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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



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    J BLOCK said:

    Silence from Cawley is interesting

    I too thought it was weird he hasn’t really covered any of the rumour apart from when Louis Mendez asked Robinson in a postmatch interview!

    Could he have signed an NDA?
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    Worth noting he was incredibly quiet about duchatelet until literally just before the takeover
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    J BLOCK said:

    Silence from Cawley is interesting

    Silence from the club is deafening,no denial statement apart from a snippet from KR
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    Stig said:

    Counting the Days 'Til We No Longer Need A Takeover Thread
    Day 11

    The Best Thread sits in it's shed contemplating it's impact. It's little amaretto biscuit sitting neglected beside a lukewarm coffee.
    'What's happening do me' he sobs in anguish, 'I'm a good thread aren't I, why aren't people excited by the news I bring'?
    The BT's wife puts on her finest simpering smile, 'perhaps you just need to be a little more patient, dear'.
    'Patient, PATIENT!!!', he roars. 'I'm a visionary, I'm the Alan Turing of Charlton Life threads. I bring joyous news and all these vinegar pissers do is start infighting and flagging each other. And now' he sniffs, '...they are neglecting me. I used to be respected, I used to have my own sticky. In fact, better than that, I didn't need a sticky. I was the people's favourite, king of the hill, top of the list, A number one...
    'STOP!' screams Mrs BT 'I can't stand another one of your song and dance routines, you're not in Salsa Cabana now, you know'.
    'I just want to feel loved' says the Best Thread, 'Why can't those ants post some nice comments and get all excited like in the good old days'?
    Meanwhile at a secret location near the Thames Estuary, a misguided Lifer hits the 'Post Comment' button and some meaningless scrawl appears at the bottom of the best thread. Temporarily the thread is again lifted into poll position on Charlton Life.
    For a spilt second, the Best Thread smiles...
    It's still here.
    Oh Fuck!

    Ha ha very good, Stig :smiley:
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    3blokes said:

    Stig said:

    Counting the Days 'Til We No Longer Need A Takeover Thread
    Day 11

    The Best Thread sits in it's shed contemplating it's impact. It's little amaretto biscuit sitting neglected beside a lukewarm coffee.
    'What's happening do me' he sobs in anguish, 'I'm a good thread aren't I, why aren't people excited by the news I bring'?
    The BT's wife puts on her finest simpering smile, 'perhaps you just need to be a little more patient, dear'.
    'Patient, PATIENT!!!', he roars. 'I'm a visionary, I'm the Alan Turing of Charlton Life threads. I bring joyous news and all these vinegar pissers do is start infighting and flagging each other. And now' he sniffs, '...they are neglecting me. I used to be respected, I used to have my own sticky. In fact, better than that, I didn't need a sticky. I was the people's favourite, king of the hill, top of the list, A number one...
    'STOP!' screams Mrs BT 'I can't stand another one of your song and dance routines, you're not in Salsa Cabana now, you know'.
    'I just want to feel loved' says the Best Thread, 'Why can't those ants post some nice comments and get all excited like in the good old days'?
    Meanwhile at a secret location near the Thames Estuary, a misguided Lifer hits the 'Post Comment' button and some meaningless scrawl appears at the bottom of the best thread. Temporarily the thread is again lifted into poll position on Charlton Life.
    For a spilt second, the Best Thread smiles...
    It's still here.
    Oh Fuck!

    Ha ha very good, Stig :smiley:
    Imitation and flattery, you know.
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    J BLOCK said:

    Silence from Cawley is interesting

    Silence from the club is deafening,no denial statement apart from a snippet from KR
    Doesn't mean anything, they won't deny every rumour. How would they decide which ones to comment on and which to ignore?
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    J BLOCK said:

    Silence from Cawley is interesting

    Silence from the club is deafening,no denial statement apart from a snippet from KR
    Cawley is usually very good at confirming or denying rumours, my guess is that he's been breifed on something from the club and under orders to keep it quite.
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    Scoham said:

    J BLOCK said:

    Silence from Cawley is interesting

    Silence from the club is deafening,no denial statement apart from a snippet from KR
    Doesn't mean anything, they won't deny every rumour. How would they decide which ones to comment on and which to ignore?
    Agree , but they’ve always seemed to deny any rumours in the past - or at least made the effort to roll out the “the club is not for sale” line!
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    Look out for anyone in the directors box
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    edited October 2017

    Look out for anyone in the directors box

    Apart from anyone sitting beneath a "The Liar" sign you mean?

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    Looks pretty empty at the moment
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    Would have used Nabby at CB for this one. Not sure who in place of.
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    I'm happy to provide some updates if there is no one else who can.

    I'm only on my phone though so will be fairly slow and short updates.

    @ross1 if you are around I know people appreciate the tweets and updates you provide.

    Hopefully we can complement each other...
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    Whoops wrong thread...
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    Journo on twitter
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    Pt 2
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    J BLOCK said:

    Journo on twitter

    Repeat ad nauseum
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    J BLOCK said:

    Pt 2

    That is Paul the old Newshopper reporter. Nice bloke.
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    Liked his response to I said interesting news
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    To anyone else who is in view of the directors box, who are the 3 still in there talking on the left hand side? Think I’ve seen them here before, at least one of them.
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    Something is defo going on its just to quite the club normally comes out by now and gives us the usual THE CLUB IS NOT FOR SALE and for someone like Rich Crawley not even react or come out and denie it tells me something is going on I just hope what this Paul Green is saying is true as Well and we can be in for a nice surprise soon
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    edited October 2017
    I just hope the aussies are rich enough to do the job properly - and don't do a deal where Roland retains some ownership - particularly The Valley
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    Who says it is the Aussies.
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    edited October 2017
    Paul Green
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    Confirmed aussies
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!