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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • Hal1x said:
    Uboat said:
    I feel like I’ve walked into my local to find a mass brawl in progress. 
    Where do people get all the energy for this anger? It's impressive....
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Rothko said:
    shine166 said:

    Latest from Cawley nothing sounds close or as people have said he poss isnt being updated much
    His last comment sums it up, its as if people think they are more clued up than those running the club.
    I think that's an important point.

    It's frustrating for us that there hasn't been more movement but it'll be even more frustrating for the recruitment team, TS and Adkins as not only do they have to actually work on these deals but if they don't get it right it makes their job for the coming season harder too.

    People would do well to remember that they're as desperate for success as we are.
    It is a good point and Cawley has said deals are being worked on. I do understand Golfie's point too. He isn't attacking Thomas, but waiting to see what happens to the recruitment before he is happy with it and he feels we should be further down the track than we are given what we were told. 

    My view is, I am expecting good recruitment and I appreciate it might be difficult and delayed due to a variety of reasons, but I will judge it when I see it in its totality.
    I am with you Muttley. I DO appreciate getting recruitment right and securing the right players in a competitive market is not easy. As supporters we owe a lot to TS and it's a real shame for him that the economic impacts of COVID have reduced club turnover when he wants to invest in the playing side of the club. So I will be patient and hope they can assemble a strong enough squad to have a good stab at promotion this season.

    In saying that I don't see why a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon to give Golfie such a hard time. He simply adopts the policy of saying "Show me" and that actions speak louder than words. I don't think that makes him the devil incarnate does it? 
    That’s fine & dandy until he goes & says things like ‘I don’t see much difference between TS & Douchbag’.
    Then I just want to rip his head off & shit down his neck!

    Sorry, but I’m a tad wound up today & he ain’t helping 😫😫😫😫
    Mods, can you please ask this poster to amend or delete this post.

    It is very abusive & not in the spirit of this board.

    Someone on here the other day mentioned the word "mental" and the thread went into overdrive calling him out on it.

    I dont think wanting to rip my head off & shit down my neck is very pleasant.

    I think I will take myself off here & wont add to this thread until posters can be civil to one another.

    Oh please, what's the complaint here, you want to spout off without being called out?
    To be fair to Golfie that was out of order, if it had been the other way round there would have been a meltdown.

    You he is a miserable git but that was a bit over the top wasn't it? 
    Feck me, it’s an expression.
    And if someone said it to me I’d take it as exactly that.

    Ffs, I know I’ve let him wind me up when I shouldn’t but seriously did people think I actually meant it? I’m a 51yr old woman 😂😂😂😂😂
    it might be an expression to you but not to me and I think you are out of order. The trouble with this type of communication is that we don't know if you mean it as many of us don't know you as you don't know me, why not show a little understanding and amend the post 
    Oh Jesus Mary & Joseph and the wee donkey!

    Its been used in many a film. Granted in the early 80’s. One that springs to mind is Stand by Me. Considered a classic.

    I’ve been on the forum a very long time. Most know me. I tend to use a lot of humour in my posts. Mainly sarcastic I grant you.

  • edited July 2021
    Leuth said:
    ButtleJR said:
    Rumours Wyke is on close to 10k p/w. If so that's ludicrous for a player of his quality. Scored a fair few last season but didn't think much whenever I saw him. Chucking money at the league doesn't often work at this level. Hopefully England get the win tonight and a few will sign prior to the friendly against the scum Saturday. 
    Can we not do this sectarian bullshit in here please
    What is sectarian about that post?
    The term has been used before on this site about other teams without any assumption of sectarianism. 
    Exactly, Palace are scum and it's nothing to do with religion.

    By the way my wife (Buttle Juniors Mum) is a Catholic so it's definitely a non sectarian comment.
  • A massive CL virtual hug is needed to deal with all the tension.
  • Hal1x said:
    shine166 said:

    Latest from Cawley nothing sounds close or as people have said he poss isnt being updated much
    His last comment sums it up, its as if people think they are more clued up than those running the club.
    I think that's an important point.

    It's frustrating for us that there hasn't been more movement but it'll be even more frustrating for the recruitment team, TS and Adkins as not only do they have to actually work on these deals but if they don't get it right it makes their job for the coming season harder too.

    People would do well to remember that they're as desperate for success as we are.
    It is a good point and Cawley has said deals are being worked on. I do understand Golfie's point too. He isn't attacking Thomas, but waiting to see what happens to the recruitment before he is happy with it and he feels we should be further down the track than we are given what we were told. 

    My view is, I am expecting good recruitment and I appreciate it might be difficult and delayed due to a variety of reasons, but I will judge it when I see it in its totality.
    I am with you Muttley. I DO appreciate getting recruitment right and securing the right players in a competitive market is not easy. As supporters we owe a lot to TS and it's a real shame for him that the economic impacts of COVID have reduced club turnover when he wants to invest in the playing side of the club. So I will be patient and hope they can assemble a strong enough squad to have a good stab at promotion this season.

    In saying that I don't see why a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon to give Golfie such a hard time. He simply adopts the policy of saying "Show me" and that actions speak louder than words. I don't think that makes him the devil incarnate does it? 
    That’s fine & dandy until he goes & says things like ‘I don’t see much difference between TS & Douchbag’.
    Then I just want to rip his head off & shit down his neck!

    Sorry, but I’m a tad wound up today & he ain’t helping 😫😫😫😫
    Mods, can you please ask this poster to amend or delete this post.

    It is very abusive & not in the spirit of this board.

    Someone on here the other day mentioned the word "mental" and the thread went into overdrive calling him out on it.

    I dont think wanting to rip my head off & shit down my neck is very pleasant.

    I think I will take myself off here & wont add to this thread until posters can be civil to one another.

    You’ve said that before.

    Have you actually never heard the expression ‘rip your head off & shit down your neck’ before? it’s exactly that, an expression of exasperation. One I wouldn’t ever use unless being completely exasperated with your idiocy.

    I’ll happily take a telling off for getting wound up when I shouldn’t but I’ll be fecked if I’ll amend my post.

    Its a nasty expression that I personally would never use no matter how exasperated I felt. You said you wouldn't amend your post but then censored Fucked?!
    Fecked is not a censored Fucked, it’s a completely different word.

    I use Feck all the time. I was even quoted in the local paper (I kid you not).

    If you feel it’s nasty, sorry, it wasn’t aimed at you though 🤷‍♀️
  • Everyone having a nice day?
  • I don't remember TS ever saying that we would have a squad capable of storming the Division assembled by 7th July. I do recall a previous CEO promising us a marquee signing that manifested itself 24 hours or so before the window closed and that was Omar Bogle - who delivered 2 goals in 17 appearances (funnily enough his record for Doncaster is identical).

    So can we please judge this squad based on the signings to date such as Stockley (a massive improvement on Bogle) and those that are concluded between now and the beginning of the season. I reckon that we probably make something like 5 more permanent signings and probably 3 loan deals especially as I can see Adkins giving more opportunities to the likes of Demspsey, Vennings etc etc in the same way that he has done with youngsters at other clubs.

    I'm confident that we will secure those signings.
    We are just 4 weeks from the start of the season. Is it not best to have a team.that are not strangers at that point. True the window is open after that but usually all that is left is not so clever and loans are risky because they may not fit, be called back or want to move on for some reason.
    You are right the season starts in 4 weeks but the way people are behaving you would think it is in 4 days time.
  • What happened to the failed medical, have we moved on or not?
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  • edited July 2021
    RedJohn said:
    What happened to the failed medical, have we moved on or not?
    'fraid we have moved on from rumours, we are now onto the rudiments of expressions B)
  • Hal1x said:
    Everyone having a nice day?
    You can go boil your head as well!, :)
    Is that the best you can do? I'm only mildly offended.😁
  • There seems to me to be 'very little to absolutely no patience' being shown by many people on this thread!
    Just because the club aren't saying anything or rolling out new signings every other day, doesn't mean they are doing nothing!!
    This, as I've said before, is a new regime, we are owned by a very successful businessman, in his own right, and hence he will be doing things his way.
    Do people honestly think the club don't know we need quite a few good quality players?
    FFS everyone, especially you @golfaddick just chill out and see what happens!
    Continually moaning and complaining isn't going to change how the club are working, they are doing things their way.
    If at the start of the season we are short of quality players then complain away, but for now just sit back, watch tonight's game, hope England win and chill out. 
    Getting wound up with each other over something none of us control is completely fucking pointless!!!

    Sorry I got wound up.

    If it helps, some of the replies are making me laugh and I’m feeling much better now.

    So thank you (nearly) everyone 😁
  • RedJohn said:
    What happened to the failed medical, have we moved on or not?

    It seems like Wigan do not want to sign Soloman Otabor so it will be interesting to see what happens. 
  • Richard J said:
    RedJohn said:
    What happened to the failed medical, have we moved on or not?

    It seems like Wigan do not want to sign Soloman Otabor so it will be interesting to see what happens. 
    Why not ? they are signing everyone else lol whats wrong with him ?
  • Pay as you play?
  • I have virtually zero expectation every transfer window - ensures I'm not disappointed. I'm sure we'll field a vaguely competitive team for our opening fixture - just be happy if I get to watch them.
  • Hal1x said:
    Everyone having a nice day?
    You can go boil your head as well!, :)
    Is that the best you can do? I'm only mildly offended.😁
    Sorry I had a revolting Vegan Quorn Chilli non carne for lunch, and Im not feeling my usual self.
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  • Hal1x said:
    Everyone having a nice day?
    You can go boil your head as well!, :)
    Is that the best you can do? I'm only mildly offended.😁
    Can I be massively offended on your behalf?
  • Thanks all, just read this afternoon's comments.
    I haven't laughed so much in ages.
    Great ain’t it?
    Even I’m laughing now.
    CL is just the gift that keeps on giving 😁
  • A massive CL virtual hug is needed to deal with all the tension.
    Could sensual massages be an option, no cocks mind!!👍🤣
  • What a nasty toxic place this is rapidly becoming.

    Agree with the thought police or receive snippy abuse from weirdos. 

    Time for a break I think. 
    Now look what you've all done, upset Golfie & grumpy.
    Aren’t they one and the same 😂
This discussion has been closed.

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