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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • I hope Muir just lamps him one.

    Why would he, someone saw Roland leave the valley today, not a whiff of going and asking him directly what the f is going on
  • J BLOCK said:

    Are we 100% clear that the reason this hasn’t been wrapped up is with RD?

    Because that may well not be the case.

    Like maybe not showing they have monies

    Surely, you don’t pass the fit and proper persons test without having funds, it’s a key part of passing it.
    That’s what I would like to think but the longer this whole shit show goes on you have to ask what the fuck is holding this up

    Other clubs the takeover is complete pending a fit and proper persons test

    We are doing the fit and proper yet no deal has been done (it would seem ) so surely the delay is on the buyers side not the sellers

    There’s no evidence in the public domain to suggest this delay is caused by RD
    I agree with you @nth london addick . As much as I hate the guy I’m convinced that the delay is not down to RD.
    The Aussies said as much on 18th May, but they were talking about a legal entangelment that had to be dealt with, going back before RD's time. They said negotiations with him were tricky, but that he wanted the sale to happen. But it really won't be about their lack of funds.
  • JamesSeed said:

    J BLOCK said:

    Are we 100% clear that the reason this hasn’t been wrapped up is with RD?

    Because that may well not be the case.

    Like maybe not showing they have monies

    Surely, you don’t pass the fit and proper persons test without having funds, it’s a key part of passing it.
    That’s what I would like to think but the longer this whole shit show goes on you have to ask what the fuck is holding this up

    Other clubs the takeover is complete pending a fit and proper persons test

    We are doing the fit and proper yet no deal has been done (it would seem ) so surely the delay is on the buyers side not the sellers

    There’s no evidence in the public domain to suggest this delay is caused by RD
    I agree with you @nth london addick . As much as I hate the guy I’m convinced that the delay is not down to RD.
    The Aussies said as much on 18th May, but they were talking about a legal entangelment that had to be dealt with, going back before RD's time. They said negotiations with him were tricky, but that he wanted the sale to happen. But it really won't be about their lack of funds.
    Can we presume that this legal entanglement is still unresolved then @JamesSeed and this is what is causing the hold up?
  • edited June 2018
    Anyone told Roland that they’ve got all the EFL clearances and he can now sell
  • Simply I think it’s taking too long for Belgian and he’s protecting his arse, transfer window will slam shut soon.
  • Wouldn’t surprise me if RM was up to no good again.

    Didn’t same happen at standard and new lot were raging at state club left in by him
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  • I posted a few days ago that possibly the Aussies had the whip hand and that Rolly had a very weak hand given the lack of staff etc at the club and that maybe they wanted to reduce the price at the last moment.

    Perhaps this is Rollys response.
  • RD patience wearing thin actually tells me that the Aussies are pissing around and not the other way round.

    Agree with this.

    Roland is like Ashley, Newcastle's owner... he would rather be hated but keep the club than sell for less than he thinks it is worth. And he would walk away.
  • johnny73 said:

    If 3 or 4 more players are sold in the next week then it's a fire sale. As it is, 1 player sold, Duche is just covering costs for next couple of months. It's up to the Aussies now. They either want the club or not.

  • CP is under contract, I doubt the Aussies will want to hit the ground running having to pay Southend compo.

    It seems they will have enough to pay out each month just to keep us ticking over.

    Could be a small price to pay for getting the fans onside.
  • johnny73 said:

    If 3 or 4 more players are sold in the next week then it's a fire sale. As it is, 1 player sold, Duche is just covering costs for next couple of months. It's up to the Aussies now. They either want the club or not.

    This with bells on
  • Is it just the rat getting his way for all the deserved comments and actions that we have made over his time ruing our club.
  • johnny73 said:

    If 3 or 4 more players are sold in the next week then it's a fire sale. As it is, 1 player sold, Duche is just covering costs for next couple of months. It's up to the Aussies now. They either want the club or not.

    Agree with this, time for them to come out of the shadows and do it.
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  • I’m going to wait and see what happens in the next few days before I panic, seems like Roland is doing little more than trying to hurry the Aussies along, still don’t buy the whole evil genius getting his last laugh over us. Feel like the ball is still in the Aussies court.
  • It seems like it actually us and RD who are running out of patience
  • We have dicked around for four and a half years. He's playing us all like an old fiddle.
  • edited June 2018
    Shrew said:

    It seems like it actually us and RD who are running out of patience

    Well that a first, Charlton fan agreeing with RD
  • edited June 2018

    J BLOCK said:

    Are we 100% clear that the reason this hasn’t been wrapped up is with RD?

    Because that may well not be the case.

    Like maybe not showing they have monies

    Surely, you don’t pass the fit and proper persons test without having funds, it’s a key part of passing it.
    That’s what I would like to think but the longer this whole shit show goes on you have to ask what the fuck is holding this up

    Other clubs the takeover is complete pending a fit and proper persons test

    We are doing the fit and proper yet no deal has been done (it would seem ) so surely the delay is on the buyers side not the sellers

    There’s no evidence in the public domain to suggest this delay is caused by RD
    I agree with you @nth london addick . As much as I hate the guy I’m convinced that the delay is not down to RD.
    This is what concerns me.

    Many appear to have a direct line in with the Aussies ie Cawley from what's been said on here but the problem with that is it means you only get their side/ version of the story. Don't know them from Adam so who is to say they are being 100% genuine and transparent with what they're leaking to progress a deal in their favour.

    I am sure facts and truths are manipulated and leaked to gain advantage in such a deal.

    The irony is to have balance and gain a semblance of what is near the truth you also need a direct line in to the other party and call both sides out on discrepancies.

    If Cawley or other journos also had a line into the selling div then we may get near to what is going on.

    Something doesn't feel right about this aussie consortium and available funds instinctively as much as my optimism wants me to overlook it.

    The only known fact at this point still is that we are almost in july, selling and seeing the back of the spine of a weak squad with no manager or executive in place and radio silence from the club who are more preoccupied with broadcasting banal piss like what fucking football club Jackson supports.

    The fans and those of us glued to this takeover all across various social media are being used as pawns in whatever is going on I reckon.

    Wankers the lot of them.
  • edited June 2018
    I’m beginning to think these Aussies are just another cowboy outfit. This pre season is going to be isa total shambles . I’m just going to watch my local non league side next season if this doesn’t go through ( as I’ve been saying all along ).
  • shirty5 said:

    We have dicked around for four and a half years. He's playing us all like an old fiddle.

    My biggest concern always was that RD is so minted that he will do what ever he wants in the build up to the sale
  • I have stopped buying season tickets but have been dragging myself along to most games - if that scumbag stays as owner- that will be it for me. I take heart that supporters can lift clubs from the bottom of the barrel as it looks like where we are heading if the Aussies don't buy us. Non league football looks a couple of years away if we go on like this and the club will be worth nothing!
  • shirty5 said:

    We have dicked around for four and a half years. He's playing us all like an old fiddle.

    My biggest concern always was that RD is so minted that he will do what ever he wants in the build up to the sale
    Why would he do that? . It Makes no sense .
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!