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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • JamesSeed said:
    Wow, real Sandgaard out thing going on over there. Not sure how much support it has. Could just be a few loud voices. 
    No idea if happening this time, and haven’t checked Twitter, but found a lot of the time it’s a small circle of people, but they post so often that it feels like a lot of people have that opinion. I find that on here all the time, and when I read back realise it’s 2 or 3 people posting a dozen times per page on same subject. 
    There are some real idiots out there. What's is the likelihood of selling £10 million worth of operating losses? There really some "fans" who aren't fit to support the club.
  • We know what he said and we know where we are do we have to rehash the story every other day?
    Have you not been following this thread, every day is a rehash of the previous day. On a quit rehash day it’s sometimes goes back 7 days and starts whole thing again…

    On one day there was a transfer rumour, but it was quickly worked out to false so we went back to retelling old posts 👍🏼

  • People are silly though because they actually believed TS statements (also silly) about blowing the league away and the 5 year plan. Most of us have been watching football long enough to know that is extremely difficult to achieve and virtually impossible from a team in L1. Even if money was thrown around like confetti there is no guarantee of success. Of course we all expected a better transfer window and I still expect us to bring players in but to hang our hats on a statement from an owner in his first year in football is not just silly it is gross stupidity. .
    Yes I agree with you it is stupidity to believe them down to the word. But when you’re using them to push season ticket sales, that’s another thing in my opinion. We’re four games into the season, with less shots on target than games. The manager is quoted as saying he wants his first team in for pre-season, we’re now just a week away from the transfer window shuts & by most peoples estimates we’re a good 5-6 players short. Isn’t it also stupidity just to blindly follow what we’re told & not question? Things are definitely not rosey & I want to know why?

    I don't disagree with any of this and I think the vast majority would also be on this path as well. We have all said his statements were over the top but the vast majority of us would have bought season tickets without him saying them. However, they have been said, it was silly for him to do so and the fact they have not been repeated would suggest he has learnt a lesson. Just not sure what is gained from bringing them up at every opportunity considering we all accept he was over the top, unless the person is silly enough to believe it verbatim.
  • Anyone got any rumours..or failing that maybe some puns.. B)
  • All out i'm afraid.

    Just waiting the clang as the door shuts on empty promises.
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  • Redhenry said:
    never ending.....
    With respect, do you have any rumours or constructive thoughts to add? 

    Yes, this is a rumours thread. When a rumour presents itself, it will be posted in this thread to discuss. There are currently no rumours and until there are, people will discuss other topics that have a soft link to transfer dealings. 

    Continuously moaning about “waffle” is less related to rumours than the so called waffle you’re moaning about. 
  • shine166 said:
    shine166 said:
    Weird how the chat about players arriving on the last day, must be taken as gospel.... but everything else requires a large pinch of salt. 
    No, it shouldn't be taken as gospel on either count.

    WIOTOS actually means " I'll believe it when it's on the official site" IE when it's actually happened then believe it, not before.  Until it's actually happened, it ain't happened.

    Because of that I never thought anything TS or NA said was a "promise" so am not whinging on about being lied to.

    As I said many months ago it's better IMHO to under promise and over deliver but that's not Sandgaard's style.  At least it wasn't. His recent statements have been a lot more reserved and qualified. Either because he's realised everything he now says will be taken as a "promise" or because he's realised it's not as easy as he hoped/expected.

    Or more likely a bit of both.
    No offence, but its not whinging when your owner says we will piss the league and then apparently is offering players 3k a week. 

    We've not even assembled a competitive squad yet and they are planning next seasons £2400 a year VIP scheme. 

    That said, I certainly wont be sending him shitty msgs or wanting him out. Long term, its probably best that this has happened.. as like you say expectations may be managed or reeled in slightly in the future. 
    Where did this come from btw? I've seen it bandied around but no idea where this figure is supposed to have come from beyond someone who heard it from someone.
  • cs1986 said:
    Jac_52 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Swisdom said:
    The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.

    A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.

    We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).

    We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
    As a word of warning @Cover@Covered_End_Lad I used the term "entitlement" yesterday on Twitter in reference to a section of fans and have been mauled for it.  It seems this term is gripping people's shit!

    Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.

    In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.  

    as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we  :|
    To be fair I can see you meant no harm but honestly read the room a bit better.

    To put a comment  out telling clearly frustrated & angry fans to calm down and stop being entitled was a dumb thing to do… especially given your a club sponsor and would been seen to be having ‘your feet under the table’ or defending your mates.

    entitled is an emotional word so I’m afraid I’m not surprised you took a battering. It didn’t read well.

    We live and we learn 👍🏼

    I think he was spot on. Some of our fans are acting like entitled pricks.
    Entitled pricks is a load of bollocks. We should not be a 3rd division club. The club can't afford to be in division 3. Our support and following is too big for division 3. We are now in trouble of falling to division 4 with the squad we have that's the truth. 

    What makes no sense is Sangaard will lose 10m+? Per year by not attempting to get out of the division. None of this recruitment strategy makes any sense to me. Why did we not go in for Parott on loan among others that would have been cheap. 

    The people starting to call for Sandgaards head and other such nonsense are who I am referring to and that is not a load of bollocks.
  • If we're not going to spend a lot on actual transfer fees, we have to be competitive with wages when pursuing free agents. 

    From what we have seen so far, we're not spending much money on either front. The last place to spend money to be competitive is therefore on loan fees and wage % of loanees. Are we pinning our hopes on that? Or did we miss out on a couple of targets early on and are now scrambling about trying to find other targets?

    I mentioned a few weeks ago leaving it late is a dangerous game, we speak of Adkins/Bowyer beforehand asking Gallen for, for example, a left footed right winger who is quick and tricky. He makes a list of suitable players and takes it back to the manager, who then lists them in priority, and Gallen then pursues each target until we sign someone. However, other teams have similar lists and might have a different priority order, and by the time we've courted and been turned down by number 1 and 2 on the list, Ipswich, Wigan, Portsmouth and the rest have signed 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 on the list and you're left with signing Corey Blackett-Taylor on a free. 
  • I’m fine with the “Europe in 5 years” line, they all come in and say long term they plan on taking over the world.

    This is the bit that pissed me off a bit:

    He clearly thought League One would be easy, maybe he thought it would be as poor as the 3rd division in other countries.

    I remember when he first took over and did an interview with TalkSport when Lee Bowyer was in the studio. That was when he first said “we’ll blow right through League One”, to which Lee Bowyer laughed and quipped “no pressure”. 

    I think he’s been humbled and reigned in the grandiose statements. We’re very lucky to have TS and we can’t keep hitting him with old quotes designed to invoke confidence in a disenfranchised fan base. 
    “Old quotes” - it was about three months ago!
  • Anyone got any rumours..or failing that maybe some puns.. B)
    Is there an ‘F’ in rumour?

    There is no F in rumour
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  • 120 new posts….who are we linked with? Nobody, just 120 posts arguing about our owner.

    Just because we are not linked does not mean anything .. we been very good at keeping targets under wraps this season and expect that’s the same again 

  • Jac_52 said:
    cs1986 said:
    Jac_52 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Swisdom said:
    The amount of posts/tweets I have seen saying Sandgaard/Adkins out is just ridiculous.

    A man with no former association to Charlton has saved us from extinction and gone on to spend the most on transfer fees in the division and still it isn't enough because we aren't shelling out over 10K per week for a league one player.

    We really do risk coming across as an entitled dummy spitting group if we start trying to push TS out after a bad start to the season (4 games into the league season btw).

    We had huge support from the footballing world when protesting against awful owners, however we risk looking like united/arsenal fans when screaming we want people out just because we have lost a few games.
    As a word of warning @Cover@Covered_End_Lad I used the term "entitlement" yesterday on Twitter in reference to a section of fans and have been mauled for it.  It seems this term is gripping people's shit!

    Apparently I am trying to force people to act in a certain way when referencing "entitlement" and, as a sponsor, should know better.

    In reality I think we all agree it hasn't been pretty thus far and hasn't been good enough - but I also believe, rightly or wrongly, it will get better.  

    as I've said many times "It's never been easy being a Charlton fan - but we all still do it don't we  :|
    To be fair I can see you meant no harm but honestly read the room a bit better.

    To put a comment  out telling clearly frustrated & angry fans to calm down and stop being entitled was a dumb thing to do… especially given your a club sponsor and would been seen to be having ‘your feet under the table’ or defending your mates.

    entitled is an emotional word so I’m afraid I’m not surprised you took a battering. It didn’t read well.

    We live and we learn 👍🏼

    I think he was spot on. Some of our fans are acting like entitled pricks.
    Entitled pricks is a load of bollocks. We should not be a 3rd division club. The club can't afford to be in division 3. Our support and following is too big for division 3. We are now in trouble of falling to division 4 with the squad we have that's the truth. 

    What makes no sense is Sangaard will lose 10m+? Per year by not attempting to get out of the division. None of this recruitment strategy makes any sense to me. Why did we not go in for Parott on loan among others that would have been cheap. 

    The people starting to call for Sandgaards head and other such nonsense are who I am referring to and that is not a load of bollocks.
    Yeah don't agree with that at all. Who would even take us over. We have no right to do that. I do wonder if he has money problems. This squad is worse than any Roland left us with so something is clearly not right.
  • se9addick said:
    It basically looks like the club and team are this season treading water. Perhaps with a new owner needing to sort out ten years of mis management and put into place the building blocks of success going forward we shouldn’t be either too surprised or disappointed. I just wish that realism had been transmitted to the fans. I think to a man (and woman) this would have been embraced and supported. Instead we’re seeing to consequences of the nonsense. Massive own goal. I’m convinced we’ll be ok but it’s the long haul not the express route we were sold. 
    “Treading water” in L1 = additional enormous financial losses and a loss of faith in the credibility of both owner and manager. 

    I don’t really see how we can stay in L1 and it be seen as anything other than a failure. 
    This is much more elegantly put than I did and is spot on.
  • sam3110 said:
    If we're not going to spend a lot on actual transfer fees, we have to be competitive with wages when pursuing free agents. 

    From what we have seen so far, we're not spending much money on either front. The last place to spend money to be competitive is therefore on loan fees and wage % of loanees. Are we pinning our hopes on that? Or did we miss out on a couple of targets early on and are now scrambling about trying to find other targets?

    I mentioned a few weeks ago leaving it late is a dangerous game, we speak of Adkins/Bowyer beforehand asking Gallen for, for example, a left footed right winger who is quick and tricky. He makes a list of suitable players and takes it back to the manager, who then lists them in priority, and Gallen then pursues each target until we sign someone. However, other teams have similar lists and might have a different priority order, and by the time we've courted and been turned down by number 1 and 2 on the list, Ipswich, Wigan, Portsmouth and the rest have signed 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 on the list and you're left with signing Corey Blackett-Taylor on a free. 
    Great Post all I would add is that Corey Blackett Taylor should never of been on our list at all.
  • Here we go a rumour… just not a good one for us. Reckons the price could be as low as £700k

  • se9addick said:
    It basically looks like the club and team are this season treading water. Perhaps with a new owner needing to sort out ten years of mis management and put into place the building blocks of success going forward we shouldn’t be either too surprised or disappointed. I just wish that realism had been transmitted to the fans. I think to a man (and woman) this would have been embraced and supported. Instead we’re seeing to consequences of the nonsense. Massive own goal. I’m convinced we’ll be ok but it’s the long haul not the express route we were sold. 
    “Treading water” in L1 = additional enormous financial losses and a loss of faith in the credibility of both owner and manager. 

    I don’t really see how we can stay in L1 and it be seen as anything other than a failure. 
    I think it will absolutely be seen as a failure by everyone involved. The question that will raise is whether it prompts Sandgaard to either open the purse strings or bail out completely.
  • shine166 said:
    shine166 said:
    Weird how the chat about players arriving on the last day, must be taken as gospel.... but everything else requires a large pinch of salt. 
    No, it shouldn't be taken as gospel on either count.

    WIOTOS actually means " I'll believe it when it's on the official site" IE when it's actually happened then believe it, not before.  Until it's actually happened, it ain't happened.

    Because of that I never thought anything TS or NA said was a "promise" so am not whinging on about being lied to.

    As I said many months ago it's better IMHO to under promise and over deliver but that's not Sandgaard's style.  At least it wasn't. His recent statements have been a lot more reserved and qualified. Either because he's realised everything he now says will be taken as a "promise" or because he's realised it's not as easy as he hoped/expected.

    Or more likely a bit of both.
    No offence, but its not whinging when your owner says we will piss the league and then apparently is offering players 3k a week. 

    We've not even assembled a competitive squad yet and they are planning next seasons £2400 a year VIP scheme. 

    That said, I certainly wont be sending him shitty msgs or wanting him out. Long term, its probably best that this has happened.. as like you say expectations may be managed or reeled in slightly in the future. 
    Whinge about the signings or lack of as much as you like, I'm not very impressed by the quantity so far either.

    It's the "he lied to me" outrage that I don't get
    Is it a “lied to me” outrage though ? For me it’s just stupid comments that stupidly raised expectations that this season would be very different to the reality we’re seeing. 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!