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Post-match Thread: Charlton Athletic vs Blackpool: Saturday 7th October 2023 | KO 3:00 PM



  • AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    Our results so far suggest we’re on course for around 63 points.
    That isn’t enough even for the play offs.
    At what point does expecting or demanding more mean that unreasonable pressure is being heaped on this current iteration of the Charlton Athletic regime?
    Speaking personally failing to even make the play offs would be a sickener. Unless of course the Billionaires keep our best players into yet another season at this level, then the quest for 94 points starts all over again.
    What do our results over the last 6 games indicate ?
    Appleton has been in situ for the last five league matches, and in that time has garnered nine points.
    That indicates that Appleton is currently looking at another 63 points.
    Added to what we have that would give us a total of 78 points.
    If that happens we are likely to scrape into the play off lottery.
  • We were too passive for much of the game and though generally on top it felt like Blackpool were comfortably managing us, waiting for the inevitable mistakes, which duly came.

    Over recent seasons a one goal deficit let alone two would have been insurmountable but this team has goals in it and when they play with purpose they're bloody good going forward. Great performance from Chuks to galvanise everyone around him and the other subs were also generally positive but it's depressing that this team has to stare into the abyss before it can start playing like that.

    Btw I thought Chuks looked like he was slimmer (as in carrying less muscle mass) than in previous seasons. Is that part of his new fitness/recovery regime or was it just my imagination?
    Agree with every word of that.
    I too noticed the slimmed down version of Chuks.
  • JamesSeed said:
    Billy_Mix said:
    3 points tossed away by unforgivably complacent defenders
    Jordan Rhodes with the freedom of the penalty area despite half a dozen red shirts also in that area - pathetic dismal abrogation of duty
    Don't know if it was Hector or Jones that couldn't be arsed to keep tabs on Rhodes, it doesn't matter.  Given their relative positions, Jones had 2 chances to not be crap cos Rhodes was never out of his sight - admittedly that's predicated on him actually playing with his eyes open.
    He ain't some newbie surprise package nobody's heard of.  He's Jordan naffing Rhodes, of very decent tier 2 career and internationals for Scotland and he was granted all the time and space he needed to pick his spot because neither centre half had the wit or professionalism to even get close to getting in his way.  It's not like JR is a swift tricksy type who dodged and wove and found half a yard, he's an immediately recognisable solidly built and not terribly fast moving 33 year old.
    One of them absolutely had to be close to him and have no excuses as to why not - aside from being way way short of close enough to good enough for their actual job.
    If Hector wasn't taking the blame for the first shambles he came up with another to put it firmly in the shade.  In nigh on 40 years of watching professional football I don't recall a more humiliating blunder.  Beyond comical.  
    We are beginning to look a bit overstaffed in attacking areas but we are as hopelessly ill equipped defensively as at any time since the douchebag dismantled the squad.
    Terrel Thomas playing out of position and the inexperienced Nathan Asiimwe are the only two that don't bring dread upon our otherwise happy and optimistic Curbside cohort.
    Bit OTT. In fact way OTT. 
    Welcome to Billy_Mix?
  • seth plum said:
    AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    Our results so far suggest we’re on course for around 63 points.
    That isn’t enough even for the play offs.
    At what point does expecting or demanding more mean that unreasonable pressure is being heaped on this current iteration of the Charlton Athletic regime?
    Speaking personally failing to even make the play offs would be a sickener. Unless of course the Billionaires keep our best players into yet another season at this level, then the quest for 94 points starts all over again.
    What do our results over the last 6 games indicate ?
    Appleton has been in situ for the last five league matches, and in that time has garnered nine points.
    That indicates that Appleton is currently looking at another 63 points.
    Added to what we have that would give us a total of 78 points.
    If that happens we are likely to scrape into the play off lottery.
    So maybe it isn’t the right time to get the pitchforks out and protesting about the ownership then ? Yes we had that terrible run but they took action to reverse it. I’m as sceptical as the next fan about owners mate but tbh so far this lot have said or done very little that requires criticism that may change of course but in the meantime why don’t people just try to enjoy the current run ffs we have enough times to constantly moan don’t we
  • AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    Our results so far suggest we’re on course for around 63 points.
    That isn’t enough even for the play offs.
    At what point does expecting or demanding more mean that unreasonable pressure is being heaped on this current iteration of the Charlton Athletic regime?
    Speaking personally failing to even make the play offs would be a sickener. Unless of course the Billionaires keep our best players into yet another season at this level, then the quest for 94 points starts all over again.
    What do our results over the last 6 games indicate ?
    Appleton has been in situ for the last five league matches, and in that time has garnered nine points.
    That indicates that Appleton is currently looking at another 63 points.
    Added to what we have that would give us a total of 78 points.
    If that happens we are likely to scrape into the play off lottery.
    So maybe it isn’t the right time to get the pitchforks out and protesting about the ownership then ? Yes we had that terrible run but they took action to reverse it. I’m as sceptical as the next fan about owners mate but tbh so far this lot have said or done very little that requires criticism that may change of course but in the meantime why don’t people just try to enjoy the current run ffs we have enough times to constantly moan don’t we
    I am an old man, and sick of the prospect of more seasons in this division, and worried that without promotion we are looking at stripping whatever assets we might have left.
    If that amounts to pitchforks then so be it.
  • seth plum said:
    AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    AndyG said:
    seth plum said:
    Our results so far suggest we’re on course for around 63 points.
    That isn’t enough even for the play offs.
    At what point does expecting or demanding more mean that unreasonable pressure is being heaped on this current iteration of the Charlton Athletic regime?
    Speaking personally failing to even make the play offs would be a sickener. Unless of course the Billionaires keep our best players into yet another season at this level, then the quest for 94 points starts all over again.
    What do our results over the last 6 games indicate ?
    Appleton has been in situ for the last five league matches, and in that time has garnered nine points.
    That indicates that Appleton is currently looking at another 63 points.
    Added to what we have that would give us a total of 78 points.
    If that happens we are likely to scrape into the play off lottery.
    So maybe it isn’t the right time to get the pitchforks out and protesting about the ownership then ? Yes we had that terrible run but they took action to reverse it. I’m as sceptical as the next fan about owners mate but tbh so far this lot have said or done very little that requires criticism that may change of course but in the meantime why don’t people just try to enjoy the current run ffs we have enough times to constantly moan don’t we
    I am an old man, and sick of the prospect of more seasons in this division, and worried that without promotion we are looking at stripping whatever assets we might have left.
    If that amounts to pitchforks then so be it.
    I get all of that mate and I can assure you that we all feel the same way about getting out of this division. Not sure what you mean about asset stripping what have the owners done since they arrived that can be seen as asset stripping? I’m sure they could have sold Dobson and CBT in the last window but didn’t. Ok Leaburn will probably be sold but I don’t see that as asset stripping personally if we get a good price then it adds to the stability of the club, it’s just business plus why hold the lad back if he gets his chance to go for silly wages ? There are times to complain about ownership and as I said before that time may well be around the corner but imo it isn’t now, I’m sure you would enjoy life more if you could try and put a positive outlook onto it mate
  • I watch every game. Positive enough to do that at least.
  • Seth only comes to listen to my brilliant tactical observations tbf
  • It is a general feeling, but  we seem to stand off opponents a little too much.
    And this is precisely it. It is the competitive element where you get up close and personal. It is where you need to win most of your individual battles in League 1 and below, all before you get to play the beautiful game.

    You don’t get to change that culture over night.


    Overall the same challenges existed as with Exeter in midweek (where Hector was sucked out of position). Appleton is intent on getting the team on the front foot, not just in playing in the final third but playing beyond and trying to hurt the opposition back four.

    I agree Tedic is not a natural wide nor defensive player and just as midweek T. Watson was struggling to cope. On this occasion without a proper pre season he did not have the focus to meet the challenge twice in one week. However Tedic is a clever player and is making the runs and presenting targets to get the team up the pitch. It carries risk.

    He has made 2 starts and he and the team need to get on the same page as to how to play to him but it is no accident May is finding genuine space in which to play.

    To those arguing this is comparable to last season I disagree. I don’t have the stats but suggest the number of touches we have had in the opposing box in the last two games is significantly greater than seen last season.

    Under Garner and while improving last season under Holden our possession play was largely playing in front of the opposing defences. It flattered to deceive.


    What a huge overreaction to the goals conceded. Endlessly picking out individuals is entirely counterproductive. It is a team game.

    The first goal we conceded was no different to a1000 situations where an overlapping player had the freedom to cross but ;

    a) how was the attacker allowed to drop out of the penalty area unmarked, receive the ball, then turn, and then feed the runner the ball without challenge? Tight mark that player with his back to goal and he has nowhere to go.

    b) Neither Tedic or Watson picked up the runner - that is ownership/ communication (the same happened with Blackett- Taylor and Thomas later in the game which ended with a shot just over our cross bar)

    c) The cover défense should have been sharper to move to close down the cross

    Rhodes did what he has done 10,000 times throughout his career. From behind the blindside of the (ball watching) central defenders he adroitly pulled off the markers to find a couple of yards to get a shot away.

    His legs may have slowed but his instinct has not. In the box he is a bugger to pick up.
    Tier 9 to Tier 1 turn your head for a second and there are players, who by instinct leave you for dead.

    It was testimony to Ness he virtually shut him down.


    The second goal was no more and no less than pantomime. Not in any significant dalliance by Hector or Dobson but in that «  he’s behind you ».

    Did either Dobson or Hector significantly overplay the ball? No, They simply didn’t see the player coming. Was there a single call of «  man on »? or « away ». That is a collective lapse of concentration/ communication by the whole defence. Not one saw or read the threat to even attempt to cut off/ block the attackers run.

    The lad was pretty nifty.


    So can we please stop the endless pursuit of debating the bleeding obvious?

    If we continue to play like this!

    If this player or that player continues to struggle!

    Can there be a more predictive text? 

    It may have escaped your notice but isn’t  the object of the exercise on a daily & weekly basis we don’t continue to play like this?

    Those players don’t continue to struggle in certain areas?

    Are such performances to be cast in stone for evermore?

    Guess what? Don’t players, coaches and the clubs support staff go to work each day to try to get better, to work together better, to try to compete to win.

    Is not the point there is no guarantee in professional competitive sport of what the outcome is going to be. If there was why would half the people be watching to see their heroes lose? The point of competition, even for Manchester City, is that on any given day!

    Do some have calendars?  Do you really intend to try to live with the benchmark of promotion every week for the next 6 months? Do you think any clubhouse thinks like that? Their focus will be week in, week out about winning the next match.

    On a matter of dates Michael Appleton took charge of his first Charlton League game 23 days ago. Preparation counts for nothing until it is tested in the heat of competition.

    Outside of any transfer window on what basis do you assert he should throw any of the 28 names in and around the first team squad, (all on a minimum of a 1yr contract) under the bus after just 23 days. What based on 5 League Performances where the team has yet to taste defeat?

    Does that resonate as good management and sound economics?

    Is that how it operates in your professional workplace? After less than one month of improving results your line management turns round to people to advise we are paying up your contract « your shit - fuck off? » What a beacon of employment that must be!

    A month ago people were screaming for Aneke to be paid off.

    I hesitate to think of the reaction when he and the team actually lose a game.

    Appleton is seeking to change the competitive ethos of the squad. Change does not come without consequence, indeed it is the point of change. He has deliberately structured the side to enforce the change of ethos. There will inevitably be missed steps along the way as he and the players develop a coherent way forward.

    The rush to judgement, be it a positive or negative assessment at this point, is entirely premature. I have no idea whether Appleton or any number of the players will progress - 28 into a 18 match day squad don’t go. So the very nature of the industry says it can’t happen for everybody but how about we stop endlessly pissing on their efforts when half of them have barely settled into the building.
    Wish I could 'Like' this post more than once.
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  • edited October 2023
    Considering where we were after 5 games, having 15 points after 11 games is a positive turnaround. 
    MA has added improved fitness, consistency,  and a resilience that hasn’t been seen for a long while. Going by what we’ve seen so far I’d say there is more to come. 

    We’ve got a decent stretch of games into Boxing Day. A couple of tests that will really answer some questions but also a realistic opportunity to put a good chunk of points on the board. 
    Optimism increasing!
  • As much as we need to improve to catch Pompey and Oxford, we also need to hope they lose form (for whatever reason) as both currently are in stunning form, and on for well over 100 points.
  • As much as we need to improve to catch Pompey and Oxford, we also need to hope they lose form (for whatever reason) as both currently are in stunning form, and on for well over 100 points.
    Hopefully you just put the mockers on 'em!  :D
  • As much as we need to improve to catch Pompey and Oxford, we also need to hope they lose form (for whatever reason) as both currently are in stunning form, and on for well over 100 points.
    Bear in mind it’s a weaker than average L1 this year. I doubt they’re all that good. 
  • edited October 2023
    ross1 said:
    Most complaining about goals we concede and which player can we blame, every goal in football is because a player makes a mistake. I know someone will argue about a wonder goal, but how did the scorer get the ball originally, someone on the opposition made a mistake. Think before you argue the point
    Interesting opinion.  Not one that I hold. Didn't have to think about it, either. Some players will be more skilled than others. Faster thinkers faster runners, better ball control, etc. Does not mean the less skilled have made a mistake, just that other players are better. 

    Doesn't work for the blame gamers, I get it.

    Out of interest, who in the Blackpool team was to blame for CBT's brilliant equaliser? 
  • Fucking Albie Morgan, probably lol
  • JamesSeed said:
    This isn’t a cynical plan to get my lol count up, but I think Hector will soon win fans over. People around me were raving about him yesterday, until the blunder. Was a bit of a hospital pass by Dobbo, but he’ll have to learn to boot the ball anywhere when under pressure. And I think he will. 
    I was critical of Hector on the day.On reflection I think he tried to play football by controlling the ball and failed. If he had just booted it as many L1 players would, it would have been dealt with.  Maybe he would be a better L1 player if he reacted like one, instead of aspiring to be better.
  • JamesSeed said:
    This isn’t a cynical plan to get my lol count up, but I think Hector will soon win fans over. People around me were raving about him yesterday, until the blunder. Was a bit of a hospital pass by Dobbo, but he’ll have to learn to boot the ball anywhere when under pressure. And I think he will. 
    I was critical of Hector on the day.On reflection I think he tried to play football by controlling the ball and failed. If he had just booted it as many L1 players would, it would have been dealt with.  Maybe he would be a better L1 player if he reacted like one, instead of aspiring to be better.
    If Dobson had "booted it anywhere" instead of giving Hector little or no chance of doing the same due to being just six feet away, then it wouldn't have materialised, but this has been debated to death now...
  • Major said:
    ross1 said:
    Most complaining about goals we concede and which player can we blame, every goal in football is because a player makes a mistake. I know someone will argue about a wonder goal, but how did the scorer get the ball originally, someone on the opposition made a mistake. Think before you argue the point
    Interesting opinion.  Not one that I hold. Didn't have to think about it, either. Some players will be more skilled than others. Faster thinkers faster runners, better ball control, etc. Does not mean the less skilled have made a mistake, just that other players are better. 

    Doesn't work for the blame gamers, I get it.

    Out of interest, who in the Blackpool team was to blame for CBT's brilliant equaliser? 
    I have only seen the short video, but how did Charlton get the ball for TC to make that good run, did a Blackpool player lose out to a Charlton player to start the forward passing?
  • ross1 said:
    Most complaining about goals we concede and which player can we blame, every goal in football is because a player makes a mistake. I know someone will argue about a wonder goal, but how did the scorer get the ball originally, someone on the opposition made a mistake. Think before you argue the point
    Players make mistakes of course but for the same player to make so many big ones in such a short period of time is obviously the issue - obvious to most of us anyway 🙄
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