I obviously tried it before they launched the download option.
Might try and get another trial for it now, it's obviously the way things are going. Just hope they centralise it rather than having 5 different subscriptions for each studio.
I also think Sony has massively missed a trick by not developing the backwards compatibility on the PS5. The new Xbox will be able to play every Xbox game ever.
I managed to secure mine through Argos (using my employee discount from Sainsbury's I actually got the Console, extra controller, media remote and Charging stand for under 500)
The PS5 is, and there's no other way to put it, FUCKING MASSIVE, but the lengths they've gone to quieten it down and cool it (those dust catchers, the colossal heat sink, the entire system being vents) shows they've really plunged a lot of time and effort into its day to day running and it basically not sounding like a fighter jet in your front room. The SSD drives are miniscule and the interchangeable plates are a bonus too! Can't wait for it tbh
Both consoles look massive, the early series X "reviews" have all said it's big and heavy and the PS5 looks huge compared to the dude doing the teardown, the series X definitely won't fit where my current Xbox is so I'm gonna have to rethink where to put it, not that I'm expecting to be able to get one much before Xmas as there are no rumours of anymore going up for pre-order and I doubt there will be any left on launch day after I've finished work.
Might try and get another trial for it now, it's obviously the way things are going. Just hope they centralise it rather than having 5 different subscriptions for each studio.
I also think Sony has massively missed a trick by not developing the backwards compatibility on the PS5. The new Xbox will be able to play every Xbox game ever.
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Blown away by how small the SSD is. Expandable storage is very nice as well, looking forward to not having a wire coming out for an extra hard drive.
I've never dusted the inside of a console before but good to see they've included those dust catchers.
I've still got one of these, but my favourite game of all time, Driver 2 has stopped working...
It's not going to fit under my tv that's for sure.
Looks easy for modders and also the fact you can add an M.2 SSD is great news. Still waiting to see what the UI looks like and if it's slick.
The missus still keeps asking why I decide to do the vacuuming in the night.