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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo

    It's not an easy business when neither side is willing to go on the record and their versions contradict each other. You either recognise that in what you write or you end up saying nothing, in which case no doubt he'd be criticised for saying nothing.
    Is that what they teach at Journalism school these days? I wonder how much of the Watergategate scandal would have being uncovered with that docile approach? It is unarguably the case that over the last 5 or 6 years Charlton fans have being plagued with shit owners, shit CEOs, shit managers and shit players. I think they have also being plagued by shit journalists.
    Whilst I agree the standards of journalism is the UK can be appalling, we also have to accept thst we are a league one team, I can't imagine we get enough attention to warrant the effort of good, investigative journalism.
  • JamesSeed said:

    We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
    Indeed. And if it’s true all roads lead to Roland. Fundamentally, though, the issue is that he wants more money than the club is worth because he has pissed it up the wall. There is no shortage of buyers at a realistic price, as the last year has shown.
    Yes. Having no shortage of funds doesn't mean you have to act like mugs.

    It suits certain people who want their money back to brief some on here aganst the Aussies, but don't fall for it folks.
    Behave. I despise RD but I’m not blinkered enough to think everything is his fault in this saga without some form of evidence that suggests that. Given he is desperate to offload the club then uneducated guesswork would actually suggest to me the opposite
    I wasn't talking about Roland.
  • edited June 2018

    JamesSeed said:

    We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
    Indeed. And if it’s true all roads lead to Roland. Fundamentally, though, the issue is that he wants more money than the club is worth because he has pissed it up the wall. There is no shortage of buyers at a realistic price, as the last year has shown.
    Yes. Having no shortage of funds doesn't mean you have to act like mugs.

    It suits certain people who want their money back to brief some on here aganst the Aussies, but don't fall for it folks.
    Behave. I despise RD but I’m not blinkered enough to think everything is his fault in this saga without some form of evidence that suggests that. Given he is desperate to offload the club then uneducated guesswork would actually suggest to me the opposite
    You may not be blinkered enough, but I do wonder if you and a small number of others have been paying full attention to the actions of the man since he bought us. With all due respect. Therein should lie the required clues!

    My message to the Aussies, and I am sure the message of most Charlton fans would be that we are fully behind you and immensely grateful for your attempts to rid us of this vile piece of sh*t!

    Personally I'm not fully behind them, atm, almost all everything ive seen about them so far worries me and I fear it could be a real out of the frying pan, into the fire moment.
    Strange thing to say. Where has that idea come from?
  • 8 pages now to the next milestone of 900

    Don't stop posting

    Promotes are for quality of material, not quantity ;-)
  • Has anyone wondered if yesterday was the first meeting between Muir and Roland?
    If so, it went well, didn't it.
  • JamesSeed said:

    8 pages now to the next milestone of 900

    Don't stop posting

    Promotes are for quality of material, not quantity ;-)
    Never mind the quality, feel the width
  • Richard J said:

    It is clear that Cawley is the personification of our debate here .

    Multiple sources giving conflicting information .

    Too many people here are so desperate to hear good news ( as am I) , so will believe certain posters and find fault in others .

    I really feel depressed about next season after really getting behind Bowyer in the last ten games . We need a manager in place ASAP (or even yesterday) and some players to make us competitive .

    Trump has a good couple of words for "conflicting information"....It's called Fake News
  • There has to be a reason for Roland coming to England. It clearly isn't something he enjoys doing! The decisions to sell players can be just as easily be made in Belgium.
  • Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo

    It's not an easy business when neither side is willing to go on the record and their versions contradict each other. You either recognise that in what you write or you end up saying nothing, in which case no doubt he'd be criticised for saying nothing.
    Is that what they teach at Journalism school these days? I wonder how much of the Watergategate scandal would have being uncovered with that docile approach? It is unarguably the case that over the last 5 or 6 years Charlton fans have being plagued with shit owners, shit CEOs, shit managers and shit players. I think they have also being plagued by shit journalists.
    Whilst I agree the standards of journalism is the UK can be appalling, we also have to accept thst we are a league one team, I can't imagine we get enough attention to warrant the effort of good, investigative journalism.
    Totally agree, which is why I think that saying nothing is better than Tweeting it "could" be this week, but it might not be. It's not even as if he's filling the column inches, when it's a Tweet
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  • Fair comment
  • Anybody going to the ground today to find out what is going on? Has the Trust been in touch with RM? Is there life in Peckham?
  • I did try and warn last week the deal wasn't done yet but no, just a WUM or a beard or some other nonsense.
  • Redrobo said:

    It is shameful that a man that has so much money that he could not spend it in his lifetime is happy to sack and ruin the lives of his staff in order to win an imaginary game that won’t effect as much as 1% of his interests. Despicable behaviour.

    I hope he dies.

    Bit much that. It will effect around 2% of his interests.

  • Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo

    It's not an easy business when neither side is willing to go on the record and their versions contradict each other. You either recognise that in what you write or you end up saying nothing, in which case no doubt he'd be criticised for saying nothing.
    Is that what they teach at Journalism school these days? I wonder how much of the Watergate scandal would have been uncovered with that docile approach? It is unarguably the case that over the last 5 or 6 years Charlton fans have being plagued with shit owners, shit CEOs, shit managers and shit players. I think they have also being plagued by shit journalists.
    Well that comment went down well didn't it.
  • edited June 2018

    Of course we don't know everything, but there is a clue in your post to why we ought to know who the good guys are here - How you describe Roland as a maniac. Which is spot on!

    Yet we've seen from their very own sources that some of the delays have been down to the aussies.
    They've never seen it as a race. I reported their comments to that effect on 19th May. They see it as a long term project.
    Isn't that a good thing?

    Any delays aren't deliberate.
  • RedChaser said:

    Redhenry said:

    Bad news chairs allegedly it’s two of ours

    @Redhenry was this meant for Two Footballers arrested in Ibiza thread?
    yes it was @RedChaser, sorry had a long day at the cricket yesterday. :0
  • edited June 2018
    J BLOCK said:

    Redhenry said:

    Bad news chairs allegedly it’s two of ours

    Excuse me ?
    meant to read. Bad news chaps, allegedly it’s two of ours
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  • Redhenry said:

    J BLOCK said:

    Redhenry said:

    Bad news chairs allegedly it’s two of ours

    Excuse me ?
    meant to read. Bad news chaps, allegedly it’s two of ours
    We knew that, keep up ffs!

    ; )
  • Redrobo said:

    It is shameful that a man that has so much money that he could not spend it in his lifetime is happy to sack and ruin the lives of his staff in order to win an imaginary game that won’t effect as much as 1% of his interests. Despicable behaviour.

    I hope he dies.

    Bit much that. It will effect around 2% of his interests.

    Sorry, may have over cooked that bit.

    I am reminded of Joey Barton’s words on Roy Hodgson. “It is time for someone to take him out into the garden and pull the trigger”.
  • I hate this thread, I hate Roland.
  • Redhenry said:

    J BLOCK said:

    Redhenry said:

    Bad news chairs allegedly it’s two of ours

    Excuse me ?
    meant to read. Bad news chaps, allegedly it’s two of ours
    Can you give more context on this
  • I think @AFKABartram may be right here with his summary. Perhaps Brentford offered more upfront for Konsa than any other club,suited RD, so he sold him.

    I can't believe that any premier league team that wanted Konsa would allow themselves to be outbid by Brentford.
    Remember the time when Jordan Cousins was going to Arsenal or another premier club, yet the discerning eye knew that his close control issues meant championship was the best he could hope for at the time of his transfer.
    Konsa has potential but needs to improve so many parts of his game, Brentford could be the making of him.

  • LoOkOuT said:

    I really don't understand how anyone can rationalise the shifting of blame away from Roland on scant evidence. Not after the hell he's put the club through over the better part of the past four years. He's made absolutely ludicrous decisions throughout. All of a sudden, it's not his fault? Of course it bloody well is! He's been dicking the Aussies around, just like he's dicked us around. He doesn't care about anything other than his own mad interests. He wants to sell, but, as always, he wants everything on his bonkers terms. Maybe the Aussies and others could have done/do things differently, who knows? But if this falls through, Roland takes the blame.

    Not least that he’s trying to sell a dodgy Ford Focus for the price of a new BMW 5 Series
  • Redhenry said:

    The Saudis bid at least 40.5m. I don't know where they are now though.

    And that wasn't enough for Roland? Or they got sick of his games and walked away?
  • Redhenry said:

    The Saudis bid at least 40.5m. I don't know where they are now though.

    Probably sent packing by Murray. I can't help but feel The Saudis would complete a deal quickly given the chance.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!