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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • I worry that Jackson and Euell are part of the current problem. 

    I don’t want that to be true obviously. 

    But I can’t rationalise away how their input currently is being ignored or completely overridden. 

    I want there to be another explanation but I don’t know what is really so wrong behind the scenes. 
    Well it should be easy to find out. Sack Adkins and give one of them or both of them the job for Tuesday and expect them to hit the ground running seeing as they know the players etc... If they swim they keep the job and if they sink, we bring somebody new in.
    If they sink then we are in even bigger trouble. Considering they a big part of the coaching set up which has seen us in the position we are now, and Jackson has been coach under some horrific spells under both Robinson and Bowyer I don’t think it’s the time to really be hoping that they can ‘swim’.

    We can’t afford to fuck about so it’s get someone in who has as proven record as possible and I’m sure there’s someone out there. Yeah they might sink as well but I’m willing to bet there’s a better chance they won’t then JJ or Euell.
  • edited October 2021
    Who is that? Get somebody in quick and if they fail we are stuck with them. Give JJ or Euell or both 6 games and you have a free hit with an option for failure.
  • If he does go, whoever comes in, surely needs to be with the intention that they'll be around for the long term. Otherwise it'll be another season for them to "build" ffs. Start someone fresh asap, with a view to them being around a while. Non of this temporary thing. imo

    TS must have a short list of names, that he's put together over the last few weeks. If not, why not?
  • By every measure, no one alive to day has seen a worse Charlton side. This lot will be relegation fodder in league two. We are just one relegation away from an existential crisis. Relegation is nailed on unless we change and give a new manager time to turn it around. Unless of course looking over our shoulders at non-league football was part of the long-term plan. 
  • I’ll defend Jackson and Euell for a second, because if there is no clear idea for them to put in place from Adkins, they are in a hole themselves, and stuck doing the best they can with a manager without a clear way of playing. 
  • Who is that? Get somebody in quick and if they fail we are stuck with them. Give JJ or Euell or both 6 games and you have a free hit with an option for failure.
    Anyone can fail, but I’m willing to bet that getting someone in who has managed at the level and has a slight proven track record is statistically likely to do a better job then people who are part of the back room staff of a failing side playing terrible football.

    I don’t think you can count 6 matches at this point as a free hit. JJ/Euell come in and we get say 3 points from them, then we are completely fucked.

  • Croydon said:
    So who is available that can replace him?
    Am sure there is an unemployed option out there who might want the opportunity.

    We've got the likes of Jackson or Euell waiting in the wings

    Or we go for someone young who is successful at this level at present (or take the risk and pluck them from League Two)
    Don't want Jacko anywhere near it. He's in charge of our set pieces and defence, and they're our two worst things.

     If Nigel goes we need a completely fresh start, and someone who brings in their own coaching staff
    Agreed - clear the decks and start again. 
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  • What we can't do which Sandgaard and Roddy can is ask JJ or Euell or both why it is going wrong and how they will fix it. If they answer well enough give them the job on a caretaker basis, if not give it to the next player in line. If it fails you bring a new manager in. If a new manager on a decent contract fails you don't have that option.
  • Who is that? Get somebody in quick and if they fail we are stuck with them. Give JJ or Euell or both 6 games and you have a free hit with an option for failure.
    Anyone can fail, but I’m willing to bet that getting someone in who has managed at the level and has a slight proven track record is statistically likely to do a better job then people who are part of the back room staff of a failing side playing terrible football.

    I don’t think you can count 6 matches at this point as a free hit. JJ/Euell come in and we get say 3 points from them, then we are completely fucked.

    It should gos without saying. If you're taking a gamble, which these things always are, you give yourself the best odds. And going with a Rookie, is not the safest bet imo 
  • But going for a rookie and wanting/demanding instant results is different and it can work.
  • How many more games does TS give him? It clearly is working, if it ever was. 
    I know losing is part of the game and I don’t want to sound Johnny big Potatos but we should be at the other end of this league, we are seriously getting in rut that is getting harder to turn around. 
  • I thought there were good reasons other than the manager for this bad start and that is partly true. However reading the comments of we still look unfit, the performance was bad yet again etc its obvious that there is an additional problem. 

    I don't like us sacking managers but there is a tipping point and we have reached it.  The consensus of action taken when Lee went off we didn't have a clue how to resolve the problem it created has to land at the managers door.

    Although I don't think TS will want to pull the trigger I think he will be forced in to it if Accrington put another nail in us on Tuesday.  They are not the kind of side you want to play if you don't have fight, fitness & never say die attitude that is obviously lacking. 

    Personally I think JJ & Euell should go too, there as much a part of it, but someone has to take temporary charge so they will likely get an opportunity.  If they do I hope they can turn things around and I will back who ever is in our hot seat till they prove otherwise being capable.   

  • Reasons to dismiss Adkins and Roddy, Quite simply, one of the biggest squads in the division, 9 points. Refusal to acknowledge that the system being played does not allow us to win the midfield and cover our full backs. Lastly but not least, that stupid 'every things alright' look on his face when being interviewed.
  • sammy391 said:

    If anyone wants to try …
    That is really not helpful - we want rid of the manager, not the fucking owner - be careful what you wish for - drive TS away, and we could end up in real shite i.e. off the field shite
    We need a new manager and a new CEO who knows how to run a football club.

    If both of those aspects are right then the owner can crack on in the background.
  • Bailey said:
    Reasons to dismiss Adkins and Roddy, Quite simply, one of the biggest squads in the division, 9 points. Refusal to acknowledge that the system being played does not allow us to win the midfield and cover our full backs. Lastly but not least, that stupid 'every things alright' look on his face when being interviewed.
    Roddy got nothing to do with playing side .. why you not asking for SG to go after all he in charge of recruitment no one else ?
  • Another point.  They say as a manger you sometimes need to be lucky.  Having your main striker scoring an own goal and conceding a winning goal in stoppage time plus you didn't get a stone wall pen etc blah blah.  I would say NA your luck has run out mate.    
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  • If he doesn’t go now then TS starts to become the problem. I don’t want protests and I hate how people communicate with him on Twitter, but it’s becoming a big concern that he won’t take action when needed. 
  • Not working out on any level and it’s difficult to see how it will - needs to go ASAP
  • Watch the touchline, Jacko is barking more orders than Adkins. Whilst the buck stops at Adkins, I don't think appointing Jacko in the long term is the solution here. 

    Needs a complete fresh start.
  • Pray for charlton
  • edited October 2021
    CAFCTrev said:
    Adkins will get Tuesdays game, trouble is if he scrapes a draw in that he will probably get another 3 games. 

    People will start to turn on TS if Adkins is still here come November and we are still in the bottom 3.
    If he is in charge on Tuesday then serious questions have to be asked as to what Sandgaard wants from all this. 

  • TS needs to act before the fanbase start to turn their frustration toward him.

    I would say 90% of our fanbase are of the opinion NA should go.  Keeping him in a job will just be like baiting a captive animal 
  • CAFCTrev said:
    Adkins will get Tuesdays game, trouble is if he scrapes a draw in that he will probably get another 3 games. 

    People will start to turn on TS if Adkins is still here come November and we are still in the bottom 3.
    If he is in charge on Tuesday them serious questions have to be asked as to what Sandgaard wants from all this. 

    100% he will be in charge on Tuesday. 
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Roland Out Forever!