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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



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    Anyone able to explain what the rules are surrounding the 23 man squad. Do player under 21 count amongst that number etc?
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    Anyone able to explain what the rules are surrounding the 23 man squad. Do player under 21 count amongst that number etc?
    If its the same rules as Premier League teams then no

    They have to name a 25-man squad but home grown players are excempt from that
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    With Oztumer, Lapslie loaned and Phillips not in the squad, thats at least £7.5k per week right? I'd rather just get 1 proven striker in and pay him most of that
    Well it depends who the loans will be... If they're U21 then they wont be part of the wage cap anyway

    Paul Smyth though is 23-years old so there is one answer right there
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Not a rumor but why has Aneke been morphed in to a target man that's interchangeable with Bogle?

    Have I missed something because I have seen loads of people mention it this week? 
    Do you know that Aneke has spent a large chunk of his career as a striker right? Also a decent target man because of his height and build. 
    He isn't that type of forward though is he?  Yes he is big but so are a lot of people that aren't target men.

    He is certainly better facing the goal than he is with his back do it. 
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    Herbie Kane potentially joining Barnsley for just over 1 Mill
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    With Oztumer, Lapslie loaned and Phillips not in the squad, thats at least £7.5k per week right? I'd rather just get 1 proven striker in and pay him most of that
    You'd like to think £5k on a striker, the rest on somebody else and a U21 loan?
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    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Or maybe he's not as good as a lot of people on here (and his agent) think. 
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    SamE7 said:
    With Oztumer, Lapslie loaned and Phillips not in the squad, thats at least £7.5k per week right? I'd rather just get 1 proven striker in and pay him most of that
    You'd like to think £5k on a striker, the rest on somebody else and a U21 loan?
    Looks like we’re after 2 so you’d hope we will put all that money onto the striker and the second signing being a youngster and hence not counting towards the cap. 
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    Or maybe he's not as good as a lot of people on here (and his agent) think. 
    Presumably we'll find out more after the window closes. 

    If it turns out he is still with us I don't think it would be a bad thing. He was our POTY last year and that wasn't too long ago given the extension to the season.

    They are all grown-ups as well as being professional footballers and ex-footballers. I'd like to think any hatchets could be buried. As to the agent however, that would be an excellent starting spot for the first hatchet...
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    edited October 2020
    RedRobin said:
    The Borehamwood kid is obviously keen as he has started following the club on twitter, how significant that is I don’t know. 

    In 2020 it is significant, that a young player is following a club from two levels up the football Pyrimid.
    A deal should be able to be worked out if we could offer a player to go to Boreham wood on loan.(won't be like for like)
    Morgan surely would strengthen a team in the National League ?
    Offer a deal similar to Grant's: 20% on next move.
    Or Thomas Sandgaard offers more money up front with a bonus for amount of games played.

    There must be room for creativity in transfers.

    We have been eaten in the food chain on the last day of the transfer window going back to Scott Parker; it's about time we had a feast.
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    I said this before but I'll say it again: why such resistance to Smyth? He's young, quick, hasn't found his feet yet, but according to people who know better than us has the ability to break through. He'd supplement our other forwards and we wouldn't necessarily depend on him. I know we only have room for 1 or 2 more players, but given a choice between him and Sorba Thomas, surely the one with league experience is preferable for a promotion push? Or we sign both! :) 
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    Blimey. Dillons really pushed Bowyers buttons.
    Still think Bowyers made the right decision. Agent’s  potentially f*cked Dillon over?
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    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Or maybe he's not as good as a lot of people on here (and his agent) think. 
    Phillips is a very good shot stopper but his kicking severely lets him down. Also not great at commanding his area and punches/flaps a little too much for my liking. Is he better than Amos, possilbly but not enough for him and his agent to be dicking around. 
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    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Could also be the club are making a statement about how they will deal with players refusing to sign new contracts. Make no mistake, Dillon is in a bad position if he’s excluded from our squad. Yes I’m sure he’ll get a gig when his contract expires but his star will have fallen dramatically as will his earning potential.
    Yeah I agree, its a good stance from the club for sure. 

    I have no sympathy for him or his agent. Treat the club who gave you a chance a bit better and you might go with there blessing. 
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Clarky said:
    Looks like to me that Phillips has had some bad guidance by his agent. 

    There plan seems to have backfired and left Dil in limbo!
    Or maybe he's not as good as a lot of people on here (and his agent) think. 
    Phillips is a very good shot stopper but his kicking severely lets him down. Also not great at commanding his area and punches/flaps a little too much for my liking. Is he better than Amos, possilbly but not enough for him and his agent to be dicking around. 
    I am pretty sure Amos wouldn't have signed if he knew Phillips would be here.  If they are both still here tonight, one of them is going to be royally pissed off and, on balance, that deserves to be Phillips. 
    But then did Amos stay because of the difficulties players are having with finding new clubs thanks to COVID and this salary cap?
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    Yet another leak from LB via Cawley about Phillips. 

    LB really knows how to play the media game and get rid of players he doesn't want doesn't he? If he doesn't call them out publicly for missing open goals then he'll drip feed information about his number one keeper via his press agent!  
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    edited October 2020
    Forget the politics of football:

    Dillon Phillips was well in credit after last season including when we put out an U21 midfield because of injuries. He kept the score down in so many matches.

    Butland to Palace then Phillips to Stoke.
    9 months left on contract so a smaller fee I would imagine.

    If we hadn't been relegated we wouldn't be having these issues and wage cap problems.
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