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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Just like to say a big well done to CARD in their efforts to get RD to sell up. Well done guys!
  • 100% not happening.

    Roland to bring in a few Belgian cronies and the Club will be run like one in severe administration for a huge part of next season until Varney and his associates hoover it up for a quid probably some time after Christmas.

    I'll just leave this here.
  • shirty5 said:

    We have dicked around for four and a half years. He's playing us all like an old fiddle.

    My biggest concern always was that RD is so minted that he will do what ever he wants in the build up to the sale
    Why would he do that? . It Makes no sense .

    As an act of petulance and revenge
  • My take, pure guesswork

    Price, structure of deal, payments etc = agreed. RD would not have let the Aussies progress this long without that being tied down.

    Aussie funds in place = yes. Too much of a high quality and respected front man for it not to be the case imo.

    EFL approval of change - agreed / almost agreed

    Legacy / associated issues attached to the convuluted former company structure from the previous era OR uncertainty over asset ownership with RD of what is included in the sale - potentially outstanding. As I say, a complete guess. Something is clearly o/s though.

    RD wants shot and does not want to put another penny into propping up Charlton Athletic. He very much expected this all to be concluded by now (which is why I doubt this is price haggling). He doesn’t handle frustration well and probably threatened that if no not resolved by a certain point he would start selling players as he is not paying another wage bill.

    Given Konsa was attracting good interest from at least 3 prem clubs I’ve been made aware, a sale to Brentford appears rushed to me and I would speculate at a deal structure that suits RDs current position.

    Whether this latest leakage is game playing who knows. What is clear though is both parties are currently in the country today and the leaks emerging are not saying ‘done deal’. Very much the opposite.

    Just my spec so please feel free to pick the bones of it and convince me what might be wrong

    Seems reasonable. The only thing you forgot to mention was that Roland is a gigantic diseased fuckstick.
  • If the Belgian cnut is still in charge next season then that's me finished until he goes
  • This thing about donating protest banners and the like to the museum with one option to drop them off at reception.....perhaps we could all drop them off in reception at the same time and effect a makeover.
  • Just like to say a big well done to CARD in their efforts to get RD to sell up. Well done guys!

    Just like to say a big well done to CARD in their efforts to get RD to sell up. Well done guys!

    There is only one Dick Plumb.

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  • My take, pure guesswork

    Price, structure of deal, payments etc = agreed. RD would not have let the Aussies progress this long without that being tied down.

    Aussie funds in place = yes. Too much of a high quality and respected front man for it not to be the case imo.

    EFL approval of change - agreed / almost agreed

    Legacy / associated issues attached to the convuluted former company structure from the previous era OR uncertainty over asset ownership with RD of what is included in the sale - potentially outstanding. As I say, a complete guess. Something is clearly o/s though.

    RD wants shot and does not want to put another penny into propping up Charlton Athletic. He very much expected this all to be concluded by now (which is why I doubt this is price haggling). He doesn’t handle frustration well and probably threatened that if no not resolved by a certain point he would start selling players as he is not paying another wage bill.

    Given Konsa was attracting good interest from at least 3 prem clubs I’ve been made aware, a sale to Brentford appears rushed to me and I would speculate at a deal structure that suits RDs current position.

    Whether this latest leakage is game playing who knows. What is clear though is both parties are currently in the country today and the leaks emerging are not saying ‘done deal’. Very much the opposite.

    Just my spec so please feel free to pick the bones of it and convince me what might be wrong

    Good call
  • My take, pure guesswork

    Price, structure of deal, payments etc = agreed. RD would not have let the Aussies progress this long without that being tied down.

    Aussie funds in place = yes. Too much of a high quality and respected front man for it not to be the case imo.

    EFL approval of change - agreed / almost agreed

    Legacy / associated issues attached to the convuluted former company structure from the previous era OR uncertainty over asset ownership with RD of what is included in the sale - potentially outstanding. As I say, a complete guess. Something is clearly o/s though.

    RD wants shot and does not want to put another penny into propping up Charlton Athletic. He very much expected this all to be concluded by now (which is why I doubt this is price haggling). He doesn’t handle frustration well and probably threatened that if no not resolved by a certain point he would start selling players as he is not paying another wage bill.

    Given Konsa was attracting good interest from at least 3 prem clubs I’ve been made aware, a sale to Brentford appears rushed to me and I would speculate at a deal structure that suits RDs current position.

    Whether this latest leakage is game playing who knows. What is clear though is both parties are currently in the country today and the leaks emerging are not saying ‘done deal’. Very much the opposite.

    Just my spec so please feel free to pick the bones of it and convince me what might be wrong

    I think you are pretty close @AFKABartram

    Maybe Duchatelet panicked when the EFL didn't immediately sign off the Aussies and so started planning for his ownership to continue with desperate player sales and sacking yet more staff.

    Meanwhile the Aussies are trying to say "we're ready to do the deal, the EFL issues have been sorted" but Roland won't listen.

  • Agreed. And only 1 Dickie Plumb.
  • I think @AFKABartram may be right here with his summary. Perhaps Brentford offered more upfront for Konsa than any other club,suited RD, so he sold him.
  • edited June 2018

    Are we 100% clear that the reason this hasn’t been wrapped up is with RD?

    Because that may well not be the case.

    Like maybe not showing they have monies

    Shrew said:

    It seems like it actually us and RD who are running out of patience

    Oh god we're turning against the Aussies already, and they don't even own the club yet ;-)
  • Sorry, has he sold up - have I missed it?
  • My take, pure guesswork

    Price, structure of deal, payments etc = agreed. RD would not have let the Aussies progress this long without that being tied down.

    Aussie funds in place = yes. Too much of a high quality and respected front man for it not to be the case imo.

    EFL approval of change - agreed / almost agreed

    Legacy / associated issues attached to the convuluted former company structure from the previous era OR uncertainty over asset ownership with RD of what is included in the sale - potentially outstanding. As I say, a complete guess. Something is clearly o/s though.

    RD wants shot and does not want to put another penny into propping up Charlton Athletic. He very much expected this all to be concluded by now (which is why I doubt this is price haggling). He doesn’t handle frustration well and probably threatened that if no not resolved by a certain point he would start selling players as he is not paying another wage bill.

    Given Konsa was attracting good interest from at least 3 prem clubs I’ve been made aware, a sale to Brentford appears rushed to me and I would speculate at a deal structure that suits RDs current position.

    Whether this latest leakage is game playing who knows. What is clear though is both parties are currently in the country today and the leaks emerging are not saying ‘done deal’. Very much the opposite.

    Just my spec so please feel free to pick the bones of it and convince me what might be wrong

    Could well be spot on.
  • I have stopped buying season tickets but have been dragging myself along to most games - if that scumbag stays as owner- that will be it for me. I take heart that supporters can lift clubs from the bottom of the barrel as it looks like where we are heading if the Aussies don't buy us. Non league football looks a couple of years away if we go on like this and the club will be worth nothing!

    Ironically you probably ended up paying more than if you'd bought a season ticket. That's not a criticism at all btw.
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  • Yes, it is true. In tickets anyway. I used to spend a lot on Charlton associated tat though, which has almost completely dried up! But it is why I have to be stronger next season if he stays.
  • In my mind this has got RD moving the goal posts of the deal all over it...buying time to strip the club of the assets and make off with the dosh?
  • As said above it would be nice to hear something from the Aussies officially.
  • Just because they have money, they are right not to throw it at Roland. If he doesn't sell to them, good luck to him selling to another buyer at anywhere near the ridiculous price he wants.
  • I think its time for the Aussies to show some transparency now.

    This whole saga has gone on far too long and we the long suffering fans are being mugged off in my opinion. This morning the deal was close, this evening its a million miles away. We won't get anything out of RD so perhaps they can enlighten us. They are supposed to be the good guys after all.

    I'm rapidly losing faith with the Aussies and suspect they're as much to blame for the delays as RD.

    After all they still haven't made a public statement about the takeover and their intentions (i.e. something on the record and "official" which is bizarre for a takeover of this type), and if it was RD who was causing the takeover to be delayed, surely they would be in public, blaming RD and highlighting that it wasn't their fault.

    Whatever we might think about the purchase price, presumably they've agreed it with RD, and have had 6 months (or whatever) to get the financing sorted and paperwork done. If the holdup is due to them, and as a result he's having to fund losses beyond when he expected to have sold the club, it's not surprising that he's sold a player to cover them...
    I got the impression (beer meeting) there was an agreement, or at least an understanding, that there would be no pronouncements until the sale was completed. I inferred, without any evidence, that that might have been a request from RD.
    They said that they'd been inundated with messages and emails (and requests for interviews) that they couldn't answer until the sale was complete. I saw the fact they were now talking to Airman and Cawley as a sign that it was almost all over.

    Have messaged my contact, but now they're dealing with Cawley and Airman I don't expect a reply, not one mentioning football anyway.
  • RedChaser said:

    Whilst we all would like the Aussies to step up to the plate and get things done why should they if the old scrote is selling off the family silver at the eleventh hour. With further sales and staff cuts being threatened, if it were me two can play at the brinkmanship game and I'd say;

    'Look Roland if we pull out now fair enough we are going to blow £1m in getting to this point whereas you are doing that every month and will continue to do so. No one is going to pay another £10m for a 3rd possibly 4th tier club this time next year. We want the sale price adjusted for the Konsa transfer money if not fully certainly some of it or we are out, its your call'.

    He has a narcissistic personality disorder but I don't believe he wants to carry on pouring money down the drain he's bluffing and has met his match in the Aussies. Squeeze him as much as you can but for all our sakes don't fall of that tightrope cobber.

    He could t sell fuck all if they had bought the fucking club
  • Yes, it is true. In tickets anyway. I used to spend a lot on Charlton associated tat though, which has almost completely dried up! But it is why I have to be stronger next season if he stays.

    It's my son's interest that might wane if we don't go. He loved the three Bowyer games he went to.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!