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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • I hear TS' new song will be a riff on his first song, "Addicks to Victory." Except the title has been changed to "Adkins to Redundancy."
  • Scoham said:
    cabbles said:
    Personally, I think Jackson is a good option.  I know his coaching could be perceived as part of the problem given the performances to date, but I think he could get a response out of the players.  He’s close with Pearce I would imagine, who probably has a lot of influence and I have a feeling the players just aren’t happy under NA.

    If we go down the route of bringing someone from outside in, the first question is who?  All of the so called upcoming managerial talents might look at us and think, yep, biggish club at our level, ex Prem etc, but they might also think, 22nd in League One, big responsibility and quite a bit of pressure.  Second question, new managers usually come in with the need to bring in their own players.  I don’t think TS will be putting his hand in his pocket in Jan, so it would be a case of getting the best out the bunch here.  An outside manager might not want to work in those circumstances or have the ability to turn it round in 34 games.  For want of a better depiction, Jackson sits quite nicely in that Venn diagram given all the factors at play and could have a chance of keeping us up.
    TS talked about making signings in January only a few weeks ago.
    I’m not 100% convinced.  He’s spent a fair bit so far.  Sacking NA would be another cost.  

    I also think you’ve got to factor in how notoriously scrappy Jan windows are, especially if you’re a club in trouble.  You can end up being held to ransom because other clubs know you need better players.  And, it’s becoming apparent this summer’s efforts have failed.  If they couldn’t crack it over a whole summer, I can’t see how a new manager, with 2 months to evaluate the squad, with one month to get business done, under the recruitment set up we have, could make it work. 
  • cabbles said:
    Scoham said:
    cabbles said:
    Personally, I think Jackson is a good option.  I know his coaching could be perceived as part of the problem given the performances to date, but I think he could get a response out of the players.  He’s close with Pearce I would imagine, who probably has a lot of influence and I have a feeling the players just aren’t happy under NA.

    If we go down the route of bringing someone from outside in, the first question is who?  All of the so called upcoming managerial talents might look at us and think, yep, biggish club at our level, ex Prem etc, but they might also think, 22nd in League One, big responsibility and quite a bit of pressure.  Second question, new managers usually come in with the need to bring in their own players.  I don’t think TS will be putting his hand in his pocket in Jan, so it would be a case of getting the best out the bunch here.  An outside manager might not want to work in those circumstances or have the ability to turn it round in 34 games.  For want of a better depiction, Jackson sits quite nicely in that Venn diagram given all the factors at play and could have a chance of keeping us up.
    TS talked about making signings in January only a few weeks ago.
    I’m not 100% convinced.  He’s spent a fair bit so far.  Sacking NA would be another cost.  

    I also think you’ve got to factor in how notoriously scrappy Jan windows are, especially if you’re a club in trouble.  You can end up being held to ransom because other clubs know you need better players.  And, it’s becoming apparent this summer’s efforts have failed.  If they couldn’t crack it over a whole summer, I can’t see how a new manager, with 2 months to evaluate the squad, with one month to get business done, under the recruitment set up we have, could make it work. 
    I agree it might not happen in reality, but the aim is always to improve the squad in each window. Even if there’s no money that’s the plan, even if it’s just signing replacements for players you sell.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Adkins has to go because that's how it works. 

    He isn't the problem.  You might get a "new manager bounce" for a few games.

    Thomas has to do one of the following now:

    1) back Adkins and give him 100% control
    2) sack Adkins and bring in a new manager and give him 100% control

    Doing neither will fail. 

    Please tell me who so controlling the tactics and team line up? 
  • Another point, Jackson and Euell are not the answer. We are in deep deep trouble and we can’t risk putting people with ZERO management experience in to try and save us from relegation. 
  • edited October 2021
    J BLOCK said:
    Another point, Jackson and Euell are not the answer. We are in deep deep trouble and we can’t risk putting people with ZERO management experience in to try and save us from relegation. 
    We cant risk getting the next appointment wrong at all.

    Jackson / Euell could easily flop - But then an experienced choice is working great so far.

    We can talk about Ryan Lowe (the Plymouth fans were extremely critical of him towards the end of the season, not just the 6-0 defeat against us so it feels as though he has spikes where he's doing well), or Mike Duff (who knows how he'd do at a big club)

    But as I stressed before Bowyer went... there is no magic formula, anyone could work, yet anyone could equally do just as badly if not worse.
  • Total clear out required. JJ or JE can manage us some other time in the future, but we need a complete reset now before it is too late. TS staying off social media a good thing. A pause for proper thought hopefully…
  • The only manager out there out of work is Chris Wilder who better then what we got .. but he won’t manage any one in league one not just us …

    Go for a young manager who as learnt his trade already and his ready to test himself at a bigger club 

    I would go for Matt Taylor at Exeter ….. former player knows the club I think he might have played with Jackson … and has done incredible job at Exeter and deserves his chance but no good bringing him in unless he given 3/4 years to do the job … 
  • There’s no doubt in my mind it’s time for NA to go, the problem is who do we bring in, nobody that’s available ie Howe or Wilder would touch us with a barge pole, up and coming managers like Ryan Lowe are doing well where they are and I suspect wouldn’t give that up to come and manage us. I’ve also seen anybody that’s been on Charlton tv mentioned as possible replacements, there’s a reason they’re on tv not on the training ground and that’s they talk well but can’t coach (well maybe Curbs can but he’s of an age gone bye pretty much like ND) that leaves us with looking at a coach who’s doing well but looking to break into management, who that might be I’ve no idea hopefully someone within the club has that knowledge but I suspect the replacement will come from within either JJ or Euelly so fingers crossed they have the answers and are not part of the problem.
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  • Adkins should have gone ages ago, and he can take Jackson with him

    unforTunately for Euell we need results now and we can’t risk him not hitting the ground running in management

    Of who’s out there available right now, I’d take Derek McInnes.

    whoever comes in needs to be able to bring a couple of people with them
  • edited October 2021
    Adkins Out ?

    The question mark has to be removed and Nigel Adkins must be sacked before our club top the bill at the Apollo.

    Nigel Adkins was a two time course and distance winner in League 1. That is ancient history as Nigel Adkins side stumble from one inept performance to the next.

    Thomas Sandgaard can't let Ged Roddy convince him that Adkins will turn this around to save face as it appeared to be Roddy's call to hire Nigel.

    He won't improve this team,  because Nigel Adkins went from having the ambition of having 25 clean sheets to playing 3 wingers!
    The two are not compatible.
    I felt embarrassed watching and listening to Nigel Adkins on Bromley Addicks Zoom last week.

    Adkins Out before the quick sand drags our team to new depths.

    Thomas Sandgaard took a hit on Ronnie Schwartz when it just didn't work out.
    Thomas Sandgaard needs to take another hit with Nigel.

    Adkins out should be a statement not a question.

  • JJ has a 100%. Plus I understood he has been on the touchline rather than Adkins for the paint trophy games which by all reports have been pretty enjoyable 
  • Michael Beale
    chris houghton 
    would Di Canio be good enough, even for the passion!
    matt Taylor at Exeter
    Chris wilder 
    Eddie howe 
  • I think they should all go.

    I know it's easy to say when it ain't your money, but because TS has already invested £millions, why don't he bite the bullet and get in a conventional football CEO, along with a manager and a backroom team of their choosing. If it happens sooner rather than later, there is time to make changes in January, with a view to surviving this season and making a proper bid for promotion next season.

    Any other stop gap appointment would be a sideways move and just creating a problem further down the line as far as I'm concerned, when it could possibly be too late.

  • I think he will be in charge Tuesday. I'd like to think lose or draw he will be sacked. But I'm also not holding My breath. 
  • J BLOCK said:
    Another point, Jackson and Euell are not the answer. We are in deep deep trouble and we can’t risk putting people with ZERO management experience in to try and save us from relegation. 
    Adkins and Slade had years of experience. At this level it usually means bringing in someone who’s been sacked a lot.

    We can’t afford to get a second appointment wrong, and any new permanent manager is guaranteed at least 2/3 months in the job.

    Why not give JJ and Euell a couple of games as caretakers and replace them if the results aren’t good enough? They might get a reaction, the squad don’t look like they’re playing for Adkins. If they don’t they can go and a new manager can bring in his own coaching team.
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  • Chris Hughton would be my first choice, assuming he'd be up for it.
  • se9addick said:
    Yesterday was the first time I’ve actually considered that we might get relegated.
    I had hoped after the Fleetwood win there’ll be enough about the squad to achieve lower to mid table, but those players definitely look like League One fodder ready to fall into League Two.

  • I'm too used to the doom and gloom over the last 5 seasons. Now fully expecting a statement from TS saying CAFC is for sale, as he misjudged the costs of running the club.

    Level of misery today = 11/10
  • edited October 2021
    cabbles said:
    se9addick said:
    Yesterday was the first time I’ve actually considered that we might get relegated.
    I had hoped after the Fleetwood win there’ll be enough about the squad to achieve lower to mid table, but those players definitely look like League One fodder ready to fall into League Two.

    This is the thing that puzzles me.

    Taking the attention away from the manager for the minute, the players don't seem to be reacting to the position they're in. Not even for their own interests.

    I think that when that happens, there's only one direction you're going and it ain't up.

    I think it could also suggest there's something else bubbling away out of sight
  • If he’s still here by the end of today, he’ll be here on Tuesday.
  • edited October 2021
    Bowyer under Robinson was just someone that came in from the outside to help out with training sessions. He wasn't someone fully involved with the team and therefore could breathe new life when he took over less than a year later. He was assistant manager but like I said, he came in from the outside and was a new breath of life, he hasn't proceeded over the previous years of ineptitude. 

    Jackson and Euell have been embedded in the squad for years. If they had ideas and suggestions, they would have told the manager and been used already. Other than an increase in 'passion' temperarily, Jackson offers nothing new. He's been in the coaching team for years during our decline. 
    Part of the problem is the squad fitness, which Jackson as a coach is partly responsible for. 

    Get rid of everyone and start again. We are rotten to the core and need a complete overhaul. Stop saying 'give it to Jackson and see', we lose 5 more games and we are properly in the poo. We don't have the time on 9 points to be giving jobs to the boys because they've stuck around earning a wage for years hiding in the background.
  • edited October 2021
  • Gribbo said:
    Chris Hughton would be my first choice, assuming he'd be up for it.
    And who would you want as manager?
    Give that to Hughton n all. Assuming he can still walk
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!