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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    Out of interest what do you see that he wants us to do? 

    Cause all I saw yesterday was AMB passing to Dobson who was at right side defense from every goal kick and Dobson trying to long ball it or Hector trying to long ball it. We had maybe one decent passage of play in 90 mins. Their keeper barely made a challenging save the whole game. 

    There is no proof that this guy can do better with better players at his disposal, as he never has achieved at this level, only at League 2 level
  • J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    Out of interest what do you think our identity is? Feels like he has mixed it up a bit over last couple of games and I watched yesterday stone cold sober and was baffled by the approach. 

    I get the 4321 and May out wide drifting in as second striker but yesterday playing him through the middle and limping balls to him high and long was never going to work.

    playing Fraser in general doesn’t work but playing him next to Dobson is even worse (in my opinion) and having our only wide option as CBT is limiting us now as teams are doubling up on him and he’s out the game.

    No movement in middle of the park from throw ins or from goal kicks meaning we are forced to go long again. Get the players aren’t playing well but what is he trying to get out of them? 

  • Shite football
    Poor results
    Low team morale
    Questionable teamwork 
    Fan apathy 

    Taxi for Appleton. 
  • I can't stand him. I've never felt so hostile towards a manager from the moment they took the job. I read enough about him from reasonable football fans, watched his sides and looked at his record to know he was a dogshit appointment. 

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we may as well have stuck with Jacko, we have been shit anyway and we could have given a player who's given so much to us, a platform to build his managerial career. 

    The next manager has to have a proven track record or be affiliated with Charlton, nothing else will work.
    i'm convinced that jacko laid it on the line to sandgaard about what was needed - like chris powell would have done - but he got shown the door and the cheap option, garner came in - wouldn't surprise me if holden did similar and therefore this muppet came in 
  • edited December 2023
    I was pretty optimistic when we appointed Apples, thought he might get them organised at the back, and with Alfie scoring we might nick a couple of results..(How long ago does the Reading 4-0 seem)
    But CBT just does the same thing  time and time again, to the goaline, and tries too shoot from to tight an angle or decides to lift a cross to empty space where we have no one running in.
    Frasier taking corners and free kicks  that either don't go over the first man or just peter out to passing back to the defence. 
    Alfie being pitched against a 6ft 2" centre back if playing down the middle or a trying to work an opening when playing on the wing against a fast full back. 
    When we loose possession unless Dubbo is nearby we make no attempt to press and win it back. 

    AMB distribution is shocking! he takes an eternity to make up his mind, IF we had a plan, when players ran into empty space an had AMB deliver the ball when the oppositions attacks broke down.
    Also AMB is great at anything 20yrds plus, but shoot from inside 12yrds and he is lacking.

    We bring 11 players to defend corners, leave Alfie on the half way line with CBT the link player. 

    The academy boys are great ball players, but thats all  they are "ballers", we need flair, workrate and physicality at L1 level.

    I think all of the above is fixable, it take a manager and coaching staff who care and who do their homework on the opposition. 

    I sit in the North Lower and watch the players "warm up" and you can see how lazy they are with some hardly putting in any effort at all. The coaching staff should be all over them reminding them of their responsibilities . The GK coaching  has fallen off a cliff!!!

  • I appreciate they are not his players but if you have a set of mostly average to poor players lacking confidence, then build around our three actual stars(May, CBT & Dobson).

    Absolute criminal what Appleton is doing with May recently, especially yesterday, my young nephew watching his first full season of football said it before a ball was kicked that May would get nothing in that position against that style of Orient defence and yet Appleton refuses to accept it.
  • I can see absolutely no logic in playing inexperienced youngster Kanu (a centre forward) wide right, when you have another inexperienced youngster Tyrece Campbell who's natural position is wide right.
    Campbell has regressed terribly in recent weeks, his confidence appears to have been shattered, and that isn't surprising given the way Appleton has messed him around.
    In fact all the promising youngsters now appear to be going backwards. Campbell, Assimway, Anderson, even Leaburn before his injury.
    Spot on, QA.

    These young guns have clearly shown they have the ability, bravery & potential from their earlier appearances - there's no doubting that IMO.

    But something has radically changed in their demeanour & hence, their confidence, which in turn clearly shows in their performances recently. 

    Surely this downwards trend has to be attributed to the management of the squad & the manner in which they're trained AND alluded to in post match interviews. 

    As posted last night in anger, I cannot believe that MA has the nous or ability to reverese this situation , which makes the comment when he was appointed that he has a reputation for progressing young players as utter b*llocks.

    Hopefully, a " better" manager would be able to reverse the current trend - something I  believe the U21s in the squad would unanimously  welcome- and ensure those players regained the qualities /confidence that have gradually been eroded. 

    A new manager with a 3 year contract from January- someone with success in his background including working with up coming young players - would re-energise these lads & at the same time give those with contracts until the summer something to consider regarding their immediate futures. I believe things could only get better- they can't get much worse. 

    And, more likelihood of attracting "better" players in the window than those who will look at our club under MA & ask, what's there to convince me this would be a decent move ....

    OK. Call me naive or indeed foolish. 

    But give me one reason why a certain ex Charlton man  with success under his belt , albeit together with some less than successful posts, shouldn't be approached with a very attractive offer he'd be likely to consider ...and I mean pushing the boat out this time ?

    I give you Nathan Jones. 

    As has been stated ad infinitum over the past few years....

    He's been gone too long.
  • I can't stand him. I've never felt so hostile towards a manager from the moment they took the job. I read enough about him from reasonable football fans, watched his sides and looked at his record to know he was a dogshit appointment. 

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but we may as well have stuck with Jacko, we have been shit anyway and we could have given a player who's given so much to us, a platform to build his managerial career. 

    The next manager has to have a proven track record or be affiliated with Charlton, nothing else will work.

    Make you 100% correct, never wanted Appleton in the first place, mostly sacked from previous clubs, just a mercenary manager/coach waiting for a pay-off. Surely taken on because he was cheap. The most uninspiring manager for many a year. To think some people on here slagged Lee Bowyer off, unbelieveable. Several people at the Orient game said he just stood there hands behind back saying nothing. He has no affinity or affection to our club. Do us all a favour and leave ASAP!
  • edited December 2023
    J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    Out of interest what do you think our identity is? Feels like he has mixed it up a bit over last couple of games and I watched yesterday stone cold sober and was baffled by the approach. 

    I get the 4321 and May out wide drifting in as second striker but yesterday playing him through the middle and limping balls to him high and long was never going to work.

    playing Fraser in general doesn’t work but playing him next to Dobson is even worse (in my opinion) and having our only wide option as CBT is limiting us now as teams are doubling up on him and he’s out the game.

    No movement in middle of the park from throw ins or from goal kicks meaning we are forced to go long again. Get the players aren’t playing well but what is he trying to get out of them? 
    He clearly switched it up yesterday and we played very different football than we have done previously under him, I can only put the down to the fact he doesn’t trust this mob to play the way he wants, which he has pretty much alluded too in his post match recently.

    He wants to play possession football, going from front to back quickly and on the deck. Anyone that watched the first few games under Holden and then under Appleton can see the stark difference in the type of football we are trying to play. 

    He doesn’t have the players to execute though, that much is clear and I don’t think a fair few of them are playing for him anymore, likely they know they will be surplus once we can get bodies in.
  • chilham said:
    Appleton is the master of using lots of words to say...nothing...witness all pressers, though some journos ask more challenging questions than others.
    He learnt that skill from his boss Andy Scott, that's the real master of using lots of words that mean nothing. Andy Scott is culpable in all of this, his recruitment, his choice of manager. If Appleton was the stand out candidate it shows either Scott is clueless (my hunch) or we're not that attractive to very good managers.
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  • J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    It must be great being a Manager when you know that football fans of today are clueless, "the manager must go, he's been here 15 games and has not won 10 of them".
  • J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    Out of interest what do you see that he wants us to do? 

    Cause all I saw yesterday was AMB passing to Dobson who was at right side defense from every goal kick and Dobson trying to long ball it or Hector trying to long ball it. We had maybe one decent passage of play in 90 mins. Their keeper barely made a challenging save the whole game. 

    There is no proof that this guy can do better with better players at his disposal, as he never has achieved at this level, only at League 2 level

    These idiots appointed him so now should give him a chance to do the job they think he can do.
  • Which game was it? Gillingham?
    When Appleton said he was hurting as much, maybe more, than the fans are.
    Awww bless.
    Looks as if we have to tolerate this appointment by the bullshitters in order not to hurt Appletons feelings.

  • cabbles said:
    Nothing against him personally, and I appreciate we may not be able attract/want to pay for better, but this is a pathetic appointment 

    He may well have a bit of a bounce, I think he could be gone by March, and he’s very much a manager that fits a league one club looking to cement 13th

    This post may come back to make me look silly, and I’ll have to eat humble pie, but really not feeling this at all
    Just going back through the early comments on this thread, as I always find it interesting to look back and see what we thought versus what’s transpired.  The majority of the comments were decent, ie ‘not inspired by this, but will give him time etc’.  Be interesting to see if he goes.  We’ve got a tough run now and little in the way of talent to give us much confidence.  I said March above, but if we continue this run it could be earlier than that.  

    Thought AFKA made a decent point when referencing the growing number of fans we’ve got who are growing tired of how shit we’ve become.  Nail on the head.  We needed this appointment to work out, people are just fed up and it doesn’t take much now.  
  • J BLOCK said:
    Minority here, but I can see what he wants us to do, we have an identity but not the players capable of pulling it off. 

    Major surgery needed, but I don’t think getting rid of ANOTHER manager is the answer. 

    Out of interest what do you see that he wants us to do? 

    Cause all I saw yesterday was AMB passing to Dobson who was at right side defense from every goal kick and Dobson trying to long ball it or Hector trying to long ball it. We had maybe one decent passage of play in 90 mins. Their keeper barely made a challenging save the whole game. 

    There is no proof that this guy can do better with better players at his disposal, as he never has achieved at this level, only at League 2 level

    These idiots appointed him so now should give him a chance to do the job they think he can do.
    Yes but this one is a problem - most of us didn't want him here in the first place and he's done F-all to change our minds - just proved why he was the wrong appointment - I'm not saying someone else would magically have got us up in the top 6 at this stage but its a really weak league this year and I would expect a decent experienced manager to set up a team and formation that makes the most of the players at his disposal and get them playing with a clear idea of what is expected of them and show some passion from the side-lines when its not going to plan and change things up. He just stands there like a bloody statue during the game and repeats the same mistakes over and over again.  Most non-league teams can defend corners better than we do - its not rocket science!
    Appleton is not the next Guadiola, of course.  
    My anger is directed at Scott,  the people behind the appointment are THE issue.
  • edited January 4
    Pudds said:
    How is he still here?
    Why wouldn’t he be?

    Maybe a silly question from me the way I phrased it but the way your question was phrased suggested you knew something / expected him to be gone.
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  • Michael Duff is available btw
    No chance we’d get him, wish we would.
  • edited January 6
    It's okay. With Michael Appleton's trusted men in the January window, he'll show us how to properly concede injury time goals and drop points every game. 
  • Has to go 
  • What’s going on with the
  • Boring Boring Appleton
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