The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
Being critical doesn't mean TS or NA out. It means people are not silly and don't believe the reasons for such a lack of quality after all the ' we are going to tear thus league up ' nonsense.
It's a shame Thomas said that but it was overexuberant at worse and nothing more than that, he should not be flayed alive for failing to deliver on that, did anyone really believe that anyway, whilst ignoring the realism that he has kept us afloat and will in the long term deliver success, maybe not the Prem bit, personally I couldn't give a flying fig if we don't make the prem in 5 years, Championship is a different case, and should be concentrated on in the immediate future.
So coming out with a false hood or misleading statement is exuberance ? Then there are too many people since Fat Boy who are 'far too exuberant '.
He said one thing one time when he was feeling particularly excited/exuberant and probably at the time did actually believe it - with hindsight it was wrong but that's hindsight.
It wasn't a promise, it wasn't a guarantee or a policy statement and people have got to stop taking it so literally. It's genuinely pathetic.
I think all fans largely took those comments with a pinch of salt but weren’t quite expecting us to be blowing this league out of the water in the opposite direction because of poor recruitment and budget issues.
A lot of you could do with letting the “PL and Europe in 5 years” statement go. It was said once. Not a constant repeat. It was said with excitement after a miracle swoop to clear ESI out of our club.
I’m sure you’ve all said an off the cuff comment once or twice, and doubt that people are still criticising you with it a year later. Understood that recruitment hasn’t been good enough overall in this window, but to constantly be beating Sandgaard down because of one comment, at a time when we were all celebrating as if we’d won the league, is ridiculous.
Why ? I am ged up with being misled and then told what was said was not meant.
If you don't mean it don't f***ing say it . What is wrong with the truth.
Considering the amount of misleading comments or nonsense you post on a daily basis, I’m surprised you’re not willing to let one comment from Sandgaard go.
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
I didn't expect the recruitment window we have had. We are no better off for a team to watch and thatbis the point.The majority will not turn up in the dead of winter to watch a team create nothing in the way of a goal in open play in 5 (that is FIVE games). I have a season ticket and I won't be doing that. After so many crap years people are not prepared to pay out for this.
If the budget is restricted now , it will remain so until extra 'investment' arrives. Grateful as we all are to have a club still, finding ourselves in a similar boat is unacceptable. If this was RD and his non budget what would everyone say . And I am notvsaying that TS is exactly like RD either.
I think this is a fair point to discuss.
There may well be an element of praising TS for the money he has put in and spent on transfers. But that wasn’t the case in years gone by.
How would this transfer window have been appraised under RD (forget ESI as that was another level entirely)?
Just focussing on the transfer window bit - and our league one promotion under Bowyer. A team with Taylor, Bielik, Cullen, Aribo, Bauer, Sarr. Compare that to now.
I remember thinking Bowyer seemed pretty genuine and shocked when he almost held his hands up and said ‘fair play the owner has backed me’. Didn’t stop all the other shite on the side that built up over time but that was an owner on his way out, hated by us (probably mutual!), but still got a team on the pitch to do the job.
Fact remains if RD had funded Clare, Dobson and Taylor Blackett we would all be on rubber dingy’s heading over to Belgium ready to graffiti his home by now.
Who the fuck is gonna buy us?!!! Who in their right mind is gonna buy a League One club that doesn’t own it’s ground or training facility and lose money every single month?
The man is OTT sometimes says (and does) some cringey stuff. But that’s what makes him just about mad enough to keep this clubs head above water and allows the vast majority of us to just worry about what’s going on, on the pitch.
The problem is, that it’s those that shout loud and often enough that get heard. I can imagine Twitter is awash with these fucking idiots. I hope TS realises it’s probably a tiny minority.
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
Being critical doesn't mean TS or NA out. It means people are not silly and don't believe the reasons for such a lack of quality after all the ' we are going to tear thus league up ' nonsense.
It's a shame Thomas said that but it was overexuberant at worse and nothing more than that, he should not be flayed alive for failing to deliver on that, did anyone really believe that anyway, whilst ignoring the realism that he has kept us afloat and will in the long term deliver success, maybe not the Prem bit, personally I couldn't give a flying fig if we don't make the prem in 5 years, Championship is a different case, and should be concentrated on in the immediate future.
So coming out with a false hood or misleading statement is exuberance ? Then there are too many people since Fat Boy who are 'far too exuberant '.
He said one thing one time when he was feeling particularly excited/exuberant and probably at the time did actually believe it - with hindsight it was wrong but that's hindsight.
It wasn't a promise, it wasn't a guarantee or a policy statement and people have got to stop taking it so literally. It's genuinely pathetic.
I think all fans largely took those comments with a pinch of salt but weren’t quite expecting us to be blowing this league out of the water in the opposite direction because of poor recruitment and budget issues.
Neither was Sandgaard though. There's no denying things have gone wrong but there's no chance at all that our current situation was one he wants or is happy about.
Who the fuck is gonna buy us?!!! Who in their right mind is gonna buy a League One club that doesn’t own it’s ground or training facility and lose money every single month?
The man is OTT sometimes says (and does) some cringey stuff. But that’s what makes him just about mad enough to keep this clubs head above water and allows the vast majority of us to just worry about what’s going on, on the pitch.
The problem is, that it’s those that shout loud and often enough that get heard. I can imagine Twitter is awash with these fucking idiots. I hope TS realises it’s probably a tiny minority.
‘Sandgaard out’……utter c*nts.
I would like to think,..and hope at the same time that Thomas has more about him than be pursued by a minority of "fans" with this negative tripe, to the point of telling us all to fu*k right off, because we would really be in shite street then. He has been a bit OTT yes, but some peoples memories seem very limited, and quickly forget where we were last September when he came in to the great relief of everyone.
Who the fuck is gonna buy us?!!! Who in their right mind is gonna buy a League One club that doesn’t own it’s ground or training facility and lose money every single month?
The man is OTT sometimes says (and does) some cringey stuff. But that’s what makes him just about mad enough to keep this clubs head above water and allows the vast majority of us to just worry about what’s going on, on the pitch.
The problem is, that it’s those that shout loud and often enough that get heard. I can imagine Twitter is awash with these fucking idiots. I hope TS realises it’s probably a tiny minority.
‘Sandgaard out’……utter c*nts.
Got to be covert Palace fans on a wind up Gal, surely even the most divvy of our fan base wouldn't want that.
Yes but he does have a case to answer for his “overexuberannce“ in selling 9k season tickets then giving us the worst team we’ve had in the last however many years.
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
As a word of warning @Cover@Covered_End_Lad I used the term "entitlement" yesterday on Twitter in reference to a section of fans and have been mauled for it. It seems this term is gripping people's shit!
Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.
In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.
as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
I didn't expect the recruitment window we have had. We are no better off for a team to watch and thatbis the point.The majority will not turn up in the dead of winter to watch a team create nothing in the way of a goal in open play in 5 (that is FIVE games). I have a season ticket and I won't be doing that. After so many crap years people are not prepared to pay out for this.
If the budget is restricted now , it will remain so until extra 'investment' arrives. Grateful as we all are to have a club still, finding ourselves in a similar boat is unacceptable. If this was RD and his non budget what would everyone say . And I am notvsaying that TS is exactly like RD either.
I think this is a fair point to discuss.
There may well be an element of praising TS for the money he has put in and spent on transfers. But that wasn’t the case in years gone by.
How would this transfer window have been appraised under RD (forget ESI as that was another level entirely)?
Just focussing on the transfer window bit - and our league one promotion under Bowyer. A team with Taylor, Bielik, Cullen, Aribo, Bauer, Sarr. Compare that to now.
I remember thinking Bowyer seemed pretty genuine and shocked when he almost held his hands up and said ‘fair play the owner has backed me’. Didn’t stop all the other shite on the side that built up over time but that was an owner on his way out, hated by us (probably mutual!), but still got a team on the pitch to do the job.
Fact remains if RD had funded Clare, Dobson and Taylor Blackett we would all be on rubber dingy’s heading over to Belgium ready to graffiti his home by now.
It is a fair point and a discussion to have*, have said before that it's looking like TS will go down the RD route in regards to transfers and squad - he's said similar in regards to sustainable football clubs, turning a profit etc.
Personally don't have a problem with that - it all comes down to the execution. Roland was absolutely Extreme in how he thought he'd do it, where as Sandgaard seems like he could make it work. We might not see "premier League in 5 years" but we'll have a stable, sensible club with some solid foundations in place... Then we might just see a 5 year European football plan 😉
It'll be interesting if we get the same standard of loan signing without Bowyer, as his/our success with Bielik and Cullen must have been a calling card for the club
Bielik and Cullen in L1, Gallagher in the Championship were all stand out midfielder loan signings for us, before it all went wrong under ESI.
Bowyer seems to have pulled the same trick with Tahith Chong, who's been a standout player for Birmingham this season.
Yes, good point. He definitely commands respect within the game and other coaches certainly think he’s good for player development. Will Nigel have the same clout?
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
As a word of warning @Cover@Covered_End_Lad I used the term "entitlement" yesterday on Twitter in reference to a section of fans and have been mauled for it. It seems this term is gripping people's shit!
Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.
In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.
as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we
Agree 100%. It will get better no doubt about it. Although I have a niggling feeling that there might be a rethink re the management structure in terms of transfers before too long
A lot of you could do with letting the “PL and Europe in 5 years” statement go. It was said once. Not a constant repeat. It was said with excitement after a miracle swoop to clear ESI out of our club.
I’m sure you’ve all said an off the cuff comment once or twice, and doubt that people are still criticising you with it a year later. Understood that recruitment hasn’t been good enough overall in this window, but to constantly be beating Sandgaard down because of one comment, at a time when we were all celebrating as if we’d won the league, is ridiculous.
Why ? I am ged up with being misled and then told what was said was not meant.
If you don't mean it don't f***ing say it . What is wrong with the truth.
Hanging onto every word someone says is not healthy. The hysteria online to 1/2 statements is incredible.
I agree to an extent and if it was only Thomas's 'five years to the PL and 7 years for European football' then most would have taken that with a pinch of salt and taken it as the bluster it almost certainly was.
However, later, at the end of the season (?) he then said we'd be 'blowing through' League One next season and then Nigel added to it by saying, when watching Hull lift the trophy, 'that will be us next year'. If you are going to say these things then it will come back to haunt you.
For what it's worth I actually think Nigel thought that would be the case. When joining us he said he'd turned down numerous other jobs, he'd left Hull as he couldn't agree a transfer policy going forward with the owners and I don't think for one minute he came to us thinking we'd be in the situation we currently are. Something has definitely changed, in my opinion.
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
As a word of warning @Cover@Covered_End_Lad I used the term "entitlement" yesterday on Twitter in reference to a section of fans and have been mauled for it. It seems this term is gripping people's shit!
Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.
In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.
as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we
I doubt quite so many would be doing it in League 2
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
Being critical doesn't mean TS or NA out. It means people are not silly and don't believe the reasons for such a lack of quality after all the ' we are going to tear thus league up ' nonsense.
People are silly though because they actually believed TS statements (also silly) about blowing the league away and the 5 year plan. Most of us have been watching football long enough to know that is extremely difficult to achieve and virtually impossible from a team in L1. Even if money was thrown around like confetti there is no guarantee of success. Of course we all expected a better transfer window and I still expect us to bring players in but to hang our hats on a statement from an owner in his first year in football is not just silly it is gross stupidity. .
The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.
A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.
We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).
We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
Being critical doesn't mean TS or NA out. It means people are not silly and don't believe the reasons for such a lack of quality after all the ' we are going to tear thus league up ' nonsense.
People are silly though because they actually believed TS statements (also silly) about blowing the league away and the 5 year plan. Most of us have been watching football long enough to know that is extremely difficult to achieve and virtually impossible from a team in L1. Even if money was thrown around like confetti there is no guarantee of success. Of course we all expected a better transfer window and I still expect us to bring players in but to hang our hats on a statement from an owner in his first year in football is not just silly it is gross stupidity. .
What a load of bollox, expectation levels were raised due to what management have said. To now put this on the fans is stupid and all this prancing around the pitch with a guitar and writing songs about victory... are becoming more misguided by the day.
I've been in the glass half full brigade since the beginning, but we have 2 weeks to make this season anything other than miserable.
A lot of you could do with letting the “PL and Europe in 5 years” statement go. It was said once. Not a constant repeat. It was said with excitement after a miracle swoop to clear ESI out of our club.
I’m sure you’ve all said an off the cuff comment once or twice, and doubt that people are still criticising you with it a year later. Understood that recruitment hasn’t been good enough overall in this window, but to constantly be beating Sandgaard down because of one comment, at a time when we were all celebrating as if we’d won the league, is ridiculous.
Why ? I am ged up with being misled and then told what was said was not meant.
If you don't mean it don't f***ing say it . What is wrong with the truth.
Hanging onto every word someone says is not healthy. The hysteria online to 1/2 statements is incredible.
I agree to an extent and if it was only Thomas's 'five years to the PL and 7 years for European football' then most would have taken that with a pinch of salt and taken it as the bluster it almost certainly was.
However, later, at the end of the season (?) he then said we'd be 'blowing through' League One next season and then Nigel added to it by saying, when watching Hull lift the trophy, 'that will be us next year'. If you are going to say these things then it will come back to haunt you.
For what it's worth I actually think Nigel thought that would be the case. When joining us he said he'd turned down numerous other jobs, he'd left Hull as he couldn't agree a transfer policy going forward with the owners and I don't think for one minute he came to us thinking we'd be in the situation we currently are. Something has definitely changed, in my opinion.
People are silly though because they actually believed TS statements (also silly) about blowing the league away and the 5 year plan. Most of us have been watching football long enough to know that is extremely difficult to achieve and virtually impossible from a team in L1. Even if money was thrown around like confetti there is no guarantee of success. Of course we all expected a better transfer window and I still expect us to bring players in but to hang our hats on a statement from an owner in his first year in football is not just silly it is gross stupidity. .
Yes I agree with you it is stupidity to believe them down to the word. But when you’re using them to push season ticket sales, that’s another thing in my opinion. We’re four games into the season, with less shots on target than games. The manager is quoted as saying he wants his first team in for pre-season, we’re now just a week away from the transfer window shuts & by most peoples estimates we’re a good 5-6 players short. Isn’t it also stupidity just to blindly follow what we’re told & not question? Things are definitely not rosey & I want to know why?
I’m fine with the “Europe in 5 years” line, they all come in and say long term they plan on taking over the world.
This is the bit that pissed me off a bit:
He clearly thought League One would be easy, maybe he thought it would be as poor as the 3rd division in other countries.
I remember when he first took over and did an interview with TalkSport when Lee Bowyer was in the studio. That was when he first said “we’ll blow right through League One”, to which Lee Bowyer laughed and quipped “no pressure”.
I think he’s been humbled and reigned in the grandiose statements. We’re very lucky to have TS and we can’t keep hitting him with old quotes designed to invoke confidence in a disenfranchised fan base.
Not now because the window hasn’t closed yet and maybe, just maybe things might look different this time next week but at some point perhaps next week, if I was Thomas I would be having a zoom call with Adkins, Gallen, Roddy and Mumford and start asking for explanations as to what’s going wrong, because going wrong they are. The list to me looks like recruitment, performances and investment. If there are not questions asked I’d like to ask the question as to why.
I am not saying everything is perfect it is obvious it is not but I cannot believe some of the comments on here
We were not good on Saturday but we weren’t terrible either thought Wigan looked a better side than Sheff Weds
Of the new signings Kirk showed flashes of ability and think he will be a good signing and Dobson played well in spells let them settle in before we write them off
As for Thomas I am convinced he is a good owner he has spent a considerable amount of money including transfer fees and seems engaged in the club which is great. I hope he is not too disappointed by all the negativity on this forum
There will be more signings everyone at the club is saying that .Let’s give them time and see how things are going at Christmas not go into meltdown in August
There may well be an element of praising TS for the money he has put in and spent on transfers. But that wasn’t the case in years gone by.
How would this transfer window have been appraised under RD (forget ESI as that was another level entirely)?
Just focussing on the transfer window bit - and our league one promotion under Bowyer. A team with Taylor, Bielik, Cullen, Aribo, Bauer, Sarr. Compare that to now.
Fact remains if RD had funded Clare, Dobson and Taylor Blackett we would all be on rubber dingy’s heading over to Belgium ready to graffiti his home by now.
The man is OTT sometimes says (and does) some cringey stuff. But that’s what makes him just about mad enough to keep this clubs head above water and allows the vast majority of us to just worry about what’s going on, on the pitch.
The problem is, that it’s those that shout loud and often enough that get heard. I can imagine Twitter is awash with these fucking idiots. I hope TS realises it’s probably a tiny minority.
‘Sandgaard out’……utter c*nts.
He has been a bit OTT yes, but some peoples memories seem very limited, and quickly forget where we were last September when he came in to the great relief of everyone.
Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.
In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.
as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we
It is a fair point and a discussion to have*, have said before that it's looking like TS will go down the RD route in regards to transfers and squad - he's said similar in regards to sustainable football clubs, turning a profit etc.
Personally don't have a problem with that - it all comes down to the execution. Roland was absolutely Extreme in how he thought he'd do it, where as Sandgaard seems like he could make it work. We might not see "premier League in 5 years" but we'll have a stable, sensible club with some solid foundations in place... Then we might just see a 5 year European football plan 😉
* And probably not on the rumours thread.
However, later, at the end of the season (?) he then said we'd be 'blowing through' League One next season and then Nigel added to it by saying, when watching Hull lift the trophy, 'that will be us next year'. If you are going to say these things then it will come back to haunt you.
For what it's worth I actually think Nigel thought that would be the case. When joining us he said he'd turned down numerous other jobs, he'd left Hull as he couldn't agree a transfer policy going forward with the owners and I don't think for one minute he came to us thinking we'd be in the situation we currently are. Something has definitely changed, in my opinion.
This is the bit that pissed me off a bit:
I've been in the glass half full brigade since the beginning, but we have 2 weeks to make this season anything other than miserable.
I remember when he first took over and did an interview with TalkSport when Lee Bowyer was in the studio. That was when he first said “we’ll blow right through League One”, to which Lee Bowyer laughed and quipped “no pressure”.
We were not good on Saturday but we weren’t terrible either thought Wigan looked a better side than Sheff Weds
Of the new signings Kirk showed flashes of ability and think he will be a good signing and Dobson played well in spells let them settle in before we write them off
As for Thomas I am convinced he is a good owner he has spent a considerable amount of money including transfer fees and seems engaged in the club which is great. I hope he is not too disappointed by all the negativity on this forum
There will be more signings everyone at the club is saying that .Let’s give them time and see how things are going at Christmas not go into meltdown in August