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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Already been given two bottles of wine and a free breakfast in Pret A Manger.

    Didn’t know they were knocking out booze in there now !
  • What is OAFDUMP

    Its been driving me nuts for weeks
  • Summary 11 June 2018

    I thought I would cut and paste @AFKABartram 's summary from the bite sized thread for the benefit of those that don't read that.

    Since @JamesSeed told us that potential buyer Andrew Muir was flying back to Oz two week ago there has been much speculation over the progress of the EFL fit and proper test, much of it contradictory.

    @addickted said it had been returned but with "two qualifications" although it wasn't clear if these were major or minor issues.

    Others, including @Redhenry, said they had heard the test has been failed.

    @Airman Brown hinted that there might be some sort of news on Friday 8th June, the day before the club's 113th anniversary but that didn't happen. However the good Airman was upbeat and advised Addicks to "don't panic" The use of the Dad's Army image, rather than a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy towel was culturally significant but in no way related to any takeover.

    With the Aussies predicted two week return happening at weekend just gone (8/9th June) @JamesSeed was able to make fresh contact with his buddy in the consortium. Jim then told us

    "I messaged my contact about rumours that the EFL had somehow blocked the sale, but he said they are 'absolutely not true. We are working through the process and are hoping to be in a position to make an announcement later this week.'"

    On Monday 11 June Richard Cawley from the South London Spanner tweeted almost the same information regarding a hoped for deal this week but was understandably cautious "#cafc takeover update. It is hoped - and I must emphasise that word - that the takeover will happen this week. But, but, but - there are variables that mean this is not definite."

    RC said that RD wants to sell and the Aussie want to buy so the reason for the delay remains unclear. His tweets here

    Reports of a overweight Italian lady warming up her vocal chords in Floyd Road have yet to be confirmed.
    Thanks, that'll save me looking through the 1200 posts since I last came on this thread 10 days ago!
  • edited June 2018

    What is OAFDUMP

    Its been driving me nuts for weeks

    You're better off ignoring his posts.
  • What is OAFDUMP

    Its been driving me nuts for weeks

    DOUCHER's alter ego

  • bbob said:

    Already been given two bottles of wine and a free breakfast in Pret A Manger.

    Didn’t know they were knocking out booze in there now !
    I usually check my grammar etc.
    I put it down to the beer on Brighton seafront as spotted by Covered End Land.
  • What is OAFDUMP

    Its been driving me nuts for weeks

    Only A Freakin' Douchebag Uses Mnemonic Piffle!!

    Hope that clears things up!! :smiley:
  • DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Really appreciate your comments James Seed but back off on your cringe factor with I’m first this that and the other , it’s not pretty

    Agreed. You and @Airman Brown are right, but it just felt a bit creepy seeing this info appearing a few days later like that. But apparently he had that info confirmed today, hence his tweets. Good stuff. It really is about to happen, isn't it.
    Relax jimmy - Cawley is just reiterating what I said last week which is no surprise coz he gets told a few days after I do normally. OAFDUMP, however annoying that may be for some.
    No he isn’t.

    But really appreciate you not calling me johnnie. Cheers for that.

    But actually, I’m just being to appreciate that you are just being funny. A wind up, but a humorous one at least.
  • JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Really appreciate your comments James Seed but back off on your cringe factor with I’m first this that and the other , it’s not pretty

    Agreed. You and @Airman Brown are right, but it just felt a bit creepy seeing this info appearing a few days later like that. But apparently he had that info confirmed today, hence his tweets. Good stuff. It really is about to happen, isn't it.
    Relax jimmy - Cawley is just reiterating what I said last week which is no surprise coz he gets told a few days after I do normally. OAFDUMP, however annoying that may be for some.
    Just so we can all chill out, Rich now has contact with consortium and after speaking to them (and another party today) was able to put out those tweets today. The fact they they mirrored what I heard from GM isn’t surprising therefore.
    I apologised to Rich for jumping to the wrong conclusions. Oddly, I wasn't following him on Twitter but I am now. In fact, he didn’t mention anything I’d put out until he’d had it confirmed by Aussies and others. Proper journo.
    What Doucher has got to do with this I have no idea l, as I didn’t notice him putting out the same info as I put out?
    I’m not going to have to hassle my old mate for info now, which is good news.
    have you ever previously named Gerald Murphy as your source?

    WTF is Gerald Murphy anyway
    not a source of anything to do with any takeover of CAFC I'll warrant.

    How difficult is it to copy somebody's name correctly?
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  • Big week this one, one way or t’other

    And I'm off on holiday. The gilfriend will get very angry of I spend the whole time on this site waiting for it to happen.

    Then again I did pay for the holiday as she's still a student (scrounger sponger etc.) So I'm probably within my rights to tell her to fuck off.
    All sounds a bit fishy to me Canters!'
    Yeah... "girlfriend" ok righto :wink:
  • JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Really appreciate your comments James Seed but back off on your cringe factor with I’m first this that and the other , it’s not pretty

    Agreed. You and @Airman Brown are right, but it just felt a bit creepy seeing this info appearing a few days later like that. But apparently he had that info confirmed today, hence his tweets. Good stuff. It really is about to happen, isn't it.
    Relax jimmy - Cawley is just reiterating what I said last week which is no surprise coz he gets told a few days after I do normally. OAFDUMP, however annoying that may be for some.
    Just so we can all chill out, Rich now has contact with consortium and after speaking to them (and another party today) was able to put out those tweets today. The fact they they mirrored what I heard from GM isn’t surprising therefore.
    I apologised to Rich for jumping to the wrong conclusions. Oddly, I wasn't following him on Twitter but I am now. In fact, he didn’t mention anything I’d put out until he’d had it confirmed by Aussies and others. Proper journo.
    What Doucher has got to do with this I have no idea l, as I didn’t notice him putting out the same info as I put out?
    I’m not going to have to hassle my old mate for info now, which is good news.
    have you ever previously named Gerald Murphy as your source?

    WTF is Gerald Murphy anyway
    not a source of anything to do with any takeover of CAFC I'll warrant.

    How difficult is it to copy somebody's name correctly?
  • edited June 2018

    JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Really appreciate your comments James Seed but back off on your cringe factor with I’m first this that and the other , it’s not pretty

    Agreed. You and @Airman Brown are right, but it just felt a bit creepy seeing this info appearing a few days later like that. But apparently he had that info confirmed today, hence his tweets. Good stuff. It really is about to happen, isn't it.
    Relax jimmy - Cawley is just reiterating what I said last week which is no surprise coz he gets told a few days after I do normally. OAFDUMP, however annoying that may be for some.
    Just so we can all chill out, Rich now has contact with consortium and after speaking to them (and another party today) was able to put out those tweets today. The fact they they mirrored what I heard from GM isn’t surprising therefore.
    I apologised to Rich for jumping to the wrong conclusions. Oddly, I wasn't following him on Twitter but I am now. In fact, he didn’t mention anything I’d put out until he’d had it confirmed by Aussies and others. Proper journo.
    What Doucher has got to do with this I have no idea l, as I didn’t notice him putting out the same info as I put out?
    I’m not going to have to hassle my old mate for info now, which is good news.
    have you ever previously named Gerald Murphy as your source?

    WTF is Gerald Murphy anyway
    not a source of anything to do with any takeover of CAFC I'll warrant.

    How difficult is it to copy somebody's name correctly?

  • JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Really appreciate your comments James Seed but back off on your cringe factor with I’m first this that and the other , it’s not pretty

    Agreed. You and @Airman Brown are right, but it just felt a bit creepy seeing this info appearing a few days later like that. But apparently he had that info confirmed today, hence his tweets. Good stuff. It really is about to happen, isn't it.
    Relax jimmy - Cawley is just reiterating what I said last week which is no surprise coz he gets told a few days after I do normally. OAFDUMP, however annoying that may be for some.
    No he isn’t.

    But really appreciate you not calling me johnnie. Cheers for that.

    But actually, I’m just being to appreciate that you are just being funny. A wind up, but a humorous one at least.
    Here's Johnny
  • What we must remember, is that a this time of the year, apart from anyone buying season tickets, there is no money coming in. The players and staff still have to be paid, so who is paying them, RD at the moment, as soon as the Aussies take over they will have to pick up the wage bill and other ongoing bills, (water, electricity, etc), so perhaps they are stalling as long as possible so their cost will be smaller, after all, they would have already agreed a price with RD. No wonder RD wants the deal finished
  • ross1 said:

    What we must remember, is that a this time of the year, apart from anyone buying season tickets, there is no money coming in. The players and staff still have to be paid, so who is paying them, RD at the moment, as soon as the Aussies take over they will have to pick up the wage bill and other ongoing bills, (water, electricity, etc), so perhaps they are stalling as long as possible so their cost will be smaller, after all, they would have already agreed a price with RD. No wonder RD wants the deal finished

    Blimey the council tax bill doesn’t come in ‘til April does it?
  • ross1 said:

    What we must remember, is that a this time of the year, apart from anyone buying season tickets, there is no money coming in. The players and staff still have to be paid, so who is paying them, RD at the moment, as soon as the Aussies take over they will have to pick up the wage bill and other ongoing bills, (water, electricity, etc), so perhaps they are stalling as long as possible so their cost will be smaller, after all, they would have already agreed a price with RD. No wonder RD wants the deal finished

    if they are worried about an extra month's wage/water/electricity bill then we really are even more fucked with the Aussies!!!
  • seth plum said:

    RD might be here because he is staying on and he needs to put things in place at the club.
    As we speak he is the status quo, and we're going down down deeper and down.

    You really know how to Rain on our parade FFS
    I Should Have Known better than to open up this effing thread. I must have been here 4500 Times but that cancerous reptile who thinks he's such a Big Man is still Calling The Shots. I don't want to be Burning Bridges but Enough Is Enough perhaps it's time to accept that It Can't Be Done, we've reached The End Of The Line, put simply there is No Contract. The rose-tinted specs wearers on here are gonna say this post is gonna Break The Rules but it Doesn't Matter what you've all been Dreamin', Whatever You Want it ain't about to happen, there ain't about to be no Resurrection. Most Of The Time, I Don't Think It Matters but Again & Again I've read through all the well intentioned stuff, the Lies and the shit-stirring WUM drivel and it's sent me right Over The Edge, I'm a Broken Man.
    But no more, it's Over & Done, I know What To Do: I'm Giving Up My Worrying, no more walking around Like A Zombie. It would be Magic if this Ring Of Change actually heralded a takeover. One thing's for sure: it's Never Too Late for CAFC's Hard Time to come to an end.
    Til then 7pm every day is Marguerita Time.
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  • We sell a player this month.
  • ross1 said:

    What we must remember, is that a this time of the year, apart from anyone buying season tickets, there is no money coming in. The players and staff still have to be paid, so who is paying them, RD at the moment, as soon as the Aussies take over they will have to pick up the wage bill and other ongoing bills, (water, electricity, etc), so perhaps they are stalling as long as possible so their cost will be smaller, after all, they would have already agreed a price with RD. No wonder RD wants the deal finished

    if they are worried about an extra month's wage/water/electricity bill then we really are even more fucked with the Aussies!!!
    You say an extra month, but RD expected this to go through in February, according to RM
  • Suspect they know there is a potential bump in season ticket revenue if they come in, and recruit the right manager
  • I'm pretty sure no deals will be allowed while the takeover is in process. Bauer off to Blackburn is an example.
  • Redhenry said:

    I'm pretty sure no deals will be allowed while the takeover is in process. Bauer off to Blackburn is an example.

    Had a little nose at another site earlier (had a good wash since) and saw you defending yourself - well done. Saudi prince was the other bid then?

    Also, someone on there reckons the delay is down to someone on the Charlton side, rather than the Aussies or EFL.
  • Redhenry said:

    I'm pretty sure no deals will be allowed while the takeover is in process. Bauer off to Blackburn is an example.

    Had a little nose at another site earlier (had a good wash since) and saw you defending yourself - well done. Saudi prince was the other bid then?

    Also, someone on there reckons the delay is down to someone on the Charlton side, rather than the Aussies or EFL.
    Murray apparently. If true, he really has lost all credit he built up whilst chairman.
  • Redhenry said:

    I'm pretty sure no deals will be allowed while the takeover is in process. Bauer off to Blackburn is an example.

    Had a little nose at another site earlier (had a good wash since) and saw you defending yourself - well done. Saudi prince was the other bid then?

    Also, someone on there reckons the delay is down to someone on the Charlton side, rather than the Aussies or EFL.
    Murray apparently. If true, he really has lost all credit he built up whilst chairman.
    He has previous there.
  • How the fuck is it possible that Murray is holding things up. He has zero say.

    Desperately trying to stay at the top table? Busy creating problems, that "Hey Presto!" only he can fix?
  • Correct me if i am wrong, but i have not heard about any due diligence, when i worked for a firm that got sold, the company was overrun with people checking stock, measuring the site. Key staff were interviewed.
    Also list of assets made. Surely if this had happened someone at the Training Ground, Club shop, ticket office would have leaked something!

    I think if this does not happen by then of this month, we can forget promotion, we will be lucky not to drop down to DIV2
This discussion has been closed.

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