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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

    You are out of order. Colin runs this show, you could have at least let him have the honour of writing that.
  • Chizz said:

    Charlton thrive with the Famous Five

    A step up from the Carpark 4.
  • Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    No, different people.

    Both contradict themselves and then conviniently forget all the things they got wrong.
  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

    Is this what they mean by Charlton Life Royalty?
  • ross1 said:

    The one good thing about NOT being ITK is that no-one can accuse me of not knowing what I am talking about, I think :smiley:

    Apart from the match threads
    They are quality
    Please continue next season mate.
  • edited May 2018

    JamesSeed said:

    alangee said:

    FAVADDICK said:

    It is is that a bad thing to me he has been right with the things he's been saying all along

    He really hasn't but never mind.
    Pretty sure Colin and NLA have got more right than anyone else on the thread?
    But they have been saying the opposite to one another.
    Except the 'show me the money' debate. It was never about lack of funds. The delays have been because of issues from the pre Roland era. And because there are various members of the consortium, there has had to be signing off on individual issues, which takes time. The consortium has far more money available to them than the relatively small sum required to buy Charlton.
    They very clearly had funding problems at the start of their venture.

    Was that this current consortium (Muir Mark2), or the original consortium you’re referring to?
    Since Muir has been the main mover and shaker I am puzzled as to how folk are still saying money is the’s only a problem if he is drawing a line under the amount that he personally is prepared to stump up.
    Left to him there’s enough to buy us several times how is lack of wonga an beats me?
  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

  • Stop tagging me please guys, I'm just tellin em what's what and wrapping up my conclusion on the Wheels Of Justice thread, and it's a fuckin belter.

    But Yeah, what Setho said.....
  • its only a bad thing for some on here if he turns out

    Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

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  • Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    No, different people.

    Both contradict themselves and then conviniently forget all the things they got wrong.
    If u could tell us one thing I've got wrong u may regain a grain of credibility - if not just accept that you cannot always be right and move on
  • DOUCHER said:

    its only a bad thing for some on here if he turns out

    Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I don't know who Colin is but it sounds like he probably had differing info to the oracles on here and that of course is not on.
  • _MrDick said:

    Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    Different writing styles.
    As in Doucher can spell and punctuate :smile:
  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    its only a bad thing for some on here if he turns out

    Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I don't know who Colin is but it sounds like he probably had differing info to the oracles on here and that of course is not on.
    Only joking mate.
    I know who Colin is.
    Also I appreciate your posts on here.
  • Nick Gray, blimey thats a name i remember from the CAFC website forum thingy, he was a tit then too!

    He is hardly likely to transform into anything else. As they say, once a tit, always a tit!
  • cfgs said:

    They are waiting for @JamesSeed to get on his bike before they announce the takeover.

    Actually, they’re taking part in the ride, but swore me to secrecy.
  • FWIW, Colin is now saying that the EFL is waiting on documents about the new investors, and it could take 7 to 10 days for everything to be completed.

    Don't shoot the messenger!

    (Awaits "thanks Colin" comments :tongue: )
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  • What is not606

    What Pompey boys say to early arrivals.
  • DOUCHER said:

    Is Colin not DOUCHER? Always thought they were the same person.

    No, different people.

    Both contradict themselves and then conviniently forget all the things they got wrong.
    If u could tell us one thing I've got wrong u may regain a grain of credibility - if not just accept that you cannot always be right and move on
    I've never claimed to always be right, that was you. All I've ever said is WIOTOS.

    Neither do I need, unlike you, to gain or retain credability. It's just an internet forum, it doesn't matter and I don't need the vindication.

    But since you asked on 22 December and for months before you denied there was any takeover talks and that no due diligence had taken place or was happening.

    On 29 December, four working days later, the club announced that the club was in the process of being sold. You weren't mentioning your sold in two years mantra then either.

    You then asked how long due diligence took as if it had been done over Xmas by two different parties.

    Anyway, I'm sure 98% of lifers just want the takeover to happen asap and care very little about petty squabbles or point scoring.

    Over and out.
  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

    Well done young master Julian. I shouldn't be surprised if you kids end up running the club one day.

  • edited May 2018

    FWIW, Colin is now saying that the EFL is waiting on documents about the new investors, and it could take 7 to 10 days for everything to be completed.

    Don't shoot the messenger!

    (Awaits "thanks Colin" comments :tongue: )

    A guess that 90% of us could come up with but which he infers he’s been told.
    A guess that if it doesn’t materialise he will, like always, conveniently forget and if it does happen will shamelessly take the credit for ‘being in the know.’
    Over and over and over again.....the same old routine.
  • James seed what are the Aussies worth then £m?.

    I only know what I’ve read here. Muir £500m+ is it? I don’t know who else is in the consortium. Forgot to ask, but I’m quite sure my friend of a friend of a friend etc wouldn't have told me if I had.

    I will stop posting honest, but for now I’m in a hotel near the velodrome in readiness for an early start, and I’ve got nothing better to do.
    Really sorry to hear that @Ollywozere has had to pull out of the ride, was looking forward to chat.
  • Last time I saw AFKA he was wearing this.


    Last known sighting of @dickplumb was this

  • JamesSeed said:

    James seed what are the Aussies worth then £m?.

    I only know what I’ve read here. Muir £500m+ is it? I don’t know who else is in the consortium. Forgot to ask, but I’m quite sure my friend of a friend of a friend etc wouldn't have told me if I had.

    I will stop posting honest, but for now I’m in a hotel near the velodrome in readiness for an early start, and I’ve got nothing better to do.
    Really sorry to hear that @Ollywozere has had to pull out of the ride, was looking forward to chat.
    Good luck for tomorrow
  • I think it’s become increasingly clear in the last few months that myself @AFKABartram , @nth london addick , @DOUCHER @i_b_b_o_r_g and Colin are the five bright young individuals forming the ‘New Order’ when it comes to being In The Know on the Charlton scene. I don’t think collectively through our network of contacts home and abroad we’ve called a single thing wrong in this saga yet.

    Already we’ve been working behind the scenes with RTM and I’m proud to say ‘Charlton Thrive with the Famous Five’ will be hitting the Sunday night airwaves come August, and two of us have secured regular columns in The Mercury and the Bexley Leader for the 18/19 season.

    Hoping there are many more privileges to come. Times up old boys.

    Have yo

    Nick Gray, blimey thats a name i remember from the CAFC website forum thingy, he was a tit then too!

    He is hardly likely to transform into anything else. As they say, once a tit, always a tit!
    I'm confused (as I was with the expression "gansey" yesterday!) Are Nick Gray and Colin one and the same and, if Nick Gray is his name, where does Colin come in?
    No....Colin is also BexleyBoy on the site whose name shall not be mentioned and Nick Gray (RV) is just an arsehole on yet another message board....whose name also may not be mentioned.
    They were both banned from this site long ago for being ‘surplus to requirements’.
    Hope I haven’t overstepped the boards confidentiality’s often difficult to determine these days.
  • JamesSeed said:

    James seed what are the Aussies worth then £m?.

    I only know what I’ve read here. Muir £500m+ is it? I don’t know who else is in the consortium. Forgot to ask, but I’m quite sure my friend of a friend of a friend etc wouldn't have told me if I had.

    I will stop posting honest, but for now I’m in a hotel near the velodrome in readiness for an early start, and I’ve got nothing better to do.
    Really sorry to hear that @Ollywozere has had to pull out of the ride, was looking forward to chat.
    Has he got to get back to the Valley (where have I heard that before?), to get the story ready for the takeover? :wink:
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!