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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



  • Surely we should just sign who we want to get out of this league, go over the cap and take the fine on the chin?
    Us football fans are such a bunch of hypocrites, a different breed.

    We spend years protesting against the EFL, they need to get a grip on the finances and wages to stop clubs going bust.

    The EFL introduce a wage cap in the middle of a pandemic and the first thing some of us fans do is try and work a way round it, or say to just ignore it (me included).
    But it's not been thought out properly. I'm all for a wage cap, but balanced against profits or turnover, not just some figure picked out of the air. 

    Surely if you filled out your 40,000 stadium you are in a better position to pay a player £x than a club who only gets a 4,000 gate. You could cap the wage at 50% turnover or a% of gate receipts. Instead its come down to the lowest common denominator. 

    We are especially hampered as we have been under a transfer embargo & so unable to bring in players BEFORE the wage cap came in. We were lucky to be able to sign Gilbey & Washington (and that was because we forced the EFL's hand) as well as renewing Williams contract. We have started this season with one hand tied behind our backs. At the very least the EFL should have given us a week or two's grace before it applying to us.

    I agree apart from the last line.
    My point is even if the cap was as you describe, some of us football fans, would still be looking for a way round it.
    What is dubious is the way it came in so suddenly, so that any signings beforehand weren't affected, but any signings afterwards WERE affected

    So a club which did its business early will be allowed to have a much higher salary bill this season than a club like ours which did its business later
  • Thanks for the speedy reply. Looks like an exciting season ahead and I’m still hopeful than my winning the league bet stands a chance!
  • I’m sure it’s been answered many times but when does the window close as far as we are concerned, is it 5th Oct?
    5th October = International Signings
    16th October = Domestic Signings

    Free Transfers (provided they were released before their respective window closes) can be signed at any time
  • I’m sure it’s been answered many times but when does the window close as far as we are concerned, is it 5th Oct?
    5th October = International Signings
    16th October = Domestic Signings

    Free Transfers (provided they were released before their respective window closes) can be signed at any time
  • I wouldn't be surprised to see teams at our level looking abroad a bit more under the cap. Now that a player can comfortably make a lot more money sitting on the bench for a Championship side or face taking a massive pay cut compared to their previous salary I think we'll see more work going into finding good players in leagues that have never been able to pay as much. We've lost our advantage compared to teams around us so we might just have to take advantage of poorer leagues. It's not ideal given it's always a gamble, but teams might not have a lot of other choice
  • That means Celtic need to sign AD by midnight on Monday, if he plays for us on Saturday I don't think he will be going North of the border.   
  • edited September 2020
    I know many are exited we are signing a striker, but I am with those who dont like the Danish link at this time.
    Also - sorry if already reported - Schwartz admitted to fake a back injury in fear of his health before his transfer from Silkeborg to Midtjylland. That didnt go down well everywhere.
    Titles read: "Schwartz pretended to be injuried before transfer" and "Sad and unprofessional" (Silkeborgs view)
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  • Bloody hell, he’s not exactly a youngster with a scratchy bit of potential a la Piotr P. He just came off a season top scoring in the top league in Denmark and his team just qualified for the Champions League.

    Given the world we live in today, I would be surprised if he wasn’t on multiple clubs radars including ours.

    Willing to bet that the Danish thing is a coincidence.
    Put it this way I am very, very happy (and somewhat surprised) that Ronnie is signing for us. 

    I think he’ll prove some of the doubters wrong.
    If he signs will you stop this i'm in the know all the time stuff?
  • Redrobo said:
    My issue is that it is not a salary cap. 

    It is a cap on how much a club can pay out in a year in wages. It has no consideration as to how this will effect clubs going forward or their ability to develop their own players and recognise their improvements by paying them what they deserve. Players over 21 do develop as well! They really do need to think about this or kids reaching 21 will be released as clubs can’t get them into the squad and sign a seasoned player. Nonsense.

    It does not look at how it makes it easier for the vultures from higher clubs to pick off players as owning clubs can’t complete by paying them to stay. How stupid is that?

    If the CAP was good. Fine. Why then start a month later? Why not backdated to the start of the transfer window?

    Why did they give an extension so SOME teams could take advantage of signing players up before it became active? A level playing field should be a given. They failed. They should work out a solution to put that right.

    Overall a good idea. I feel that they don’t have the personal to make it work.

    I think of it in terms of a team salary cap (with a few caveats) rather than as an individual player cap.
    This was determined by and voted in by the smaller teams in the division, justifiable to help their clubs survive. However, they refused to allow any adjustment to the cap for the larger teams with much higher matchday income and merchandising, thereby giving themselves (the smaller clubs) a better chance of competing for promotion etc. 
    I think they voted for it to come into effect immediately, I think all the clubs knew that would happen if was going to be approved, which was why clubs rushed through contract extensions for their higher paid players before the vote took place.
  • Redrobo said:
    My issue is that it is not a salary cap. 

    It is a cap on how much a club can pay out in a year in wages. It has no consideration as to how this will effect clubs going forward or their ability to develop their own players and recognise their improvements by paying them what they deserve. Players over 21 do develop as well! They really do need to think about this or kids reaching 21 will be released as clubs can’t get them into the squad and sign a seasoned player. Nonsense.

    It does not look at how it makes it easier for the vultures from higher clubs to pick off players as owning clubs can’t complete by paying them to stay. How stupid is that?

    If the CAP was good. Fine. Why then start a month later? Why not backdated to the start of the transfer window?

    Why did they give an extension so SOME teams could take advantage of signing players up before it became active? A level playing field should be a given. They failed. They should work out a solution to put that right.

    Overall a good idea. I feel that they don’t have the personal to make it work.

    I think of it in terms of a team salary cap (with a few caveats) rather than as an individual player cap.
    This was determined by and voted in by the smaller teams in the division, justifiable to help their clubs survive. However, they refused to allow any adjustment to the cap for the larger teams with much higher matchday income and merchandising, thereby giving themselves (the smaller clubs) a better chance of competing for promotion etc. 
    I think they voted for it to come into effect immediately, I think all the clubs knew that would happen if was going to be approved, which was why clubs rushed through contract extensions for their higher paid players before the vote took place.
    I know, which doesn’t make it any less crap.

    Look forward to next season and beyond.

    What is the point of having a club, let alone a small club, getting in the top six?  
    One could invest a lot of money in your youth team with young exciting players getting into your club into the top six. If you do not succeed in getting promotion the higher leagues will rape you of every player with potential, and with the money we are capped to pay we will have no way of defending ourselves.

    Clubs in the Premiership would class every player they have in the millions. When buying they offer peanuts. They HAVE to let the money flow down. 
    Bigger fees, higher performance payments, higher sell on fees. They need to get some rules in.

    They also have to stop Scotland and Europe buying kids without paying a development fee. 

  • edited September 2020
    Maddison is off somewhere tomorrow, but whether it's us remains to be seen. Not sure how we'd be able to get him in with the cap though... 
  • ButtleJR said:
    Maddison is off somewhere tomorrow, but whether it's us remains to be seen. Not sure how we'd be able to get him in with the cap though... 
    Easily if the overall squad salary numbers add up. And Bowyer wants him enough...
  • edited September 2020
  • What’s the beef with Denmark, @norwayaddick ???
    No beef, and if LB/Gallen goes for him then chances are its an OK deal.
    Just hope this is not our new owner overspending to make some headlines in Denmark.
    Smertin didnt do to well at Stamford Bridge after being one of the first signings under Abramovich.
    (I`ll stop that comparison...)
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  • Bloody hell, he’s not exactly a youngster with a scratchy bit of potential a la Piotr P. He just came off a season top scoring in the top league in Denmark and his team just qualified for the Champions League.

    Given the world we live in today, I would be surprised if he wasn’t on multiple clubs radars including ours.

    Willing to bet that the Danish thing is a coincidence.
    Put it this way I am very, very happy (and somewhat surprised) that Ronnie is signing for us. 

    I think he’ll prove some of the doubters wrong.
    If he signs will you stop this i'm in the know all the time stuff?
    I hope not
  • I wouldn't be surprised to see teams at our level looking abroad a bit more under the cap. Now that a player can comfortably make a lot more money sitting on the bench for a Championship side or face taking a massive pay cut compared to their previous salary I think we'll see more work going into finding good players in leagues that have never been able to pay as much. We've lost our advantage compared to teams around us so we might just have to take advantage of poorer leagues. It's not ideal given it's always a gamble, but teams might not have a lot of other choice
    I'm convinced clubs will find a way around it. Wouldn't surprise if we suddenly saw a new foreign signings wife/family member employed as a translator, Josh Cullen's girlfriend employed in an office role, Maddison's Dad employed as a consultant. 

    If you're buying a striker for 500k and giving him a 2 year deal, could you not agree that the deal will instead be 750k and pay the player extra 250k in wages over the course of his contract? 

    Must be ways to get creative. TS needs to get Freshfields on the case.
  • mart77 said:
    Thanks for the speedy reply. Looks like an exciting season ahead and I’m still hopeful than my winning the league bet stands a chance!
    Me too🤞
  • edited October 2020
    I wouldn't be surprised to see teams at our level looking abroad a bit more under the cap. Now that a player can comfortably make a lot more money sitting on the bench for a Championship side or face taking a massive pay cut compared to their previous salary I think we'll see more work going into finding good players in leagues that have never been able to pay as much. We've lost our advantage compared to teams around us so we might just have to take advantage of poorer leagues. It's not ideal given it's always a gamble, but teams might not have a lot of other choice
    I'm convinced clubs will find a way around it. Wouldn't surprise if we suddenly saw a new foreign signings wife/family member employed as a translator, Josh Cullen's girlfriend employed in an office role, Maddison's Dad employed as a consultant. 

    If you're buying a striker for 500k and giving him a 2 year deal, could you not agree that the deal will instead be 750k and pay the player extra 250k in wages over the course of his contract? 

    Must be ways to get creative. TS needs to get Freshfields on the case.
    I very much doubt most clubs will operate using principles of the Matt Southall school of Management Accounting. 
  • Am I correct in thinking that promotion bonuses and 'increases in salaries after promotion' are excluded from the cap?  So clubs could offer a contract of £2,000 a week this season rising to £8,000 a week next season if the club is promoted to the Championship?
    If so, then that could be a reason why a lot more players are now becoming available to us, because they can see TS has the resources to offer contracts like that.
    Yes - but you have to wonder if the player you are getting for 2k a week is champo quality ? 

    And given the choice of 2k and then maybe 8k if we get promotion or 5k to be a bit part player for a champo team , I am sure the player would take the 5k now. 
  • Oggy Red said:
    I can't help thinking Bowyer is playing the "we can't spend due to the cap rules" to drive down the expectations of some of the players and their agents
    I agree. I think that wage/agent demands went up when TS arrived. 

    Pre-takeover we apparently had signings 'lined up'. If you believe what LB has said tonight, then that was either total bullshit or they lined them up completely unaware of the existence of a wage cap. I can't believe those scenarios.
    Bowyer said tonight that they are now being offered new players all the time.

    Evidently some better players without a club are getting a bit anxious as the end of the window approaches.
    Bowyer said the wage cap is the challenge - I guess it's about trying to get the best players for the least money, and get it all to fit under the wage cap.

    If they’re without a club we can sign them pretty much at any time during the season.
    Think we got Matthews after the window closed 
  • mendonca said:
    I wouldn't be surprised to see teams at our level looking abroad a bit more under the cap. Now that a player can comfortably make a lot more money sitting on the bench for a Championship side or face taking a massive pay cut compared to their previous salary I think we'll see more work going into finding good players in leagues that have never been able to pay as much. We've lost our advantage compared to teams around us so we might just have to take advantage of poorer leagues. It's not ideal given it's always a gamble, but teams might not have a lot of other choice
    I'm convinced clubs will find a way around it. Wouldn't surprise if we suddenly saw a new foreign signings wife/family member employed as a translator, Josh Cullen's girlfriend employed in an office role, Maddison's Dad employed as a consultant. 

    If you're buying a striker for 500k and giving him a 2 year deal, could you not agree that the deal will instead be 750k and pay the player extra 250k in wages over the course of his contract? 

    Must be ways to get creative. TS needs to get Freshfields on the case.
    I very much doubt most clubs will operate using principles of the Matt Southall school of Management Accounting. 
    Many won't as most of the division won't have issues staying with the cap, but i'm sure some clubs will try and find a way around it.
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