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POST MATCH THREAD : Peterborough United Vs Charlton Athletic : Saturday 12th August 2023



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    We need a big man up front, definitely, to play off May. I agree it would have made a massive difference in terms of threat.
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    New owners same old problems. Not big enough investment in the squad  and leaving it late to bring in players so months away from a possible settled squad.
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    It's always interesting to read how people see the game differently, especially when we lose, whether the team in general or individual players. How much of this is down to individual bias towards or against certain players? 

    However, everyone seems to agree we're a few players short of being able to challenge at the top, in particular May needs a bigger man alongside him. 

    I'm still mildly optimistic but with reservations. It's not long until the end of August now so I hope I still have optimism at the end of deadline day.

    As for today, it was OK. The formation looked better in the second half. Let's see how we line up on Tuesday.

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    At the game I’ve seen worse but we never realistically looked like scoring 

    Dobbo trying too hard to get Alfie a goal and he is desperately missing Leaburn or another striker

    Get rid of Kirk Mcgrandles and Payne and get a proper creative player in

    We wouldn’t have lost that with Rak Saki 

    6 points this week and all will be forgotten 
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    Fine margins
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    I can’t stress enough just how important it is to get a striker sorted in which Alfie may can play off. All the meanwhile we haven’t sorted it, we aren’t going to go anywhere. 
    This needs to be sorted out soon and not left last minute… would go as far as saying getting it right will be the difference between play offs and mid table mediocrity.  
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    I don't understand why we keep lumping the ball up to may for him to challenge in the air and why we can't play longer balls into the channels without it going out of play. Was hopeful we'd get a result today but we didn't offer much in the final third to trouble them really.

    Would also like to see CBT move to the right during games as think he would have caused more problems and been able to deliver better balls if he had switched in the second half.

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    Thought we played well barring mistakes in defence and attack; did well in midfield . Their goal was too easy. Thought draw would have been fair.
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    This result was kind of predictable, given the state of our squad and that at times we feel more like a hospital ward than a football club.

    Still, we'll know where we are as a club when the transfer window closes; on the up, or more of the same.
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    edited August 2023
    We should/ could have got a point. A bit toothless up front but we also didn’t get the luck. We really do need 2 or 3 quality loans in to bolster the squad. We rely too much on our academy at the moment. Good players but they’re young. A couple of winnable home games coming up but this is Charlton. 
    It’s going to take time. 
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    edited August 2023
    One of the problems last season was playing inferior teams, especially at home who parked the bus. We didn't have the goals in the team and often got caught out with a sucker punch. We are yet to fully test if this is the case but I suspect it might be and that extra striker is pretty urgent.
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    I only watched the match on the tv from abroad but I personally thought it was a decent performance, Leaburn fit or the new owners had stopped haggling and just purchased that well needed additional striker then we leave with at least a point if not all three. 

    Points dropped today because a slightly slow transfer business, get the deals done.  
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    Showed today that we are not far off but we need more goal threats. For me it was a 50/50 game, maybe we slightly edged it, but we will drop points until this is addressed.

    Payne is a better option than Kirk. He was busy today but lacked that bit of quality. CBT is probably our main threat playing where he is and fortunately Holden is not daft enough to change his position. We need a new player in there.
    Not far off what? Beaten by another shit team.
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    LouisMend said:
    Dean says that “ one or two from today might not make it for Tuesday” . So that makes 10. TEN! Going into the third game of the season. Dean did hint that one might be back on Tuesday that he didn’t want to tip off Rovers about, but that’s still 10. 

    It was all Curbs and Brownie could talk about post-match. Jeez, it depresses me more than the performances. 

    And every season for a while now it’s been like this. There’s not a quick fix but we need to be asking the new ownership if they have a plan. Methven had plenty to say about it off the record, well sod that, give us some indication there’s an upgrade in progress. 

    Camara is a class act, and his mistake was doubly gutting because for me he was our best player in the first half until that moment. Now we see it was his first 90 ( or rather 102) for 18 months. Will he make another 90 on Tuesday?

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    edited August 2023
    Thought we were the better team overall and seemed in control for the most part, but without creating much of meaning. Annoying. Cheap goal to lose , standard 
    That sounds like a copy & paste from last 2 seasons.

    Lacking up front & don't take our chances when on top. Then we gift the opposition a chance & they take it. 1-0 and we can't turn it around. 

    Something has to change & fast. If we don't do something within the next 18 days then it will be another season in this division for 24/25. And dont say we have the January window because when we get there all we hear is " it's always tricky this time of year..." and " you don't pick up decent players part way through the season..."

    I wonder how brave Methven is. Time will tell.
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    edited August 2023
    Watched the stream. Game was decided by a Camara mistake (who ultimately had a good game overall).  

    Get a few decent signings in plus get Fraser, Taylor, Hector, etc. back and I think we could have a decent'ish season. Also very impressed with Dobson today - dictated play with a lot of great passes.

    A lot of promise in this squad - miles apart from the dross of Watson, Gunter, Innis, Stockley... I could go on.

    Foundations are there, we just need some very important signings over the next few weeks.
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    My gut feeling was that Peterborough were just a bit better organised than us, but had we come away with a point it would have been about right, we had a lot of possession without being to turn it into good chances. At any rate we didn't do enough to win. 

    With so many players injured, especially in our forward line/attacking midfield areas, it's hard to know whether this game was typical of the way things are going to go this season - that is play well against the better teams but struggle to get results or not. The bit of quality we needed was lacking and it seems that both Scott Fraser and TC will be in the physio's room for a few more weeks. 

    The good news though is that Camara looks the player we need.

    We need to urgently to shift a few players on and bring in someone in on the right and a striker or two - we got a few crosses in but Alfie May is never going to win those, a target man forward for May to work off is a necessity.

    I don't know if anyone noticed it, but at the start of the game but one of the Peterborough mascots was taller than Jack Payne. Alongside May that has to be the shortest forward line we've ever put out. 
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    A problem we have as a club that is beyond our ownership I feel is the fact due to us having such a good and well invested in academy is there is almost an unwritten obligation for us to blood young players. Don’t get me wrong it’s record speaks for itself but I feel that when you are starting the season with 2/3 positions filled by pretty much untested talent there is always going to be a bedding in period. I feel bad raising this but i’m not sure what the answer is 
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    Signing May to play him with Payne. Fucking stupid 
    Don't worry, our new owners know what is required & we intend to be challenging for top 6. Charlie boy said so, so we have nothing to worry about.
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    Not much to add past the half time comments, like Callum says two pretty even sides, both looked like still stuck in preseason with poor touches and passing. 

    Long balls up to May isn't going to work so we need to ditch that as we're just surrendering possession.

    First time watching this side and have to say was impressed with Asiimwe, you can see him thinking one step ahead with his play, looking for one twos and give and goes, if we get s decent right winger in for him to link up with and get an understanding then that's some attacking potential down our right, but, if 352 is going to be the way to go then we might not get to see that much.

    Much improvement and additions needed.

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    edited August 2023
    typical performance, lots of huff and puff, some lovely sideways backwards football.

    No punch upfront and the usual defensive cock ups.

    How many times did we allow 2 on 1 at their corners, at least 4 which all lead to chances. Sunday league set up and Holden was a defender.

    Disappointing because imho Peterborough aren’t great.

    Oh and by the way that ref is useless.

    By the way Charlton fans unreal today.
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