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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • edited September 2023
    Surely the benchmark would be to ask whether Pep Guardiola would turn this squad into League One winners, and work backwards from there. I've seen nothing from our defence so far to suggest any manager could get them playing like league beaters.

    Makes it pointless to be talking about the manager when it's the squad that's the issue. 

    Welcome Michael. Hope Louis asks you about the meme and that you're fully aware you're starting your reign as a joke. Good luck 
  • Surely the benchmark would be to ask whether Pep Guardiola would turn this squad into League One winners, and work backwards from there. I've seen nothing from our defence so far to suggest any manager could get them playing like league beaters.

    Makes it pointless to be talking about the manager when it's the squad that's the issue. 

    Welcome Michael. Hope Louis asks you about the meme and that you're fully aware you're starting your reign as a joke. Good luck 

    Only 3 teams have conceded more goals than us this year and one of them conceded 7 in one game.  If we swapped out our whole defence say with Carlisle's who have only conceded 6 goals and had them playing under Holden we'd have probably conceded the most amount of goals in the division by far.

  • For those on here that are 50 plus, and have seen a lot of seasons / managers, just wondering how you feel about our latest incumbent?
    Well I am nearly 80,seen a lot of seasons.When I first watched football,we didnt really care who the manager was,or half the time didnt know.Jimmy Seed was the first for me and then Jimmy Trotter,but they always stayed in the background.Gradually revolving managers became the norm,and also became higher profile.We had a succession of managers,Nelson,Craggs,Bailey,Firmani,Mullery and more,all ok without pulling trees up,later we had Lennie who was great,and then of course Curbs,no more to be said.Since Curbs,well its all been said,Dowie was useless,Les Reed Ridiculous,Pardew crap,i could go on,but our record with managers ,other than Bowyer and Powell has been appalling.Bob Peters,dear oh Dear,Jose Riga,Guy Luzon,Karyl Freye,right up to present day,just one disaster after another.Well how do I feel about Appleton,answer,I dont know much about him,but he has his work cut out,and I feel we should give him all the support we can.Who could we have got who was guaranteed to be better,what good manager would leave a job to join us.this whole situation we now have is down to Southall making promises to Roland about buying the ground for 50m and meanwhile just taking on the debt making side of the club(we all know why).This is nothing to do with Appleton,he is not to blame for our situation,he has been employed to do a job,we can help him by being patient.
    Great post. Lots of good perspective in there. 

    I heard that managers way back when weren't as big a deal as they are now and it was owners/chairmen who raised the profile of coaches to managers in order to take attention away from themselves 
  • supaclive said:
    swordfish said:
    supaclive said:
    Top Six?
    With this squad?
    I mean if you had some evidence to back it up I'd love to agree with you / hope it happens. 

    Sadly..... we don't 
    Exactly! No evidence as yet as some of our new players haven't even started a game for us. New manager might get defence organized and improve confidence. Have you evidence that he won't?

    You've written off the squad and manager this season after six league games. Now that is worthy of a 'lol'
    I have liked your post
    However, the evidence of what will be 1/8 of our season (and all of last season) suggests the current squad will finish mid table, around 15-20 points outside the play offs.
    I am hopeful this isn't the case
    I wouldn't bet on it though

    It's not about writing them off
    I am a Charlton fan 

    I am simply basing it on the body of evidence we have.

    You say only six games 

    I say the last three years

    How many managers?
    How many failed set ups?
    How many broken promises?

    I WANT us to do well

    Everybody does

    But what we see before our very eyes suggests, so far, to not be the case.

    I hope Appleton and the SMT prove me wrong 

    Appleton's stats, Sunderland Till I Die and the shit show we've become suggest otherwise.

    Again.  I wanted to be wrong in January.  I want to be wrong now.

    I really, really, REALLY want to be wrong. 

    I simply wouldn't bet on it though.
    Fair enough. However,  I think there's a big difference in being able to get automatics and being able to mount a challenge to make top six. The league is supposedly weaker this season and the first few games have not suggested anyone is in a class of their own, so it's still all to play for.

    From the evidence of our defensive frailties so far, top six is a distant possibility, but I'm banking on anyone semi competent, and I believe Appleton is that, to organise it better and make us harder to beat as a priority. We go from there, but there's a long way to go and masses of points up for grabs. Don't underestimate how much confidence can play a part too, and, if we get a new manager bounce, that should pick up. 

    I've just posted a few thoughts on our ongoing ownership tribulations you've alluded to on the Charlie's Angels thread or whatever it's called.
  • edited September 2023
    For those on here that are 50 plus, and have seen a lot of seasons / managers, just wondering how you feel about our latest incumbent?
    Well I am nearly 80,seen a lot of seasons.When I first watched football,we didnt really care who the manager was,or half the time didnt know.Jimmy Seed was the first for me and then Jimmy Trotter,but they always stayed in the background.Gradually revolving managers became the norm,and also became higher profile.We had a succession of managers,Nelson,Craggs,Bailey,Firmani,Mullery and more,all ok without pulling trees up,later we had Lennie who was great,and then of course Curbs,no more to be said.Since Curbs,well its all been said,Dowie was useless,Les Reed Ridiculous,Pardew crap,i could go on,but our record with managers ,other than Bowyer and Powell has been appalling.Bob Peters,dear oh Dear,Jose Riga,Guy Luzon,Karyl Freye,right up to present day,just one disaster after another.Well how do I feel about Appleton,answer,I dont know much about him,but he has his work cut out,and I feel we should give him all the support we can.Who could we have got who was guaranteed to be better,what good manager would leave a job to join us.this whole situation we now have is down to Southall making promises to Roland about buying the ground for 50m and meanwhile just taking on the debt making side of the club(we all know why).This is nothing to do with Appleton,he is not to blame for our situation,he has been employed to do a job,we can help him by being patient.
    Great post. Lots of good perspective in there. 

    I heard that managers way back when weren't as big a deal as they are now and it was owners/chairmen who raised the profile of coaches to managers in order to take attention away from themselves 
    The opposite was the case way way back when. 
  • edited September 2023
    20 point target over the first 11 games. 
    6 games in, 6 points achieved. 
    5 games to go. 
    3 of those come at the end of full weeks. 
    3 of those are at The Valley.

    Need to see changes in the rest defence, set piece coverage and defensive organisation in open play. 
    We’re getting players back from injury and others with fitness concerns should be close to match ready.
    So, we also need to see a higher tempo with the ball, an improved intensity without it and the ability to sustain those levels throughout the match. 
    I think he’s a good coach but not a great manager. Coming in as Head Coach with our new modern set up, that should work in his favour. We’ve had a bad start but that’s not Appletons fault so I’m reserving judgement. Let’s see how close or how far we are from that 20 point target after 5pm 7th October.
  • Chunes said:
    Woke up this morning feeling a little better about Micky Apples. 

    If he can stop the basic errors, give us a better defensive shape and improve set pieces that's already a big points improvement. 
    Yep, it could be as simple as that!

  • Oggy Red said:
    Chunes said:
    Woke up this morning feeling a little better about Micky Apples. 

    If he can stop the basic errors, give us a better defensive shape and improve set pieces that's already a big points improvement. 
    Yep, it could be as simple as that!

    But what about the meme...

    Still can't get my noggin round the fact that some don't want him because of the meme...

  • Well trust Michael Appleton settles in very quickly. Hope within hope he can bring his own staff in to work with.
    Hotel or living out of a suitcase can be no fun with no one around you you can trust.
    Off to watch Stevenage today is at least a start but who goes with him Scott?
    Here once again lies the problem SMT.

    Best of luck Michael you are going to need it.

    Good point.
    Maybe Anthony Hayes will be at Stevenage with MA.
    They probably need to do lots of this type of thing too from their scouting and in the coming weeks and months -
    This can’t be right. I thought Bowyer didn’t do tactics 😅
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  • edited September 2023
    Dear Michael,

    you may have noticed that we, the fan base, are not yet 100% behind your appointment. A man with your muscles probably doesn’t have to worry what other people think of them, but here’s a suggested 5 point plan to get us onside anyway:

    1. win the next 4 games
    2. Never use the word ‘project’
    3. Be caught in a hot-mic moment describing CM as ‘a bit of a prick’
    4. give Steve Evans a twatting when the chubby chancer starts having a go. Keep glaring at him rather than the ref’s inevitable red card as you make your way to the directors box
    5. actually, that will do for me

    Not yet yours,
  • Hoe is Evans and his coaching staff getting on with the new approach?
    Must be a fair chance he will be up in the stands for most of the season

  • seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    I have watched his interview, heard what he has to say, and read comments about what he is supposed to be good at.

    One has been good at working with and developing young players.


    Like Elerewe, Mitchell, Chin, Henry, Anderson, Campbell, Asimwe, Maynard Brewer, Leaburn, Ness, Kanu (and others on the way like Bower, Rylah, Laqeretabua etc) have they not been worked with, developed and given their chances already?

    Yeah right.

    In terms of Charlton Athletic’s need, unearthing and deploying our young talent has been going fine thank you very much, what on earth can Appleton add to what’s been going on already?

    I call bollocks on the work with youngsters mantra, unless I am missing something obvious.

    No Appleton, it is not about getting with the project and agreeing with where the opaque ownership want us to go, the so called developing youngsters. 

    No Mr Appleton, your entire raison d’etre at Charlton is to WIN.

    Starting away at Stevenage on Saturday, then Wycombe at home, then Shrewsbury away, then Exeter and your old club Blackpool both at home, then Derby away, Reading at home and another of your old clubs Lincoln City away.

    Appleton you’re not needed to help the development of our youngsters, that is bollocks being thrown around by the Shamocracy salivating about getting our young players to a point of being able to sell them. They might want you to fatten up the cash cows, but we the supporters want you to win matches, over and over again.

    Get those wins and a conversation can start. Lose or draw at Stevenage and in my eyes you will have to have a Rhino hide (which judging by that vapid interview I think you already have) because I will not be the only one wanting you gone.
    so if we don't win at Stevenage you want him gone? Wow. Just wow. You are fast approaching RonnieMoore levels of WUMMING arn't you?
    If we win at Stevenage that will add up to three points from three away games.
    That then leaves the six points dropped at home to make up.
    If we lose at Stevenage that leaves us nine points to make up (in my target for automatic promotion).
    So the best way to shut me up is for Michael Appleton to win at Stevenage.
    I know I am in a minority in my stance, most people want to give this circus a chance which means a longer term tolerance than I feel like giving.
    My tolerance level is short term, so the argument might be where is the breaking point for you and others.
    I have at least marked out my territory, wins and promotion.
    I generally respect your views but this is just irrational.  It's not about giving the circus a chance, it is about recognising that there is no manager in existence that will get this team, as it is, to win eight games on the bounce, and Michael Appleton has no responsibility for where the club has been.  Yes let's judge him by his outcomes, but what you are doing is setting impossible outcomes so that you can justify calling for him to be sacked.

    And "the best way to shut me up" is a bit silly.  No-one that can take action knows or cares and if you want to become like another poster who draws a lot of fire carry on, but that would be a shame.  If we draw or lose at Stevenage, who are currently 3rd with four wins, one draw and one loss from 6 you'll be claiming your position is justified, but that will only be by your own unreasonable parameters, and if we win I suppose you will say the jury is out or some such.

    Also the implication that you are taking some brave position on expectations and that other fans are just happy to bumble along with failure is a misunderstanding of how much your expectations affect the outcomes you want.  All it effects is other posters on this lovely, but probably not that influential internet forum.

    If we lose at Stevenage (a place I saw us win in the cup last season) I am likely to say ‘Holden could’ve delivered that’.
    I would bet a whole shilling that like most of us you will have more than that to say 😉
  • I will be at Stevenage next Saturday, as I was last season, happy with a draw if we put in a good performance.

    Evans is a decent manager whose team outplayed us last season in the cup, should have beaten us if it was not for some individual class from Aneke.

    A tough start for Appleton but hopefully his team rise to the occasion. 
  • seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    You’re taking Henry’s ‘Just win matches’ to its illogical conclusion. 
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  • Oggy Red said:
    Chunes said:
    Woke up this morning feeling a little better about Micky Apples. 

    If he can stop the basic errors, give us a better defensive shape and improve set pieces that's already a big points improvement. 
    Yep, it could be as simple as that!

    But what about the meme...

    Still can't get my noggin round the fact that some don't want him because of the meme...

    Are you AppyAddick or AppleAddick?
  • seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
  • thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
  • IAgree said:
    Oggy Red said:
    Chunes said:
    Woke up this morning feeling a little better about Micky Apples. 

    If he can stop the basic errors, give us a better defensive shape and improve set pieces that's already a big points improvement. 
    Yep, it could be as simple as that!

    But what about the meme...

    Still can't get my noggin round the fact that some don't want him because of the meme...

    Are you AppyAddick or AppleAddick?
    I like to try and stay Appy :) Don't pay much attention to memes...
  • edited September 2023
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Rather than the second indicator? It’s almost like you’d like us to lose so you can be proved ‘right’. 
  • Would love for Scott Fraser to answer this question. 
    Was Appleton the best manager available, or the only manager that would take the job, at the salary on offer?

    We know (as does the footballing world) there is no money to be made in tier 3 & 4 football, so the owners must be in it for the fun. see Wrexham. Whatever the new guys invested is lost. Any more investment will also be lost. Get used to it. 
    Don’t think Scott Fraser was involved in the recruitment process…
  • edited September 2023
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage (who are in good form right now) and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
  • edited September 2023
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    I have never communicated with Charlie Methven in any way, nor he me.
    Nor have I commented on the footballing ability of the new boss.
    I remain in the ‘judge them on results’ category that was fashionable not long ago.
    Except the results you want to judge him by are quite frankly ridiculous.
    You have to start somewhere. So let Stevenage be the first indicator.
    Okay here's a hypothetical for you. We play Stevenage and (somehow) Appleton has managed to get the team properly organised. The defence are solid, we have more possessions and shots etc. By every measure we are the better side.

    Except the Stevenage keeper has a blinder and manages to keep a clean sheet and then at the end of the game a fluke ricochet hits one of our defenders and goes in. We lose by 1 goal.

    Is that a good result or a bad one?
    We would have lost so......
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