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Summer 2019 Transfer Rumours (ed. Pg 296 - Start of Deadline Day)



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    And we are run by Montgomery Brewster
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    sam3110 said:
    Scoham said:
    I actually think he would have done very well at Southampton. If we had to lose him I wanted him to go there. The way they played last year once Hasenhüttl came in would have suited him. 
    Nah glad he's gone Rangers

    Imagine the compensation that Roland would have been paid had he gone to Southampton, this is Joe's way of sticking two fingers up at him as bet the players know that any transfer fees wont go back into the squad building
    With all due respect I doubt the playing staff care *that* much about where the money goes, their emotional attachment to a club is to their teammates and the coaching staff, and to a lesser extent the fans. They may be frustrated because the owner hasn't tied them down to big contracts and whatnot, but I can't see someone like Aribo deliberately choosing his next team based on how much or little money goes to Roland! ;-)
    Same time they know Roland needs to invest and know that he isnt... How many times did we see players talking about the squad needing more players last season
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    Redhenry said:
    And we are run by Montgomery Brewster
    You got any names for the players we’re close to signing ?
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    edited June 2019
    Got to be a bloody idiot to choose Rangers over Southampton imo
    He will start at Rangers and he'll be playing under Gerrard, plus potential of european football (albeit not for very long)
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    Got to be a bloody idiot to choose Rangers over Southampton imo
    He will start at Rangers and he'll be playing under Gerrard, plus potential of european football (albeit not for very long)
    True, but the SPL is a lower standard than the Championship so i don't think he will improve very quickly being dragged down to that level 
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    Ruben lameiras signs for a team in Portugal that was what the snag was he went back home !!!
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    Lameiras has signed for a club in Portugal. 
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    Actually a bit gutted with that one, think he would have been an exciting player for us. Seems like a decent move though, they've just been promoted to the top flight and it's his home nation. One good season and he puts himself in the shop window and will be a lot easier for him to have a good season in the primeira liga compared to a championship side. 

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    thenewbie said:
    CAFCDAZ said:
    So we're offering top end 4/5k a week hardly enticing for top level league 1 players let alone championship. Our only pull for any of these players is guaranteed first team football or the opportunity to join a United unit under lee Bowyer. I think personally we need to get a core of 18/20 to see us through to Jan, new owners pump a little money in and that's where bowyer shows what he can do. Him and gallen are lethal with little to nothing imagine what they'd achieve with abit of wonga
    Surely what should be "enticing" for top level League 1 players is the fact that we are in the Championship. That means they get to play against better players, in better & bigger stadiums (with bigger crowds) and have more exposure due to more televised games.

    Or is it just down to money.
    They could play for us in the Championship for 2.5-3k a week... Or A.N. Other team in the same league but for considerably more. The only real selling point we have that no-one else does is Bowyer himself.
    And those that do come will likely have cheap escape clauses for if they do well.
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    don't think getting lamerias , oztumer and potentially signing jonny williams back would work. all too lightweight and similar players. 
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    edited June 2019
    Oztumer better anyway   :D
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    Options though mate, we would have only ever played two at the same time at most. Last season our attacking midfield options at the start of last season were Fosu, Marshall and Ben Reeves sort of, this season we could have replaced that with Lameiras, Oztumer and Williams. Night and day in quality but because our owner is a little weasel it probably won't happen (Williams and Oztumer obviously) 

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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Looks like Lameiras has signed a four-year deal with FC Famalicão. Hard to see him getting that length of contract at <a href=";amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#cafc</a>, but that&#39;s just my opinion.</p>&mdash; Richard Cawley (@RichCawleySLP) <a href="">June 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

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    Makes you wonder if Bowyers situation was cleared up sooner would he be a Charlton player or was it just a money issue.

    The optimist in me says we have Williams, Lockyer and Oztumer already sorted and we will announce them all as soon as Aribo goes to soften the blow/meltdown 
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    Makes you wonder if Bowyers situation was cleared up sooner would he be a Charlton player or was it just a money issue.

    The optimist in me says we have Williams, Lockyer and Oztumer already sorted and we will announce them all as soon as Aribo goes to soften the blow/meltdown 
    Why do people think Williams will sign? If we can't afford to bring in Eaves/Ruben/Keep Aribo then we can't afford JW.
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    So the "stumbling block" was we phoned him up again today and said so you're signing for us for a pittance then? And he said "no I'm in Portugal now"
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    Rúben Lameiras is the latest addition to the Famalicão Football Club. The Portuguese player signed for 4 seasons 
    Rúben Lameiras, is an offensive midfielder and made his training in England at the service of Totteham until the sub 21 and had an experience in Sweden at Atvidabergs FF. In recent seasons he has been at the service of Coventry City and Plymouth Argyle where last season played 41 times having scored 11 goals.
    In statements to our website, Rúben Lameiras was "pleased to return to my country because it was a goal to play in the Portuguese Iª League. I think I'm going to adapt very well to Portuguese football and I'm ambitious nothing better than to come to the Famalicão Football Club that is managed by ambitious people like me. I also leave a word to the fans as I have heard a lot about the adept crowd of the club and I am anxious to find the atmosphere of the Municipal. 
    Another boost for the Famalicão Football Club. Rúben Lameiras is 24 years old and will have the first experience in his native country.

    Translation from FC Famalicao website
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    edited June 2019
    Awaits "Portugal is a shit place to live, their football is shit and his career is finished" comments
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    Awaits "Portugal is a shit place to live, their football is shit and his career is finished" comments
    this. what a fool
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    would prefer Williams seriously though
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    Makes you wonder if Bowyers situation was cleared up sooner would he be a Charlton player or was it just a money issue.

    The optimist in me says we have Williams, Lockyer and Oztumer already sorted and we will announce them all as soon as Aribo goes to soften the blow/meltdown 
    as he went home to Portugal, it probably wasn’t a money issue 
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    yet another player we show interest in joins an inferior club for better money
    and Peterborough spend more than our budget on one player (Mo Eisa)

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    Right now I'd bite ya hand off for some lightweights.
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    edited June 2019
    Chill everyone. Plenty of time yet. Players not even back for pre season. How many decent players have moved so far. Premier League is asleep atm.......apart from.Newcastle who now not only have to sign players but need to also find a manager.... :)
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    Chill everyone. Plenty of time yet. Players not even back for pre season. How many decent players have moved so far. Premier League is asleep atm.......apart from.Newcastle who now not only have to sign players but need to also find a manager.... :)
    I see your point. Similar situation to last year and we went up due to good use of the market. We are a league above with a smaller budget and window. I’m half nervous and half calm
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    Good luck to him. Going home, four year contract, probably less money to be honest but nicer lifestyle and cheaper to live and closer to friends and family.
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    Those 3-4 signings we expected seems to be diminishing quickly. One by the weekend?
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