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Is Holden under pressure?



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    se9addick said:
    If these owners are serious I think he is. Looking at the options out there at the minute. There are better.
    Which ones?
    Darren Moore even

    Oh, wait, are we just throwing out random manger names? Because not a single one of your list is coming to Charlton. 

    I do wonder how many times Charlton will change managers before Charlton fans realise changing the manger doesn’t change anything. 
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    It’s not good enough as said but bringing in 3/4 quality players would make a bigger difference than changing the manager and sticking with this squad.
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    The set pieces are pretty awful and you can’t start a season this way without pressure on the manger. However he needs to be backed with some signings PDQ and supported in continuing to build a new squad. 

    I’m concerned at how a positive start to recruitment seems to have effectively ground to a halt and more importantly why? 
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    Nice bloke. Has little or no pedigree..
    But he was cheap
    And he’s their man .. which is the only reason he’s there . Who else would have had him ? 
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    How many times will Charlton change owners before Charlton fans realise that changing owners doesn't change anything.
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    Nice bloke. Has little or no pedigree..
    But he was cheap
    Spot on.

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    Rob7Lee said:
    He must be under pressure, as it's not just the results but the manner of the results.

    But if the squad is not good enough, then that cannot help?
    Very annoying to lose to late goals, I will say.
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    RedChaser said:
    He’s probably safe for time being as the gang of four’s choice. It’s a results a business though and Charlie boy is going to have his work cut out convincing the money men alls well in the Valley.

    it will be a bloody long chat with 50+ to speak to. 
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    Like all the others, his hands are a bit tied until he’s allowed to sign quality and quantity of players he needs. Also like all the others, though, he was hired because he was affordable not because he was the best man for the job. There are things to like about him, I’d happily have a beer with him, but I’m still on the fence if he’s got what it takes to get us out of this division. 

    I hope he’s not being pressured by the owners or fans yet, but I also hope he feels pressure because so far it isn’t good enough. I’m sure he realizes that. 
    Not sure how good the squads of Newport, Bristol Rovers and Port Vale are?
    At least 1 goal better. 
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    Bristol Rovers are OK maybe play offs the others are woeful.  We should be beating Rovers at home and the other two if we have any hopes of anything more than mid table mediocrity again.
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    I don't want another new manager, but I think Holden should be under a bit of pressure, over things he can control like the defending, and set pieces.

    The ease at which Aberdeen cut through us was a warning sign. Yes they are better than us, but you should adapt your tactics to make yourself harder to beat. And it turns out that defensive frailty wasn't a flash in the pan.
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    Course he is but people will back him up because he’s a nice bloke . He’ll be gone by Christmas 
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    IAgree said:
    The set pieces are pretty awful and you can’t start a season this way without pressure on the manger. However he needs to be backed with some signings PDQ and supported in continuing to build a new squad. 

    I’m concerned at how a positive start to recruitment seems to have effectively ground to a halt and more importantly why? 
    Hmm that positive start to the recruitment - only 2 of the early signings look like an improvement on what we had - May and Camara - and even Camara has been inconsistent. Hector is overrated and Taylor looks like another Kiilkenny from what I've seen.
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    Don’t think he’s a great manager but he’s having to play three untested 18 year olds (even if they have been excellent) and has a woeful bench, it’s not his fault we’re useless
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    DH excuses now up. "At least we have a free week to work on our problems". It will take more than that to sort out our problems ☹️
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    We've had a succession of mediocre managers - none of them have done much since they left. Whatever the squad shortcomings they're hardly helped by the managers we've had.

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    Next game I think we should go 5 at back with wingbacks drop CBT because he flatters to deceive has no end product, can’t header ,can’t defend. 3 in the middle with 2 up top.

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    The new owners won’t give him long. Yes, they brought him in but they will be expecting results. I can’t see him staying long if the performances and results don’t pick up. 
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    ct_addick said:
    I want him to do well but think he engaged the fans to bide himself some time but he has no track record as a manager and has bounced from club to club. Let’s see if he gets backed by the owners but not hopeful 
    Why doesn't winning nineteen games in the championship as Manager of Bristol City, as many as he lost, with 5 draws, not count for you?
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    RedChaser said:
    He’s probably safe for time being as the gang of four’s choice. It’s a results a business though and Charlie boy is going to have his work cut out convincing the money men alls well in the Valley.

    it will be a bloody long chat with 50+ to speak to. 
    Not the three big hitters with clout it won’t 😉
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    A manager with no successful managerial experience to fall back on. An incomplete squad. Owners who overpaid for the club but won't put money in to address immediate issues. 
    The next two weeks really are important.
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    We've had a succession of mediocre managers - none of them have done much since they left. Whatever the squad shortcomings they're hardly helped by the managers we've had.

    I don’t think Pep could do much with recent squads they can only work with the players at their disposal after all.
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    RedChaser said:
    We've had a succession of mediocre managers - none of them have done much since they left. Whatever the squad shortcomings they're hardly helped by the managers we've had.

    I don’t think Pep could do much with recent squads they can only work with the players at their disposal after all.
    I'm sorry but Holden has to take some of the responsibility for our failings. 
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    edited August 2023
    Pretty awful post match interview but in truth not much else he could say, other than bunch of tossers!

    He definitely looked uncomfortable couldn’t stop fidgeting.

    Nice sweater though.
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    Pretty awful post match interview but in truth not much else he could say, other than bunch of tossers!

    He definitely looked uncomfortable couldn’t stop fidgeting.

    Nice sweater though.
    What did you think was awful about it? 
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    RedChaser said:
    We've had a succession of mediocre managers - none of them have done much since they left. Whatever the squad shortcomings they're hardly helped by the managers we've had.

    I don’t think Pep could do much with recent squads they can only work with the players at their disposal after all.
    I'm sorry but Holden has to take some of the responsibility for our failings. 
    Oh don’t apologise and I’m not disputing that Holden has to take some responsibility but my point is it can’t always be the Managers fault we’re a mid table L1 team with at least half of todays squad no better than that level. It would be even less than that if some of the recent signings and youngsters had improved the quality.
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    Next game I think we should go 5 at back with wingbacks drop CBT because he flatters to deceive has no end product, can’t header ,can’t defend. 3 in the middle with 2 up top.


    Asiimwe - Jones - Hector - Thomas - Edun
    Taylor - Dobson - Anderson
    May - Kanu

    relying on kids again, but no choice this season. Save CBT as a bench option, better than Payne

    Can then hopefully have Camara as a CM option too. 
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