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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • I'll get behind him - not exciting - a bit meat and 2 veg but maybe that's not a bad thing - probably the most positive thing i can say really - not sure what his particular style of play is if he has one but nothing can be worse than that garnerball crap.   
  • edited September 2023
    About as inspiring as planning a night out with your pals and ending up in a Wetherspoons all night.

    You’ll upset @ElfsborgAddick now he’s their best customer 😉
  • edited September 2023
    If it hasnt been mentioned already, these two, David Kerslake and Richard O’Donnell seem to to have made up his coaching staff at Lincoln and BLackpool.

  • This is being spammed more than the meme...
  • I actually can't believe the meme has become the manager. When did we first start doing that? It's been years of that joke and suddenly the joke is real and it's somehow got less funny. 
    It's a fairly uninspired choice. I hope he catapults us into the Championship but it seems a bit bleak that instead of going a bit left field on a manager on the up we've gone for one who has never been promoted from L1, has failed quite badly at Championship clubs and whose sole career promotion was from L2 in 2016. I don't know what they saw that convinced them he was going to sort us out but as far as I can tell there's nothing to massively separate him from Holden other than probably being cheaper.
    He got the Job because he’s Charlie’s mate and the only manager to be interviewed that said ‘I don’t need a big budget’

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  • I don't think this squad can deliver promotion 
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Rob7Lee said:
    WhenI first saw the headline I thought it was a joke, my oh my, how far are we falling, if he's the best we can come up with god help us.

    Portsmouth short stint and relegated
    Blackpool lasted about 10 games/2 months
    Blackburn see Blackpool
    Oxford couple of years, did get them from League two to League one and wembley
    Coach at Leicester & west Brom
    Couple of years at Lincoln, did little
    6 months back at Blackpool, one win in eleven games, sacked

    We've gone for a bang average (at best) League one manager, but then right now we are a bang average league one club. I literally give up, I honestly think me and a few of my apprentices at work would have more idea of how to run a football club than the Charlie's we've had the last 8 years.

    I am starting to wonder if we've become so toxic as an employer we are literally fishing in the bottom of the pond as surely this isn't the best available, but must be the best of who would work here.

    Interesting list, would probably help if you added some context to it like he resigned from Portsmouth (who were in administration) to take the Blackpool job which he left to take the Blackburn job.

    You also missed the play off final with Lincoln.

    It's not brilliant but it's not "announce relegation now" bad as some are making out.  We will finish about 10th because that's about how good our squad is.
    Is he an improvement on Holden, Garner, Jackson, Adkins, Bowyer or Robinson? I don't think so (not saying he's worse than all of them, but he's certainly not any better), and herein lies the problem, Managers are continually fired based on results, if I continually kept firing the managers below me since 2016 due to results my bosses would long ago have worked out that it wasn't necessarily them that was the problem! 

    You have to start to believe (or I do) that we are now attracting a certain type/level of manager for a reason, that reason is the clowns at the helm for the past x number of years.

    We struck lucky with Bowyer who if I remember originally joined a day a week to help coach/pass on knowledge to our midfield. Jackson in reality was always a shoe in due to his love and desire to manage CAFC, he'd have done so under almost any terms. But was Holden a poor manager, was Garner, was Jackson? I don't believe so.

    I give Appleton less than a year, not because he's necessarily an awful manager, but simply because he'll be fired on results and in the current CAFC climate we aren't ever going to be good enough to mount a serious promotion challenge so when we limp to about 13th place this season it'll be 'all change' once again. Appleton is a Russell Spade type appointment.
    He has got a better CV than Holden and Garner had when we appointed them.

    I am not sure what your saying, is it:

    1) Appleton is an awful manager 
    2) He won't get back sufficiently so will fail and ultimately be sacked.

    Or both?

  • edited September 2023
    JFo said:
    I’ll reserve judgment, but it’s pretty cheeky for the club website to say he “has worked at the very top level” when in fact he oversaw one single premier league game as an interim boss.
    Also love the way they mention that his last job was at ‘championship’ Blackpool but fail to mention that he took them down.
  • edited September 2023
    Went out for a nice lunch at a swish local hostelry, had a lovely time, drunk too much, ate too much, in fact it was a jolly good time, just made it back home and  logged onto CL to find this, and 330 posts, oh well, at least part of my day went according to plan...
    I suppose I will have to say welcome...🤞
  • Warburton was my first choice however I am not writing Appleton off before a ball is kicked. His record at both Oxford and Lincoln wasn’t bad so he has my  full support for now.
  • Had a bit of a ramble about it on the bird app, but what's up with all the generalisations? 

    I have read stuff like 'our fans are morons' 'our fans love being miserable' 'our fans haven't got a clue'.

    Those types of sweeping generalisations are far more toxic than those who express their concerns over decisions being made at our football club.

    I am fairly confident most of the people who attend games and have voiced their concerns will continue to do so and not be 'miserable' if Charlton manage to climb the table. They/I especially won't be enraged if it's because of Appleton's doing.

    Really winds me up, we are allowed as fans to show concern as this appointment reeks of desperation early doors, if the fans who think so are wrong then happy days.

    The digs among fans really winds me up, challenge opinions and ask why people may think that way, fine. Calling people morons or saying they enjoy being miserable is frankly bizarre and out of order.

    That said good luck to him, I feel completely uninspired by the appointment but I really hope he can do the business
    Fair to feel that way but your two previous comments on this thread have been:

     A managerial appointment fit for a group of chancers. More chance of relegation than promotion now if we're honest ”

    “… I am expecting the worst new manager bounce we have ever had in recent history. The two year contract suggests they are expecting him to fail/considering sacking him if it goes wrong …”

    If that’s not writing him off before a ball’s been kicked I don’t know what is.

    Only pulled your comments because I’m replying to you but there are many others like it, or worse, already. The majority of the fanbase will have egg on their faces if this appointment works out well.
  • edited September 2023
    Wanted Brady or Bonner as top choices. 

    Powell / Bowyer / Moore would have been very happy too. 

    Absolutely did not want the Cowleys and was confident that wasn't going to happen anyway.

    Appleton seems like an odd choice and a risky one. If it backfires this SMT are going to have a remarkably low level of credibility early in their tenure.
  • I don't think this squad can deliver promotion 
    I have no doubt a fully fit squad can deliver but how many years has it been since we had a fully fit squad ? 
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  • I don't think this squad budget can deliver promotion 

  • edited September 2023
    Had a bit of a ramble about it on the bird app, but what's up with all the generalisations? 

    I have read stuff like 'our fans are morons' 'our fans love being miserable' 'our fans haven't got a clue'.

    Those types of sweeping generalisations are far more toxic than those who express their concerns over decisions being made at our football club.

    I am fairly confident most of the people who attend games and have voiced their concerns will continue to do so and not be 'miserable' if Charlton manage to climb the table. They/I especially won't be enraged if it's because of Appleton's doing.

    Really winds me up, we are allowed as fans to show concern as this appointment reeks of desperation early doors, if the fans who think so are wrong then happy days.

    The digs among fans really winds me up, challenge opinions and ask why people may think that way, fine. Calling people morons or saying they enjoy being miserable is frankly bizarre and out of order.

    That said good luck to him, I feel completely uninspired by the appointment but I really hope he can do the business
    Fair to feel that way but your two previous comments on this thread have been:

    “ A managerial appointment fit for a group of chancers. More chance of relegation than promotion now if we're honest ”

    “… I am expecting the worst new manager bounce we have ever had in recent history. The two year contract suggests they are expecting him to fail/considering sacking him if it goes wrong …”

    If that’s not writing him off before a ball’s been kicked I don’t know what is.

    Only pulled your comments because I’m replying to you but there are many others like it, or worse, already. The majority of the fanbase will have egg on their faces if this appointment works out well.
    I am specifically talking about fan on fan stuff here mate and how I don't like fans getting personal amongst ourselves. 

    I will openly admit I think our new ownership are dodgy like the last handful and I expect this to all go wrong at some point. 

    There is no part of my post that is an attack on a fan. 

    I want what's best for Charlton, if I think a manager is pants or our owners are potentially tossers, I am going to say that.

    However I won't jump on a fellow fans back for voicing their view as I know there's every chance I could be sitting next to them at some point and we both have a common interest. 

  • I should have put money on it, could smell this appointment.
  • Seems a good day to break my CL self enforced retreat and start posting again. Or maybe not, well see. Like most it seems my whelm is very much undered and I think he has a no more than a handful of games to turn it around. I'm not at all confident.

    FWIW, and in a true football forum cliché, my Oxford supporting relative rates him and says there's still a lot of man love for him there. But that came with a proviso that's under a good board and with lots of stability at the the opposite of us really. 
    He's been given a 2 year contract.
  • DDOUBLEE said:
    Absolute rock bottom 😭
    Surely that was Karel Fraye?
  • Will probably turn toxic quite quickly if things don't start well so I hope the players respond to him. Good luck.
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