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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited June 2018

    JamesSeed said:

    I laughed mate as I find it fucking hilarious that after RD we can still find people who are unfit to run the club,

    What the fuck have the EFL done about RD being unfit to run a bath

    Have they found people who are unfit to run the club? What have you heard?
    Nothing @JamesSeed I am reacting to RH post where he says it’s been rejected, now if it’s true then that’s funny as fuck because how can cafc find someone more unfit than RD
    Oh I see. Their definition of 'unfit' is too narrow to include RD unfortunately :-(

    I'm sort of with @SoundAsa£ as I can't believe it's an unequivocal 'no', for the reasons he mentioned.

    On the other hand, I don't know who the background investors are (does anyone btw?), and if one of them is a. dodgy or b. involved with another club, you would image the aussies would get an opportunity to rectify the issue rather than have it rejected outright? I think if it was a flat 'no' then a lifer with connections at the EFL would have been tipped off by now, if the flat 'no' meant starting the whole F&PPT again.

    Wasn't this big meeting supposed to be happening today btw? Or am I mixing it up with today being the date of the club's 113th birthday?
  • Just made Coffee anyone fancy a cup?

    No, but while you've got the kettle on can you do me a Pot Noodle?
  • Mal said:

    This makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, what ever problems arise with our great club, will always stand and fight for what's best for it, because I am a PROUD Charlton Athletic supporter....

    And for those of us who don’t use Facebook?
  • Chizz said:

    Chizz said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Not sure why I got 14 lols for this. I don't find it funny. :/
    Well to say they have ‘rejected’ it was a little misleading wasn’t it.
    So yes, it’s not yet been accepted but no it’s not been rejected either guess is that they need some further clarification on one or two issues and that the word ‘rejected’ simply isn’t the correct analogy.
    The application is still in progress and as things are at present cannot be accepted until certain matters are the application has NOT been rejected.
    A very misleading comment RH.....sorry mate!
    How do you know what he heard?
    I don’t.
    But logic would tell you that a great deal of time and effort has gone into the process...(from all sides) and as such they would not reject the application out of hand before certain issues can or cannot be resolved.
    In rejecting the process unequivocally, it would mean a completely new application would have to be made.......I just can’t see that being the case.
    It seems a bit messenger-shooting though. He didn't say they rejected it "out of hand". He didn't say they'd rejected the "process unequivocally". He didn't say it had been rejected.

    He said he heard it had been rejected.

    I think someone who has brought a lot of interesting facts and information to this thread like @Redhenry has, deserves to be cut some slack when he reports something that simply cannot be contradicted.
    I enjoy RedHenry’s posts.
    Me too!
  • Mal said:

    This makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, what ever problems arise with our great club, will always stand and fight for what's best for it, because I am a PROUD Charlton Athletic supporter....

    thank you....simply made my day & brought tears to my eyes...
  • Chizz said:

    Chizz said:

    Chizz said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    Heard EFL have rejected it

    Not sure why I got 14 lols for this. I don't find it funny. :/
    Well to say they have ‘rejected’ it was a little misleading wasn’t it.
    So yes, it’s not yet been accepted but no it’s not been rejected either guess is that they need some further clarification on one or two issues and that the word ‘rejected’ simply isn’t the correct analogy.
    The application is still in progress and as things are at present cannot be accepted until certain matters are the application has NOT been rejected.
    A very misleading comment RH.....sorry mate!
    How do you know what he heard?
    I don’t.
    But logic would tell you that a great deal of time and effort has gone into the process...(from all sides) and as such they would not reject the application out of hand before certain issues can or cannot be resolved.
    In rejecting the process unequivocally, it would mean a completely new application would have to be made.......I just can’t see that being the case.
    It seems a bit messenger-shooting though. He didn't say they rejected it "out of hand". He didn't say they'd rejected the "process unequivocally". He didn't say it had been rejected.

    He said he heard it had been rejected.

    I think someone who has brought a lot of interesting facts and information to this thread like @Redhenry has, deserves to be cut some slack when he reports something that simply cannot be contradicted.
    I enjoy RedHenry’s posts.
    Me too!
    We all do!
  • Sponsored links:

  • JamesSeed said:

    I laughed mate as I find it fucking hilarious that after RD we can still find people who are unfit to run the club,

    What the fuck have the EFL done about RD being unfit to run a bath

    Have they found people who are unfit to run the club? What have you heard?
    Nothing @JamesSeed I am reacting to RH post where he says it’s been rejected, now if it’s true then that’s funny as fuck because how can cafc find someone more unfit than RD
    To be fair, it’s his predecessor who appears to have a season ticket to the law courts and to judge from his last appearance that regime didn’t even make a complete disclosure of who owned the club, never mind whether they were fit and proper.
  • JamesSeed said:

    I laughed mate as I find it fucking hilarious that after RD we can still find people who are unfit to run the club,

    What the fuck have the EFL done about RD being unfit to run a bath

    Have they found people who are unfit to run the club? What have you heard?
    Nothing @JamesSeed I am reacting to RH post where he says it’s been rejected, now if it’s true then that’s funny as fuck because how can cafc find someone more unfit than RD
    To be fair, it’s his predecessor who appears to have a season ticket to the law courts and to judge from his last appearance that regime didn’t even make a complete disclosure of who owned the club, never mind whether they were fit and proper.
    My contact did say the problems have been caused by the S/J regime's ownership of CAFC. With £1m spent so far I can't see the Aussies pulling out now.
    I pray they don't anyway, because if they fail to buy the club, who else is going to be willing to go through the same ordeal?
  • Mal said:

    This makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, what ever problems arise with our great club, will always stand and fight for what's best for it, because I am a PROUD Charlton Athletic supporter....

    God, I love this club.

    We’ll back. Now get this deal sorted quick!
  • James... Forgive me... What do you mean by S.J's regime's ownership. Who is SJ (Slater and Jiminez)?? Why would that be a problem now if RD had passed??
  • Rudders22 said:

    James... Forgive me... What do you mean by S.J's regime's ownership. Who is SJ (Slater and Jiminez)?? Why would that be a problem now if RD had passed??

    Yes Slater and Jimenez. RD didn't do a proper DD, so there was (and maybe still is) a ton of issues that had to be sorted.
  • On the issue re your old seat years ago just turned up for home games stood where you wanted great days.
  • edited June 2018
    Welly said:

    On the issue re your old seat years ago just turned up for home games stood where you wanted great days.

    You're not that tall bloke who randomly turned up one day on the East Terrace, half way line, half way back and stood right in front of me are you? :wink: .
  • Sponsored links:

  • RedChaser said:

    Welly said:

    On the issue re your old seat years ago just turned up for home games stood where you wanted great days.

    You're not that tall bloke who randomly turned up one day on the East Teraace, half way line, half way back and stood right in front of me are you? :wink: .
    That was probably me.
  • edited June 2018
    Laddick01 said:


    DOUCHER said:

    deal not done yet i'm afraid folks - big meeting this weekend, takeover will happen but probably still a few weeks away

    Any news on this meeting?
  • Where is everyone buying a season ticket when the takeover is announced and will the system crash, that’s what I want to know.

    They had better hurry. My mate who knows someone in the ticket office has told me that the deadline to renew and guarantee that you can keep your seat (the one you own, that belongs to you) has passed and there are only a handful left. She says a lot of people will be very disappointed when they realise. Anyway, don't blame me, just passing on what I was told. Personally I hope it's not true because I haven't had one for two years and was hoping my seat was still available.
    More drivel from so-called "mates in the know".

    Firstly you don't "own" a seat in the ground, you simply pay for the use of one on an annual basis & the club "hold" it for you for a certain period of time before that start of a new season.

    Seeing as season ticket sales are falling year by year & the only people currently now buying a season ticket will be buying their "regular" seat then I have no idea where all this extra demand for "soon to be unreserved" seats will be coming from. Any previous ST holders are most likely to be hardened "stay awayers" and will not be buying until a new owner is in place, if at all.

    Rest assured.....come August you will be able to buy your old seat again.
    W H O O S H !
    I believe this thread us too important to post things that are "whooshable" & should be left to us adults to discuss. Same as all the fish puns & willy waving.....
  • Bit crabby golfaddick
  • Scoham said:

    Mal said:

    This makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, what ever problems arise with our great club, will always stand and fight for what's best for it, because I am a PROUD Charlton Athletic supporter....

    And for those of us who don’t use Facebook?
    You don't need a Facebook account.

    Here it is on Twitter:

    Many thanks Scoham.
  • Yes thanks Scoham from a non tweeter
  • Red chaser could well be me 6-4, mind always a great view.
  • DA9 said:

    I’ve just heard this on good authority, cant name names, but usually they are ITK, that this thread has turned into a who has the biggest dick swinging competition.

    Matches my balls though mate all about keeping it in proportion

    My nuts are huge
    Modesty forbids me from responding
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!