As someone getting a bit fed up with the circular discussions of Transfers/Sandgaard/Both, it's time I stepped up and started some healthy debate. So without further ado, THIS is apparently what people think are the most important bits of a "proper" Full English breakfast:

The floor is now open to debate....
Everything else is god tier. I love an Eggs benny in an English muffin on the side. Need more than 2 rashers of bacon.
All the rest....pile it on - especially the mushrooms.
Fried sausage
Fried bacon
Fried eggs
Fried black pudding
Fried slice
Fried mushrooms
Fried tomatoes
Bubble and squeak
Anyone that has chips with a breakfast needs to be shot between the eyes.
Cut in half, season flat side and put flat side down in a dry pan. When suitably fried, turn over and add a couple of drops of vinegar, a sprinkle of sugar and season again. Boooootiful.
slightly after topic, I saw this on Instagram earlier…
Mine would have been:
2 Thick cut Slices Black Pudding
2 Sausages
2 Bacon slices
2 Eggs
Fried mushrooms
Toast (not fried)