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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it</blockquote

    OMG !!!

  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Wouldn’t surprise me hence the weekend meeting that @DOUCHER has alluded to :cry:
  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Really? Jesus.... So we're back to square one? :cold_sweat:
  • lets just draw a line under all the digging and sniping please. Its starting to get a bit painful to read. I'm grateful to anyone who posts either their own thoughts or what they have been told.

    If someone posts something you don't agree with, or think is incorrect, then debate it. In a civil fashion. It really isn't that difficult.

    If you can't do that however, then just read and don't respond

    Bit hypocritical of you to say that now. But lets move on.

  • edited June 2018
    Oh well.
    The journey to St Truiden is so dreary too, but needs must.
    No takeover, and we must deal with the nutcase in front of us.
    I am not minded to criticise Duchatelet for the takeover collapse, but because of his current and seemingly forever ownership of Charlton.
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  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    IF it has been rejected, I’d imagine it’s been because of the others involved with other clubs?

  • If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds
  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Classic! Typical Charlton.

    Get your rich backers back into the mix sharpish
  • If it’s true we can expect to see RD appoint a CEO and CFO quite soon.
  • Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    Once again, RD got accepted by the EFL. There simply has to be something seriously wrong with the Muir bid.
  • Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    You’ve translated ‘guys’ as Muir. I very much doubt that Muir is the issue (if there is one), more so who he may have within the syndicate.
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  • Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    You’ve translated ‘guys’ as Muir. I very much doubt that Muir is the issue (if there is one), more so who he may have within the syndicate.
    You mean the qualifications ? That doesn’t mean they are “dodgy” though does it. As for Muir. I seriously doubt he’s involved with anyone “dodgy”.

    I take Henrys view that if it has been rejected then it is to clear up those qualifications.
  • Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Maybe but @Addickted has said it there were two qualifications.

    Now, they could be minor, like the windscreen wipers need changing on a failed MOT, or there could be no bloody engine in the car to carry on the analogy.

    My guess is that they are minor but I don't know.
    OI! that's My Analogy!

    Get your Own. :-)
  • Laddick01 said:

    Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    Once again, RD got accepted by the EFL. There simply has to be something seriously wrong with the Muir bid.
    Is it possible one of the background investors has links with a second club?
  • JamesSeed said:

    Laddick01 said:

    Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    Once again, RD got accepted by the EFL. There simply has to be something seriously wrong with the Muir bid.
    Is it possible one of the background investors has links with a second club?
    That’s the best case scenario. Why can’t anything ever be simple with this club.
  • lets just draw a line under all the digging and sniping please. Its starting to get a bit painful to read. I'm grateful to anyone who posts either their own thoughts or what they have been told.

    If someone posts something you don't agree with, or think is incorrect, then debate it. In a civil fashion. It really isn't that difficult.

    If you can't do that however, then just read and don't respond

    Bit hypocritical of you to say that now. But lets move on.

    I'm more than happy to debate, be pulled up if i'm in the wrong etc...

    where have I been hypocritical?
  • edited June 2018
    We've had two bits of possible info:

    1. from Doucher that there's a meeting at the weekend and that there will be a delay for a couple of weeks.
    2. from redhenry saying the EFL have rejected the bid. [edit: By bid I meant application]

    1. was nothing that exciting as we know Muir and Murphy are coming back soon, and delays are always possible.
    2. might just be the same info we've had before i.e. that there's a query about a couple of points, so not a terminal problem.

    I'm going with the Henry G & T advice at this stage.

    PS Have messaged Aus but they're asleep over there right now. May not get an answer anyway of course ;-)
  • Laddick01 said:

    If RD got accepted and these rejected that could be a blessing in disguise

    Maybe time to go with the NLA line that these guys are dodgy and simply don’t have the funds

    Ffs. Muir is not dodgy
    You’ve translated ‘guys’ as Muir. I very much doubt that Muir is the issue (if there is one), more so who he may have within the syndicate.
    You mean the qualifications ? That doesn’t mean they are “dodgy” though does it. As for Muir. I seriously doubt he’s involved with anyone “dodgy”.

    I take Henrys view that if it has been rejected then it is to clear up those qualifications.
    No-one knows with any certainty who they are, so not sure how you and the other poster can assume either way?
  • JamesSeed said:

    Thrillingly I am able to take the wind out of @DOUCHER 's sails.

    Yes, I've had a message from he who must not be named, and he has exclusively revealed to me (it's all about me of course), that..... you know what, I'll let him speak for himself .....

    'Hi mate. I am back in Aus tidying up my other business interests. Everything progressing well.' [Name redacted for reasons of confidentiality].

    Eat that, so called @DOUCHER !

    Let's see what you've got!

    Oh and Doucher, of course this was light hearted. Genuine attempt at joviality etc. Apologies if you took it the wrong way.
This discussion has been closed.

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