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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • JamesSeed said:

    We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
    Indeed. And if it’s true all roads lead to Roland. Fundamentally, though, the issue is that he wants more money than the club is worth because he has pissed it up the wall. There is no shortage of buyers at a realistic price, as the last year has shown.
    Yes. Having no shortage of funds doesn't mean you have to act like mugs.

    It suits certain people who want their money back to brief some on here aganst the Aussies, but don't fall for it folks.
    Behave. I despise RD but I’m not blinkered enough to think everything is his fault in this saga without some form of evidence that suggests that. Given he is desperate to offload the club then uneducated guesswork would actually suggest to me the opposite
    Agreed. To me it's a bit too convenient to assume that all the delay is RD's fault, and that the buying parties are completely innocent.

    There's an awful lot of guesswork and assumption in these 891 pages. After being burnt by the Spivs and by Roland, I'm not assuming anything now without some hard proof.
  • Ah you a crazy boy Richard Crawley, o have friends here who can show you a great time. My friends very serious friends, mane a bit crazy. Don’t worry, you trust me, they trust you, no harm.

    Don’t mess with me though, protection gone, boom!

    Maybe I am mixing the hangover films up there but was channelling the guy who dies in the lift, is resurrected and then gets saved by tattoo man because he’s his friend.

    Looking back at this I either know too much or too little about the hangover films
  • edited June 2018

    One day somewhere in the future... we will be sold... i hope... maybe

    Yes in the year 2525 if man is still alive

  • ^ this, with bells and whistles on.
  • What does this tweet say? Can someone copy and paste for me as I can't view Tweets on my mobile phone? Thanks.
  • Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo
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  • JamesSeed said:

    We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
    Indeed. And if it’s true all roads lead to Roland. Fundamentally, though, the issue is that he wants more money than the club is worth because he has pissed it up the wall. There is no shortage of buyers at a realistic price, as the last year has shown.
    Yes. Having no shortage of funds doesn't mean you have to act like mugs.

    It suits certain people who want their money back to brief some on here aganst the Aussies, but don't fall for it folks.
    Behave. I despise RD but I’m not blinkered enough to think everything is his fault in this saga without some form of evidence that suggests that. Given he is desperate to offload the club then uneducated guesswork would actually suggest to me the opposite
    You may not be blinkered enough, but I do wonder if you and a small number of others have been paying full attention to the actions of the man since he bought us. With all due respect. Therein should lie the required clues!

    My message to the Aussies, and I am sure the message of most Charlton fans would be that we are fully behind you and immensely grateful for your attempts to rid us of this vile piece of sh*t!
    It's possible to think they have been playing games over the price, whilst still fully behind them.

    Personally I'm not fully behind them, atm, almost all everything ive seen about them so far worries me and I fear it could be a real out of the frying pan, into the fire moment.

    Although i can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be dealing with a maniac like RD.)

    I really hope I'm wrong and they manage to get this over the line and go on to be a success.
  • edited June 2018
    Of course we don't know everything, but there is a clue in your post to why we ought to know who the good guys are here - How you describe Roland as a maniac. Which is spot on!
  • Of course we don't know everything, but there is a clue in your post to why we ought to know who the good guys are here - How you describe Roland as a maniac. Which is spot on!

    Yet we've seen from their very own sources that some of the delays have been down to the aussies.
  • Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo

    He's a 'journalist' mate. I wouldn't expect anything else in all honesty.
  • edited June 2018
    It will all come out at some point. When we eventually discover who is to blame, my money is fully on the maniac - to use your description of him.
  • 8 pages now to the next milestone of 900

    Don't stop posting
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  • What's the chances of duct tape bill being down the valley this morning?
  • It will all come out at some point. When we eventually discover who is to blame, my money is fully on the maniac - to use your description of him.

    I reckon an 80/20 split.
  • 8 pages now to the next milestone of 900

    Don't stop posting

    WOW, only 8 pages. Is it time for more fish puns?!

    Yes, yes, yes, I know I could have opened that sentence with Whale instead of WOW. I avoided the temptation to prevent a riot!
  • shirty5 said:

    What's the chances of duct tape bill being down the valley this morning?

    I think they should be a shirt sponsor next year if he remains in charge. I'm sure duct tape wouldn't complain about a free advert paid for by CARD!!!! :smiley:
  • 8 pages now to the next milestone of 900

    Don't stop posting

    Can @AFKABartram remove a promote from Henners each time he does this?

    Oh, no, he can't can he?

    Can admin introduce a new category of "Demote" then or perhaps have minus "Promotes"?
  • Today Is the day

    Charlton Del Amitri Day AGAIN

    “The needle returns to the start of the song”
  • How many years till Roland runs out of money if we lose 1 million a month
  • edited June 2018

    Cawley gone down in my estimations. He just writes the same thing every other week, but in a different way and throws in a "might" and "could" here and there. He'd make a better weather man imo

    It's not an easy business when neither side is willing to go on the record and their versions contradict each other. You either recognise that in what you write or you end up saying nothing, in which case no doubt he'd be criticised for saying nothing.
    Is that what they teach at Journalism school these days? I wonder how much of the Watergate scandal would have been uncovered with that docile approach? It is unarguably the case that over the last 5 or 6 years Charlton fans have being plagued with shit owners, shit CEOs, shit managers and shit players. I think they have also being plagued by shit journalists.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!