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January 2020 transfer rumours thread (Deadline Day starts Page 283)



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    Remember last January we signed 4 players :wink:
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    Live around the corner from Griffin Park. Locals not expecting Taylor to sign, nor any rumours he’s in area for medical, signature etc.

    Doesn’t mean he’s not of course, but seems good news at the moment. 
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    Apparently we are getting money from the Fosu deal
    I thought he was out of contract?
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    _MrDick said:
    Any sightings of Lyle at Waterloo Station?
    No, but he was spotted at Bluewater earlier
    Ebbsfleet in for him? Bastards.  
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    Ferryman said:
    Apparently we are getting money from the Fosu deal
    I thought he was out of contract?
    We offered him a deal which meant we could negotiate with Oxford.
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    Ferryman said:
    Apparently we are getting money from the Fosu deal
    I thought he was out of contract?
    Again, we offered him a new deal and therefore were due compensation, which was negotiated into being a small amount up front and a large sell on clause
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    jams said:
    Melrose said:
    If it ends up like this then MS is gonna have a very tough time.
    What are you on about ? Sorry don't mean to dig you out specifically but come on people

    What? Big talk and promise. No deliverance. Still time,but looking very unlikely. Whatever your medicaton is, can I have some :smile:
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    Must admit I know nothing about Smith but I do trust Bowyer and he would not have agreed to the lad coming in if he didn't think he could do a job.
    looking forward to tomorrow.
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    One things for sure they dont look happy in that picture 
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    edited January 2020
    LB: Look Matt can you please put your phone down, stop tweeting for five minutes and do some actual bloody work
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    Deleted that tweet already
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    Also he's deleted it very quickly
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    I see Lee Amis in the reflection of the window. Still yet to find out his exact role at the club? 
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    Who took the picture in the first place? Can't we afford a selfie stick.
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    One things for sure they dont look happy in that picture 
    I'd be surprised if it was posted in the first place if it were bad news
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    Sage said:
    I see Lee Amis in the reflection of the window. Still yet to find out his exact role at the club? 
    Ah I did wonder who that was... Thought it was a member of the comms team 
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    Is our next signing the little yellow fella on the table?
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    edited January 2020
    bobmunro said:
    Melrose said:
    If it ends up like this then MS is gonna have a very tough time.

    From who, apart from you?
    And also why? If things stay the way they are, we are stronger than we were when ESI first took over.

    Bowyer Signed and Taylor Stays. 
    3 players signed, and the only real blemish being Gallagher leaving, which was not in our hands.
    I mean that is simply not correct. When ESI took over we had Bowyer, Taylor and Gallagher (plus Leko, Kayal and Ledley). We don’t anymore. 

    I’m not certain if we are better now with Gallagher replaced by the new recruits, they’d have to be pretty good for that to be the case because he was our best player. 

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    Sage said:
    I see Lee Amis in the reflection of the window. Still yet to find out his exact role at the club? 
    Property developer, broker and (officially) consultant.  What ever that means 
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    So we had £2.5 million plus a fair wage sat there for Maddison?

    Something seriously off if we don't get at least one decent permanent through the door.
    It wasn’t £2.5m, his buy out clause decreased as his contract ran down and Posh fans reckoned they’d get no more than £750,000. MacAnthony also said the payment was staggered.
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    bobmunro said:
    Melrose said:
    If it ends up like this then MS is gonna have a very tough time.

    From who, apart from you?
    And also why? If things stay the way they are, we are stronger than we were when ESI first took over.

    Bowyer Signed and Taylor Stays. 
    3 players signed, and the only real blemish being Gallagher leaving, which was not in our hands.
    Taylor staying doesn't mean we're stronger than before ESI, surely it just means we're the same?

    In terms of the actual transfers done so far, I'd say we're even or slightly down.
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    sam3110 said:
    Also he's deleted it very quickly
    As you may have seen from all my posts I am very much a glass half full person, and have been positive about Matt's social media use and have mentioned you can just ignore it if you don't like it.

    That being said, the continuous deleting of tweets does worry me. There's a difference between being generally engaging and trying to control the narrative. 
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    I spent ages looking at that pic looking for a clue !
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    edited January 2020
    think he’s definitely tweeting and deleting on purpose, not like Nimer is gonna be on top of him telling him what to do.
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