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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Sheesh, now Curb_it is expected to participate in the willy waving is it?
    'I have a willy and I name my willy 'banter'.
    Curb_it has too much sense, and too little time...or indeed engage in the willy waving.
  • It's like a blind old incontinent sheepdog, just take it out to the barn and put it out of its misery
  • Where is everyone buying a season ticket when the takeover is announced and will the system crash, that’s what I want to know.
  • I think this has just become the most dull thread in CL history over the last couple of days. Night night and roll on the takeover.
  • This thread will definitely reach 1000 pages before the takeover happens....
  • Valley11 said:

    Someone put this thread out of its misery.

    Could have said that 400 pages ago.
  • edited June 2018

    FFS no one literally cares, stop all the willy waving, you all make yourself look more and more pathetic the more you do it .
    But you can't help yourselves. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, AREN'T I GREAT. :-(

    What's bigger the ego or the wee willy winkle?
  • And I'm reduced to living in a cardboard box in the car park at Aldi

    Just who is to blame for this interminable gut-wrenching fiasco??

    That's what I want to know.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Richard Murray
  • Was going to like this post, but I don’t like it even though I think it’s true.
  • Richard Murray

  • Is it? How could RM hold up a sale? And even if he could he cant do so indefinately.
  • edited June 2018
    Muzza has Rolys ear , even more so the witch has left , so he can spin him any old shit eg. His gripe with PV , hence Roly listens to any he trusts and believes whatever shit he tells him
  • edited June 2018
  • I've always thought that we had more than our fair share of pillocks as Charlton fans but some people really go the extra mile to prove it.

    To be fair, he used to be a Millwall fan.
    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed. You say that we're all enjoying this thread in our own way. Sorry, but that is utter rubbish. How you can say that whilst the future of CAFC hangs by a thread (no pun intended) is beyond me.

    I didn’t mean that we’re enjoying the situation, I mean we’re devouring any relevant info like starving men.

    When I said ‘the window is open’, the fella shrugged and said they’ve already spent two years and a million quid on this. It’s a long term project. Patience etc.
    I’ve also heard via a friend on CL that transfer negotiations are going on in the background while things are being sorted with the sale. No idea if that’s still the case.

    This is all really frustrating. Was really hoping there’d be an announcement when Muir gets back. Maybe there still will be.
    Damn you @DOUCHER !
    Don't blame me Johnny. I don't blame you for posting what you did last week or so either. We all just post what we have heard in good faith. It wasn't the positive news I was hoping for obviously but lets see what happens next week I guess but I'm certainly of the understanding that it is not, at the moment, a done deal.
    It’s jimmy ;-)

    And I standby my posts, as the only thing that wasn’t 100% right I was their hope that it would be sorted in May
    As its stands you've been 0% right, actually.
    Good point @Stu_of_Kunming
    Until they buy the club we won’t know If what they said was true.

    Of course everything I was told could have been lies, or they could have changed their minds about some of it in the meantime.

    Or I could have made everything up, as has been suggested on another forum.

    I’m far less worried about the date than I am about them pulling the plug. I don’t think they will though, after spending so much time and money on the purchase up to now.
    I wasn't being sarcastic, it was a good point. Shame you felt the need to resort to name calling.
  • Just skimmed through 110 new posts and I'm still none the wiser.
    James Seed getting bullied as well
    Only one thing for it I'm afraid.

    Just sell the club and FUCK OFF

    Not you as well
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  • I remember the day when my CL Badge was awarded. One of the proudest days of my life. Was in the Liberal Club by a be cardiganed gentleman who pinned it on my chest and then kissed me on both cheeks.

    Was that Marshal Zhukov?
    Well he had the same gaunt expression and big nose.

    And he has also been known to chant ‘Red Army, Red Army.’
  • edited June 2018
    Solidgone said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Solidgone said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Curb_It said:

    DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:

    From my reckoning only me and NLA have been 100 per cent right so far although I'm sure many will disagree - not that it matters. It will happen.

    If it doesn't matter why keep saying it?

    What have I reported that's been wrong btw? The Aussies thought end of May, but they also said they're patient.

    They also said they have money, and you or NLA haven't proved that they haven't.

    Your mate saying he thinks they haven't isn't proof.
    calm down johnny, it doesn't matter
    This is why you’re an unlikeable character, deliberately calling him the wrong name again. Even after he corrected you. I know this is part of your persona being rude to people. But you do yourself no favours but I guess that’s how you like it.
    calm down, i'm never rude to people - a bit of 'banter' with those who have given me a bit of 'banter' previously - you've not liked me since i disrespected a raffle or something you were organising
    That’s rude, personal dig and completely out of order.
    so calling me unlikeable is okay and accussing her of organising a raffle isn't - people are very tetchy on here at the moment
    Perhaps tomorrow you might re-read your post and realise how childish you’ve become. Shame as I’ve liked your posts on the takeover.
    Nope - my posts are tongue in cheek but those who have e been sniping st me throughout like chizz for instance are getting the hump because I'm being proved not to be a WUM, just somebody who posts what he knows for this board from info gained from people who do know as much as anyone about things
  • Where is everyone buying a season ticket when the takeover is announced and will the system crash, that’s what I want to know.

    They had better hurry. My mate who knows someone in the ticket office has told me that the deadline to renew and guarantee that you can keep your seat (the one you own, that belongs to you) has passed and there are only a handful left. She says a lot of people will be very disappointed when they realise. Anyway, don't blame me, just passing on what I was told. Personally I hope it's not true because I haven't had one for two years and was hoping my seat was still available.
  • addick05 said:

    Has anyone ITK allowed for jet lag

    I got back from Las Vegas yesterday, back into work this morning already. Bollocks to jet lag.
    Bloody hell... we got back two weeks' ago and it took me a week to get over it! Hope you're not a train/bus driver or working with 'heavy machinery'. Is everyone still going nuts for the Knights ice hockey team?

    Don’t worry, the only machinery I operate is a coffee maker and yes they’re still going bonkers about the Knights. There’s something incongruous about an ice hockey team in the middle of the desert.

  • Wish the old Belgian scrote would hurry up. Fed up with pissing vinegar!
  • Chizz said:

    November 2017

    DOUCHER said:

    Going round in circles again - I only came on here to say signing likely today - if DD happening great but not what I'm told - let's leave it at that

    1 March
    DOUCHER said:

    Surely someone from CAST/CARD etc, can ask the club/Murray ASAP to clarify his statement and clear up the misunderstanding.....or is that too simple a thing to achieve?
    It’s well known that Richard Murray reads the forums and no doubt is already well aware of the confusion that’s been caused. Interesting to see if he clarifies the situation.....and if not why not?
    Does it mean he deliberately set out to confuse us all.....the Richard Murray I once knew would have reacted very swiftly to clear things up.......nowadays, sadly, I really don’t know?

    To most, there is no confusion - there are 2 consortiums - as there have been for some weeks and both have now had their offers accepted - so the deals are partly both done but when drafting up contracts etc and until they are signed, nothing is a done deal - 1 party is Australian, the other is british and is the one I would put my money on - not redbull, not the known Scots and if red henrys lot are foreign, it's not them - hopefully it becomes 'done' in the next few weeks - if not, once next years division known would b my guess
    29 March
    DOUCHER said:

    Latest I've heard (as in within the last hour) is the takeover is all on track, just sorting out a few niggling points and best bet is it will be done within a fortnight - that is from one of my cast iron sources

    7 June
    DOUCHER said:

    From my reckoning only me and NLA have been 100 per cent right so far although I'm sure many will disagree - not that it matters. It will happen.

    Ok, it's taken longer than a fortnight - downgrade me to 99 per cent
  • edited June 2018
  • JamesSeed said:


    That's the most accurate information about the takeover I've heard in a long time :wink:
    Best I can come up with :-(
    Looking forward to seeing it re-posted on another forum, with a hilarious comment from dick plum or carly burn next to it ;-)
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!