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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • I honestly thought I'd wake up this morning to the news he'd been sacked.

    crazy times.

  • I doubt the commercial director and his missus will be adding any input into sacking Adkins, so what else could they be chatting about?

    "So, Wayne, How about a Sandgaard music festival every close season - wank fest"
    Who are Wayne and Raelyn ?
    Rooney's new bird.
  • Must say i'm not impressed to wake up and see that he's still in charge! What the fuck needs to happen for TS to sack him? We're already 4 points from safety and with every passing week it will become less attractive a job for any new manager (although i think we'll end up with Jackson or Euell as interim managers anyway).
  • He’s going to keep his job for at least another 3/4 games isn’t he?
  • I think it is inevitable that Adkins will get the heave ho, we are so poor it is beyond repair.
    Surely replacements have already been spoken about, and hopefully it will mean bringing in the backroom staff of choice for the new manager.
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  • There is an 18 day league game break between Rotherham 2nd nov and Plymouth 20th nov due to cup and internationals.  If he’s not sacked today then that’s where TS will do it.  If TS doesn’t do it then and we’re further adrift then even he can go f*ck himself as well.
  • This is just like the End of curbs reign.people wanting to get rid of bowyer like curbs we then bring in a idiot like Dowie who just talks utter nonsense. We give them twice if not more money to work with and there clueless. If we had kept bowyer he could have cleared out the players he had upset and we would I think be in a promotion battle. Remember he never had a transfer window he could actually do anything. 
    We’ve now got someone who won’t change his tactics just keeps rotating the team hoping something clicks. Like under Dowie you can see our defence has gave up because there is no protection in front of them the fullbacks just keep backing of letting crosses come in. And then when they score they just look at each other like who should be marking him. 
    Adkins was lucky with the team he inherited at Southampton he had some real good players and lambert who just destroyed league one and championship. He hasn’t got that and he hasn’t got the tactical brains to change anything. He’s already tried 5 different players in the no 10 spot. His only tactic seems to be to throw on more forwards when we’re losing. 
    This team is already relegated unless something drastic happens. 
  • Scoham said:
    Do we have no imagination? There are talented young managers and coaches out there who would see the job as a step up and could improve us. There are clubs with much smaller budgets playing much better football than us.

    It worked out for Taylor but not so well for Keegan at Newcastle or Dalglish at Liverpool.

    Its got to a point where most would agree that if we had an open cheque book and signed an EFL dream team we’d still be the same with Adkins in charge.  
  • Adkins is sticking like shit to a blanket and TS is delaying the inevitable, if he thinks that Adkins will turn this around in the next two games then he knows less about football than I gave him credit for. The longer it continues then the harder it will become for any new manager to come in and turn it around. Season is now over in regards to challenging at the top, it's now a relegation battle. 
  • There is an 18 day league game break between Rotherham 2nd nov and Plymouth 20th nov due to cup and internationals.  If he’s not sacked today then that’s where TS will do it.  If TS doesn’t do it then and we’re further adrift then even he can go f*ck himself as well.
    I don't think we can afford to wait. Sunderland is pretty much a write off but then Doncaster at home is a must win, we need a new manager and a reaction for that. Then another home game v Rotherham. With a new manager we should be looking for at least 4 points, with Adkins i fear we'd lose all 3 games.
    Agreed, just think that’s when he will actually do it if not today.
  • Scoham said:
    I used to shout the same to Peter Garland!!
    This is incorrect he was shouting at Jason Euell not Adkins 
    What was Peter Garland doing shouting at Jason Euell?
  • Scoham said:
    I used to shout the same to Peter Garland!!
    This is incorrect he was shouting at Jason Euell not Adkins 
    What was Peter Garland doing shouting at Jason Euell?
    Putting in his post match pie order. 
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  • edited October 2021
    Scoham said:
    He’s going to keep his job for at least another 3/4 games isn’t he?
    The fact he's still here makes it look like he'll be here for the season.....
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Scoham said:
    He’s going to keep his job for at least another 3/4 games isn’t he?
    The fact he's still here makes it look like he'll be here for the season.....
    Heaven help us 🙏.
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Scoham said:
    He’s going to keep his job for at least another 3/4 games isn’t he?
    The fact he's still here makes it look like he'll be here for the season.....
    Hopefully its just because the comms team havent started yet so havent had an opportunity to put out a statement. 
  • edited October 2021
    [posted on the post-match thread but, on reflection, more appropriate here - apologies]

    If NA is not willing to face the fact (proven time and time again this season) that, whatever permutation of players he selects, HIS SYSTEM DON'T WORK then he has to go.
    We know that most of the players are individually good enough to be part of a competitive team in L1. That each and every one of them looks otherwise, I believe, is down to the fact that they know the system doesn't work and have lost all confidence in it - they find that the fellow red shirt they'd normally expect to see providing support or cover or showing for a pass simply ain't there and they make basic mistakes trying to compensate.
    Why else would experienced players continually stand off opponents and allow them to get shots or crosses off in and around our box?
    Why else would opponents be left regularly completely unmarked in front of goal?
    Why else would defenders continually find no option but to lump it long or pass 30 yards back to MacG to do the same thing in vain search of a solitary and outnumbered centre forward? 
    You've got to wonder what the hell goes on on the training pitch at the moment under NA, especially in the context of the "25 clean sheets" objective.
    It's surely been bleeding obvious since the early setbacks of the season that, as a first priority, WE MUST set up to maintain a SOLID shape and to stop shipping soft goals. Whether that means as a 4-4-2 or with 5-3-2 is for debate but we clearly can't achieve it, other than on rare occasion, with any perm that NA's been willing to deploy this season. 
    That would give the defence the chance of functioning as a unit, with confidence of getting the defensive cover they need. As Curbs and Jon Fortune put it last it weekend, everyone understanding the defensive "rules" that we're playing by as a team and their role in the context of those rules.
    If that means that we can't play the permutation of attacking players we'd like to and that some of the higher-profile signings of the last window are redundant for the time-being, so be it. That's a luxury we can't afford now because if we can't retain possession of the ball (and we patently can't with 4-2-3-1 or even 4-3-3 and the current midfielders in our squad) those attacking options are irrelevant and we'll keep shipping soft goals to ordinary teams.  
    But I'm afraid, I just can't see NA changing his spots and I strongly suspect (and hopefully anticipate) that he won't be in charge come Saturday.
  • If Sandgaard’s company Zynex were at a loss the last few months and was due to one of his directors not performing at acceptable level would he sack or give a real performance review on him? I’d highly imagine he would so why isn’t he doing the same with Adkins? Especially when we’d be losing more due to League Two status.

    I find it madness TS hasn’t sacked him yet. Something must be going on behind the scenes to prevent him from doing this. Whatever it is needs to be sorted quickly!
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Scoham said:
    He’s going to keep his job for at least another 3/4 games isn’t he?
    The fact he's still here makes it look like he'll be here for the season.....
    Hopefully its just because the comms team havent started yet so havent had an opportunity to put out a statement. 
    If TS sacked him last night we'd know by now and I can't see him thinking he's sacked and waiting until today unless TS wants to announce the sacking at the same time as a new appointment.

    We can live in hope, but my view he'll still be here for Sunderland and back to the valley for Donny. You have to ask yourself if he's not been sacked by now, what will lead to his sacking, we can't really get any worse, if Donny at least draw their game in hand we are 1 point from the bottom of league 1 after more than a quarter of the season!
  • edited October 2021
    Without a doubt, this is the worst team I have seen since I saw my first game in 1959. During those years, there have been some really bad sides, but at least they played with spirit and an enthusiasm which meant they always had the full support of the fan base.
    Last night, both were lacking and they looked a beaten side within the first 10 minutes.
    I wish Lennie Lawrence was twenty years younger - he always did his best despite limited resources both on and off the pitch, and built his teams from the back. It might not have been pretty at times, but he made us defensively sound as a priority.
    None of the current back five are good enough, and we need to score three goals just to sneak a point.
    I fear for the future.
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Roland Out Forever!