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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



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    Tangential question: If I get a basic ValleyPass subscription does it give me access to delayed extended highlights for every game? and how soon after the match are the highlights available? (NB: picture of no relevance and simply used to get someone's attention)

    Very scary lips and eyebrows.

    Who KiwiValley?
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    Not another leak? And those bloody agents telling a player to pull out of a game! 
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    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Could also be the club are making a statement about how they will deal with players refusing to sign new contracts. Make no mistake, Dillon is in a bad position if he’s excluded from our squad. Yes I’m sure he’ll get a gig when his contract expires but his star will have fallen dramatically as will his earning potential.
    Yeah I agree, its a good stance from the club for sure. 

    I have no sympathy for him or his agent. Treat the club who gave you a chance a bit better and you might go with there blessing. 
    A bit like the Boreham Wood player that we're trying to sign then
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    It does read very well.
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    mendonca said:
    what does it say, can't access twitter at work
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    Agents have too much control over the players! He has been with the club since 16 and been developed in that time, they should demand a fair amount for that development.

    The same with Dills he has been with the club since he was 8 years old and this is modern day football, run by greedy agents. 
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    Redhenry said:
    mendonca said:
    what does it say, can't access twitter at work
    Not twitter, that’s a link to their website.

    can understand their stance but surely we can’t be that much apart on a fee?
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    Aren't Boreham Wood bankrolled by their Chairman? If they are, I guess that explains why they can hold out for a higher transfer fee.
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    Aren't Boreham Wood bankrolled by their Chairman? If they are, I guess that explains why they can hold out for a higher transfer fee.
    Could well be... He's quite a good chairman by the sounds of things as always tends to keep the fans informed
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    edited October 2020
    mendonca said:
    “Neither the Gaffer nor myself honestly wish to stand in his way, as he’s worked hard to get to where he presently sits, but everyone already knows that he really is an outstanding talent and you don’t sell the family silver for under the market value."

    Everything you say before the word but is bullshit.

    You are standing in his way, he's a huge gamble for a league club and there's a risk you're over valuing him.   

    There's also a risk we've been quite unkind in our offer. As we don't know the figures I'll stand by Bowyer and Gallen. 
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    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Could also be the club are making a statement about how they will deal with players refusing to sign new contracts. Make no mistake, Dillon is in a bad position if he’s excluded from our squad. Yes I’m sure he’ll get a gig when his contract expires but his star will have fallen dramatically as will his earning potential.
    Yeah I agree, its a good stance from the club for sure. 

    I have no sympathy for him or his agent. Treat the club who gave you a chance a bit better and you might go with there blessing. 
    A bit like the Boreham Wood player that we're trying to sign then
    100%. Agents have a lot to answer for. 

    Teams will always try do things on the cheap and they are holding firm....fair play to them.
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    edited October 2020
    Dazzler21 said:
    mendonca said:
    “Neither the Gaffer nor myself honestly wish to stand in his way, as he’s worked hard to get to where he presently sits, but everyone already knows that he really is an outstanding talent and you don’t sell the family silver for under the market value."

    Everything you say before the word but is bullshit.

    You are standing in his way, he's a huge gamble for a league club and there's a risk you're over valuing him.   
    But then are Boreham Wood doing any differently to how we acted with Bonne and QPR?

    Thing is the "six figure sum" is a bit misleading, did we offer £100k and they want £250k for him or did we offer the former and they want close to £750k

    In which case I would perhaps agree that they're asking too much
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    Interesting statement. I hope it's the agent who's being seen as carrying out the 'orchestrated bullying' and not us. Given how regularly we've been kicked in the nuts by teams taking advantage of our troubles to nick our young players on the cheap I'd like to think we were just doing some standard negotiating. I have no issue with us paying a fair price to a non-league team for a player we want. Hope this goes through
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    Dazzler21 said:
    mendonca said:
    “Neither the Gaffer nor myself honestly wish to stand in his way, as he’s worked hard to get to where he presently sits, but everyone already knows that he really is an outstanding talent and you don’t sell the family silver for under the market value."

    Everything you say before the word but is bullshit.

    You are standing in his way, he's a huge gamble for a league club and there's a risk you're over valuing him.   
    But we would do exactly the same thing. And have done so in the past. It's no different from a player going from League 1 or the Championship to the Premier League and the buying club expecting to get them on the cheap.

    Think Gomez and if we'd been in a stronger position what we should and would have asked for him.
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    If they want more than we think he is worth, that is their right seeing as he is under contract with them. We get clubs doing this to us and to be fair we seem to do it to smaller clubs too.  
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    Leuth said:
    I said this before but I'll say it again: why such resistance to Smyth? He's young, quick, hasn't found his feet yet, but according to people who know better than us has the ability to break through. He'd supplement our other forwards and we wouldn't necessarily depend on him. I know we only have room for 1 or 2 more players, but given a choice between him and Sorba Thomas, surely the one with league experience is preferable for a promotion push? Or we sign both! :) 
    Because a few articles call him a forward rather than a winger so some look at the stats and decide he’s an inexperienced striker who doesn’t score goals.

    There will be a social media meltdown if he signs before the striker is announced.
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    I love the ITK’s three full stops after a bit of info, does boost the curiosity.

    Off out for a bit, should be a signing by the time I’m back...
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    Does anyone know how much we offered BW for this winger fella?
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