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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • Didn’t Thomas say that he wanted a player that would get us out of our seats and on our feet ? We certainly haven’t signed that player yet. Still plenty of time but it does look to me that the window and recruitment have been much more difficult than perhaps we thought. 
    But equally he must've known then that players like that don't come cheap. Thomas is a football man.  No player like that is going to come for a free pair of boots and a 12 chip lunch.
    12 chips!!!

    My how times have changed, I can remember the good old days, when we used to get 14!!
    Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen, gives them something to aim at, plenty of time to reach the heady heights of 14 Chips B)
  • Yeah where's our Bruce Buck to do miserable interviews and generally come off as extremely unlikeable
  • Maybe TS is more of an over promise and deliver type of guy? Maybe that's how you get to be a multi-millionaire?
    Either way - we won't know which until the end of the season.
  • It's odd that some people seem to be using Sandgaard's positive personality against him like a bludgeon. He was confident ahead of his first summer transfer window that we'd get in there, get the right players to go with the right manager and do well. The market however hasn't been there for him to do what he wants (so far) so we're being patient. The window might close with us less happy than we hoped to be but people seem to be taking this as a direct insult. 'The owner said we'd blow the league away. Why did he lie? Does he even have money?' This isn't Southall talking about his dozens of phones and showing off his crisp collection, this is a sensible businessman showing ambition but staying careful. That's a good mentality for our owner to have, I like it.
    I have always been told to under-promise & over-deliver, rather than the other way round.
    Ok I have appointed myself as the "Official" spokesperson for TS.

    The following statement is the new mantra.

    " We as a club are trying but we are not willing to compete in order to get promoted. Our new target is to try and avoid relegation"

    Happy now Golfie ? lol
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    thenewbie said:
    Redrobo said:
    Richard J said:
    A couple of comments. 

    I am not panicking. I was sad to see Amos leave but feel MacGillivray is an adequate replacement. The gap here is a number two if AMB gets his loan. 

    Right Back is sorted at least until the January window when both Chris and Adam would only have six months of their contract left. I suspect if one of them doesn't feature much then they might be moved on.We certainly need another left back and right sided centre half.

    In midfield we need at least a play maker and two wingers. Now JFC is out we need at least one of these to be left footed.

    Up front we need one possibly two depending on Schwartz.

    I make that at least seven in all. 
    Are you ruling out all our youngsters?

    Honestly, as weird as it sounds... We probably actually should. IF someone from the youth team happens to have a breakthrough season and gets into the first team, then it's great news. But we absolutely should not be starting a season hoping that somewhere in the academy is a youth player 1) good enough and 2) mentally able to complete a senior squad.

    Like I said, if such a player does come through then fantastic. But we really can't assume that will happen.
    The problem is, as Gallen has mentioned before, is that the group that should be making the step up now either already have or have left.

    This should be the break through season for some of the 19-21 years.

    Morgan is already an established member of the 1st team squad and Vennings, Dempsey and Davison have been on the fringe for a while.  Mingi seems to have left, no idea if the contract is still on the table. It's a big ask for either of the 2 u23 strikers to fill Chuks boots in their first season.

    Remember KAG was only 20 at the start of the 18/19 season.  Despite it feeling like he had been here for ever.

    We had an outstanding group of U18s last year, most have signed pro deals, but they are very young.  Even at league 1 level it's asking a lot for a teenager to be a regular.  Even some of our very best academy graduates weren't regulars as teenagers and some of them went on to play for England. 
    Agreed, we have a great group of U18s, but it's asking a lot to expect them to be regulars. The U23s, where you'd expect players to step up, were much weaker. The likes of Davison and Dempsey did little in their loan spells to suggest they can play a major part in a promotion seeking L1 side.
  • Swisdom said:
    Fuck me I've bitten my tongue for so long on this.  Just wait.  We still have lots of time before the season starts.

    I know we alwayss seem to leave it too late but this pre-season is like no other we (as a nation) have encountered before.  Players are not happy at taking pay cuts but they are inevitable so tranfers will take longer as agents will be beavering away for the best deals out there..  Clubs have a massive deficit in funding and need to be sensible - and many have taken a loan meaning they are now under an embargo.  Some clubs are throwing money around like confetti - good luck to them - if it works.  But if it doesn't, and they go tits up, the fans are the ones who suffer because they have no club to support.  Remember this was incredibly close to OUR scenario in the not too distant past.  I know people are bored of hearing this but it is an undisputable fact.

    As for those taking issue with Thomas being bullish - give your head a wobble.  He is always going to say "We will smash the league" as he wants success.  He didn't get to where he is in life by accepting mediocrity.  I wonder if some in here would have preferred if he came out and said "Ooh, there are some good teams in the division - I hope we can avoid relegation"  Would that have appeased some of you?

    There is plenty of time before the season starts, we have an awesome bunch of youngsters all chomping at the bit to get some action, we have a manager who helped us finish the season VERY strongly, we have kept the majority of those players with a few exceptions. 

    I was told the phe players we are talking to are decent so we just need to wait and see.  You can see why the club won't release any names because fans will just beat them over the head with it - or the selling club will bump up the price. 

    In the immortal words of Russell Slade.....patience.
    Yeah but when’s the kit being revealed? 😉 
  • Swisdom said:
    Fuck me I've bitten my tongue for so long on this.  Just wait.  We still have lots of time before the season starts.

    I know we alwayss seem to leave it too late but this pre-season is like no other we (as a nation) have encountered before.  Players are not happy at taking pay cuts but they are inevitable so tranfers will take longer as agents will be beavering away for the best deals out there..  Clubs have a massive deficit in funding and need to be sensible - and many have taken a loan meaning they are now under an embargo.  Some clubs are throwing money around like confetti - good luck to them - if it works.  But if it doesn't, and they go tits up, the fans are the ones who suffer because they have no club to support.  Remember this was incredibly close to OUR scenario in the not too distant past.  I know people are bored of hearing this but it is an undisputable fact.

    As for those taking issue with Thomas being bullish - give your head a wobble.  He is always going to say "We will smash the league" as he wants success.  He didn't get to where he is in life by accepting mediocrity.  I wonder if some in here would have preferred if he came out and said "Ooh, there are some good teams in the division - I hope we can avoid relegation"  Would that have appeased some of you?

    There is plenty of time before the season starts, we have an awesome bunch of youngsters all chomping at the bit to get some action, we have a manager who helped us finish the season VERY strongly, we have kept the majority of those players with a few exceptions. 

    I was told the phe players we are talking to are decent so we just need to wait and see.  You can see why the club won't release any names because fans will just beat them over the head with it - or the selling club will bump up the price. 

    In the immortal words of Russell Slade.....patience.
    Fine line between ambition and arrogance though. I find it hard to criticise Sandgaard and naturally he wants success. However, he is still very new to the world of football and saying things like smashing the league needs to be backed up (yes I agree there's still plenty of time for this to happen). 

    Considering where we've been for the last few years I do find the lack of patience staggering and I agree with 99% of your post, but I do also understand the fans frustration at Sandgaard's words not being backed up as of yet. Yes the transfer window is weird but teams around us are buying players you'd hope we were/are interested in. 13th July definitely not the time to judge mind. 
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  • edited July 2021
    Combination of recruitment thus far, recruitment to come, players already on the books and a small injection of our own quality youth - all ably led by NA and his coaching team could well yet blow away the competition next season. There is no evidence we will or won’t as yet, but anybody who has led businesses and strategic plans with a vision (I have and many on here would have) will understand that words like those used by TS and NA aren’t bandied about lightly. They are full of intent, I love it and hope it comes off for all of us. I truly believe if we don’t achieve what they have said it won’t be for the lack of trying.

    I also never expected a sound business mind to try to buy his way out of League One. So so many examples to prove that this method fails more frequently than it succeeds. Bringing the right ingredients/formula together with the right style and player quality for the level we are playing at will win through. Our recruitment is a bit slower than we would have all liked to see, but can’t complain with any of the signings or renewals so far (bar one personally, but won’t call an individual out for no good reason/personal taste).

    Really hoping we can get 2-3 over the line in the next week or two so that NA has a bit of time to blood them with his set up and style in mind. 

    Much happier and assured days are with us fellow Addicks, think we should keep our spirits as positive and optimistic as possible. 

    I have a slightly different view on this. According to TS, we were also going to win the play-off final last season, if I recall correctly. I think we should accept that hyperbole is part of Thomas's personality and is less to be taken literally than a feature of his can-do, optimistic approach. Just as we can't know the outcome of the transfer window in July, he can't know that we are going to blow the rest of the division away during the season. We should take it all with a pinch of salt, while at least welcoming the ambition which has been sadly lacking for many years. There will be plenty of opportunity for people to critique outcomes, but it shouldn't be founded on his rhetoric in my opinion.
    I agree that he can't know but I think it is reasonable to assume the squad will be stronger than last season to back the statement up. As I have said before, it is too early to say the squad won't be stronger. I suspect we will still make some decent signings. Even if it is only a little stronger, we must have a half decent chance of promotion seeing as we shot ourselves in the foot big time last season yet still only just missed out on the play offs. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    thenewbie said:
    Redrobo said:
    Richard J said:
    A couple of comments. 

    I am not panicking. I was sad to see Amos leave but feel MacGillivray is an adequate replacement. The gap here is a number two if AMB gets his loan. 

    Right Back is sorted at least until the January window when both Chris and Adam would only have six months of their contract left. I suspect if one of them doesn't feature much then they might be moved on.We certainly need another left back and right sided centre half.

    In midfield we need at least a play maker and two wingers. Now JFC is out we need at least one of these to be left footed.

    Up front we need one possibly two depending on Schwartz.

    I make that at least seven in all. 
    Are you ruling out all our youngsters?

    Honestly, as weird as it sounds... We probably actually should. IF someone from the youth team happens to have a breakthrough season and gets into the first team, then it's great news. But we absolutely should not be starting a season hoping that somewhere in the academy is a youth player 1) good enough and 2) mentally able to complete a senior squad.

    Like I said, if such a player does come through then fantastic. But we really can't assume that will happen.
    The problem is, as Gallen has mentioned before, is that the group that should be making the step up now either already have or have left.

    This should be the break through season for some of the 19-21 years.

    Morgan is already an established member of the 1st team squad and Vennings, Dempsey and Davison have been on the fringe for a while.  Mingi seems to have left, no idea if the contract is still on the table. It's a big ask for either of the 2 u23 strikers to fill Chuks boots in their first season.

    Remember KAG was only 20 at the start of the 18/19 season.  Despite it feeling like he had been here for ever.

    We had an outstanding group of U18s last year, most have signed pro deals, but they are very young.  Even at league 1 level it's asking a lot for a teenager to be a regular.  Even some of our very best academy graduates weren't regulars as teenagers and some of them went on to play for England. 
    Agreed, we have a great group of U18s, but it's asking a lot to expect them to be regulars. The U23s, where you'd expect players to step up, were much weaker. The likes of Davison and Dempsey did little in their loan spells to suggest they can play a major part in a promotion seeking L1 side.
    I kind of agree but there are a few ( Barker for one imo ) who should be part of the 1st team set up this season. Yes you have to take age into account but likewise they should not be excluded because of age. When Barker has played did he look out of place ?
  • Every other team in this league 19/20/21/22 year olds done well against us last year and outpaced and out battled our tiring legs a lot of the time
  • I'd like us to go up with players from the academy playing a part, be that Barker, or Aouachia scoring a couple of key goals or an U18 who might do something for us. It'll be even better if those players help us finish above clubs blowing 10k a week on League 1 players. 
  • Rothko said:
    I'd like us to go up with players from the academy playing a part, be that Barker, or Aouachia scoring a couple of key goals or an U18 who might do something for us. It'll be even better if those players help us finish above clubs blowing 10k a week on League 1 players. 
    I think we'd all like that, but those players need to be good enough, not put in because our squad is too thin. We mostly had some decent players under Roland but not enough of them, and look how frustrating it was when a few injuries hit. Barker is a useful player to have in the U23's, and I'm all for having him as third choice RB and CB, but that second choice RCB needs to be a good player with Inniss' injury concerns. 
  • edited July 2021
    There are three categories of young/youth player relating to the first team squad. The first is a fully fledged member of the squad like Morgan in and around the first team. Then you have potential players in and around the first team like Barker and then you have don't knows. Groups two and three surely have to be bonuses and recruitment should treat them as such. 

    When the intent is to get more youth players in the team, that is surely done by them moving to the first group. Not promoting them to that group prematurely, but giving them the opportunity to earn a place there.
  • Rothko said:
    I'd like us to go up with players from the academy playing a part, be that Barker, or Aouachia scoring a couple of key goals or an U18 who might do something for us. It'll be even better if those players help us finish above clubs blowing 10k a week on League 1 players. 
    I think we'd all like that, but those players need to be good enough, not put in because our squad is too thin. We mostly had some decent players under Roland but not enough of them, and look how frustrating it was when a few injuries hit. Barker is a useful player to have in the U23's, and I'm all for having him as third choice RB and CB, but that second choice RCB needs to be a good player with Inniss' injury concerns. 
    I suspect we've still got a number of perms and a number of loans to sign between now and the end of August, so it's likely he'll be 3rd on the rank for that position, but that's a better place than last year with Partley having to play there

  • sam3110 said:
    AndyG said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    thenewbie said:
    Redrobo said:
    Richard J said:
    A couple of comments. 

    I am not panicking. I was sad to see Amos leave but feel MacGillivray is an adequate replacement. The gap here is a number two if AMB gets his loan. 

    Right Back is sorted at least until the January window when both Chris and Adam would only have six months of their contract left. I suspect if one of them doesn't feature much then they might be moved on.We certainly need another left back and right sided centre half.

    In midfield we need at least a play maker and two wingers. Now JFC is out we need at least one of these to be left footed.

    Up front we need one possibly two depending on Schwartz.

    I make that at least seven in all. 
    Are you ruling out all our youngsters?

    Honestly, as weird as it sounds... We probably actually should. IF someone from the youth team happens to have a breakthrough season and gets into the first team, then it's great news. But we absolutely should not be starting a season hoping that somewhere in the academy is a youth player 1) good enough and 2) mentally able to complete a senior squad.

    Like I said, if such a player does come through then fantastic. But we really can't assume that will happen.
    The problem is, as Gallen has mentioned before, is that the group that should be making the step up now either already have or have left.

    This should be the break through season for some of the 19-21 years.

    Morgan is already an established member of the 1st team squad and Vennings, Dempsey and Davison have been on the fringe for a while.  Mingi seems to have left, no idea if the contract is still on the table. It's a big ask for either of the 2 u23 strikers to fill Chuks boots in their first season.

    Remember KAG was only 20 at the start of the 18/19 season.  Despite it feeling like he had been here for ever.

    We had an outstanding group of U18s last year, most have signed pro deals, but they are very young.  Even at league 1 level it's asking a lot for a teenager to be a regular.  Even some of our very best academy graduates weren't regulars as teenagers and some of them went on to play for England. 
    Agreed, we have a great group of U18s, but it's asking a lot to expect them to be regulars. The U23s, where you'd expect players to step up, were much weaker. The likes of Davison and Dempsey did little in their loan spells to suggest they can play a major part in a promotion seeking L1 side.
    I kind of agree but there are a few ( Barker for one imo ) who should be part of the 1st team set up this season. Yes you have to take age into account but likewise they should not be excluded because of age. When Barker has played did he look out of place ?
    Yes he did, he was way out of his depth and still would be. People keep banging on about Barker but he was used as an absolute last resort at the time. He's a decent prospect but he's National League level at most right now, and if players like him are in and around the first team a lot this season then we'll struggle to trouble the playoff spots
    My take on it (and its only my opinion) is that this is the way we are going. Sandgaard chose NA as a manager because one of the things NA likes is to promote the youth. SG has also said that he wants to bring the overall age of the squad down. NA also said before the Celtic match that he is looking at the youth players to supplement the first team.

    This, along with (again only my opinion) the lack of major transfer activity when we are behind a lot of our competitors in this league (Oxford only let 3 players go & have have already signed their replacements) leads me to think that 4 or 5 of the U23's will be used a lot more than some posters think. 
  • sam3110 said:
    AndyG said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    thenewbie said:
    Redrobo said:
    Richard J said:
    A couple of comments. 

    I am not panicking. I was sad to see Amos leave but feel MacGillivray is an adequate replacement. The gap here is a number two if AMB gets his loan. 

    Right Back is sorted at least until the January window when both Chris and Adam would only have six months of their contract left. I suspect if one of them doesn't feature much then they might be moved on.We certainly need another left back and right sided centre half.

    In midfield we need at least a play maker and two wingers. Now JFC is out we need at least one of these to be left footed.

    Up front we need one possibly two depending on Schwartz.

    I make that at least seven in all. 
    Are you ruling out all our youngsters?

    Honestly, as weird as it sounds... We probably actually should. IF someone from the youth team happens to have a breakthrough season and gets into the first team, then it's great news. But we absolutely should not be starting a season hoping that somewhere in the academy is a youth player 1) good enough and 2) mentally able to complete a senior squad.

    Like I said, if such a player does come through then fantastic. But we really can't assume that will happen.
    The problem is, as Gallen has mentioned before, is that the group that should be making the step up now either already have or have left.

    This should be the break through season for some of the 19-21 years.

    Morgan is already an established member of the 1st team squad and Vennings, Dempsey and Davison have been on the fringe for a while.  Mingi seems to have left, no idea if the contract is still on the table. It's a big ask for either of the 2 u23 strikers to fill Chuks boots in their first season.

    Remember KAG was only 20 at the start of the 18/19 season.  Despite it feeling like he had been here for ever.

    We had an outstanding group of U18s last year, most have signed pro deals, but they are very young.  Even at league 1 level it's asking a lot for a teenager to be a regular.  Even some of our very best academy graduates weren't regulars as teenagers and some of them went on to play for England. 
    Agreed, we have a great group of U18s, but it's asking a lot to expect them to be regulars. The U23s, where you'd expect players to step up, were much weaker. The likes of Davison and Dempsey did little in their loan spells to suggest they can play a major part in a promotion seeking L1 side.
    I kind of agree but there are a few ( Barker for one imo ) who should be part of the 1st team set up this season. Yes you have to take age into account but likewise they should not be excluded because of age. When Barker has played did he look out of place ?
    Yes he did, he was way out of his depth and still would be. People keep banging on about Barker but he was used as an absolute last resort at the time. He's a decent prospect but he's National League level at most right now, and if players like him are in and around the first team a lot this season then we'll struggle to trouble the playoff spots
    From the statbank Barker got less than 6 for the 3 games he played.  

    Of course he is a player of high potential but there is far to much expectation on him, from "fans", for the upcoming season.

    He played because he was under 18 not because he was the "next cab off the rank".  Did he embarrasse himself?  No of course he didn't.  But he didn't make himself undroppable either. 
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  • edited July 2021
    Alarm bells aren’t ringing yet for me, I’m prepared to be patient and I think that is the approach the club is taking. 4 weeks til season starts and by my reckoning we will need at least 5/6 players in by that time. 
  • sam3110 said:
    AndyG said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    thenewbie said:
    Redrobo said:
    Richard J said:
    A couple of comments. 

    I am not panicking. I was sad to see Amos leave but feel MacGillivray is an adequate replacement. The gap here is a number two if AMB gets his loan. 

    Right Back is sorted at least until the January window when both Chris and Adam would only have six months of their contract left. I suspect if one of them doesn't feature much then they might be moved on.We certainly need another left back and right sided centre half.

    In midfield we need at least a play maker and two wingers. Now JFC is out we need at least one of these to be left footed.

    Up front we need one possibly two depending on Schwartz.

    I make that at least seven in all. 
    Are you ruling out all our youngsters?

    Honestly, as weird as it sounds... We probably actually should. IF someone from the youth team happens to have a breakthrough season and gets into the first team, then it's great news. But we absolutely should not be starting a season hoping that somewhere in the academy is a youth player 1) good enough and 2) mentally able to complete a senior squad.

    Like I said, if such a player does come through then fantastic. But we really can't assume that will happen.
    The problem is, as Gallen has mentioned before, is that the group that should be making the step up now either already have or have left.

    This should be the break through season for some of the 19-21 years.

    Morgan is already an established member of the 1st team squad and Vennings, Dempsey and Davison have been on the fringe for a while.  Mingi seems to have left, no idea if the contract is still on the table. It's a big ask for either of the 2 u23 strikers to fill Chuks boots in their first season.

    Remember KAG was only 20 at the start of the 18/19 season.  Despite it feeling like he had been here for ever.

    We had an outstanding group of U18s last year, most have signed pro deals, but they are very young.  Even at league 1 level it's asking a lot for a teenager to be a regular.  Even some of our very best academy graduates weren't regulars as teenagers and some of them went on to play for England. 
    Agreed, we have a great group of U18s, but it's asking a lot to expect them to be regulars. The U23s, where you'd expect players to step up, were much weaker. The likes of Davison and Dempsey did little in their loan spells to suggest they can play a major part in a promotion seeking L1 side.
    I kind of agree but there are a few ( Barker for one imo ) who should be part of the 1st team set up this season. Yes you have to take age into account but likewise they should not be excluded because of age. When Barker has played did he look out of place ?
    Yes he did, he was way out of his depth and still would be. People keep banging on about Barker but he was used as an absolute last resort at the time. He's a decent prospect but he's National League level at most right now, and if players like him are in and around the first team a lot this season then we'll struggle to trouble the playoff spots
    My take on it (and its only my opinion) is that this is the way we are going. Sandgaard chose NA as a manager because one of the things NA likes is to promote the youth. SG has also said that he wants to bring the overall age of the squad down. NA also said before the Celtic match that he is looking at the youth players to supplement the first team.

    This, along with (again only my opinion) the lack of major transfer activity when we are behind a lot of our competitors in this league (Oxford only let 3 players go & have have already signed their replacements) leads me to think that 4 or 5 of the U23's will be used a lot more than some posters think. 
    I can understand that thinking but I have to say I think it's far too premature to be reaching that conclusion. There's a long way to go yet and we don't know how it will end.

    We could make 2-3 outstanding permanent signings. We could be scrabbling to sign journeyman has-beens. We might sign no-one at all and play the U23s weekly.


    We don't know yet. Stop and wait before leaping to conclusions please.
  • Getting in the right loans will help make or break the season for me, i am very confident that it will go well.
  • I think we can afford to have three of the best from the U23’s in and around the first team squad, getting on the bench now and then, coming on for ten or fifteen minutes when they can. However, if we are relying on them to play full games and a lot of the time then we are in trouble. I’d say as well it’s far easier for a team like Crewe or Accrington to blood youngsters as the expectation levels are lower and they are more likely to be given time to settle in to the side.
    It is what I am expecting to happen. But will it affect recruitment? i.e not two players for every position.
  • redbuttle said:
    All these new posts and not one rumour...
    Where's @ButtleJR with an inside scoop?

  • Probably stuck on the M1 somewhere...
    Do you reckon he is in Boot of Stephen Kelly’s car?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!