GrapeVine sized post..
Like a proper CAFC stalker, I waited outside the ground with other fans, I was in no rush to get home and figured I'd ask the players and manager what on earth is going wrong for myself, nothing toxic, just an honest conversation. I spoke with; Stephen Henderson, Corey Blackett-Taylor, Alfie May, George Dobson and Michael Appleton.
First of all, Hendo confirmed to me that Fraeye did actually sneak out in a laundry basket, or at least was happy to play along with the joke. I had an honest chat with him, said I am sick of Charlton being shit being blunt and that I am deeply concerned we have dodgy people in charge again. He said he can't speak for them (obviously) he did however say, that Appleton is the man for the job and we need to back him. I asked why he thinks that and he simply said he's a good bloke and knows what he's doing. He put our bad form down to lack of experienced pros and fatigue..
CBT was the next player I had a chat with, asked him more or less the same thing, he confidently told me that Appleton is a good coach and they are struggling only because of players. He said in particular he is really missing Chuks and Leaburn and how hard it is to play without a physical striker near him. I asked him what's the deal with him staying here, in his own words (I can't remember the exact wording) he wants to stay here, loves it at Charlton, he is personally willing to sign but he said it's up to the club. He didn't say he would sign, but he did shake my hand and looked me dead in the eyes and said he hopes he ends up with a contract here.
I then spoke with Alf, who was carrying a knock which is why he was hooked. Everyone saw him limping, he didn't say it was serious but just a precaution. He is a proper lovely bloke, really chatty. He also like Hendo and CBT said they are really struggling with lack of personnel.
Next up was Appleton himself. Now I'll be honest, I didn't berate him cause I thought it would be odd (odd enough I waited to speak to them tbh) but I did ask him a few 'challenging questions' and so did the other people I was with. He was adamant we played well tonight, one of the lads I was with disagreed and said we didn't and can't see what he's trying to do. He simply put it down to inexperience and lack of pros. Says the team has too much youth and they're really struggling. He was pretty damning about the situation in the sense he firmly believes he hasn't the right tools. I basically cut to the chase and said regardless of if he manages or not, it's groundhog day, the bottom line is, are you being backed by the board? He said that he has been told there will be signings and he took the job with that being clear. He wouldn't say the exact budget but said there's backing. At this point I just said fair play for talking to us. As I went to walk away Henderson came over and it got a bit bizarre. Hendo basically interrupted the conversation and asked one of the lads 'if Appleton goes like you're saying he might, then what? because how many managers has it been now?' Appleton then chimed in with 'I've seen ridiculous suggestions like Curbs? like come on, you need to move on'. Stressed again he needs time and bodies. Henderson seemed really protective of him to be honest, spoke with a lot of conviction that he is the man and seemed really annoyed at how he was boo'd off etc. Anyway that was pretty much that.
Finally I spoke to Dobson, who I asked the similar questions, he said, as you expect that it's fatigue and a lack of experience. Says they're struggling. All of them said they were happy with Appleton (I didn't expect a different answer) and that the lack of experience is really costing them. Finally I said to Dobson the same as CBT, contract situation. He like CBT, said he wants to stay, he likes it here, if the club can offer him the right deal he will stay. Like CBT I made him shake on it (can't go back on a gentlemans handshake) and tbf they both seemed pretty convincing.
If I am completely honest, speaking to them so openly made me feel different travelling home, I wasn't as angry anymore as they genuinely seemed really deflated. My concern is now, how they react if Appleton goes, they all seemed to genuinely like him and as much as I've slandered Appleton, credit where credit is due, he answered every question chucked at him and kept his cool. I am still of the belief he isn't the man because I can't see a playstyle, but I have come to terms with that he really is just a quiet bloke. I was genuinely quite stunned at how mellow he comes across.
Not sure what to make of it all tbh. Thought it was worth sharing though, also yes I know I am a stalker for waiting for them
Excellent post & great insight. Thanks for sticking around after and passing all this on
While my video renders, I felt the need to share some of the conversations I had tonight with CAFC staff and players. Fair warning, this might be GrapeVine sized post..
Like a proper CAFC stalker, I waited outside the ground with other fans, I was in no rush to get home and figured I'd ask the players and manager what on earth is going wrong for myself, nothing toxic, just an honest conversation. I spoke with; Stephen Henderson, Corey Blackett-Taylor, Alfie May, George Dobson and Michael Appleton.
First of all, Hendo confirmed to me that Fraeye did actually sneak out in a laundry basket, or at least was happy to play along with the joke. I had an honest chat with him, said I am sick of Charlton being shit being blunt and that I am deeply concerned we have dodgy people in charge again. He said he can't speak for them (obviously) he did however say, that Appleton is the man for the job and we need to back him. I asked why he thinks that and he simply said he's a good bloke and knows what he's doing. He put our bad form down to lack of experienced pros and fatigue..
CBT was the next player I had a chat with, asked him more or less the same thing, he confidently told me that Appleton is a good coach and they are struggling only because of players. He said in particular he is really missing Chuks and Leaburn and how hard it is to play without a physical striker near him. I asked him what's the deal with him staying here, in his own words (I can't remember the exact wording) he wants to stay here, loves it at Charlton, he is personally willing to sign but he said it's up to the club. He didn't say he would sign, but he did shake my hand and looked me dead in the eyes and said he hopes he ends up with a contract here.
I then spoke with Alf, who was carrying a knock which is why he was hooked. Everyone saw him limping, he didn't say it was serious but just a precaution. He is a proper lovely bloke, really chatty. He also like Hendo and CBT said they are really struggling with lack of personnel.
Next up was Appleton himself. Now I'll be honest, I didn't berate him cause I thought it would be odd (odd enough I waited to speak to them tbh) but I did ask him a few 'challenging questions' and so did the other people I was with. He was adamant we played well tonight, one of the lads I was with disagreed and said we didn't and can't see what he's trying to do. He simply put it down to inexperience and lack of pros. Says the team has too much youth and they're really struggling. He was pretty damning about the situation in the sense he firmly believes he hasn't the right tools. I basically cut to the chase and said regardless of if he manages or not, it's groundhog day, the bottom line is, are you being backed by the board? He said that he has been told there will be signings and he took the job with that being clear. He wouldn't say the exact budget but said there's backing. At this point I just said fair play for talking to us. As I went to walk away Henderson came over and it got a bit bizarre. Hendo basically interrupted the conversation and asked one of the lads 'if Appleton goes like you're saying he might, then what? because how many managers has it been now?' Appleton then chimed in with 'I've seen ridiculous suggestions like Curbs? like come on, you need to move on'. Stressed again he needs time and bodies. Henderson seemed really protective of him to be honest, spoke with a lot of conviction that he is the man and seemed really annoyed at how he was boo'd off etc. Anyway that was pretty much that.
Finally I spoke to Dobson, who I asked the similar questions, he said, as you expect that it's fatigue and a lack of experience. Says they're struggling. All of them said they were happy with Appleton (I didn't expect a different answer) and that the lack of experience is really costing them. Finally I said to Dobson the same as CBT, contract situation. He like CBT, said he wants to stay, he likes it here, if the club can offer him the right deal he will stay. Like CBT I made him shake on it (can't go back on a gentlemans handshake) and tbf they both seemed pretty convincing.
If I am completely honest, speaking to them so openly made me feel different travelling home, I wasn't as angry anymore as they genuinely seemed really deflated. My concern is now, how they react if Appleton goes, they all seemed to genuinely like him and as much as I've slandered Appleton, credit where credit is due, he answered every question chucked at him and kept his cool. I am still of the belief he isn't the man because I can't see a playstyle, but I have come to terms with that he really is just a quiet bloke. I was genuinely quite stunned at how mellow he comes across.
Not sure what to make of it all tbh.
Thought it was worth sharing though, also yes I know I am a stalker for waiting for them
Not a stalker at all. What you did was journalism. 👍
I know we’re shit, and that everyone is angry and frustrated but it can’t be the manager. If so, how do you explain how shit we were at the start of the season?
Think about it. If this were another club, wouldn’t you think it funny that the fans blame the manager - again?
Because we started the season without enough players, and didn’t bring in a striker with a physical presence with Leaburn and Aneke out injured.
We bring in players, get Aneke and Leaburn back, start winning points. Lose Aneke and Leaburn, revert to not winning.
The manager seems a bit of irrelevance in all this, but so far Appleton feels a downgrade on Holden, not an improvement (and I wasn’t Holden’s biggest fan)
Kind of how I feel tbh. Basically waiting for that small period of time when we can compete because of all injuries have cleared, before our next spell of nothingness. Three years of rinse and repeat.
We have been imperiled as a club at a number of stages in our history, our existance threatened, all seeming lost. If the syndicate do not make substantial investment in this squad next month, I fear we are excelerating downhill to another major crossroad. In todays football climate, all bets are off, I fear we no longer have enough fan engagement to stick with us. This is not the time and place to be this hopeless, and I fear for this club in its current guise.
In true CL speak, "the next few weeks are critical!"
Sounds as though more Lifers are coming around to my way of thinking that MA must go before the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down. Not in the summer when "his" players might be stinking up the squad but NOW.
All these encouraging words from AS are just that ...words. I have little faith in him actually walking the walk. He states what he thinks we need to hear...
...but we don't suffer charlatans gladly at Charlton. We've learned from bitter experience.
Bring in a new broom . Pay over the odds if necessary. Then slowly but surely invest in HIS squad.
Had a big discussion with our gang tonight pre match & it was clear that my train of thought didn't cut the mustard.
But I stand by my words.
Nathan Jones ia awaiting the call.
If this series of non acceptable performances continues, we're going to be in brown smelly stuff before too long and it could be all too late.
It's 2am now, just home, & time to try to wipe the memory of yet another capitulation ...but it's getting harder match by match.
we are appalling , Appleton is talking shit about a good performance second half .
everyone will forget about about Lloyd jones challenge that was a deffo penalty not being given cos the refs are always against us and the crying if anyone done a challenge like Hector on one of our bitches would still be going on .
When will Alfie May score again, probably needs a penalty because he won’t get one from open play stuck out there , also I think his heads gone seeing all this sea of shit around us .
the dreaded R is a real possibility if we don’t have a decent shake up and I wouldn’t trust this clownership and it’s staff to sort it out .
more chocolate , more shits , fuck off charlton you beige minge of a club .
This was a truly inept performance. Genuine fear of us getting dragged into a relegation fight.
We have an opportunity to get better players in now. Do we change manager at the start ofvthe window? The new guy won't start until the end of the month, if we search for a decent manager, so who do we buy to shore ip the squad?
What a mess.
Like a proper CAFC stalker, I waited outside the ground with other fans, I was in no rush to get home and figured I'd ask the players and manager what on earth is going wrong for myself, nothing toxic, just an honest conversation. I spoke with; Stephen Henderson, Corey Blackett-Taylor, Alfie May, George Dobson and Michael Appleton.
First of all, Hendo confirmed to me that Fraeye did actually sneak out in a laundry basket, or at least was happy to play along with the joke. I had an honest chat with him, said I am sick of Charlton being shit being blunt and that I am deeply concerned we have dodgy people in charge again. He said he can't speak for them (obviously) he did however say, that Appleton is the man for the job and we need to back him. I asked why he thinks that and he simply said he's a good bloke and knows what he's doing. He put our bad form down to lack of experienced pros and fatigue..
CBT was the next player I had a chat with, asked him more or less the same thing, he confidently told me that Appleton is a good coach and they are struggling only because of players. He said in particular he is really missing Chuks and Leaburn and how hard it is to play without a physical striker near him. I asked him what's the deal with him staying here, in his own words (I can't remember the exact wording) he wants to stay here, loves it at Charlton, he is personally willing to sign but he said it's up to the club. He didn't say he would sign, but he did shake my hand and looked me dead in the eyes and said he hopes he ends up with a contract here.
I then spoke with Alf, who was carrying a knock which is why he was hooked. Everyone saw him limping, he didn't say it was serious but just a precaution. He is a proper lovely bloke, really chatty. He also like Hendo and CBT said they are really struggling with lack of personnel.
Next up was Appleton himself. Now I'll be honest, I didn't berate him cause I thought it would be odd (odd enough I waited to speak to them tbh) but I did ask him a few 'challenging questions' and so did the other people I was with. He was adamant we played well tonight, one of the lads I was with disagreed and said we didn't and can't see what he's trying to do. He simply put it down to inexperience and lack of pros. Says the team has too much youth and they're really struggling. He was pretty damning about the situation in the sense he firmly believes he hasn't the right tools. I basically cut to the chase and said regardless of if he manages or not, it's groundhog day, the bottom line is, are you being backed by the board? He said that he has been told there will be signings and he took the job with that being clear. He wouldn't say the exact budget but said there's backing. At this point I just said fair play for talking to us. As I went to walk away Henderson came over and it got a bit bizarre. Hendo basically interrupted the conversation and asked one of the lads 'if Appleton goes like you're saying he might, then what? because how many managers has it been now?' Appleton then chimed in with 'I've seen ridiculous suggestions like Curbs? like come on, you need to move on'. Stressed again he needs time and bodies. Henderson seemed really protective of him to be honest, spoke with a lot of conviction that he is the man and seemed really annoyed at how he was boo'd off etc. Anyway that was pretty much that.
Finally I spoke to Dobson, who I asked the similar questions, he said, as you expect that it's fatigue and a lack of experience. Says they're struggling. All of them said they were happy with Appleton (I didn't expect a different answer) and that the lack of experience is really costing them. Finally I said to Dobson the same as CBT, contract situation. He like CBT, said he wants to stay, he likes it here, if the club can offer him the right deal he will stay. Like CBT I made him shake on it (can't go back on a gentlemans handshake) and tbf they both seemed pretty convincing.
If I am completely honest, speaking to them so openly made me feel different travelling home, I wasn't as angry anymore as they genuinely seemed really deflated. My concern is now, how they react if Appleton goes, they all seemed to genuinely like him and as much as I've slandered Appleton, credit where credit is due, he answered every question chucked at him and kept his cool. I am still of the belief he isn't the man because I can't see a playstyle, but I have come to terms with that he really is just a quiet bloke. I was genuinely quite stunned at how mellow he comes across.
Not sure what to make of it all tbh. Thought it was worth sharing though, also yes I know I am a stalker for waiting for them
- Henderson confirmed Fraeye hid in a laundry basket, says Appleton is the man and we need to back him
CBT - wants to stay, has every intention of staying but says its on the club
May - Lovely geezer, seems to really like it here and had a lot of time for fans
Appleton - really is a quiet/mellow bloke, adamant he can do the job here, says he's relying on too much youth and missing players. Says the board have given him assurances on signings
Dobson - Like CBT wants to stay, wasn't really ambiguous about it at all and told me with a pretty straight face he wants to be here.
And of course obligatory photo dump with them
If so, how do you explain how shit we were at the start of the season?
Think about it. If this were another club, wouldn’t you think it funny that the fans blame the manager - again?
I am quite stoic throughout, as being blunt the season seems done to me, barely celebrated when we scored even.
The only reason I'm up still is through the sheer excitement of being in close contact with the best number 9 in the world Alfie May,
Cheers and goodnight, hopefully wake up to some good transfer news
Deffo the weirdest thing I've done as a fan, no doubt in my mind.
The manager seems a bit of irrelevance in all this, but so far Appleton feels a downgrade on Holden, not an improvement (and I wasn’t Holden’s biggest fan)
His formations and tactics are suspect, and look at Alfie May’s heat map. How can he score when he’s almost always miles away from the goal? His one shot (hit the crossbar) was one of the few occasion when he drifted into his natural position, in front of the goal. The fact that possibly his only other shot was from inside his own half when he spotted the keeper off his line tells you all you need to know.