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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • I think this is the most apathetic I’ve ever felt about a Charlton managerial appointment. Even with Fraeye and Luzon I was enraged or laughing my arse off at how ridiculous it was. This is just nothing 
    Was Holden any different?

    Genuine question.

    All feels very similar to me - average lower league manager who's supposed to get the best from an underfunded squad.  Not exciting, but not ridiculous.

    Rinse, repeat.  As you say, all really nothingy.
    Sums it up well 
  • PWR

    I thought it funny that the only picture on MA Coaching career was him next to Roy Hodgson, presumably trying to convince us he’s only worked with the best.
  • DDOUBLEE said:
    DDOUBLEE said:
    And to be honest, no interest in what he says in videos about his tactics, I thought Ben Garner's Spotify interview about his philosophy was brilliant and looked how that turned out 
    Talking about tactics is all well and good

    But the one thing everyone seems to forget, is the fact there is another bloke, in the opposite dugout, thinking up his own way to beat you, which may be (and often is) even better than your ideas. 
    FA, I've always known you to be a very positive poster on this site, and the fact you are down about this appointment shows how bad it's gotten!
    I'm certainly willing to give Appleton a chance, but he doesn't inspire confidence in me - To be fair since Powell, its only Bowyer | Jackson | Adkins, the latter because of his Southampton days that have done that.

    I'll always prefer someone new to Management, over the failed roundabout 
  • That is the model since Roland and it continues development of young players and to sell them. Don’t give a fuck about the team the fans the club 
    No, this has been the model (bar the Premiership years) since we returned the The Valley - in truth long before that as well.
    We developed and sold Academy products to cover the recurring deficits in the years prior to promotion to the Prem in 1998 (Minto and Bowyer most notably).
    Selling young players is not the issue. It's when you sell them.
    If the timing is dictated simply by when you desperately need a cash injection, you'll go nowhere.
    If, as CM described, the plan is to hang on to them until their value's optimised for CAFC and make at least some of the cash available to strengthen the squad, that's how most EFL clubs can achieved progress and promotion. 
    They could have sold Leaburn after the takeover was completed on 19 July if they were the penny-pinchers they're accused of being. They probably won't have a choice at the end of the season if he continues his progress as he'll probably have Premier League suitors but that's fine. It should have added to his value.
    Time will tell if CM is good to his word and if Appleton can deliver as head coach but as for the owners' motives, as I've said until blue in the face, investing £10m+ in CAFC makes ZERO sense for the large shareholders. Unlike all owners for the past 10+ years (who are patently not interested in the club for money laundering purposes, expansion of a European network, asset-stripping or a vanity project) to aim for anything other than at least 1 promotion.
    That's not to say they'll throw stupid money at the squad (they evidently won't and I'm thankful for that because it often fails and you're left in deeper shit) but it should mean they'll likely provide the working capital to enable a manager to build a promotion-capable squad over time albeit, yes, selling homegrown players along the way.
    All well and good, but if they don't get fans back in the Valley. What then?

    No fans = no club, so these owners do need to spend money, because even Merlin the Fucking Magician will not get much out of our weak squad.

    Start so far? 

    A poor transfer window, sacked Holden, shocking league form, out of 2 cups to shit L2 opposition [& conceding 7 goals in 2 games] and a new head coach who is at best, average - they have not endeared themselves to the paying faithful.

    I am trying to think of ONE decision they have got right - maybe you can help on that one?
  • ross1 said:
    Sorry but I am not reading 350 comments, assume most complaining about Appleton. Unlike most, I will wait until Christmas at least before deciding he must be useless
    That’s far too sensible…

    Good luck MA - sounds like you’ll need it if 90% of the fanbase has turned against you before we’ve even played a match under your leadership.
     I think it's a dig at the ownership more than the manager per se..
    In interviews just before taking over Methven used the people involved and their high wealth as a smokescreen. He implied that they were some high ballers and that Sandgaard was mad for shunning them we he first apparently rebuffed their approach. It all gave the impression that they were getting involved to really move the club forward. They've been here since Christmas (yada yada)and done anything but.
     He is using either them or us for his own gain. I'm not entirely sure how but no doubt it will stink to high heaven
  • I don't think this squad can deliver promotion 
    I think he meant demotion…..
  • ross1 said:
    Sorry but I am not reading 350 comments, assume most complaining about Appleton. Unlike most, I will wait until Christmas at least before deciding he must be useless
    That’s far too sensible…

    Good luck MA - sounds like you’ll need it if 90% of the fanbase has turned against you before we’ve even played a match under your leadership.
     I think it's a dig at the ownership more than the manager per se..
    In interviews just before taking over Methven used the people involved and their high wealth as a smokescreen. He implied that they were some high ballers and that Sandgaard was mad for shunning them we he first apparently rebuffed their approach. It all gave the impression that they were getting involved to really move the club forward. They've been here since Christmas (yada yada)and done anything but.
     He is using either them or us for his own gain. I'm not entirely sure how but no doubt it will stink to high heaven
    Spot on. It’s not a dig at him, but it’s just the same old story. Same old transfer window, same new manager, same takeover, and it’s all ended the same. People just give up in the end and unfortunately the manager will get the brunt. I do hope it works as it’s only good for Charlton, but it’s just tiring having to keep backing a new manager.
  • Ferryman said:
    DDOUBLEE said:
    Absolute rock bottom 😭
    Surely that was Karel Fraye?
    Yeah, but at the very least we were in the championship 
  • The responses to Elek post from Charlton fans are interesting, The general impression outside of our bubble is this is a good squad that should be up there, it's that difference of opinion between us and them, is huge, and makes you think where's the disconnect 
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  • I reckon this has been lined up for a while, hence Jack Payne made a quick dash.
  • Will give MA my support for now......maybe that's what this group of players need is a task-master. A good kick up the ass. I remember a team he coached came down to the Valley and played some neat football so hopefully it won't be too dour. 
  • when all is said and steam done steaming, we are stuck with him and despite my VERY ;large misgivings, I (of course) wish him all the best ..  BUT .. last whinge, it's a bit like expecting a nice Christmas present, but all y'end up with is a walnut and a mouldy orange .. IF yer no wot i meen
  • Nothing on who his team/coaches are atm 

    assistant manager ?!

    im sure they will all be forced on him and cheap appointments at that…🙄
  • Uninspiring transfer window and uninspiring Manager appointment. The new SLT and owners have had two chances to give the fans something to be excited about. Failed both times. 
  • I too am apathetic, however some previous appointments have not turned out as I expected.
    Lennie Lawrence - who knew he would be a legend?
    Alan Curbishley - I'll be honest I wanted Steve Gritt,
    Alan Pardew - I was delighted when he was appointed.
    I'll be there supporting the team whatever and I wish Appleton all the best. 
    Russell Slade - know he'd be a c***
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  • I just hope some of you made good money from the bookies, this was on the cards all along & I suspect Holden was undermined to engineer this - just sad that we weren't beaten to this by Eastleigh

  • An appointment which leaves me completely emotionless. No pitchforks out or anything. Just an almighty and resounding MEH. Our transformation into a middle of the road third tier club is complete.
  • Having failed to tempt Sir Alex out of retirement,and accepted that Mr Klopp is happy in his work just who did we expect to take this job.No person who is already employed would leave their position to come here.So we have to select from the unemployed.Michael Appleton has got the job seeing off it seems several other candidates,I hope he does not see the comments on this forum because he will realise that most of the fan base already before a ball is kicked have no faith in him,making his task even harder.
    Is it too much to ask ,that we sit back,watch what happens over the next few weeks and draw our conclusions then,in the meantime give him all the support we can ,especially at home games where it makes all the difference.
     It is I'm afraid.
    We are sick to the back teeth of waiting for jam tomorrow from the clowns that continue to plague us.
    It goes along these lines.As long As Duchatelet continues to have a hold on us, we will continue to attract rats like Methven and managers that really aren't up to the job. And until something changes I will continue to moan about it.
  • I wonder whether his sisters will be his assistants.
  • OMG SO SHOCKED :open_mouth:

  • This is all Charlton Life's fault. Ever since Powell got sacked, whenever the managers post has been vacant, Appleton's meme pic was posted. Charlie Meth-head has spent the last week looking through our history and believes he has struck gold by appointing a true club icon. 

    Apparently the second favourite for the job was Kenneth Williams 
    Shame he didn't look at the 'would ya?' thread...
  • Clean slate. He needs to get results immediately to win fans over. The owners need that too. 

    Fingers crossed and I will back him. By game 15 we should have a clear picture if he's good enough. 

  • Michael Appletons Red n White Army....... nah doesn't work tbh.


    This is art 
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