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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • Dazzler21 said:
    If I was Sandgaard I'd urgently talk to Pearce, a senior pro who's relatively untarnished by this season, to ask him what's gone wrong. He needs to get another voice to that of Adkins or Roddy, and Jacko and Euell are too involved.
     If you want to uncover the truth of what people believe to be MOST wrong with the footbaling side of things, you could perform a Pain Point/Positives uncovering exercise. It's clear it's more than just Adkins has become a crap manager... It's likely a few issues combining to create a bigger issue (like not having a CEO to manage the company and football club).

    Something like this:

    1. Identify an independent consultant to conduct the exercise.
    2. Identify Attendees
    3. Perform 1:1 interviews with each attendee. In the interviews you'd look to elicit & capture pain points and positives from each interviewee
    4. Collate and anonymise the results (highlight trends etc)
    5. Conduct a workshop to feedback the uncovered results. 
    6. Task each attendee with marking 3-5 items as their most important pain/positive (anonymously again)
    7. Share the results and act accordingly to correct or enforce what they expose

    Continuing from point 7, it would then be up to Thomas to either continue to utilise the consultant to plan and implement changes or Implement a CEO to do so. - this could end up with a full restructure or it could be looking to manage roles better to ensure people aren't intervening where they shouldn't be.

    The outcome would always be to plan and act swiftly. 

    Personally I'd probably have the following as attendees:

    Thomas Sandgaard - Obvs reasons
    Ged Roddy - Obvs reasons
    Steve Gallen - Obvs reasons
    Nigel Adkins - Obv reasons
    Tracey Leaburn - She has a better insight to the full squad, players young and old and the challenges they have going on.
    Johnnie Jackson - His 11 year tenure would be very important to this.
    Club Captain - Who is our actual captain?

    Just come off a Management Course?
    I work in change management. 

    I can assure you our current change management processes have not been good enough and if we, the fans can see that from outside... that's dire. 
  • edited October 2021
  • Gribbo said:
    Doubt very much that TS would take his Mrs in to the room while he sacks someone, so are they just having a bit of an informal chat about ways to improve? Hope not
    According to my mate who was a sponsors guest tonight and was on the next table, Sandgaard got his ear bent very quickly after picking up a sausage roll post match so beat a hasty retreat. Presumably just looking for a bit of respite in the boardroom. 
    Was it Sue Parkes, furious that Thomas had taken the last sausage roll, only leaving her the curly sandwiches?
    Is that supposed to be witty…..FFS!
  • Addick_8 said:
    Jason Pearce looks as if he is backing Nigel

    Race to the bottom. 
  • CH4RLTON said:
    God this thread has become more toxic than the much fabled takeover thread, fish puns anyone to lighten the mood? 
    Second half we deserved a point .. to be honest showed what we can do 
    No,no, no, no!

    second half, we showed some attacking intent and maybe stockley and Davisson could have scored but for goal line clearances but we are still a shambles at the back and the two chances I’ve mentioned above were cancelled out by saves by our keeper. 

    We got what we deserved. 0 points.
    Disagree…..we deserved a point and were unlucky not to get one, despite a somewhat fractured  performance.
    It would have been daylight robbery if we nicked a point. Remember Pell's second free kick crossed the line so we were lucky to go in at HT level. 
  • Sorry Jason.
    The piling on as you call it has followed an age of welcome and optimism, indeed even at a time when things were a bit dodgy originally.
    What encouragement does he expect?
    That we urge on even more defeats and misery with love for those perpetrators who dish it out to us.
    Be very Christian, turn the other cheek and say hit me again?
    Exercise Orwellian doublethink that says ‘defeat is victory’?
  • CAFCTrev said:
    CH4RLTON said:
    God this thread has become more toxic than the much fabled takeover thread, fish puns anyone to lighten the mood? 
    Second half we deserved a point .. to be honest showed what we can do 
    No,no, no, no!

    second half, we showed some attacking intent and maybe stockley and Davisson could have scored but for goal line clearances but we are still a shambles at the back and the two chances I’ve mentioned above were cancelled out by saves by our keeper. 

    We got what we deserved. 0 points.
    Disagree…..we deserved a point and were unlucky not to get one, despite a somewhat fractured  performance.
    It would have been daylight robbery if we nicked a point. Remember Pell's second free kick crossed the line so we were lucky to go in at HT level. 
    And we could easily have been down to 10 men as well. We got what we deserved last night - nothing. 
  • edited October 2021
    Looks like Keohane to me, which tallies with information that Sandgaard listens to him. Utterly ridiculous.
    Whats your theory on why TS is faffing over sacking NA @Airman Brown? Is it a lack of a plan b perhaps? Reluctance to pay him off?
  • Addick_8 said:
    Jason Pearce looks as if he is backing Nigel

    Could be taken as a dig in that NA has disciplined someone when they need confidence. Could be backing NA or could be he likes the quote and nothing more

    Bit of conincedence though surely?
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  • edited October 2021
    Dazzler21 said:
    If I was Sandgaard I'd urgently talk to Pearce, a senior pro who's relatively untarnished by this season, to ask him what's gone wrong. He needs to get another voice to that of Adkins or Roddy, and Jacko and Euell are too involved.

    Several of those are likely to be part of the problem though

    The likes of Roddy, Adkins and even Jacko are hardly likely to tell Sandgaard that they're doing a crap job as individuals

    Pearce is I think the club captain. He alone should be able to tell Sandgaard what training is like, what the dressing room atmosphere is like etc. Whether Adkins is the problem, or indeed whether Jacko and Euell are part of the problem as well
    That's the point of using an independent consultant and ensuring all comments are anonymised.

    Everyone on that list should be able to speak freely without fear of consequence knowing that their comments could help the club and their silence will only continue to hurt it. 

    You need several input angles otherwise you will only hear the silo'd view of what Pearce for instance may want to say... It needs to be a more holistic approach. 

    I'd expect Sandgaard's no.1 to be a self admission that we need a CEO in place as he can't manage us from Colorado without better on the ground management. 
  • CH4RLTON said:
    cannot believe he's not been sacked, this is becoming an stupid
    First he was given 3 games … second why bring a new man in or caretaker in when our next game is Sunderland away .. might as well let NA take that game and if a change is needed do it after .. that way someone new as the whole week to get ready for Doncaster at home … 
    but knowing us I fully expect us to win at Sunderland on Saturday … that’s Charlton 
  • If he stays then something serious is going on at the very top.

    I suspect TS has tied himself in knots financially and has completely underestimated the whole venture.
    Quite how we can call the bloke our saviour when we are sitting in the lowest position we've ever been in is laughable.
    He a multi millionaire… I doubt he ever tired himself in knots … people need a reality check on how much TS has invested in getting this club .. 
  • CH4RLTON said:
    cannot believe he's not been sacked, this is becoming an stupid
    First he was given 3 games … second why bring a new man in or caretaker in when our next game is Sunderland away .. might as well let NA take that game and if a change is needed do it after .. that way someone new as the whole week to get ready for Doncaster at home … 
    but knowing us I fully expect us to win at Sunderland on Saturday … that’s Charlton 
    If Adkins is to go, then it is a case of the sooner the better so a new man can prep for Donny well in advance?
  • CH4RLTON said:
    cannot believe he's not been sacked, this is becoming an stupid
    why bring a new man in or caretaker in when our next game is Sunderland away
    The new man can get to know the players and start getting them used to his style earlier. If the Sunderland game is a loss either way, why wait?
  • CAFCTrev said:
    Its bizarre, Sandgaard came over, watched the game, saw us get beat by Accrington Stanley at home, seen one of the worst first half performances in years, and thinks to himself "yep Ive got the dream team in charge!". WTF dude!
    How can he see that reaction from the crowd, with the loss and league position, and think it's ok to keep him in charge. He's not got the money to sack him, I'm convinced of it.
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  • Didn't Roddy say that the situation would be assessed after 12 games?

    The 12th game was horrific, the 13th just as bad.

    What worries me is that if the situation really has been assessed after 12 games and Adkins is still in charge for the 14th, that would suggest it's already been decided he's here for a while longer.
  • Timing to me is irrelevant with regards to when the next game / management changeover occurs. Footballers, individual and as a team, should be able to turn and face the opposition regardless. 

  • If Tommy is the businessman he certainly appears to be, I'd be very surprised if he gets on his plane back to the US and Nigel is still with us. How many others are shown the door is another matter.
  • Couldn’t watch last night how can you when you want us to lose to get rid of the worst manager we’ve ever had.on par with Dowie and freye. 
    His still not been sacked no more for me. until his gone 
  • Croydon said:
    CAFCTrev said:
    Its bizarre, Sandgaard came over, watched the game, saw us get beat by Accrington Stanley at home, seen one of the worst first half performances in years, and thinks to himself "yep Ive got the dream team in charge!". WTF dude!
    How can he see that reaction from the crowd, with the loss and league position, and think it's ok to keep him in charge. He's not got the money to sack him, I'm convinced of it.
    Cannot think of any other logical reason than him not being able to afford to pay him off. Got about 20 months left of his current contract i think.
  • edited October 2021
    Dazzler21 said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Me coming to terms with the fact Adkins is going to be the Charlton Manager till the end of the season.
    Accurate, but for me it's that we're going to finish somewhere bottom half and that could include relegation. All depends on where the actual issue is. 

    If he does better with his own staff why haven’t they brought them in (at least some of them) as maybe what he is lacking is experienced staff members.
    Maybe that was a subject of last night's discussions?
    I hope it was, as I said in the player rating thread. Something needs to change- I don’t know what, but loosing to Stanley is a new low (even the goal celebrations in the covered end felt not as powerful as they usually are).
This discussion has been closed.

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