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Cray Valley replay - TONIGHT 7:45pm - important info for away fans p30



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    Appleton fails to articulate his team
    selection logic

    Far from a cathartic experience at the Badgers for Charlton fans

    Millers mount a comeback at the Badgers

    Charlton roll over at the Artic 
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    edited November 2023
    How many names has this ground got?! Middle park, Badgers, Artic. 
    Wonder which one the Express will use in their headline "Battle of..." 

    Take your pick for the headline:

    Charlton stuck in the middle
    Bodgers at Badgers
    Charlton freeze at the Artic
    Charlton  P-Artic-ularly shit!
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    edited November 2023
    "Charlton F....."

    You need to be a certain age 😉
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    Crazy decision!!!, should have been at Welling/Dartford/Hamlet,

    Why don't you bunk in?
    Struggle to get my leg over!
    You could always ask fanny for a bunk up
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    gutted - I’m gonna see if I can watch it from the top of eltham green school 
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    How many names has this ground got?! Middle park, Badgers, Artic. 
    Wonder which one the Express will use in their headline "Battle of..." 
    Quotes from Sue Braverman on how those on the dingy's crossing the quaggy will be sent to Rwanda and the failure of the MET to stop the hordes of fans from storming the two turnstiles chucking big Mac wrappers at the police as they go in. 

    Another former Tory cabinet minister, Owen Paterson, would say 'the Badgers have moved the goalposts'.
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    clb74 said:
    clb74 said:
    Rothko said:
    Milan said:
    I still think it ends up being played at their ground. We’ll see.
    Play it anywhere other than The Valley and it wouldn’t surprise me if Cray Valley ended up losing money on the game even with the TV money. If they only normally play in front of 150 then that doesn’t suggest they will have the infrastructure and facilities in place to accommodate a full house of fans, even if that’s only 800-1000, trying to get into and out of the ground, particularly in an emergency, move around to go to and from wherever they will be standing, go to the toilet etc and accommodate the TV cameras/commentators and crew trucks. If they play at a neutral ground then they will have to hire it.
    I went to their record-breaking attendance match at the end of last season, if memory serves they had 900+ fans there. Clearly they're able to accommodate that sort of number, but a lot hinges on the legal aspects (fire safety and other shit I know nothing about).
    And who prey did they play. Not their very local ex-Premier League club who have c7k Season Ticket holders and almost the same again regular supporters.

    Holding it at their place is a recipe for disaster. There will be hundreds of Charlton fans wanting to go, even if it just to "tick off" that they've been to a new ground. And I'm not even thinking about violence or trouble at the match. Anyone heard of the Hillsboro disaster. 
    I'm read some hyperventling horseshit in my time, but this, well, chef kiss good
    I think that reply has just about sealed it for me. Me & Golfie Jnr will go just to say we've been there. Bus ride of 20-30 mins, Maccy's for tea and then bundle in with lots of other ticketless fans. What's not to love. 
    Of course you will

    Why wouldn't I ?

    I've never been there so new ground 
    Been to our other away cup disasters (Northwich, D&R)
    Its a short bus ride away with a MacDonalds over the road - in fact it will probably be quicker & easier using their loos at half time than any in the ground. 
    You're talking about getting into the ground without a ticket.
    There's more chance of @ElfsborgAddick buying a beer and the odds on winning the lottery are less than that.
    What do you think would be done if 2000 Charlton fans turned up & tried to get in ? How many Old Bill would there be ? Serious question. 

    Remember, there were 6700 there yesterday. 
    There is absolutely no way in hell that 2000 ticketless Charlton fans will turn up … 
    If they've any sense the ones with tickets will give it a swerve 
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    DOUCHER said:
    gutted - I’m gonna see if I can watch it from the top of eltham green school 
    If only it was there still...🙄
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    Fantastic. I'm going to see Rich Hall on Wednesday so I won't have to watch it :)
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    edited November 2023
    Blucher said:
    Next Wednesday is another opportunity - in fact a bigger one at peak viewing time - to make complete tits of ourselves on national TV. That being so, I'd put out a full strength side and try and put this tie to bed. There wasn't a single bad tackle on Sunday or in the two televised non-league games and injuries can (and do) happen at any time. As for fatigue, we haven't even got a game the following weekend.

    I think it's absolutely right that the replay is at Cray Valley's ground - they've more than earned the right and, as others have said, we've brought this upon ourselves. If there are problems with the lack of segregation, Charlton could waive their right to some of their 15% entitlement (a maximum of 150).
    I wholeheartedly agree.

    I will say this again just to be clear. I couldn't give a flying fuck where the game is played, my only concern is that there is no trouble or any issues around crowd safety. I have never been to their ground but looking at the photos posted on here there doesn't seem to be much in the way of infrastructure. For some people saying should we have switched the BC game back in 1994 or that Leeds should have complained about playing in a 3000 capacity stadium some years back are just being antagonistic or spoiling for a fight.

    I know I get pelters on here & most of the time I don't care and its water off a ducks back, but in this case I just think its madness that a tie which attracted 6700 people last weekend is now only going to be able to accommodate 1000 - without segregation and with minimal facilities. But then again, why should the "customers" be considered in all this. As long as the clubs get their fees who cares. Far cry from a Peter Varney cry of "get down & support your team......."

    But as I said, I really dont care. I'll probably stay at home & watch it on TV (like I did Sunday)....I just hope that Thursday morning we are talking about what happened on the pitch & not off it.  
    They earned their replay and deserve to let it be played at their ground whatever the capacity. If we want to blame anyone then blame our players who created this situation.
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    Just rented an allotment for a month. If anyone wants to watch from the allotment, I’m charging £20 per ticket as long as you bring a shovel. 10% discount on turnips.
    I've rented one too. And built a 20 foot scarecrow with a viewing platform on his head.
    You need something big enough to feature a special sitting area for the likes of Chuckles Kirk after he gets subbed off:

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    The BBC have coveted matches at grounds this small in the qualifying rounds. Or are they technically pre qualifying rounds for the FACup.
    Any way watched a number on the red button chanel. 
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    edited November 2023
    I still say it could possibly be called off due to playing in what will resemble The Quaggy...and if it is still on, make sure you take ya brollies 'cause it's gonna piss down and there ain't any cover!!...🤷‍♂️
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    I still say it could possibly be called off due to playing in what will resemble The Quaggy...and if it is still on, make sure you take ya brollies 'cause it's gonna piss down and there ain't any cover!!...🤷‍♂️

    Do they not play on a 3G pitch?
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    No, it is a grass pitch that slopes down in the direction of the Quaggy.

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    edited November 2023
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    My mate Charlie (Kirk) says he'll sort me out 6 tickets, so I'll be there.
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    My old man used to be involved with Greenwich Borough a few years back and they ground shared with Cray there.

     I've asked him to send me the blueprints of the stadium and will post them up here so we can plan an A Team/ McGyver/ AFKA's Eleven style mission to secretly tunnel into the ground on match day and all pop out just in time to see Charlie Kirk bully their huge centre back off the ball to score his third and match winner.

    We can all then carry him aloft our collective shoulders back for a swift celebratory pint in the Oak after stopping in for a traditional post match Wednesday night roast at a Toby Carvery en route.

    Let's do this.  Operation Backdoor Shenanigans.
    Back with a bang, Rodders ! 

    Great post ! 
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    Wellred said:
    Crazy decision!!!, should have been at Welling/Dartford/Hamlet,

    Why don't you bunk in?
    Struggle to get my leg over!
    You could always ask fanny for a bunk up
    Oi ! 

    Don't bring me into these nefarious plans ! 
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    edited November 2023
    R0TW said:
    Just to put that result into perspective.
    Todays newsletter from my sons school.

    Interesting, and well done them!

    I was wondering if they got game time.. Checking back to the match thread I couldn't find the CVPM team listing (which in hindsight was a bit disrespectful on our collective part), but the BBC line ups shows they were unused subs on the night. Still amazing that these are school kids, albeit 17/18 yr olds.
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    Blucher said:
    Next Wednesday is another opportunity - in fact a bigger one at peak viewing time - to make complete tits of ourselves on national TV. That being so, I'd put out a full strength side and try and put this tie to bed. There wasn't a single bad tackle on Sunday or in the two televised non-league games and injuries can (and do) happen at any time. As for fatigue, we haven't even got a game the following weekend.

    I think it's absolutely right that the replay is at Cray Valley's ground - they've more than earned the right and, as others have said, we've brought this upon ourselves. If there are problems with the lack of segregation, Charlton could waive their right to some of their 15% entitlement (a maximum of 150).
    I wholeheartedly agree.

    I will say this again just to be clear. I couldn't give a flying fuck where the game is played, my only concern is that there is no trouble or any issues around crowd safety. I have never been to their ground but looking at the photos posted on here there doesn't seem to be much in the way of infrastructure. For some people saying should we have switched the BC game back in 1994 or that Leeds should have complained about playing in a 3000 capacity stadium some years back are just being antagonistic or spoiling for a fight.

    I know I get pelters on here & most of the time I don't care and its water off a ducks back, but in this case I just think its madness that a tie which attracted 6700 people last weekend is now only going to be able to accommodate 1000 - without segregation and with minimal facilities. But then again, why should the "customers" be considered in all this. As long as the clubs get their fees who cares. Far cry from a Peter Varney cry of "get down & support your team......."

    But as I said, I really dont care. I'll probably stay at home & watch it on TV (like I did Sunday)....I just hope that Thursday morning we are talking about what happened on the pitch & not off it.  
    What about if i score the winner, would you talk about me then?
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    redman said:
    Can't agree with all the moaning. Full credit for wanting to play at home which gives them the best chance of winning and will be a memorable night for their club
    100% So be it, if it is only 100//200 tickets for Charlton, that is life! Get on with it. They deserve there big moment on TV at their home ground!
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    280 tickets….do you think it will make general sale?..
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    280 tickets….do you think it will make general sale?..
    I have a feeling this will be our oldest ever crowd average age!! Backpacks and water flasks at the ready!! 
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    280 tickets….do you think it will make general sale?..
     No chance.
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