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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • As I understand it, the interview with Fraser, following Appleton's appointment suggested that the 'modern' style of management, invloves a club higher management choosing and buying, or selling, players as THEY see fit, and the Team manager, simply getting the lads trained and sorting match day squads.

    I'm not so sure that many of those who could have, or did interview, would be accepting of those terms.

    Was it not reported previously that Appleton had gone on record staying that he just wanted any club to give him the chance to prove himself.

    I guess it's old ground now. He's one of us, as opposed to being a outsider, so gets my support. But as with most things Charlton related right now, I remain unconvinced until proven otherwise. 
  • Doubling down on expectations doesn't make them happen.  Hopefully MA can bring some improvements and get us within achieving distance of the play-offs.

    NO-ONE wants to "accept mid table division three".  However not accepting a fact doesn't change it.  We are mid table division three.  I hope MA can make us higher table division three this season.
  • I'm actually really impressed with Scott off the back of his interview around Appleton's appointment. The standards are ultimately what has slipped during Sandgaards reign and I do feel like we've become a club that accepts mediocrity in recent times, let's hope they're more than just empty words and we start to see that ruthless elite level mentality 
  • edited September 2023
  • He's got to be a better bet than Holden or Garner hasn't he?
    My general feeling about this appointment is one of apathy and resignation.
    We've made disappointment our very best friend and I am finding it difficult invest any passion for fear of being let down again.
    My gut feeling is that he could turn out to be success but who knows.
    I certainly don't think the fanbase is in the mood to be patient.
    I hope to God he doesn't turn up at the Oak for a pint with the lads. Sick of that sort of bonding shit.
    It appears he's the aloof type and that suits me.
    I hope he's allowed to select his back-up team.
    Pearce and Hayes can go back to the children. 
    One thing I want to see is proper progress with our perennially shit set pieces
  • swordfish said:
    I didn’t realise what a big bastard he was. Always thought he was a scrawny bloke. At least he has a presence. I think the first thing he should do is knock out Charlie Kirk. Put a marker down to the rest of the squad!
    Didn't he have him on loan at Blackpool or am I a season out?
    Season out... Kirk was there in 2021/22, Appleton was 2022/23
  • I'm not as down on this as many others seem to be. I agree it doesn't set the pulses racing but according to reports he is good with young players, which by accident or design we will need to rely on this season. I can see the logic. 

    To be honest what i really think we need is someone with tactical nous. Dean was, I think, a good motivator / vibes man but not much more. I reckon with some tactics and good/better coaching we should improve. If it's enough to make the play offs I don't know, but I am pretty certain we weren't getting there under dean, good bloke though he is 
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  • edited September 2023
    The mood is such that if we are 1 down at halftime in our next home game, Appleton will get booed off.
    It will be very hard to come back from that.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that tattoo on Michael’s right arm reads’CAFC / Mum’, so surely that’s a positive.
    I haven't got my bins on, @Cloudworm, but it looks to me like it says Cloudworm.
  • Thinking about it and qualities as an actual manager aside I suppose that Appleton does have one advantage in that he's dealt with weirdo regimes and background issues before so he probably actually DOES know what he's in for.

    Him being willing to go back through it again could be taken either way but at least he's probably as well equipped as anyone to just get on with his job... for better or worse.
  • I'm with Seth, every time we lose a game the manager should be sacked.
    What is wrong with having 15 managers a season?

    Plum by name.....
  • Also the reaction from other fans seems more positive, so I think there may be an element of us having been through the wringer so much we treat every decision as nefarious when the reality may just be that league 1 side make a logical appointment of a league 1 manager 
  • I'm with Seth, every time we lose a game the manager should be sacked.
    What is wrong with having 15 managers a season?
    Only defeats?  I'll take than now :-) 
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  • For me, the acceptability of the Appleton appointment is down to whether Fanny has tingled. Or not. 
    TBH, RA, I'm having a struggle to keep it in check.

    Heart wants to let it rip, but head's advising patience....

    IF we win next Saturday, and the performance suggests that the wind is changing (?) , I think that'll be the time to let it go. 

    ( Best not to be in my vicinity at that point. You've been warned  B) )
  • Just stop us being embarrassing push overs who hand out points at home on a platter to lesser teams with a bit of fight in them. 

    That will do for me for a start. 
  • Why let the fear of disappointment destroy your hope that things will get better
  • edited September 2023
    seth plum said:
    JamesSeed said:
    seth plum said:
    I have watched his interview, heard what he has to say, and read comments about what he is supposed to be good at.

    One has been good at working with and developing young players.


    Like Elerewe, Mitchell, Chin, Henry, Anderson, Campbell, Asimwe, Maynard Brewer, Leaburn, Ness, Kanu (and others on the way like Bower, Rylah, Laqeretabua etc) have they not been worked with, developed and given their chances already?

    Yeah right.

    In terms of Charlton Athletic’s need, unearthing and deploying our young talent has been going fine thank you very much, what on earth can Appleton add to what’s been going on already?

    I call bollocks on the work with youngsters mantra, unless I am missing something obvious.

    No Appleton, it is not about getting with the project and agreeing with where the opaque ownership want us to go, the so called developing youngsters. 

    No Mr Appleton, your entire raison d’etre at Charlton is to WIN.

    Starting away at Stevenage on Saturday, then Wycombe at home, then Shrewsbury away, then Exeter and your old club Blackpool both at home, then Derby away, Reading at home and another of your old clubs Lincoln City away.

    Appleton you’re not needed to help the development of our youngsters, that is bollocks being thrown around by the Shamocracy salivating about getting our young players to a point of being able to sell them. They might want you to fatten up the cash cows, but we the supporters want you to win matches, over and over again.

    Get those wins and a conversation can start. Lose or draw at Stevenage and in my eyes you will have to have a Rhino hide (which judging by that vapid interview I think you already have) because I will not be the only one wanting you gone.
    Would you prefer they appointed someone with no track record of working with and developing young players?
    I think the the best suggestion I’ve heard is taking break and seeing how it goes for ten matches or so. 
    Judging by the start to season there’s no easy fix unfortunately. 
    A track record is so in the past.
    As I have repeatedly said across a number of threads it is wins in the future I would like to become our track record.
    I am fed up with all this project stuff, direction of travel stuff, working with youngsters stuff, but I would be mightily cheered by winning the next eight games and eventual automatic promotion.
    Wouldn’t everybody be?
    It’s just a bit glib Seth. Of course everybody would like to win the next eight matches, but what contribution to the debate are you making saying that?
    So if we win seven and lose one are we supposed to reach for the pitchforks? How about five wins, two defeats and a draw? Four wins, two draws and two defeats?
    I get that you’re not happy about the appointment, but perhaps take a pause, and see how we get on over the next ten games? The bare minimum we need is improvement, and because of all the weirdness we’ve seen over the last seven games (bizarre line ups, failures to sub 18 years olds barely able to run, odd tactics, late substitutions etc etc) I don’t think that’ll be too hard to achieve. George Alek has made some quite positive comments about MA, and he knows more about him than either of us, I suspect. Certainly way more than me. 
    It would actually be quite Charlton for the least welcomed managerial appointment since Fraeye to turn out to be quite successful. 
    Some of the negativity has been a bit bonkers, although perhaps understandable when the general state of the club is taken into account. 
    PS Seth, re your other post: No, it’s not just you and Appleton that want promotion. Every single Charlton fan wants promotion, from the most negative, to the most positive. Pretty sure you know that though. 
  • seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    I have watched his interview, heard what he has to say, and read comments about what he is supposed to be good at.

    One has been good at working with and developing young players.


    Like Elerewe, Mitchell, Chin, Henry, Anderson, Campbell, Asimwe, Maynard Brewer, Leaburn, Ness, Kanu (and others on the way like Bower, Rylah, Laqeretabua etc) have they not been worked with, developed and given their chances already?

    Yeah right.

    In terms of Charlton Athletic’s need, unearthing and deploying our young talent has been going fine thank you very much, what on earth can Appleton add to what’s been going on already?

    I call bollocks on the work with youngsters mantra, unless I am missing something obvious.

    No Appleton, it is not about getting with the project and agreeing with where the opaque ownership want us to go, the so called developing youngsters. 

    No Mr Appleton, your entire raison d’etre at Charlton is to WIN.

    Starting away at Stevenage on Saturday, then Wycombe at home, then Shrewsbury away, then Exeter and your old club Blackpool both at home, then Derby away, Reading at home and another of your old clubs Lincoln City away.

    Appleton you’re not needed to help the development of our youngsters, that is bollocks being thrown around by the Shamocracy salivating about getting our young players to a point of being able to sell them. They might want you to fatten up the cash cows, but we the supporters want you to win matches, over and over again.

    Get those wins and a conversation can start. Lose or draw at Stevenage and in my eyes you will have to have a Rhino hide (which judging by that vapid interview I think you already have) because I will not be the only one wanting you gone.
    so if we don't win at Stevenage you want him gone? Wow. Just wow. You are fast approaching RonnieMoore levels of WUMMING arn't you?
    If we win at Stevenage that will add up to three points from three away games.
    That then leaves the six points dropped at home to make up.
    If we lose at Stevenage that leaves us nine points to make up (in my target for automatic promotion).
    So the best way to shut me up is for Michael Appleton to win at Stevenage.
    I know I am in a minority in my stance, most people want to give this circus a chance which means a longer term tolerance than I feel like giving.
    My tolerance level is short term, so the argument might be where is the breaking point for you and others.
    I have at least marked out my territory, wins and promotion.
  • For those on here that are 50 plus, and have seen a lot of seasons / managers, just wondering how you feel about our latest incumbent?
    If he has learnt from his mistakes he will be outstanding. ☹️
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