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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Hope to god the aussies get the takeover done will happen.....Roland is as good as gone and the manager has been working on players in and out for afew weeks now.

    That is what i hope is happening

    and.......... if incorrect then the outcome is Roland is still here and that road will be a deadend street for Charlton.

    Please just complete the deal and lets get back to football again.
  • I think @AFKABartram may be right here with his summary. Perhaps Brentford offered more upfront for Konsa than any other club,suited RD, so he sold him.

    I can't believe that any premier league team that wanted Konsa would allow themselves to be outbid by Brentford.
  • edited June 2018

    RedChaser said:

    Whilst we all would like the Aussies to step up to the plate and get things done why should they if the old scrote is selling off the family silver at the eleventh hour. With further sales and staff cuts being threatened, if it were me two can play at the brinkmanship game and I'd say;

    'Look Roland if we pull out now fair enough we are going to blow £1m in getting to this point whereas you are doing that every month and will continue to do so. No one is going to pay another £10m for a 3rd possibly 4th tier club this time next year. We want the sale price adjusted for the Konsa transfer money if not fully certainly some of it or we are out, its your call'.

    He has a narcissistic personality disorder but I don't believe he wants to carry on pouring money down the drain he's bluffing and has met his match in the Aussies. Squeeze him as much as you can but for all our sakes don't fall of that tightrope cobber.

    He could t sell fuck all if they had bought the fucking club
    But this is the here and now. Why should they if the asset goalposts have moved and effectively pay an inflated price, would you then?
  • JamesSeed said:

    I think its time for the Aussies to show some transparency now.

    This whole saga has gone on far too long and we the long suffering fans are being mugged off in my opinion. This morning the deal was close, this evening its a million miles away. We won't get anything out of RD so perhaps they can enlighten us. They are supposed to be the good guys after all.

    I'm rapidly losing faith with the Aussies and suspect they're as much to blame for the delays as RD.

    After all they still haven't made a public statement about the takeover and their intentions (i.e. something on the record and "official" which is bizarre for a takeover of this type), and if it was RD who was causing the takeover to be delayed, surely they would be in public, blaming RD and highlighting that it wasn't their fault.

    Whatever we might think about the purchase price, presumably they've agreed it with RD, and have had 6 months (or whatever) to get the financing sorted and paperwork done. If the holdup is due to them, and as a result he's having to fund losses beyond when he expected to have sold the club, it's not surprising that he's sold a player to cover them...
    I got the impression (beer meeting) there was an agreement, or at least an understanding, that there would be no pronouncements until the sale was completed. I inferred, without any evidence, that that might have been a request from RD.
    They said that they'd been inundated with messages and emails (and requests for interviews) that they couldn't answer until the sale was complete. I saw the fact they were now talking to Airman and Cawley as a sign that it was almost all over.

    Have messaged my contact, but now they're dealing with Cawley and Airman I don't expect a reply, not one mentioning football anyway.
    I would of assumed that if things were going wrong, the Aussies would of tipped Crawley off about it
  • Don't blame the Aussies.

    That is just what Roland wants. I think this is him showing that he's in still in control. My take is he's pissed off that the Aussies have been courting the fans via the press, he's wanted to sell for ages but hasn't. He's now panicking because of the EFL delay.

    I still think the Aussies will be good for us, that they have the money and will do a deal soon.

    But as ever not sure why people convinced themselves it would be today.

    When it's on the official site

    Think thats a bit long winded...could you shorten it by any chance?
    Never thought of that. Let me work on it.
  • Don't blame the Aussies.

    That is just what Roland wants. I think this is him showing that he's in still in control. My take is he's pissed off that the Aussies have been courting the fans via the press, he's wanted to sell for ages but hasn't. He's now panicking because of the EFL delay.

    I still think the Aussies will be good for us, that they have the money and will do a deal soon.

    But as ever not sure why people convinced themselves it would be today.

    When it's on the official site

    I personally don't think RD gives a shit who is blamed, as long as his interests are damaged as little as possible
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  • Just because they have money, they are right not to throw it at Roland. If he doesn't sell to them, good luck to him selling to another buyer at anywhere near the ridiculous price he wants.

    This is the point.

    It's all about money.

    Who is responsible for Charlton not being worth £45m in June 2018????? After 4.5 years in charge of the club "as a business enterprise" he has been a catastrophic failure, but the owner is seemingly not prepared to accept the loss.

    Who'd pay his rumoured price other than for land value?

    Investing in football is just idiocy.
  • JamesSeed said:

    I think its time for the Aussies to show some transparency now.

    This whole saga has gone on far too long and we the long suffering fans are being mugged off in my opinion. This morning the deal was close, this evening its a million miles away. We won't get anything out of RD so perhaps they can enlighten us. They are supposed to be the good guys after all.

    I'm rapidly losing faith with the Aussies and suspect they're as much to blame for the delays as RD.

    After all they still haven't made a public statement about the takeover and their intentions (i.e. something on the record and "official" which is bizarre for a takeover of this type), and if it was RD who was causing the takeover to be delayed, surely they would be in public, blaming RD and highlighting that it wasn't their fault.

    Whatever we might think about the purchase price, presumably they've agreed it with RD, and have had 6 months (or whatever) to get the financing sorted and paperwork done. If the holdup is due to them, and as a result he's having to fund losses beyond when he expected to have sold the club, it's not surprising that he's sold a player to cover them...
    I got the impression (beer meeting) there was an agreement, or at least an understanding, that there would be no pronouncements until the sale was completed. I inferred, without any evidence, that that might have been a request from RD.
    They said that they'd been inundated with messages and emails (and requests for interviews) that they couldn't answer until the sale was complete. I saw the fact they were now talking to Airman and Cawley as a sign that it was almost all over.

    Have messaged my contact, but now they're dealing with Cawley and Airman I don't expect a reply, not one mentioning football anyway.
    In reality it's been drip feeds of information from them.

    I'm not expecting interviews and weekly updates, but I find it bizarre that there hasn't even been a half page official statement from them, and find it hard to believe that RD could prevent that. After all if they're leaking information via Cawley, what's the difference?

    As for the delays, if for argument's sake they were ENTIRELY due to Roland buggering around and moving the goalposts, I find it REALLY hard to believe that the Aussies would still say nothing, not even a brief statement expressing disappointment and indicating that it wasn't due to them.
  • If the takeover breaks down and players like Pearce, Forster-Caskey, Fosu, Aribo and Magennis are sold then putting your money on us to be relegated might not be such a silly bet.

    Very sadly, THIS.
  • Ffs I left work rubbing my hands together thinking my date prediction for tomorrow was gunna be bang on...

    Few pints later. I get home and seen this.

    Why am I even shocked!?

    I'll tell the Mrs to put the pot noodles and red bulls away then

  • I think @AFKABartram may be right here with his summary. Perhaps Brentford offered more upfront for Konsa than any other club,suited RD, so he sold him.

    I can't believe that any premier league team that wanted Konsa would allow themselves to be outbid by Brentford.
    And that Konsa would have chosen Brentford over a PL team who would probably pay double the wages and loan him to a team like Brentford anyway!
  • You have heard it here before, "If not this week then next week" :smiley:
  • Ground Hog bollox

    and Burger Boy still has a job
  • I would imagine the patience of the Aussies is probably at breaking point.
  • edited June 2018

    We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
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  • We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    I thought they had already signed off on it ?
    So you’re saying they might not have the money @Airman Brown ?
  • Nothing short of bizarre to see people turning on the Aussies so quickly.

    Do they have to release an official statement about a club they don't yet own? No of course they don't.

    Did Russell Slade teach you lot nothing?

    Agreed, they are our only possible saviours FFS!
  • We need confirmaton from the EFL about whether the Aussies have met the fit and proper persons requirements before we can decide who is responsible for the latest stand-off.

    Makes sense.

    Don't have the dough so Roland is putting plan B into action.
  • Addickted said:

    Just had a text from my contact at the EFL.

    "All Appendix 3 conditions now satisfied".

    Page 877.
  • Everyone spread out. And be patient.
  • So either the info re: fit and proper tests being complete is incorrect. Or it's Roland pissing about AGAIN.

    Is that the long and short of it?
  • I know its been done to death, but htf can RD legally sell assets (players) after a price has been agreed and we're, supposedly, on the cusp of a done deal?

  • I suspect it is the latter. He is impulsive and probably lost patience. He has previous doesn't he! What seems incredible is that with a deal reported to be so close, a player has been apparently sold behind the new buyer's backs. Any ordinary idiot would tell you that is reckless, but Roland sadly isn't an ordinary idiot - he is an extraordinary one!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!