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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • do we no for sure if the aussies are coming back to the uk this weekend I dont think they will
  • If I were superstitious, I'd worry that we are cursed (admittedly being owned by Uncle Roland is a curse in itself), but every other takeover seems to move more smoothly than ours (

    There are times I feel a bit like Private Frazer.

    What @blackpool72 says...

    Many thanks for reminding me.

    Just sell the club and FUCK OFF
  • edited June 2018

    do we no for sure if the aussies are coming back to the uk this weekend I dont think they will

    Why's that? Has @JamesSeed heard anything about them not coming back??? Or the thread has so many new posts every day that I missed it?
  • do we no for sure if the aussies are coming back to the uk this weekend I dont think they will

    Can you put some punctuation please as I don’t understand. Thanks.
  • I’ve just seen Peter Varney driving in to The Valley. I knew it..
  • masicat said:

    I’ve just seen Peter Varney driving in to The Valley. I knew it..

    Renewing his season ticket #splitter
  • .

    do we no for sure if the aussies are coming back to the uk this weekend I dont think they will

    Why's that? Has @JamesSeed heard anything about them not coming back??? Or the thread has so many new posts every day that I missed it?
    Don’t tell him Pike!

    Sometimes I think that is the funniest moment in British sitcom. One of them anyway.

    Unfortunately I have to borrow another line. ‘I know nothing’.

    Last thing I heard everything was fine, but if it was all going horribly wrong I think they’d be highly unlikely to tell me, if I’m honest.
    I have asked a question, but it’s five in the morning over there.
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  • Macronate said:

    Is that “Don’t panic” as in don’t panic everything will be fine or
    “Don’t panic” don’t panic, don’t panic.

    Let’s see where we are at the end of today.
    I want one
    It’s Father’s Day soon. Ideal.
  • JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Thrillingly I am able to take the wind out of @DOUCHER 's sails.

    Yes, I've had a message from he who must not be named, and he has exclusively revealed to me (it's all about me of course), that..... you know what, I'll let him speak for himself .....

    'Hi mate. I am back in Aus tidying up my other business interests. Everything progressing well.' [Name redacted for reasons of confidentiality].

    Eat that, so called @DOUCHER !

    Let's see what you've got!

    Oh and Doucher, of course this was light hearted. Genuine attempt at joviality etc. Apologies if you took it the wrong way.
    I didn't don't worry. no problem with u jimmy
  • JamesSeed said:

    We've had two bits of possible info:

    1. from Doucher that there's a meeting at the weekend and that there will be a delay for a couple of weeks.
    2. from redhenry saying the EFL have rejected the bid.

    1. was nothing that exciting as we know Muir and Murphy are coming back soon, and delays are always possible.
    2. might just be the same info we've had before i.e. that there's a query about a couple of points, so not a terminal problem.

    I'm going with the Henry G & T advice at this stage.

    PS Have messaged Aus but they're asleep over there right now. May not get an answer anyway of course ;-)

    I think u may have missed the thrust of what I said - it's not a done deal - I.e no finalised agreement between rd and the aussies
  • God I hate this thread.
  • DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    We've had two bits of possible info:

    1. from Doucher that there's a meeting at the weekend and that there will be a delay for a couple of weeks.
    2. from redhenry saying the EFL have rejected the bid.

    1. was nothing that exciting as we know Muir and Murphy are coming back soon, and delays are always possible.
    2. might just be the same info we've had before i.e. that there's a query about a couple of points, so not a terminal problem.

    I'm going with the Henry G & T advice at this stage.

    PS Have messaged Aus but they're asleep over there right now. May not get an answer anyway of course ;-)

    I think u may have missed the thrust of what I said - it's not a done deal - I.e no finalised agreement between rd and the aussies
    Surely there would need to be a finalised agreement for it to go to the EPL?
  • DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    We've had two bits of possible info:

    1. from Doucher that there's a meeting at the weekend and that there will be a delay for a couple of weeks.
    2. from redhenry saying the EFL have rejected the bid.

    1. was nothing that exciting as we know Muir and Murphy are coming back soon, and delays are always possible.
    2. might just be the same info we've had before i.e. that there's a query about a couple of points, so not a terminal problem.

    I'm going with the Henry G & T advice at this stage.

    PS Have messaged Aus but they're asleep over there right now. May not get an answer anyway of course ;-)

    I think u may have missed the thrust of what I said - it's not a done deal - I.e no finalised agreement between rd and the aussies
    Surely there would need to be a finalised agreement for it to go to the EPL?
    I don't know - chicken and egg I guess - u can't sign a contract until the league have okayed things and until a contract is signed, it's not done I guess so always room for shenanigins from either party
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  • But I wouldnt have thought the EFL would give consent unless an agreement was in place otherwise they would spend valuable time on it when it may not come to fruition?

    Exactly my thoughts, hence why I have my doubts as to what has been sent/lodged with the EFL.

    They approved done deals, they are not a vetting agency for potential owners.

    Still time will tell.
  • edited June 2018

    But I wouldnt have thought the EFL would give consent unless an agreement was in place otherwise they would spend valuable time on it when it may not come to fruition?

    Agreed but I am only passing on what I was told - there is a bit more as to who's moving the goalposts and what the concerns are but I am not obliged to say and cannot be arsed with all the bollox that always ensues after - lets just hope things get thrashed out next week
  • DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Thrillingly I am able to take the wind out of @DOUCHER 's sails.

    Yes, I've had a message from he who must not be named, and he has exclusively revealed to me (it's all about me of course), that..... you know what, I'll let him speak for himself .....

    'Hi mate. I am back in Aus tidying up my other business interests. Everything progressing well.' [Name redacted for reasons of confidentiality].

    Eat that, so called @DOUCHER !

    Let's see what you've got!

    Oh and Doucher, of course this was light hearted. Genuine attempt at joviality etc. Apologies if you took it the wrong way.
    I didn't don't worry. no problem with u jimmy
    How sweet.
  • But I wouldnt have thought the EFL would give consent unless an agreement was in place otherwise they would spend valuable time on it when it may not come to fruition?

    Exactly my thoughts, hence why I have my doubts as to what has been sent/lodged with the EFL.

    They approved done deals, they are not a vetting agency for potential owners.

    Still time will tell.
    The club sent the paperwork to the league.
    Do you know when mate
  • I do wish we all supported a club that kept its fans up to date with things like this.

    To be fair CEL I doubt there is any one at the club that has a clue what is going on. My take has always been that RD is talking to the Aussies, the Aussies are talking to RD however a firm deal has not been agreed upon, a fee has not been agreed and no hand shakes have taken place.

    Whatever paperwork has been sent to the EFL is a mystery which is why I have always questioned this assumption.

    If I ever had the pleasure(?) to shake hands with RD, I would check after to make sure I still had my hand and he had not slipped any IOU's into it
  • JamesSeed said:


    do we no for sure if the aussies are coming back to the uk this weekend I dont think they will

    Why's that? Has @JamesSeed heard anything about them not coming back??? Or the thread has so many new posts every day that I missed it?
    Don’t tell him Pike!

    Sometimes I think that is the funniest moment in British sitcom. One of them anyway.

    Unfortunately I have to borrow another line. ‘I know nothing’.

    Last thing I heard everything was fine, but if it was all going horribly wrong I think they’d be highly unlikely to tell me, if I’m honest.
    I have asked a question, but it’s five in the morning over there.
    But I thought they were over here from today
  • But I wouldnt have thought the EFL would give consent unless an agreement was in place otherwise they would spend valuable time on it when it may not come to fruition?

    Exactly my thoughts, hence why I have my doubts as to what has been sent/lodged with the EFL.

    They approved done deals, they are not a vetting agency for potential owners.

    Still time will tell.
    The club sent the paperwork to the league.
    Do you know when mate
    Last full week in May - before the bank holiday. I’ve seen it suggested that both the bidder and the club have to submit documents and if that’s the case the former may have happened earlier, but I know for a fact a member of the Charlton staff (acting on behalf of RD as the current owner) submitted the relevant papers before the bank holiday.
    Submitted according to Aussies by 18th May.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!